20 predictions for 2020: Here's what people said would happen by this year (2024)

Jetpacks, disintegrator rays, nuclear energy, Mars.

Decades ago, academics, futurists and government agencies cast their predictions of what would happen bythe year 2020. Wouldsubmarines reach historic depths? Who wouldlead nations, and which ones wouldbe global superpowers? WouldPlanet Earth even exist as we knew it?

"I shall not be surprised if on my 92ndbirthday I am able to go for a ride in an antigravity car," mathematician and scientistD.G. Brennanwrote in 1968.

Some, like Brennan, were overly optimistic. Others were spot-on. Here's what happened, what didn't and what was just plain crazy.

1. Life expectancy will rise past 100

Futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted in 1999 that human life expectancy would rise to "over one hundred" by 2019.

"Computerized health monitors built into watches, jewelry,and clothing which diagnose both acute and chronic health conditions are widely used. In addition to diagnosis, these monitors provide a range of remedial recommendations and interventions," he wrote in"The Age of Spiritual Machines."

Nope: While Kurzweil may have accurately predicted health-related gadgets (such asfitness watches, BioScarves andEKG apps for your smartphone), he jumped the gun on life expectancy.

In 2019, the average life expectancy of the global population was 72.6 years, according to the United Nations. That average is slightly higher in the USA, at 78.6 years in 2017, according to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Though life expectancy in many industrialized nations continues to inch up, it has been going in the opposite direction in America.The United Nationpredicts the average global life expectancy to rise to77.1 years by2050.

Life expectancy:What countries have the longest?

2. Computers will be invisible

Kurzweil had several other prophecies for the year 2019, including invisible computers.

"Computers are now largely invisible. They are embedded everywhere – in walls, tables, chairs, desks, clothing jewelry and bodies. People routinely use three-dimensional displays built into their glasses or contact lenses. ... This display technology projects images directly into the human retina."

Keyboards and cables would become rare, he said.

It's true:Computers are embedded everywhere these days. We have smart homes, smart tables, smart chairs, smart desks and more. Though we may not project images directly into our retinas,Google Glass comes pretty close.

(Per Kurzweil's prediction, scientists are developing smart contact lensescapable of monitoring the physiological information of the eye and tear fluid that could provide "real-time, noninvasive medical diagnostics." Several groups aretesting smart lenses that would measure glucose levels in the tears of people with diabetes.)

3. Books will be dead

"Paper books and documents are rarely used or accessed. Most twentieth-century paper documents of interest have been scanned and are available through the wireless network," Kurzweil predicted.

Wrong:Though the net revenue of the U.S. book publishing industryhas decreasedsince 2014, the industry still sold 675 million print books andbrought in nearly $26billion in 2018, according to the Association of American Publishers' annual report.

4. Your every move will be tracked

Kurzweil predicted that privacy would be a huge political and social issue and that"each individual’s practically every move (will be) stored in a database somewhere."

True, most say:Your TV watches you. Your smartphone follows you. Your web browsertraces your digital trail. In an era when some populations worldwide liveunder 24/7 high-tech surveillance, most U.S. adults say they do not think it is possible to go through daily life without having data collected about them by companies or the government, according toa survey of U.S. adults by Pew Research Center.

More than 80% say the potential risks they face because of data collection by companies outweigh the benefits.

5. World'spopulation willreach 8 billion

In 1994, the International Food Policy Research Institute projected the world population would increase by 2.5 billion to reach 8 billion by 2020.India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the continent of Africa would add 1.5 billion people, the institute predicted.

Close, but no cigar: The world's population is 7.7 billion, according to a report in June from the United Nations. The report expects the population to grow by2 billion in the next 30 years. Around 2027, India is projected to overtake China as the world’s most populous country, the report says.

6. China will be the world's largest economy

Speakingof China...ina 1997 article titled"The Long Boom,"futurists Peter SchwartzandPeter Leydensaid China would be on top.

"By 2020, the Chinese economy has grown to be the largest in the world. Though the U.S. economy is more technologically sophisticated, and its population more affluent, China and the United States are basically on a par," they said.

Close:In 2019,China still trailedthe United Statesas the world's second-largest economy, by nominal GDP. Recent reports predict that China and India will overtake the United Statesby 2030.

7. We'll have self-driving cars

"Self driving cars are being experimented with in the late 1990s, with implementation on majors highways feasible during the first decade of the twenty-first century," Kurzweil wrote.

Kind of:Dozens of companies– including Tesla,Google spinoffWaymo and ride-sharing giants Uber and Lyft– are testingself-driving vehicles in select locations, such as Boston, Las Vegas, Phoenix and Columbus, Ohio.

