Little Nine's Nine Lives - tiramisuwu - 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: rescue Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 2: kitten biscuits Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: liu-sneezy Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: the great cat acquisition Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5: adoption: approved Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: murder mittens Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Qingqiu Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Who's this? Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Cat Fight Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: cutsleeve Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: pawsitively the favorite Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: The Reluctant Assistant Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: No Sneezing in the Library Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Do not leave cups around for the kitty Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Animal testing Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: psspssspssspss Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: A Cabbage Thief in the midst Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 18: First (Unofficial) Meeting Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Immortal Alliance Conference Part 1 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Immortal Alliance Conference Part 2 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: dress up the kitty Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 22: shovels and cat toys Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Cat weed Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Hot Boy Winter Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Do you even lift? Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 26: It's a date! (on the calendar, right?) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Under the moon is me and you Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Puppy Love Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Spin the sword Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Aftermath Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Birthday Bash Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Courting For Dummies Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Winner Winner Kitten Dinner Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: End of Act 1 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: The Haunting of Ganjing Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Rabid Dogs and a (temporarily) lost cat Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: no playtime for kitty Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: catch and release Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: adoption 2: electric boogaloo Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: keep an eye on the kitty Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 41: cutest kitty Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 42: fur baby Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 43: no such thing as a bad cat Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 44: third-wheel Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 45: down the rabbit hole Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 46: letters for mew Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 47: rendezvous Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 48: Intermission Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: rescue


edited: 6/13/24
ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎

Chapter Text

It starts with a door.

And Qi-ge is leaving. Leaving him behind in this cursed manor.

“I’m leaving to find a cultivation sect, Xiao Jiu.” The words had been colder than the floorboards. Xiao Jiu clawed at the locked door of the shed, a desperate attempt to pry the boards wider so he may see Qi-ge through the cracks.

“You’re leaving?”

“I’m taking you with me.” On the other side, something hard jostles the door. Xiao Jiu could only look at the dirty matted fur of his lower half, thin feline legs drowning in his trousers. The blood nearly blends in with the dirt. Even in the dark, you wouldn’t know if they were broken or not. But Xiao Jiu has had worse before. Another forceful thwack pulled Xiao Jiu out of his thoughts.

“Just leave me.” He flinched as the bottom corner of the door broke and snapped off, giving enough room for a hand to reach inside. His heart jumps to his throat. What is this idiot thinking? Does he want to get caught? “Qi-ge, my legs are broken. I’ll only slow you down.”

“Can you change? I think it’s small enough for you to get through.”

Their hands eventually find each other in the dark, fingers locking together.

“You know I can’t control it!” He wanted to scream. His way out was right there. But he couldn’t control this power! His legs hurt and any attempt to even try was blocked out by the radiating warmth of pain pain pain.

“Try. Please,” Qi-ge whispered.

He tried. He really did, even when every vein in his body burned until it left him sore and panting. The only change he could muster was the claws digging into Qi-ge’s hand.

“I can’t.”

“You can!”

“I can’t! Just leave and make sure you come back for me, okay?”

“I promise.”

It was a promise made in blood. Xiao Jiu could already feel the warmth receding from his bloodied palm as Qi-ge’s hand withdrew.

That promise was as ephemeral as the warmth in his hand, a hollow yet brittle thing that couldn’t dream of anything cold. Tucked away behind his ribs is whatever softness remains in his heart, hiding from the festering bitterness and hatred. After Qi-ge left, it was only a matter of time before it grew into a single necrotic mass; leaving behind only misery and loathing, rotting him from the inside out.

It’s been years now.

Did Qi-ge die in his search for a sect? Did he die alone? It’d be typical of him. Stupid, impulsive Qi-ge! Maybe if he tried harder to escape, he would have been able to protect him and keep him out of trouble.

Maybe he died. Somewhere in a forest are his remains, scattered and picked by animals, without a proper burial. It’d be a better excuse as to why the hell he didn’t come back. Xiao Jiu hoped it was at least a swift death. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of hope left to give. Hope wasn’t enough to fill the void of Qi-ge and bring him back.

