Darth Tyranus - From A Certain Point of View - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine (2024)

Darth Tyranus , also known as Count Dooku , is a Major character from Star wars , previous the Greatest Student of Master Yoda and One of the Most powerful Jedis to ever live in The order's 25,000 years of Rich History , Darth Tyranus fell to the Darkside once he realized that the very thing the Jedi order served was led by and controlled by The Supreme Darkness of the Galaxy , Chancellor Sheev Palpatine also known as the Supreme Sith Lord , Darth Sidious.

the views on Count Dooku on the vine flunctuate , but the most commonly accepted view for him is for him to be around the level of Base Anakin/Mustafar Obi Wan Kenobi , perhaps Mustafar Vader and such rather then being a tier 9 , I am here to give a diffetent point of view on things , from my certain point of view Count Dooku is higher then people believe him to be.

how will I approach this? via the power of consistent narratives , my point of view is entirely based around what is , and what is not consistent with The star wars , if something is consistent in long terms , accross medias , it just makes it potent enough to always work and thus its superior to any contradicted form of Narrative or any narrative that is only present in one Source , so let us begin.

Jedi Dooku is potrayed as a peer of Yoda , in both potential and skill , Dooku's superior as a duelist to Yoda is implied to be a possibility

Count Dooku was probably the greatest swordsman at the Jedi Temple.

Source: The Official Figurine Collection #12

He was a remarkable teacher and, of all those in the Temple, arguably the most skilled with a lightsaber.

Source: The Official Figurine Collection #12

His progress was exceptional, and many thought he was the deadliest of all the Jedi in combat.

Source: The Official Figurine Collection #12

Obi-Wan remembered Jocasta Nu telling him, With a lightsaber, in the old style of fencing, he had no match. Now he could see what she meant. Unfortunately.

Source: Attack of the Clones Junior Novelization

Dooku , as far as force went , is extremely close to Yoda as a Jedi Alone

Dooku's strength in the Force made him enigmatic for even Yoda.

Source: Attack of the Clones: The Ultimate Illustrated Guide

Dooku's first fight with Yoda is during the events of AOTC , now lets take a closer look at the fight itself . Dooku is no actual condition to Fight Yoda , he is tired after Anakin had his flash of brilliance and is also injured

movie depicts epicts him as tired

and then these quotes .

The count gestured with his free hand, and Anakin was blasted back by Force energy. He fell to the ground beside Obi-Wan. Dooku, , seemed to have won.

- Star Wars Fact Files #57

, though he was a former Jedi Master and a renowned lightsaber duellist. He deactivated his crimson blade and caught his breath as he contemplated his fallen foes.

- Star Wars Fact Files #103

taken a lot out of Count Dooku, though he was a former Jedi Master and a renowned lightsaber duellist. He deactivated his crimson blade and caught his breath as he contemplated his fallen foes. Then, as a ripple in the Force washed across him, the count stood straighter as a look of confusion and disbelief flickered across his face. Dooku now sensed the approach of the old Jedi Master Yoda.

- Star Wars Fact Files #57

when Yoda arrived.

- Star wars Fact Files #71

Even then, the fight between the Jedi Padawan and Sith Lord was 75% longer than is shown in the film; the extended sequence was shot and Hayden Christensen had worked 8 weeks on that scene. In the original version, Anakin fared much better against Dooku, fighting with the green blade for a short period before Obi-Wan tossed him the blue lightsaber,

- Nick Gillard ( Tho Dooku was toying with Anakin like Vader was with Luke

and No Yoda wasn't Holding back anything against Dooku

Yoda is an immensely powerful Jedi who can control blue crackling Force lightning. It is a cruel weapon of the Sith so he never normally sees it. .

Star Wars: Mysteries of the Jedi

This scene changed all that, and we finally got to see Yoda fighting and

Star Wars Insider Magazine #122

and this fight is evenly matched as far as saber combat goes , showing Dooku's parity with Yoda as a duelist and thus a tier 9 duelist , there is no evidence Yoda grew between. and Dooku is confirmed a better duelist then anyone except Yoda , meaning he is better as a duelist then sidious who is a tier 9 even during attack of the clones

With Form II, Dooku holds his own even against Master Yoda

Source: Insider #62: Fightsaber

With Form II, Dooku holds his own even against Master Yoda in Attack of the Clones.

Source: Star Wars Adventures Magazine #3

It was Count Dooku's combination of finesse and superior craftsmanship that enabled him to best both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, as well as hold his own against Jedi Master Yoda, during the Battle of Geonosis.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

Here, his decades of lightsabre training gave him the ability to parry and riposte against Yoda's frenzied Form IV fighting style. Although the match ended in a stalemate, many Jedi believed Dooku would return for another confrontation with the Jedi.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

Forced to cross sabers with Dooku, Yoda falls back on his knowledge of Form IV, an acrobatic style that lets him overcome the natural limitations of his size and reach. He lacks the stamina of youth, but calls on the Force to fight the Sith Lord to a draw.

Source: Attack of the Clones: The Expanded Visual Dictionary

Dooku carried a lightsaber with a curved handle and practiced an elegant fighting style.

