Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (2025)

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (1)

A little over a month ago,Butcher Box sent me one of their new boxes so I could let you guys know what I think of it! The newly-launched boxes contain not only the signature grass-fed beef, but also organic chicken and heritage-breed pork.

I’m all about high-quality meat, so I was more than happy to work with ButcherBox.

First, a little background.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (2)


ButcherBox is a subscription service that delivers 100% grass-fed beef directly to your door every month. Their dream is to make grass-fed beef more accessible than ever before. They call themselves the neighborhood butchers for modern America. All of their products are free of antibiotics, GMOs, and hormones.

Basically, you get a selection of meat for the month, plus recipe cards with ideas for what to make with your meat. The meat arrives frozen in a cooler with dry ice.

You can choose from 4 different types of boxes: All beef, a mixture of beef, chicken, and pork, just beef and pork, or just beef and chicken.

You can also customize how often you receive the box: once a month, every other month, or every three months.

Now you can also purchase a double portion of meat for less than double the price of a regular box!

I’m going to show you everything I made with my ButcherBox, and let your know what I think about the service at the end!

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (3)

MEAL #1:

I made Japchae (Korea stir-fried glass/sweet potato noodles) for the first time with ButcherBox’s thinly-sliced beef. Ummmm…this was one of the yummiest things I have EVER made. The beef was incredibly good. Drat…now I want some right now…

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (4)

MEAL #2:

Beef and broccoli stir-fry. I made this with more of the thinly-sliced beef. Very good.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (5)

MEAL #3:

I used the uncured bacon from my ButcherBox to make bacon, hashbrowns, sauteed spinach, and pears for supper. It’s one of our favorite suppers.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (6)

MEAL #4:

I marinated the bone-in porkchops, pan-fried them (and actually managed to not cook them to death!), and served them with garlic green beans and mashed butternut squash. Delicious.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (7)

MEAL #5:

Another first for me: I made Bibimbap (a Korean rice bowl) with another half of a package of the thinly sliced beef. It was ALMOST as good as the Japchae.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (8)

MEAL #6:

Reuben requested I make my Philly Cheesesteak Pizza with the other half of the package of thinly sliced beef. Ever-so-tasty.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (9)

MEAL #7:

One of my favorite things to do with ground beef is to make Shepherd’s Pie (I’ll have to share my recipe with y’all sometime). This was good, but Reuben didn’t like that I used eggplant instead of peas. Also, the ground beef was a tiny bit chewy.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (10)

MEAL #8:

Guys, I’m pretty proud of this one. I MADE FRIED CHICKEN! I used the organic chicken drumsticks from the ButcherBox and brined them in buttermilk, coated them with seasoned flour, and fried them. They were so so good.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (11)

MEAL #9:

Reuben loves enchiladas, so of course I had to make him some with the rest of the ground beef. Mmhmm.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (12)

MEAL #10:

With the steak tips I received in my ButcherBox, I made pan-seared steak tips with a mushroom gravy and served with sauteed greens and mashed potatoes. We had a bit of an issue with inconsistent quality, which I’ll explain more at the end.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (13)

MEAL #11:

With my second package of organic chicken drumsticks I made sticky Moroccan chicken and served it with rice and broccoli. These were one of my favorites. Very flavorful.

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (14)

MEAL #12:

The last meal we had with our ButcherBox was marinated pork chops with a creamy shiitake mushroom gravy with mashed squash. Nummy.


Overall I loved my ButcherBox. Some of the cuts of meat were the best I’d ever cooked. Especially the thinly sliced beef. Oh my. That was AMAZING. I also particularly enjoyed the chicken drumsticks and porkchops.

One of the things that I really like about ButcherBox is that it pushes me out of my comfort zone to try new, delicious cuts of meat.

We DID have a couple of issues with the meat: The ground beef was just a bit chewy. Also, the steak tips were inconsistent in quality: some of them were super tasty and tender, and other pieces were more tough.

I mentioned this to ButcherBox, and they asked for photos of the boxes that the meat came in so they can make adjustments to the quality of their meat.

In my last ButcherBox review, I mentioned that we couldn’t get all of our meat for the month from ButcherBox because we also like to eat pork and chicken. I love that ButcherBox listened to their customers and now offers the variety box! Way to go.


ButcherBox says that the meat is enough for 15-20 single meals. We got 12 double meals (24 single meals) out of the meat, pluswe had leftovers (Reuben likes me to cook lots so he has extra for his lunches). This box lasted us over a month. Keep in mind that I like to eat seafood once a week, so I added that to the mix. Also, life happens and we go camping, out to eat, and eat at friends’ and family’s houses.

If you cook every single meal at home, this box should be about right or a little small for you. If you eat out of your home every once in a while, every other month might be the right choice. And if you have a larger family, the double plan would be a better option.

I personally received: 2 pounds ground beef, 1 package of steak tips, 2 packages of thin-sliced beef, 2 packages of pork chops (4 chops total), 2 packages of chicken drumsticks (about 8-10 total drumsticks), and 1 package of bacon.