The burning of the Qiu manor is the warmest he’s felt in a long time.

He emerges from Qiu Jianluo's office victorious, blood and viscera growing cool on his skin as he stumbles down the halls. He can barely register the cacophony of the manor waking up to shouts and screams through the ringing in his ears. The edges of his vision blurs as he comes across men, blood boiling in recognition. His body moves on its own, guiding the blade into their loins before carving upwards, splitting their bellies open like he's seen the cooks do. The taste of iron is nearly suffocating, masking the telltale scent of smoke. He runs and slashes and guts until the flames find him too. He can’t discern the insatiable heat from inside or out. It’s an all consuming blaze, blind to everything it consumes. Xiao Jiu knows he is mere tinder like the blackened walls surrounding him.

The fierce heat becomes too much to bear.

The stolen sword clatters with the shrill ring of a death knell. His threadbare clothes fall to join the floorboards in their kindling as his body shrinks against his will.

Xiao Jiu streaks across the manor like a soot-colored blur, throwing himself against doors that require human hands to open. This is it! I’m going to die! He wails, digging his bloody claws (whose blood was it?) into the wood, hoping it’d be enough.

His paw pads are starting to burn. His back remains pressed against the walls, tucking his body as small as possible as the rafters come crashing down.

Qi-ge! Qi-ge, come get me please! He yowls and meows until his throat fills with smoke, Qi-ge! Come back to me!

Yue Qingyuan crumbles to his knees at the sight of ash and cinders where Qiu manor should be.

No. No!

A chill grips his heart as bile rises to the back of his throat. He can’t feel his hands when he wrenches blackened pillars from his path, the acrid stench of burnt flesh and char burns his lungs with each inhale.

“Xiao Jiu!”

Wet heat cradles his eyes, blurring the colors around him to dull watercolors. Cracked shingles shatter underneath his boots in his frantic search. Yue Qingyuan doesn’t stop digging through the rubble, not even when his voice falls hoarse from calling out the same name over and over again. “Xiao Jiu!”

With each beat of silence, the noose of despair tightens around his neck.

There’s no body, he chants over and over until it is the mantra that overwrites his bones and his breath. There is no body. Yue Qingyuan ignores the ache in his bones, trying not to choke on his own heart in his throat. Nothing is more important than digging and digging. “Xiao Jiu!”

But then he hears it.

The softest little meow. A weak, sputtered sound.

“Xiao Jiu?!” He lunges for the noise, tossing and ripping through the wreckage until his skin bleeds through the thick film of ash on his skin. “Xiao Jiu!”

He all but throws a broken beam over his head in his haste when he sees it. A tiny, blackened kitten. His body is curled up so tight it practically fits into Yue Qingyuan’s hands. He can feel Xiao Jiu’s tiny bones beneath the thin ragged layer of scorched fur.

“Xiao Jiu!” Yue Qingyuan wails in relief as the tears finally spill. Fighting the tremble in his hands, he pushes lukewarm qi into the little cat. When he feels parched meridians accept his qi, his heart somersaults and rejoices. It’s definitely his Xiao Jiu!

“I’m back. Qi-ge has you now.” He warbles, shakily tucking Xiao Jiu against his chest, wrapping him in the lapel of his outerrobe as he mounts a sheathed Xuan Su to fly as fast as he could back to Cang Qiong.

There’s no door between them, not anymore: not ever.

Chapter 2: kitten biscuits


edited: 5/30/24

Chapter Text

Mu Qingfang couldn’t say he was worried. Not exactly. As a healer, and the head disciple of Qian Cao, he must balance on the tightrope between worry and professional inquiry. He’s trained to work and ask questions later.

So when Yue Qingyuan bursts into the ward, sweating profusely, his once more sallow skin colored with soot and the flush of a hasty travel, it's a miracle Mu Qingfang's books haven't crashed to the floor at such a sight. He barely has time to collect himself and rise to his feet, no less even finish questioning why the hell he disappeared when he should be resting.