Widespread use of a truly autonomous vehicle is not yet here: Experts say itmight still be decades before we see a car that can drive anywhere it pleases.

Self-driving shuttle:Why a Rhode Island police officer pulled it over

In April, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said the company would have fully self-driving cars ready by the end of the year and a "robotaxi" version –one that couldferry passengers without anyone behind the wheel –ready for the streets next year.Teslaowners can "summon" their cars, which can drive themselves from parking spots to the curb, where the owner is standing.

What about flying cars? Porsche and Boeing partneredtocreate "premium urban air mobility vehicles," and Uberplans to launch a flying taxi service in 2023.

(Planesare landing themselves.)

8. It will be normal to retire at 70

In his 1994 book "The World in 2020,"British commentator and editor Hamish McRae foresaw retirement ages reaching 67 to 70.

"The main motive for this in Europe is cost to the state. Governments feel that if retirement ages are not raised, the burden of paying pensions will be so high that working people will not be prepared to pay the tax levels necessary to fund them," McRae wrote.

No: In the USA, the average retirement age in 2016 was 65 for menand 63 for women,according to the Center for Retirement Research. That number has stayed relatively steady for men over the past few decades but has increased for women. For full Social Security benefits, the age is slowly climbing and depends on the year that you were born.

Some European countries set 67 as retirement age, the earliest age when citizens can start withdrawing pensions,and several plan toraisethe age in the next few years, according to the Finnish Center for Pensions. For many Europeans, the topic is a matter of fierce debate.

9. Americans willvote electronically from home

As the millennial generation comes of age, they'll be able to vote electronically from home, Schwartz and Leyden predicted– possibly as soon as thepresidential election of 2008.

Not yet:Amid fears of foreign interference in U.S. elections, lawmakers aren't about to let you vote in next year's presidential electionon your iPhone. Proponents of online votingsay it could improve turnoutandprevent voter suppression at polling stations.

Startups are developing solutions for online voting, such astheVoatz mobile voting platform, which has used biometric/facial recognitionin at least four public election pilots in the USA. Last year, West Virginia began using Voatz forabsentee votingfor military personnel stationed overseas. In one Utah county,citizens with a disability were able to voteelectronically on their smartphonesin a 2019 municipal general election.

10. China will be on a path to democracy

Schwartz and Leydenpredicted that, despite taking "draconian measures" to avoid an internal crisisin the first decade of the new century,China"is generally acknowledged to be on a path toward more democratic politics – though not in the image of the West."

Not really:China faces scrutiny overhuman rights abusesagainst pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong and against nearly 1 million Uighurs, a predominantly Muslim population, members of whichhave been arbitrarily detained and imprisoned in "reeducation" camps in China's Xinjiang region.

11. We'll have 'personalcompanions'

In his 1999 book, "Business @ the Speed of Thought," Bill Gates predicted personal devices that "connect and sync all your devices in a smart way, whether they are at home or in the office, and allow them to exchange data."

"The device will check your email or notifications, and present the information that you need. When you go to the store, you can tell it what recipes you want to prepare, and it will generate a list of ingredients that you need to pick up. It will inform all the devices that you use of your purchases and schedule, allowing them to automatically adjust to what you're doing," Gates wrote.

Hey, Alexa: Add milk to my shopping list.

Though Alexaisn't sorting through your emails (that we know of) and your smart thermostat isn't tracking your purchases, Gates isn't far off. Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and an array of smart tech in the Internet of Things readily exchange data with your other devices and respond to commands.

20 predictions for 2020: Here's what people said would happen by this year (1)

12. Cars will be able to go months without refueling

Schwartz and Leyden predicted thatby 2010, "hydrogen would be processed in refinery-like plants and loaded onto cars that can go thousands of miles – and many months – before refueling."

By 2020, they said, almost all new cars would be hybrid vehicles, mostly using hydrogen power.

What's the future of the auto industry?Hydrogen cars appear to give way to electric

Not yet:Toyota and Honda lead the hydrogen-powered car market, butit's an uphill battle against competitors peddling battery-powered electric vehicles. In 2018, 2,300 hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles were sold in the USA– less than1% of the number of electric cars sold, according to InsideEVs, which covers electric vehicle news.

In othergreen transportation news:Last year, European railway manufacturer Alstom launchedthe world’s first hydrogen fuel cell train, andnext year, London is likely to roll outdouble-decker hydrogen-powered buses.

20 predictions for 2020: Here's what people said would happen by this year (2)

13. Heart disease,depression will be world's top diseases

In 1996, the Harvard School of Public Health and the World Health Organization predicted thatby 2020, the world's top two causes of the global burden of disease– a measurement ofthe number of healthy life years lost because of sickness, disability or early death – would be ischemic (coronary) heart disease and unipolar major (clinical) depression.