ButcherBox costs $129 per month (including free shipping). With our 12 meals, that worked out to $10.75 a meal for the meat, or about $5.38 for 2 servings per meal (it was actually less than $3.58 per person for us since it fed our family of 3 with leftovers).

I think this is a great price for quality meat. Sure, it’s not gonna be as cheap as grain-fed, confinement-raised meat, but you pay for what you get, my friends.

Right now I have my freezer pretty well stocked with meat from the farmers market. But come winter and our store runs low, I’m seriously thinking of subscribing to ButcherBox. Reuben really doesn’t like traveling hither and yon to different farms to get good meat, and I HATE paying the prices at our local health food store.

Exclusive ButcherBox Coupon Code:

Make sure to use the coupon code “Buttered” to get $15 off PLUS a free 10-oz package of uncured, Whole30-approved, no-sugar-added bacon!

If you have any questions, make sure to leave me a comment! I’ll do my best to answer them.

NOTE: ButcherBox sent me this box for review purposes. I have given you my honest review. Some links are affiliate. If you click on them and order a box, I will earn a small commission. Thank you for supporting Buttered Side Up!

Butcher Box Review, Coupon Code, and Photos of All 12 Meals That I Cooked! (2025)


How many meals can you get out of ButcherBox? ›

On average, our curated boxes have 24 meals and XL boxes have 48 meals. On average, our custom classic box has 30 meals and our custom big has 60 meals. Our meals are based on a 6 oz portion size. Many of our individual cuts adhere to this size, but larger steaks and roasts are considered multiple servings.

Where does the meat from a ButcherBox come from? ›

As of today, 20 percent of all our grass-fed, grass-finished beef comes from our own domestic program. Our pork and chicken come from the US and Canada, and other proteins such as wild-caught Alaskan sockeye salmon, wild-caught cod, bison, and turkey all come from the U.S.

Can you cancel ButcherBox at any time? ›


Does ButcherBox meat come frozen? ›

When it comes to shipping, we don't mess around. Our meat is frozen for freshness, safely packaged, and delivered to your door in an eco-friendly, insulated box. Our boxes are specifically designed to keep your meat within the optimal temperature range, with dry ice if necessary.

Do you have to get ButcherBox every month? ›

Yes, ButcherBoxTM is a subscription service. As a member, you can delay or stop your membership at any time before your next order is billed—without any hidden fees or penalties.

What is the best meat delivery company? ›

Compare the Best Meat Delivery Services
CompanyDelivery AreaMinimum Purchase
Omaha Steaks Best Overall50 states, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands$69
Goldbelly Best Variety50 states, and CanadaNone
Snake River Farms Best for Wagyu50 states$49
DeBragga Best Restaurant-Quality Meat48 states$99
3 more rows
Aug 1, 2024

How much is the ButcherBox 2024? ›

For custom boxes, the classic size which includes 9 to 14 pounds of meat costs $169, while the big box that includes 18 to 26 pounds of meat costs $306. For curated boxes, the classic size includes 8 to 11 pounds of meat at $146 per box, while the big box offers 16 to 22 pounds of meat and comes in at $269.

How ethical is ButcherBox? ›

All ButcherBox beef, pork and bison are certified to either G.A.P. or Certified Humane program standards and meet the precise, objective standards for farm animal treatment, per animal/protein, from the Certified Humane Animal Care Standards and/or Global Animal Partnership.

How to skip ButcherBox? ›

Delay box or stop membership

To delay or stop, visit BOX SETTINGS in your account page. At the bottom, beneath “Subscription Perks,” click “Delay Next Delivery” to delay your next box or “Stop Subscription” to stop your membership.

Who owns ButcherBox? ›

It's a deep dive into the closely held ButcherBox and its founder and CEO Mike Salguero, who owns 72% of ButcherBox and has built the company into a $550 million (sales) online meat business. Salguero has shunned outside investors.

How long does ButcherBox bacon last? ›

Smaller cuts of pork that are in individual cut packaging will remain fresh for 3-5 days if it remains vacuum-sealed or 1-2 days if removed it from its original packaging. Once you defrost bacon, it will remain good for 7 days in the refrigerator.

Can I refreeze ButcherBox meat? ›

In accordance with USDA Freezing and Food Safety Guidelines, meats that are refrigerator cold, partly frozen (solid), or frozen can be placed into the freezer for later use. You should immediately discard any meat that's above 40°F or meat that is exactly 40°F that may have been so for more than 2 hours.

How many red meat meals per week? ›

Dietary goal

If you eat red meat, limit consumption to no more than about three portions per week. Three portions is equivalent to about 350–500g (about 12–18oz) cooked weight. Consume very little, if any, processed meat.

How many meals can you get with Hellofresh? ›

Our standard plans are for two or four people at three, four, or five meals per week. However, we know that all households aren't cookie-cutter-sized. We have many single-person households who choose the three-meal plan for two people!

How many servings of meat products per day? ›

- 2 to 3 servings per day of legumes, fish or lean meat, as well as eggs, nuts and seeds. - Limited amount of red meat (including pork, beef, mutton) up to 500 g per week. - Choose lean meat without visible fat.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.