“Mu-shidi,” Yue Qingyuan crosses the office in the speed of sword flight, holding out a scrap of fluff. “This shixiong begs you to save him.”

The kitten shakes with each forced breath, shoulders wracking with tiny hiccuping coughs. It reeks of blood. Whatever is left of its dirty matted fur is singed, some areas are even flaking off from burnt caps of dead flesh.

“I heal people, not animals–” Mu Qingfang’s mouth clamps shut, the request of asking to check his wrist dying in the back of his throat when fat glistening tears drip down his esteemed shixiong’s cheeks. As a healer, he's seen things he could barely comprehend, but the despair gracing his shixiong's face is jarring enough to strike a chord.

“Mu-shidi. Please.” The kitten mewls in his hands, eyes still scrunched. “He’s stuck like this. He’s too hurt to change.”

“This is a person, shixiong?” It– they?– barely weigh no less than a marble when the cat is pressed into his hands. He can feel the sluggish heartbeat against his palms. “I will have to get my Shizun.” He’s not experienced enough with curing side effects of a transformative curse, no less be able to pull someone out of one.

“No! Just,” Yue Qingyuan’s stained hands fold in on themselves like a prayer, a plea. “Just between us. Please.”

Mu Qingfang wonders what possessed him to agree to such a demand. “If shixiong wishes secrecy, then he must help this shidi hand him the necessary tools.” They will have to work fast. Only the heavens know how this cat (person?) is still alive.

They furtively take over one of the emergency care rooms. Yue Qingyuan’s frantic energy is put to use as he rummages through the cabinets and drawers, the back and forth of fetching various supplies has somehow calmed him.

Only when Yue Qingyuan leaves the room to flag down a disciple for a bowl of broth, does Mu Qingfang finally relax. The kitten doesn’t thrash or flail when he manhandles him on his lap, only mewling his displeasure as he apologetically rubs ointment over slimy open wounds. As he gingerly wraps the wriggly body in fresh gauze, he finally gives in to his curiosity. The healer sends a tentative pulse of qi and nearly falls out of his chair when he’s greeted with tender spirit veins. They remarkably feel human, without an ounce of demonic or even bestial qi too, except they’re just condensed to accommodate this form.

This makes my job ten times easier, he sighs and allows a steady stream of cold qi to flow into his cat-shaped patient.

“I got it.” Yue Qingyuan quickly returns with a shallow bowl. “How is Xiao Jiu?”

“Healing much better with a qi transfer.” He looks pointedly at the spoon, “go find a syringe. He’s not in any condition to drink on his own.”

Yue Qingyuan sits close enough, their knees clumsily bumping together as the healer settles the kitten in his shixiong’s lap. After showing him how to use the syringe to pump the broth, the future sect leader’s hands shake with no grace at all as he attempts to feed their tiny patient.

“Zhangmen-shibo is going to be furious when he finds out you left the sect to bring back a cat,” he finally addresses.

“He’s not just a cat.” Yue Qingyuan’s eyes darken as a shadow crosses his face, shoulders hunching protectively.

“This shidi knows, but he is a cat for now. Shixiong cannot hide him forever.”

“He’s small enough to hide.” The shadows soften on the older boy’s face as the stiff kitten unravels, ravenously licking up the slow dribble of broth. Despite the cotton wads protecting his raw paw pads, there was an attempt to knead the black Qiong Ding robes with his sharp claws. The silence between the both of them is filled with weak rumbling purrs.

“Thanking Mu-shidi for his help.”

“Xiao Jiu will like it here,” he whispers. For once the four walls of the head disciple quarters don’t suffocate him. Xiao Jiu squirms against his chest, meowing as loud as he can. He finally opens his robes to allow him to hop onto the soft bed instead of the long drop to a hard floor.

“Meow.” Jade green eyes blink, pupils round discs of obsidian glass in the low light of his bedroom. Yue Qingyuan curls up around him, careful not to pet or else he’ll get claws sunk into his hand.