Source: Insider #113

Source: Force Collection

and Dooku were almost equals, with the little Jedi Master having perhaps a slight edge over his former padawan.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #34 (Relaunched)

now lets take a closer look at the fight itself

Dooku launches Force Lightning , which Yoda puts great effort in deflecting and he is the only Jedi in the film who would actually not get one shotted by Dooku's force Lightning

Dooku gave a little growl and thrust forth his hand, loosing a line of blue lightning at the diminutive Master.

Source: Attack of the Clones

Dark side powers enabled Sith Lord Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku) to manipulate the Force at will, hurling objects or casting devastating energy bolts.

Source: The Official Figurine Collection #3

and then we see Dooku casually surviving his own lightning being thrown back at him

then they have a bunch of force showdowns , Doesn't matter as these two are established equals in Force .

"You can't just go right into the sword fight, so I decided to go back to The Empire Strikes Back of throwing things at each other, so it was a hopeless gesture and they would've figured that out in two seconds. But for the audience it's nice for them to go through this process of throwing everything around."

Source: Attack of the Clones Commentary

but by our skills with a lightsaber."

Source: Attack of the Clones

The old Master was so accomplished in every aspect of the Force n. When he did, he proved as masterful with it as without.

Source: http://imgur.com/84WNvvI (Star Wars Fact File)

The two Force warriors attempted to defeat each other with displays of telekinesis and other Force abilities,

Source: Lightsabers: A Guide to the Weapons of the Force

The two engaged in a .

Source: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Count Dooku and Master Yoda engaging in a

Source: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Dooku tho does end up matching and then physically pushing Yoda back

Another thing worth mentioning is that Yoda was Gravely exhausted by Dooku in their fight

"Count Dooku’s Sail Ship takes off. but it’s too late. The Sail Ship rises into the air and flies away."

- Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Script.

"Yoda halted the falling tower, pushing it aside. Dooku made good his escape, his vessel departing the hangar even as Padme Amidala arrived with reinforcements

- Star Wars Fact File #86.

Movie also supports Yoda's exhaustion as Yoda , the strongest Jedi of All Time , was failing to hold a Goddamn Pillar after fighting Dooku

the next time they duel is long after Attack of the clones , now Yoda is close to His ROTS state but there is still no evidence he was growing , this time Dooku straight up defeats Yoda via using force Lightning , matches him in saber combat too and is confident in taking him


and their Final Duel comes at Vjun , just a little before ROTS , this Yoda is an unquestionable tier 9 Duelist

With a flick of his hand, he picked up the heavyset woman with the Force and hurled her through the window casement. Yoda's eyes went wide with shock. "You might want to help her," Dooku said.

With a bound, Yoda was at the casement. Whirry was windmilling down through the black air, screaming and tumbling toward the flagstones. Narrowing his eyes, Yoda reached out through the Force and caught her not three meters from the ground.

Instantly he was in the air himself, spinning away from Dooku's vicious attack before he was even consciously aware it was coming. The blinding scarlet blur of Dooku's lightsaber split the air, slashing a burning line along Yoda's side before chopping his desk in half. Yoda whipped out his blade while trying to set Whirry gently down on the cobblestones below. "Wish to hurt you, I do not!"

"That's odd," Dooku remarked. "I intend to enjoy killing you."

As Yoda released Whirry from his mind's hold, and let her spill gently onto the flagstones far below, the tip of Dooku's lightsaber scored a burning line across his shoulder. The Count's blade was quick as a viper striking. Among the other Jedi, perhaps only Mace Windu would have been his equal on neutral ground: but here on Vjun, steeped in the dark side, his bladework was malice made visible—wickedness cut in red light. "I've hurt you!" Dooku cried.

"Many times," Yoda said. He considered his pain: let it drop. Now he had nothing but Dooku to focus on, and his lightsaber gleamed with the same fierce green light that flickered from under his heavy-lidded eyes. "But killed me you did not, when you had the chance. A mistake, that was. More than eight hundred years has Yoda survived, through dangers you could not dream."

"I know how to kill," Dooku hissed.

Yoda's eyes opened wide, like balls of green fire. "Yes—but Yoda knows how to live!"

Then their blades clashed together in a lace of fire, green and red: but the green burned hotter. Slowly, slowly, Dooku gave way: and in the dark, drunken Vjun air, Yoda was terrible to behold.

"Yes," Dooku whispered. "Feel me. Feel the treason. All those years of teaching me, raising me. Trusting me. And here am I, the favored son, butchering your precious Jedi, one by one. Hate me Yoda. You know you want to."

Count Dooku lashed out with his lightsaber. Yoda took a quick step back and felt the heat of the red blade as it sliced the air centimeters from his tunic.

He jumped, spun, and struck at Dooku's back before he landed. Dooku turned aside at the last moment, whipping his blade across the space where Yoda was seconds earlier. Facing each other again, their blades met, clashed, froze.

"Cunning, are you," Yoda said, breathing hard.

"I've had excellent teachers," Dooku said.