At the time,the leading causes were lower respiratory infections (such as pneumonia) and diarrheal diseases, the study said.

Close: In 2017, the most recent year that the data set was published, the five leading causes of the global burden of disease were neonatal disorders, ischaemic heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory infectionsand chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

14. Global surface temperature will increase

(Climate predictions tend to have a longer range, but here's a snapshot of where 2020 stands.)

A report in 1995 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changepredicted that the average global surface temperature could increase by about 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100.

The report predicted that sea level could increase by about 20 inchesby the same year.

On track: With 80 years to go, both predictions appear possible. The global average temperature has risen a tad more than 1 degree Fahrenheit since the mid-90s, according to NOAA.Since 1992, the global sea level has risena total of more than 3 inches, according to NOAA.

More:Were the predictions we made about climate change 20 years ago accurate? Here's a look

15. Humans will set footon Mars

A report in 1996 by theSpace Studies Board of the National Research Council said NASA would launch"possible human exploratory missions to the moon and Mars within the next quarter century," predicting that humans would land on Mars by 2018.

Schwartz and Leyden envisioned a similar scenario: "In 2020, humans arrive on Mars. ... The four astronauts touch down and beam their images back to the 11 billion people sharing in the moment. The expedition is a joint effort supported by virtually all nations on the planet, the culmination of a decade and a half of intense focus on a common goal."

Not quite: Though we haven't set foot on Mars, we've landed eight unmanned spacecrafton the planet's surface.

16. Boris Johnson would lead Brexit

In 1997, British news organization The Independentforecast that in 2020,Boris Johnson would become a member of the Cabinet of the United Kingdom, a decision-making body composed of the prime minister and a team of handpicked members of Parliament.

At the time, Johnson, 32, was an outspoken editor and columnist but had not held public office. "Not shy in clashing with party lines, Boris would 'renegotiate EU membership so Britain stands to Europe as Canada, not Texas, stands to the USA,' " the journalists wrote.

Pretty close:Have you heard of Brexit? Johnson became prime minister in July. He served in the Cabinet, starting in 2016 as foreign secretary under Theresa May. In December, Johnson led his Conservative Party to victory in a national election on the promise to"get Brexit done."

20 predictions for 2020: Here's what people said would happen by this year (3)

17. Antigravity belts will revolutionize warfare

Imagine a world where battles are fought a few feet above the ground, as soldiers hover in midair. In 1968, mathematician and scientist D.G. Brennanpredicted that antigravity belts would "revolutionize the tactics of land warfare," writing that"even if the antigravity mechanism did not itself provide horizontal propulsion, relatively modest sources of thrust could easily be provided."

He suspected thatby 2018, humans would have antigravity cars and jetpacks capable of operating for 30 minutes.

No:(Unless you'reLuke Skywalker orBuzz Lightyear.)

18. Nuclear will replacenatural gas

20 predictions for 2020: Here's what people said would happen by this year (4)

In 1968,Stanford University professor Charles Scarlott predictedthat nuclear breeder reactors would make up the majority of U.S. energy production by 2018 as natural gas faded.

"Energy from water power, solar radiation, the wind, tides, or earth heat will not figure large in the totals. Power from nuclear power plants should be available in large amounts at low cost," Scarlott wrote.

Wrong:In 2018, fossil fuels – petroleum, natural gasand coal – accounted for about 79% of total U.S. primary energy production in 2018, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. About 12% was from renewable energy sources, and about 9% was from nuclear electric power.

For the electrical power sector, in particular, nuclear creates 19% of energy.

19. Americans will work 26 hours a week

In 1968, physicist Herman Kahn and futurist Anthony J. Weinersaid thatby 2020, Americans would work 1,370 hours a year(or 26 hours a week), instead of the 1,940 hours (37 hoursa week) that was average at the time.

Unlikely: Though we work less than we did in 1968, the average American worked nearly 1,800 hours in 2018(35 hours a week), according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

20. Nationalism will wane

In 1968, Ithiel de Sola Pool, a political science professorat the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, predicted that better communication, easier translationand greater understanding of the nature of human motivations would make it easier for people to connect across ethnic and national lines.

"By the year 2018 nationalism should be a waning force in the world," he wrote.

The opposite is true:Fueled by backlash against immigration, globalization and the political establishment, populist nationalism was a driving force behind Brexit, the election of Donald Trump andthe rise ofright-wing politicians in France, Austria, Italy, Hungaryand Poland, among other countries, academics said.

"Everywhere one looks, in fact, one sees nationalism at work in today’s world," Stephen Walt, a professor of international relations at Harvard University, wrote in Foreign Policy Magazine.

20 predictions for 2020: Here's what people said would happen by this year (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.