“Everyone will like you,” he whispers, “Mu Qingfang is nicer with patients, but he’s still amenable than most people as long as you're polite. Liu Qingge isn’t one for words, but he’s an excellent sparring partner…” He drifts off to ramble on and on about each and every one of his martial siblings. At some point, Xiao Jiu climbed on top of him.

“The food isn’t as, ah, flavorful, but we are served meals everyday. We don’t have to worry about going hungry anymore.”


He carefully wraps his arms around Xiao Jiu, reminiscent of a hug. He leans in, butting their heads together. “This Qi-ge is so happy you’re here.”

He nearly bursts into tears to feel high pitched purrs humming against his chest and tickling his chin. It’s a sound his mind could never make up: the unrestrained sound of his precious Xiao Jiu’s joy. On the streets, it was not often that he would fully change into this form. It was stressful to hide his whereabouts from the slavers, but they were also the days where their bellies were the most full. After all, people were more sympathetic to a cute kitten.

Also vendors were wary of starving street rats and dogs trying to steal low hanging foods. Little did they know that they had to look out for the sneaky kitten paw.

His reverie is broken with the needle sharp pinpricks digging through the thick fabric of his robe. Yue Qingyuan could only smile through the stinging pain as the culprit happily kneads imaginary dough.

Chapter 3: liu-sneezy


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Xiao Jiu… I can’t bring you to the meeting.”

This only prompts him to yowl even louder, blocking the door with his body. Yue Qingyuan tries to grab him, but Xiao Jiu evades him like water through his fingers. He mews defiantly, tail whipping back and forth.

“It won’t be for too long.”

“Meow meow, meow!”

“Xiao Jiu please…”

Yue Qingyuan is quickly trapped when he flops over his feet, writhing on purpose to spread his white cat hairs on the black boots. Already having had one robe get smothered with the very noticeable hairs, Yue Qingyuan opens his outerrobe to tuck Xiao Jiu inside right under his chin.

His sharp dagger-like pupils expand into black discs with victory. Yue Qingyuan gently pats his little head, exasperated.

“Will you be okay hiding in here?”

He receives a demure meow in response before the claws sink in.

Yue Qingyuan winces. “It won’t be for too long, just keep your head hidden.” After sweeping off any more cat hairs on his black robes, looking presentable once again, he heads to the assembly hall where peak lord meetings are held. On the way, Liu Qingge descends on his sword. His dark eyes immediately find him, brightening as he gravitates towards him.

“Shixiong.” He nods in greeting.

“Hello Liu-shidi.” He smiles, “I apologize if I missed our usual meetings to spar. This shixiong has been busy as of late.”

“It happens.”

Ah shidi, no need to pout. Yue Qingyuan pats him on the shoulder, “we shall spar soon.”

Liu Qingge stiffened as if he were struck by lightning. He was about to ask what was wrong when his shidi sneezes; the unexpected sound echos down the hallway. Yue Qingyuan gapes. Oh no. Is Liu Qingge allergic to cats?

“This shixiong will go on ahead.” He all but runs away, adjusting his lapels and checking his sleeves frantically for any hairs he missed. While he isn’t the last to enter, his Shizun still shoots him a poignant stare as he flits to the sect leader’s side.

“Head Disciple Yue is late.”

“Apologies Shizun, this disciple will strive to improve his punctuality.” His cheeks strain from the smile he grits out.

Liu Qingge enters soon after with a sniffle. If Yue Qingyuan squints, he can see his shidi’s eyes are red and watery and he isn’t the only one to notice. The Bai Zhan Peak Lord, Nie Guangdao, chuffs in amusem*nt as she ushers her disciple to her side.

“Did you get rejected by someone on the way here, Qingge? Clean yourself up.”

“Now that all of the head disciples are here, we may begin.” Sect leader Chu Guangyu finally says, scanning the round table. “Speaking of head disciples, Shen-shidi and Yang-shidi have yet to appoint one.”

“Have a heart, Zhangmen-shixiong, my previous head disciple was eaten by a Snapping Tiger Turtle just five months ago.” The beast taming peak lord, Yang Guangyuan, sticks out among the other lords in his white mourning robes.