Yoda dropped and rolled to the side, his lightsaber blazing, reaching for Dooku's ankles. Dooku leapt up and flipped backwards landing lightly to face Yoda squarely. On his feet again, Yoda whirled and struck at Dooku, his green blade meeting Dooku's and pushing him back. Dooku attacked with reckless abandon fueled with hatred. Their blades hummed together, hissing and sparking.

Dooku brought his blade down toward the diminutive Jedi Master and Yoda parried, locking his blade against Dooku's. Yoda breathed, calming himself. "And yet, even here on Vjun, where the dark side whispers and whispers to me . . . love you enough to destroy you I do."

Pushing Dooku back yet again, blades flashed and flared stutters of light, blood red and sea green.

Sweat ran in streams through Dooku's beard as he countered Yoda's every move, and his lips were white. Holobattles raged around them as the consoles showed Obi-Wan and Anakin clashing with wave after wave of battle droids. Dooku shot a quick glance at the red button on his desk and, with a Force push, he punched it in.

Yoda cocked his head. "A choice made, have you, Count?"

"I notice I am no longer your apprentice," Dooku said between breaths. "There was always a chance you could overpower me, of course." Yoda attacked: Dooku parried. "So I put a missile in high orbit, slaved to this location. It's falling now. Gathering speed." Dooku stepped warily back to the open window casement. "Can you feel it dropping? A thorn, a needle, an arrow. Faster all the time." He paused to get his breath. "Obi-Wan and your precious Skywalker and your little Padawans will be wiped out when the missile hits. So what you need to decide is, what means more to you, Master Yoda? Saving their lives—or taking mine?"

And with that he leapt backward, out the window. Yoda bounded after him. In the dark Vjun air it was all he could do not to leap after Dooku, to fall on him like a green thunderbolt and annihilate him utterly.

... But already he could feel the missile, too, dropping in a red scream through the atmosphere, two hundred armored kilos of explosive aimed for Chateau Malreaux. With a snort, Yoda turned his eyes to the sky and picked out the glowing dot racing in from the horizon.

Below him, Dooku landed softly on the ground and melted into the rose gardens.

Source: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

now many would say that due to this being a Darkside Nexus , Dooku was amped and Yoda wasn't and thus its an amped Dooku , but Yoda himself was amplified , but the writer of Yoda : Dark Rendezvous confirms that Yoda had amped himself as well , its like a surfer on a Large wave

“To the first question, Yoda is always in touch with the Force, wherever he is, and so my instinct would be that he is tapped into Vjun, it’s a powerful place. To use a fanciful metaphor, Yoda and Dooku are both like surfers in a place with big waves. The more expert the surfer, the more they can do with that power. It is also more dangerous, and for the novice the cost of losing control is higher.” - Sean Stewart.

this is something that happens multiple times in the novel , when even a younger Anakin is able to use Vjun to amplify his own power

"I love this planet. It's just steeped in the Force. I could feel it the moment we touched the atmosphere. I'm usually a good pilot-"

"Great pilot," Obi-Wan admitted.

"-But here it was like the ship's hull and my skin were the same thing. I could feel exactly how much heat she could take, how much torque, how many rolls..."

"Clearly you weren't using the Force to commune with my stomach." Obi-Wan, still looking a little green, picked up a blaster rifle and a couple of concussion grenades.

"The difference between Coruscant and here is like the difference between swimming in fresh water and in the ocean. I feel so buoyant." - Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.

Anakin hung in the air for an impossibly long time, let himself fall at last into a shoulder roll, two more shots at a droid trying to sneak up behind him, taking off its weapon hand and blowing out a knee, and then he was standing, perfectly balanced, with the blaster pistols steaming in the thin Vjun rain.

"I could walk on water," he said.”

- Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.

Yoda in the novel also amplifies his own Power using the power of Vjun

“With a snort, Yoda turned his eyes to the sky and picked out the glowing dot racing in from the horizon. Below him, Dooku landed softly on the ground and melted into the rose gardens. The missile was coming in with terrible speed and power: too much coming at Yoda too fast ever to wholly stop it, even if he had time and perfect peace. But he reached out to pull up the Force binding even Vjun's bitter green moss and twisted thorn-trees, and let it flow through him like a wind: the breath of a world, gathered and released in a push-feather game with all their lives on the line, not to oppose the missile's force with force, but to touch it gently on the side-just enough to send it screaming by the broken window casement to plunge a kilometer offshore into the cold and waiting sea. A long instant later, water fountained from the ocean in a blaze of light three hundred meters tall, and then fell back. The chateau and all those inside it had been spared: but Dooku was gone.”

- Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.

even someone like scout who is not very strong in the force and is a Lightsider can himself MASSIVELY , like astronomically with the powers present on Vjun

"Just having a little fun," Whie said, appearing. "Scout, it's incredible. There's something about this place-can't you feel it? I've never felt the Force so strongly. Normally I would have to concentrate just to hold all these bones in the air, but here… He hummed, waving his lightsaber like a conductor's baton. The two skeletons joined hands and began to dance.” - Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.

"The Force is strong here," he said, and he laughed with the pleasure of it. He was right about the Force. Even Scout could feel it…” - Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.