“This master will take however long he would like in selecting his head disciple.” Shen Guangxia graciously lifts his teacup, unbothered by the sect leader’s gaze.

“Shen-shixiong mustn’t worry anymore. This shidi has heard the whispers of a great talent among the mountain for you to find. It won’t be long for shixiong to pluck them like a bud about to bloom in spring.” The divination lord, Fu Guangqi, announces wistfully. He is the easiest to find, the night pearl beads sewn into his illustrious cobalt robes shine like constellations on a clear night sky.

“There you have it, Zhangmen-shixiong. I shall find my head disciple soon.”

“Moving on,” his shizun’s lip curl with distaste, “to the budget. Kui-shidi, what does An Ding report?”

Yue Qingyuan feels his attention slipping. The words go right over his head as soon as he feels Xiao Jiu squirming underneath his robes. He tries to be discreet in adjusting his lapels, so Xiao Jiu wouldn’t suffocate in his chest, but Mu Qingfang seems to already know what he was doing judging by his raised eyebrow stare.

“Mrr.” Xiao Jiu rumbles uncomfortably.

I know I know, he pats his chest sympathetically, just a little bit longer.

“Dismissed.” He holds back his sigh of relief when the meeting finally ends. He thought he could let Xiao Jiu get a breath of fresh air, however, not everyone leaves the room.

“Liu-shidi, have you been poisoned?” Mu Qingfang makes a bee-line to him.

“I-I don’t know!” Liu Qingge cries out, rubbing his face furiously.

“What did shidi do on the way here?” Qi Qingqi asks.

Feeling a little guilty, “perhaps it’s an allergy?” Yue Qingyuan takes a seat, hoping for Xiao Jiu to wriggle down to his lap.

“An allergy, huh.” Mu Qingfang says dryly and loudly. “What are you allergic to, shidi?”

“I don’t know! I never really had this problem!”

Yue Qingyuan’s heart leaps to his throat when Xiao Jiu’s head pops out of his chest, his jade eyes immediately honing in on the platter of sweets.

“No!” He whispers, trying to bat away the little paw reaching for it.

Xiao Jiu takes offense and bites his hand.

This is fine, he weeps internally.

He shoves Xiao Jiu back into his robes right before Qi Qingqi turns to him, “shixiong! You’re bleeding!”

“There must be something in this room.” He laughs faintly, “it’s nothing. If you’ll excuse me– please get better soon, Liu-shidi.”

The three head disciples stare at his fleeing form, concerned and confused. They do not notice the missing sweet on the snack platter.


I realized I had to come up with the previous generation of peak lords, I tried my best with their names so here is the "light (光)" generation:

(1) Qiong Ding Peak: Chu Guangyu (楚 光玉)
(2) Qing Jing Peak: Shen Guangxia (沈 光夏)
(3) Wan Jian Peak: Wen Guangfeng (温 光烽
(4) An Ding Peak: Kui Guangkui (蒉 光葵)
(5) Xian Shu Peak: Hua Guangque (花 光雀)
(6) Qian Cao Peak: Li Guangshao (离 光哨)
(7) Bai Zhan Peak: Nie Guangdao (聂 光刀)
(8) Ku Xing Peak: Yun Guanghe (云 光和)
(9) Divination/Fortune Telling - (谈 星) Tan Xing Peak: Fu Guangqi (符 光呇)
(10) Beast Taming - (降 野) Xiang Ye Peak: Yang Guangyuan (杨 光苑)
(11) Artifact/Curse Breaker - (闯 密) Chuang Mi Peak: Shu Guangxi (束 光溪)
(12) Zui Xian Peak: Jia Guangfen (嘉 光芬)

Chapter 4: the great cat acquisition


quick update! i cant believe we already reached 100 kudos, thank you guys 😻💜

Chapter Text

“Another long day, shixiong?”