Scout drawing on the Vjun nexus to empower himself:

"It frightens me," Scout said. "The Force is very strong here. If even I can feel that, I can only imagine what it must be like for you.” - Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.

“Usually the Force only helped Scout predict her enemies' moves when they were face-to-face, but the air of Vjun was rich even for her, and a prickling premonition had danced over her skin seconds before the caves started to collapse.” - Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.

“A cabinet exploded in a shower of debris. Ventress was swinging for the girl, but the Force was strong in Scout, too, in this place and hour, and her parry was there before the killing blow could fall.”

- Star Wars: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.

so both of them are amped , now how is the fight described? only mace can match Dooku here , perhaps and he is also a tier 9 as we know , and as we see , Dooku is actively preassuring Yoda to rage heavily , like he did with Anakin on invisible hand

Among the other Jedi, perhaps only Mace Windu would have been his equal on neutral ground: .

"Many times," Yoda said. He considered his pain: let it drop. Now he had nothing but Dooku to focus on, and his lightsaber gleamed with the same fierce green light that flickered from under his heavy-lidded eyes. "But killed me you did not, when you had the chance. A mistake, that was. More than eight hundred years has Yoda survived, through dangers you could not dream."

and it was working , Yoda was becoming terrible to behold and even Dooku was just slowly.....slowly being pushed back by Yoda , meaning Yoda still only has a slight edge over Dooku

Then their blades clashed together in a lace of fire, green and red: but the green burned hotter. Slowly, slowly, Dooku gave way: and in the dark, drunken Vjun air, Yoda was terrible to behold.

and Dooku even instigates Yoda furthur , Yoda gives in and the way its written implied that they are close , Dooku almost cutting Yoda , they froze in saber clashes and Yoda is heavily breathing , clearly even.

"Yes," Dooku whispered. "Feel me. Feel the treason. All those years of teaching me, raising me. Trusting me. And here am I, the favored son, butchering your precious Jedi, one by one. Hate me Yoda. You know you want to."

Count Dooku lashed out with his lightsaber. Yoda took a quick step back and felt the heat of the red blade as it sliced the air centimeters from his tunic.

He jumped, spun, and struck at Dooku's back before he landed. Dooku turned aside at the last moment, whipping his blade across the space where Yoda was seconds earlier. Facing each other again, their blades met, clashed, froze.

"Cunning, are you," Yoda said, breathing hard.

"I've had excellent teachers," Dooku said.

the fight continues , they are even is very easy to see , both dodging each other and their Lightsabers getting in complex clashes and it hissing and sparking.

Yoda dropped and rolled to the side, his lightsaber blazing, reaching for Dooku's ankles. Dooku leapt up and flipped backwards landing lightly to face Yoda squarely. On his feet again, Yoda whirled and struck at Dooku, his green blade meeting Dooku's and pushing him back. Dooku attacked with reckless abandon fueled with hatred. Their blades hummed together, hissing and sparking.

and then....Yoda gave into Light fully , beating Dooku's attempt at Manipulation , now Yoda and Dooku are dueling , Yoda gets the upper hand but Dooku still counters everything Yoda throws though he is getting tired

Dooku brought his blade down toward the diminutive Jedi Master and Yoda parried, locking his blade against Dooku's. Yoda breathed, calming himself. "And yet, even here on Vjun, where the dark side whispers and whispers to me . . . love you enough to destroy you I do."

Pushing Dooku back yet again, blades flashed and flared stutters of light, blood red and sea green.

Sweat ran in streams through Dooku's beard as he countered Yoda's every move, and his lips were white. Holobattles raged around them as the consoles showed Obi-Wan and Anakin clashing with wave after wave of battle droids. Dooku shot a quick glance at the red button on his desk and, with a Force push, he punched it in.

now if you take a close look , these two were dueling for so long that Anakin had cleared entire armies of Droids

Sweat ran in streams through Dooku's beard as he countered Yoda's every move, and his lips were white. Holobattles raged around them as the consoles showed Obi-Wan and Anakin clashing with wave after wave of battle droids. Dooku shot a quick glance at the red button on his desk and, with a Force push, he punched it in

and finally , Dooku can still pary Yoda's strikes after being exhausted and as his final attempt to turn Yoda to Darkness , he gives Yoda a choice to either kill him or save Anakin and Obi wan , first being a dark side choice and second the Lightside Choice.

"I notice I am no longer your apprentice," Dooku said between breaths. "There was always a chance you could overpower me, of course." Yoda attacked: Dooku parried. "So I put a missile in high orbit, slaved to this location. It's falling now. Gathering speed." Dooku stepped warily back to the open window casement. "Can you feel it dropping? A thorn, a needle, an arrow. Faster all the time." He paused to get his breath. "Obi-Wan and your precious Skywalker and your little Padawans will be wiped out when the missile hits. So what you need to decide is, what means more to you, Master Yoda? Saving their lives—or taking mine?"

its pretty clear they are both even , they even each other out , They constantly parry , they duel for a long time e.t.c. e.t.c. e.t.c. e.t.c. , the only time Yoda gets the upper hand is when Dooku gets exhausted which makes sense as Dooku gets exhausted against people even way weaker like Anakin and Obi wan during AOTC, yoda didn't best Dooku in the duel and Dooku was able to penatrate his defenses .