Yue Qingyuan smiles at one of his youngest shidis as he receives a tray with snacks and a small pitcher of soy milk. It’s more than he used to ever eat while working on Shizun’s paperwork, but Xiao Jiu has been ravenous ever since he was able to wean off of simple broths.

“Yes, thank you shidi.”

The younger disciple giggles before leaving. When he turns on his heels, he nearly falls when Xiao Jiu barrels into his shins.

“Meeoooow!” Xiao Jiu hops on his hind legs, pawing at his knees.

“Hold on, okay? This is all for Xiao Jiu.” As soon as he sets the tray down, Xiao Jiu jumps on his desk to scarf down an osmanthus cake while Yue Qingyuan quickly takes the soy milk before it could be knocked over.

“Mrrow mrrow,” Xiao Jiu says with his mouth full, purring in between bites.

“Good isn’t it? Not as sweet as tanghulu though,” he pours the milk in one of the provided cups and blocks him from inhaling another sweet. “Drink first.”

A wave of happiness swells inside his chest as he watches him lap up every drop of milk. He’s eating so well. Yue Qingyuan couldn’t resist, reaching out to pet his Xiao Jiu. The fur is still short and jagged from where it was burnt, but after some prescribed healing tonics and regular baths, it quickly transformed into a glossy pelt, softer than the finest silks. Xiao Jiu’s purrs crescendo until his tiny body is vibrating, unable to contain his joy, his spine even arches into his palm to silently demand more pets. Yue Qingyuan suddenly bursts into tears.

“Mrr?” Xiao Jiu abandons his snacks, climbing on top of him to lick the tears off his cheeks. He must be so shocked to see such a sight. Even as children, he never cried. That was Xiao Jiu's specialty, even though they were mere embellishments for their begging.

“I’m fine,” he hiccups, “this Qi-ge is just so happy Xiao Jiu is here.” Sometimes it still feels like a dream to have his Xiao Jiu here, happy, fed and warm.

Xiao Jiu bumps his head against his cheek, purring louder. Yue Qingyuan sniffs and holds out a tao su towards him. The cookie is immediately obliterated by sharp teeth with satisfying crunches. Eventually, he settles into his lap while Yue Qingyuan holds out sweets for him. It’s a welcome distraction from the stack of paperwork in front of him.

When the milk and snacks are all gone, Xiao Jiu curls up with the occasional satisfied purr and snores to fill the silence. Even when his back starts to ache from sitting upright for so long, he doesn’t dare move or stretch to disturb the slumbering cat on his lap. He somehow makes a dent in the stack of essays he needs to grade by the end of the week, it is perhaps the most work he has ever done in one sitting when usually time seems to drag on and on in the office.

His bubble of concentration immediately dissolves at the pitiful sound of a whimper. Xiao Jiu’s eyes scrunch as he begins to wiggle in his lap, curling into a tight ball of shivering fur. Yue Qingyuan panics, “Xiao Jiu? Xiao Jiu, what’s wrong?”

Oh no. Did he poison his Xiao Jiu?! Is his stomach not suited for people food in this form? Oh no!

“I’m so sorry, Xiao Jiu!” His chair clatters behind him when he suddenly stands, holding a shivering kitten to his chest. “I’ll save you!” The door nearly breaks off when he runs out, stumbling onto a sheathed Xuan Su to fly at breakneck speeds to Qian Cao.

“Mu-shidi!” He ignores the murmuring disciples, pushing them out of the way as he navigates the bland white halls. “Mu-shidi!”

“Do my eyes deceive me?” The smooth voice of the Qian Cao peak lord strangles the breath out of him. “Yue-shizhi is making such a racket, this poor lord’s ears are bleeding!”

“A-Apologies shishu.” He stutters, regretting that he hadn’t hidden Xiao Jiu in his robes before.


“If this lord recalls correctly, Qiong Ding disciples, or any disciple really, are not allowed pets.”

Flustered and light headed, Yue Qingyuan holds Xiao Jiu close to his chest as an anchor. “He’s not a regular animal. He’s been stuck like this for a month now.”

“Stuck?” Li-shishu hums an intrigued tone and gestures for him to hold Xiao Jiu. “Is Yue-shizhi implying this is actually a human?”

“Yes. I’ve known Xiao Jiu all my life.” He hesitantly transfers the cat into curious hands.

“Oh,” his brown eyes brighten, “what lovely spirit veins. Ah, yes. I see.”

“Is he sick?” He couldn’t help but ask, fidgeting with his sleeves.

“Just a bellyache.” He pauses, “his meridians show stress from qi deviations. Should Yue-shizhi brought this up sooner, then perhaps this person could have gotten the help they needed. I will be taking your Xiao Jiu for a while.”


“If he is stuck like you said, then we don’t want to prolong it any more than you already have.”

His heart jumps to his throat. “What will happen to him? Will Xiao Jiu be able to stay in the sect?” What if they kick him out as soon as he gets unstuck?! What if he doesn’t see Xiao Jiu again?!

“Yue-shizhi will have to talk to his Shizun about special admittance.” Li-shishu pats him on the head. “Now don’t ever barge onto my peak screaming at the top of your lungs ever again, do you hear me?”

“Y-Yes shishu…”

“Mn. Go off now. This master is going to be busy.” Li Guangshao strokes the white cat’s head, inspecting the fresh pink scars underneath the thin patches of fur on its back. He sighs and shakes his head. He’s going to have a very stern word with Qingfang later.

On the way to his private office, the kitten squirms under his patting, hissing with discomfort. “You’re a cute little thing, are you?”

“Oh? Is this a patient from Xiang Ye Peak?” Shen Guangxia coos, not even bothering to knock.

“Actually, Yue-shizhi was hiding someone from getting medical attention.”

“Ah, it’s always the prim and proper disciples that are up to no good.” Shen Guangxia takes a seat, making himself comfortable. Li Guangshao rolls his eyes, sending soothing pulses of qi through scarred meridians.

“He feels a bit young. Fifteen, judging by how his meridians feel, but surely if he gets to slip out of this form and cultivate, he’d be an amazing talent.”

The cat hisses, wiggling in his arms in a weak attempt to escape. Li Guangshao grabs him by the scruff, “hush you.”

“And what could have caused this to happen in the first place?”

“His meridians are scarred by the aftereffects of multiple qi deviations, although this shidi does not sense any demonic qi or curses that could have forced a bodily transformation.”

“May I?” At a curt nod, the Qing Jing Peak Lord settles his hand on the cat’s back, a smile slowly widening his lips. “Such remarkable spirit veins. You wouldn’t mind if this master borrowed them, would you Li-shidi?”

“Be my guest. Just be aware of Yue-shizhi in case he tries sneaking into your peak to kidnap him again. His name is apparently Xiao Jiu, by the way.”

“I’ll make sure this little one doesn’t stay out of my sight. I’ll look into my libraries while you look into yours?”

“Of course.” Li Guangshao pauses, “would you like to return next week to discuss that novel, then?”

“Next week sounds fine.” Shen Guangxia scratches Xiao Jiu behind the ear. Little Nine, hm?

Chapter 5: adoption: approved


(edit 8/6) i made a minor oopsie by jumping the gun for promoting the next head disciple for the beast taming peak so yan qinglan is yan ling for now

Chapter Text

Someone was having a bad day.

Shen Guangxia’s newly acquired ward apparently had separation anxiety from that Yue Qingyuan boy. The little kitten was yowling up a storm, even scratching his door! Any disciples that heard the ruckus would knock on the door to inquire about a bloody murder. After a while of battling with locked doors, the little rascal had flopped to the floor with a big yowl.

“What are you so upset about, hm?” Shen Guangxia hums, wrestling his kitten belly up in his arms. “Xiao Jiu is going to be a Qing Jing disciple as soon as he’s human again.”

“Mrrow?” He smiles at the inquisitive meow. Adorable, he takes a fuzzy paw in between his fingers.