Dooku battled his former tutor Yoda on Geonosis, then again on Vjun. On both occasions, Dooku fled before the outcome was clear; although he penetrated Yoda's defenses enough to wound him on the second occasion.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #18 (Relaunched)

While Dooku only fought occasionally with his lightsaber during the Clone Wars, he was never fully bested. He achieved the near impossible by wounding Master Yoda during a fight on Vjun, before making a tactical withdrawal.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #18 (Relaunched)

This Fight alone cements Dooku as a Tier 9 Duelist , as he is a perfect match for ROTS Yoda and almost beats him Same way Yoda does to him , Yoda gets the " slight edge " when Dooku gets exhausted and Dooku still manages to parry everything Yoda can throw even when on defensive , and the duel is extremely long too.

Dooku , even as a Jedi , is implied to be equal to Pre Boost Palpatine , as an " equal from the other camp "

Sidious's boldness surprised him at first, but it hadn't taken long for Dooku to become fascinated by the Sith. Instead of a lightsaber duel to the death, there had been much discussion, and a gradual understanding that their separate visions for how the galaxy might be rescued from depravity were not so different after all.

But partnership with a Sith didn't make one a Sith. As the Jedi arts had to be taught, so, too, did the power of the dark side. And so began his long apprenticeship. The Jedi warned that anger was the quickest path to the dark side, but anger was nothing more than raw emotion. To know the dark side one had to be willing to rise above all morality, to throw love and compassion aside, and to do whatever was necessary to bring about the vision of a world brought under control - - even if that meant taking lives.

Dooku was an eager student, and yet Sidious had continued to hold him at arm's length. Perhaps he had been working with other potential replacements for his earlier apprentice, the savage Darth Maul, who, in fact, had been nothing more than a minion, like Asajj Ventress and General Grievous. Sidious had recognized in Dooku the makings of a true accomplice - - an equal from the other camp, already trained in the Jedi arts, a master duelist, a political visionary. But he needed to gauge the depth of Dooku's commitment. One of your former confidants at the Jedi Temple has perceived the coming change, Sidious had told him. This one has contacted a group of cloners, regarding the creation of an army for the Republic. The order for the army can stand, for we will be able to make use of that army someday. But Master Sifo-Dyas cannot stand, for the Jedi cannot learn about the army until we are prepared to have them learn of it.

- The Labyrinth of Evil

and remember, this Palpatine is already the most powerful sith Lord of have ever lived , this early

Meet Darth Sidious - the most powerful Sith Master who ever lived.

Source: Darth Maul, Sith Apprentice

when Dooku becomes an apprentice to Palpatine , he plays it like say.....Saruman , and is actively planning to Betray Darth Sidious and take over , his first method? recruit Obi wan and defeat Sidious , and its combative as Dooku has no way to expose Sidious and the senate wouldn't believe the Leader of the sepratists and a Traitor like Obi wan ( if he joins Dooku )

I was able to get in this little thing of: put two Sith together, and they try to get others to join them, to get rid of the other Sith. So, Dooku's ambition here is really to get rid of Darth Sidious, and he's trying to get Obi-Wan's assistance in that, and help in that. So that he and Obi-Wan could overthrow Sidious and take over. And it's exactly the same scene as when Darth Vader does it with Luke, to try to get rid of Sidious. So whenever you get too many people, together, with these Sith Lords, they all gang up, and they all try to get rid of the strongest one. And they'll try and get rid of each other, so the one facet of the Sith reality is that they're constantly plotting against each other, and therefore there can't be more than two of them at any time."

~ George Lucas, "Attack of the Clones" Archival Cast/Crew Commentary

even if Dooku completely trains Obi wan , the most Young Obi Wan has shown to reach was the level of ROTS Kenobi , same Kenobi that Dooku knocked out in a single kick.

Dooku also utterly overpowers Obi Wan's saber and also ragdolls him with the force in the ROTS fight

so Obi wan probably will only work as a distraction , because as soon as the fight starts sidious is gonna ragdoll Kenobi with his special powers , so Kenobi in such a scenario just works as a bait , meaning just with a little side support , Dooku can best AOTC sidious who again , is a tier 9 , this narrative is not an one off but is almost as constant as Dooku ~ Yoda , during early clone wars the count takes Savage Oppress as an apprentice , during this time he implied he only needs a TPM Maul+ opponent to Take down Darth Sidious.

according to Dooku , if Savage manages to surpass Maul , they would be above Sidious , so Dooku + TPM Maul = TCW sidious , rememebe Sidious ragdolled a much stronger Maul so again , Savage just works as a distaction here.

and finally , Dooku and Ventress together are implied to be able to take down sidious

Ventress had time and again proved herself able to deal with Jedi, matching even Anakin and Obi-Wan blow for blow. Her growing abilities had become a concern to Darth Sidious, who knew that Count Dooku might one day seek to use the former Nightsister against him.


hough he had approved of Dooku's selection of Ventress as an acolyte, Darth Sidious was ever mindful that Sith Masters tended to die at the hands of their apprentices, and more often than not when those apprentices had chosen apprentices of their own. Sidious knew that, should Asajj become any more powerful, the combined might of Dooku and Ventress could overthrow him.

so Dooku needs Ventress in Late TCW to take down Sidious , in fact , he is so close if either Dooku or ventress grew they may overthrow Sidious

people often cite this fight as evidence that Maul >> Qui Gon and Obi Wan individually

now you may believe this is very simple as Maul was fighting both at once , he would absolute dominate one

but thats sadly not how Star Wars work , not only is Maul >>> Qui Gon contradicted by

but let's look at some more 2v1 Duels in Star Wars , lets take a look at Season IV of Clone Wars

Maul and Savage being dealt at once by Kenobi , now does this mean he can absolutely dominate one at a time ? No , but lets look at something that is even more damning

now lets look at some facts

and Lets make it clear , he was enough of a match for Both Anakin and Obi Wan , at once at that

he was a " Formidable opponent " for them

Infiltrating General Grievous' flagship, the Jedi found the Chancellor bound to a chair in the spacious observation deck. Waiting for them was Count Dooku. Obi-Wan and Anakin challenged the Sith Lord as a team. .

Source: http://www.starwars.com/databank/obi-wan-kenobi-biography-gallery

this again Reiterates that Dooku was a formidable opponent for Both of Them z at once .

Waiting for them was Count Dooku, and unlike the impulsive and disorganized attack that had marked their last confrontation with Dooku, . He Force-pushed Obi-Wan with terrible strength, tossing the Jedi Master like a rag doll against the walls of the quarters. Kenobi was knocked unconscious.

Source: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

The Junior Novelization of Revenge of The Sith suggests Dookh was at ease , while flighting both Obi Wan and Anakin and he was so Good during the Duel that he made them Desperate to the point they started jumping styles and throwing baits and in other words , he made them Very desperate

Count Dooku deserved his reputation as a master of the old style of lightsaber fencing

Source: Revenge of the Sith Junior Novelization

so Dooku ~ Revenge Of The Sith Duo

so by this logic , he should be significantly more powerful then Anakin and Obi Wan individually......well........... except he is not , Dooku is stated to be Equal to Anakin........ ,( note - Dooku was trying to get Obi Wan as an apprentice and Was told to not kill Anakin , so was Probably holding back trying to instigate Anakin while not killing Obi , makes sense considering he doesn't use force Lightning at any point even though it worked wonderfully against

All of the super battle droids had been cut down; only Anakin and Dooku were left. Down the long length of the room they fought,

Source: Revenge of the Sith Junior Novelization

so now we can conclude that In star wars 1+1=2 doesn't work in star wars , if you're much weaker you're not gonna add anything and just get ragdolled and it would become a 1v1 , the gap between Sidious and Kenobi/Maul/Ventress is as big as the one between Dooku/Kenobi so they aren't gonna add much to the fight other then working as A Slight Distraction.

by end of TCW , Dooku alone is a threat to Sidious , implying Furthur Parity between them and meaning Dooku would atleast get 3/10 or 4/10

Making Dooku ~ Sidious from AOTC to ROTS , not even needing any support or distractions to get a potential victory by the time of ROTS.

one of the reasons Count Dooku is not see as High as The Titans , is because of his defeat at the hand of Anakin Skywalker , people believe that Anakin completely stomped Dooku , but I am here to provide you with a different point of view after all , lets take a different Approach to the Battle , look at the blade work , Dooku is reacting to his every strike , so Anakin def isn't faster , he is being pushed back ofcourse but even cracks a smile and blocks an attack with one arm , his blade work isn't heing controlled by Anakin the same way Dooku was controlling Kenobi's.

Darth Tyranus - From A Certain Point of View - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine (13)

remember , What Dooku realized here was that Anakin is like a furnace , he had rage behind restraint , a rage that empowered him far beyond his normal level.

Skywalker leapt from the balcony. Even as the boy hurtled downward, Dooku felt a new twist in the currents of the Force between them, and he finally understood.

He understood how Skywalker was getting stronger. Why he no longer spoke. How he had become a machine of battle. He understood why Sidious had been so interested in him for so long.

Skywalker was a natural.

There was a thermonuclear furnace where his heart should be, and it was burning through the firewalls of his Jedi training. He held the Force in the clench of a white-hot fist. He was half Sith already, and he didn't even know it.

This boy had the gift of fury.

And even now, he was holding himself back; even now, as he landed at Dooku's flank and rained blows upon the Sith Lord's defenses, even as he drove Dooku backward step after step, Dooku could feel how Skywalker kept his fury banked behind walls of will: walls that were hardened by some uncontrollable dread.

Dread, Dooku surmised, of himself. Of what might happen if he should ever allow that furnace he used for a heart to go supercritical.

you might be able to tell by now , Dooku has horrible stamina , he got tired here too as Anakin kept getting stronger as he threw his restraint away , Dooku obviously would get slower and weaker as he did in ROTS novel , remember Dooku is commanded to not kill Anakin by Palpatine

"Palpatine has told Dooku. 'I have somebody who I think will be a great Sith Lord and I think we can get him to join us. But we need to test him. So we're going to setup a situation where you fight him. If he gets the best of you, then I'll stop the fight and he'll have passed the test. If you get the best of him, then we'll let him go, and we'll let him stew for a few more years until he's ready.' But behind it, obviously, is Palpatine's real intention: If Anakin is good enough, Anakin can kill Dooku and become Palpatine's new apprentice. But he didn't tell Dooku that."

--George Lucas, The Making Of ROTS; Page 41.

Dooku gets tired so fast that he got tired before even ever ragdolling Kenobi , he did heal his stamina but you see that Dooku gets tired fast and has to constantly refresh himself via using The Dark side of The force , so obviously he would get tired against Anakin too pretry fast and Anakin just kept getting stronger.

As the battle proceeds, OBI-WAN and COUNT DOOKU are tired. ANAKIN is stronger as he becomes angry. ANAKIN continues to drive the attack on DOOKU. COUNT DOOKU throws OBI-WAN back using the Force.

~ RotS Script

even now the battle pretty intense between them , its not described as a hogwash and how Anakin exceptionally energized his last strike against Dooku

ANAKIN regains his composure and attacks COUNT DOOKU as the Dark Lord continues his spin to meet him head on. Their fighting becomes even more intense.

ANAKIN attacks COUNT DOOKU with a new ferociousness.

Anakin and Dooku continue their fight. It is intense! Finally, in one last energized charge, ANAKIN cuts off COUNT DOOKU's hands. The Jedi catches the light saber as it drops from the severed Sith Lord's hand. COUNT DOOKU stumbles to the floor as ANAKIN

- RotS Script

not to mention how Dooku was caught offguard by the ridiculous strength increase and still held his own against Anakin

Dooku appeared, engaging both Jedi at the same time. He first defeated Obi-Wan, Force choking him and nearly crushing the Jedi Master with a heavy railing. An enraged Anakin continued the fight, unleashing a strength Dooku had not anticipated. The young Jedi cut off the Sith Lord’s hands, drew Dooku’s lightsaber to him, and the Separatist leader fell to his knees.

Source: http://www.starwars.com/databank/count-dooku

and finally how does Anakin beat Dooku? he baits him , and Dooku's overconfidence allows Anakin to bait him to overextend , Dooku falls for it and gets his hand cut , as you see Dooku made a major mistake and got his hands cut.

"All of this is deconstruction," Gillard says of the film's increasingly complex lightsaber battles. "They [the duelists] are always in check. If you get in check, you have to move out of it, which makes the moves much more complicated. It means that if you want to arrive at an end move, it might take you fif teen moves prior to that to get there. Just like chess. You start feinting and offering up parts of your body to try and tempt them. Anakin is offering his sword arm to Dooku, and he falls for it-and he knows as soon as Anakin draws his hand back, that it's all over. It's much more than a swordfight. The mental game that's going on is just as important as the moves. Dooku's weakness is that he's already beaten Anakin-and he's pretty sure he can do it again."

- The Making of Revenge of The Sith

so basically in the fight Dooku is told not to Go for the kill , gets exhausted fast unlike Anakin whose rage is giving him a power boost and refreshed him , is caught offguard by Anakin's sudden power increase , is mentally arrogant and falls for a bait which ends in his hand getting cut , there are a lot of factors going against Dooku leading to him losing in 13 seconds which again happens due to baiting him into overextending , basically Anakin using Dooku's overconfidence against him , its not fair to use this as end all be all evidence of Dooku not being a 9 , the swordplay even in the film was even until Anakin physically grabbed and cut off Dooku's arms , this does not exactly prove anything as any 9 would lose against Any 9 due to the circumstances against Dooku.

As you know , I talked about consistent Narratives in the first part of this blog , and how they are the Strongest sources , the consistent narratives I explained here are

all in all , from the consistent narratives Count Dooku is only slightly inferior to Master Yoda and Darth Sidious , take count at 9.25 , Yoda at 9.3 and Sidious at 9.35 but the problem he faces is that his poor stamina pretty much makes him lose to any of the titans ( he is overpowered too ) even though he has better versatility then three of them have ( versatility meaning hax and abilities here ).

All in all the Intent of this blog was to establish Darth Tyranus as a Tier 9 Duelist.

reminder - These are simply my views , the blog's comment section is not meant for a debate , if you have any questions or doubts , my P.s are always open to a discussion surrounding any of my points

Darth Tyranus - From A Certain Point of View - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine (2024)


Is Darth Tyranus good or bad? ›

While Dooku was certainly evil -- and even had a Darth sobriquet, Tyranus, that he rarely used -- he was never quite a Sith, at least not in the true sense. Unlike those who espoused the Sith doctrine, Dooku wasn't motivated by hatred or fear but by the same purpose that drove him as a Jedi.

Why is Count Dooku called Darth Tyranus? ›

His former colleagues in the Jedi Order saw Dooku as misguided but a man of principles, and refused to believe he could be an advocate of violence and war. They were wrong; Dooku had sworn allegiance to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, taking the name Darth Tyranus.

Why isn t Count Dooku not Darth? ›

He was: Darth Tyrannus. His persona as Count Dooku was better suited to his role as leader of the Separatist faction. If he revealed himself as a Sith publicly, rather than just a former Jedi who left the order because of its supposed corruption, that would have damaged his credibility to most of the Separatists.

Does Obi-Wan know who Tyranus is? ›

Dooku confronts Anakin and Obi-Wan on Oba Diah, revealing his alter-ego Darth Tyranus to the Jedi, and they realize that it was he who created the clone army.

Who is stronger Darth Maul or Count Dooku? ›

Overall, Dooku was far more equipped to become a Sith Master than Maul was. Had he managed to overthrow Palpatine, Dooku would have been able to use his position, combat abilities, and dark side Force powers to take his place on the throne Palpatine had carved.

Is Anakin better than Dooku? ›

When Dooku was still with the Jedi Order, he was considered to be one of the greatest (if not the greatest) lightsaber duelists of his generation. Anakin really wasn't as good of a duelist as many people hype him up to be.

Why is Dooku's lightsaber bent? ›

Unlike any standard lightsaber, Dooku crafted his with an unusual curved shape, which helped control the weapon when in a duel. Primarily, it allowed Dooku greater finesse and precision in combat when lunging or slashing at an opponent.

Why was KYLO Ren not a Darth? ›

Kylo Ren wanted to be the next Darth Vader, fundamentally misunderstanding his grandfather. Another key reason why Kylo would never be the next Vader was that Kylo was a Knight of Ren, not a Sith. While both religions used the dark side, and red-bladed lightsabers, the two had different philosophies.

Who killed Darth Tyranus? ›

Unsure how to proceed, Skywalker hesitated until Chancellor Palpatine instructed him to kill the Count. Despite the fact that Dooku was an unarmed prisoner, Skywalker drew the two Lightsabers together, decapitating the Sith-Lord.

Why did Count Dooku never have Sith eyes? ›

Summary. The Sith's yellow eyes reflect their emotions and serve as a visual cue for their dark intentions. While most Sith embrace their demon-like appearance, some, like Count Dooku, don't have yellow eyes because they are motivated by philosophical and political goals rather than rage and conquest.

Why did Dooku hate Grievous? ›

Grievous Hero commanded the heroic Subjugator-class heavy cruiser Malevolence and followed Dooku's orders. Dooku later got fed up with Grievous's "failures" (due to plot armor) and tried to kill the heroic General by having a trap set up for him to "test his skills" in Grievous's castle.

What was Dooku's Jedi name? ›

Count Dooku's real name, Dooku, was more fitting than his Sith title, Darth Tyranus, as it speaks to his manipulative nature. Dooku played a crucial role in weakening the Jedi and the Republic from within, planting doubt and eroding trust.

Did Dooku see Qui-Gon as a son? ›

Qui-Gon was Dooku's apprentice. Dooku loved Qui-Gon like a son due to their many similarities; both were individualists, idealists, and both had knowledge of the Force that was unique.

Who is Count Dooku's wife? ›

Kostanza Dooku was a female Human from the planet Serenno. She belonged to one of the Great Houses, the six wealthiest noble families on her homeworld. She married the Count of House Dooku, brother to the famed Jedi Master Dooku. When her husband died, Kostanza Dooku served as regent over their House.

Who is Dooku's sister? ›

Jenza was a Serennian female, the daughter of Count Gora and Countess Anya, and the younger sister of Dooku and Ramil. Gora abandoned the Force-sensitive Dooku to be found by the Jedi Order, becoming a Jedi initiate.

What is Darth Tyranus rule of two? ›

Sidious broke the Rule of Two at least twice: once by training Darth Maul while still under the tutelage of Darth Plagueis; and secondly, by taking on two apprentices at once, and in the form of two Jedi: Count Dooku, the former Padawan of the legendary Jedi Master Yoda, dubbed Darth Tyranus, and the Fosh Jedi Vergere.

Why did Tyranus recruit Jango? ›

In time, Fett became widely regarded as the galaxy's best bounty hunter, with a notoriety matched by few other bounty hunters. Shortly after the Invasion of Naboo, the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus hired Fett to serve as the genetic foundation of an army secretly bred on the Wild Space world of Kamino.

Is Dooku more powerful than Vader? ›

Darth Vader, no contest. During Revenge of Sith, when Anakin Skywalker tapped into the fear and rage caused by Dooku's taunts, he swiftly overwhelmed the greatest Makashi user of the time in a matter of seconds, displaying overwhelming strength as he hammered Dooku's defense.

Does Dooku hate the Jedi? ›

Like Anakin, Dooku started out as a Jedi, and he was committed to helping the galaxy be a better place. Yet, he believed that the Jedi were too committed to the corrupt Republic. So, he eventually left the Order.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.