“En. Trust this master’s words when he says that you will have a place in this sect. You’ll see that boy of yours soon.” Shen Guangxia couldn’t help but coo when he finds perfectly pink toe beans. They are delectably squishy, like the world’s tiniest rice cakes.

“Meow!” Shen Guangxia’s cultivation quickly heals the shallow cuts he receives when he squeezes.

“Xiao Jiu will have to behave. We’re going to visit the library to find the cure to this.” He boops the irresistibly pink nose. Oh yes, he already knows this is going to be a very productive research session. “And if he’s a good little kitty, he’ll have a delicious treat waiting for him.”

Meanwhile, Yue Qingyuan was panicking.

He doesn’t know where his Xiao Jiu had gone! Li-shishu didn’t have him anymore and merely waved him off when he asked where he was. Even Mu-shidi didn’t know! Currently he wanders Xiang Ye, the beast taming peak. Disciples in pale brown robes flutter around him, carrying bales of hay and leading mountain goat drawn carrioles. The first disciple who doesn’t look immediately busy is a young girl carrying an armful of docile Alligator-Snout Otters.

“Xiao shimei, have you seen a white cat around here?”

“No,” she blinks owlishly, “what kind of cat?”

“A normal cat. He has white fur and green eyes.”

“Don’t think I’ve seen a normal cat around here. If there was, they’re probably already eaten by one of the spirit eagles or the Mossbeard Tiger.”

Yue Qingyuan weakly sends her off, suddenly light headed. He stumbles around cages until he finds a familiar face. “Yan-shidi!”

“Yue-shixiong.” Yan Ling bows his head, “what can this one do for you?” His voice is soft and easily overpowered by the snorting and growling of nearby beasts.

“Have you seen or heard of anything about a white cat?”

“No, shixiong, I am afraid we do not specialize in common animals. Apologies, that wasn’t the answer you’re looking for.”

Yue Qingyuan sighs, “It’s alright.”

“This shidi will inform you if I find it though.”

“Thank you, Yan-shidi.” He politely says a quick goodbye and leaves with a heavier heart.

By the time he passes Bai Zhan, he overhears the latest grumblings among bruised and dusty disciples.

“I can’t believe Shen-shibo kicked us out. We didn’t even go past Qing Jing’s gate!”

“Shen-shibo didn’t look that scary carrying that cat. Did he get a new pet?”

“Who cares? I wanted to fight those flimsy wrist prissies!”

Yue Qingyuan doesn’t linger as soon as he hears “cat.” Relief pours into his lungs like the first thaw in spring, reinvigorating his limbs to move. Xiao Jiu would be safe on Qing Jing! It’s not volatile like Bai Zhan or hazardous like Xiang Ye. The quiet peak is perfect!

He asks the first green robed disciple he sees, “excuse me. Do you know where Shen-shishu is?”

“He’s in the library.”

It takes all his willpower to not run all the way to the library, and an even greater power to walk calmly to the graceful silhouette of Peak Lord Shen.

“Greetings to shishu.” He greets. A small involuntary gasp leaves him when Xiao Jiu pokes his head up from flowing viridian sleeves. With squinted eyes, he meows ever so quietly. The perfect volume for the hushed library.

“Hm.” A deep resounding thump of a yellowed tome jerks Yue Qingyuan out of his reverie.

“This lord wasn’t expecting Yue-shizhi to find him so quickly.”

“Does Shen-shishu know about…” He glances over Xiao Jiu, pleased to find not a whisker out of place. “Xiao Jiu?”

“Yes. Does shizhi require something from him?”

Yue Qingyuan wrings his wrists behind the cover of his sleeves. “This disciple wanted to inform Xiao Jiu that Shizun would only allow him into the sect if he were chosen by a peak lord.”

“How fortunate that he is to be accepted into Qing Jing immediately as soon as he returns to his human form.”

Yue Qingyuan nearly jumps out of his boots. “Really?”

“Yes. Now shoo, you’re being far too loud.”

Quietly, he whispers, “Xiao Jiu is going to be living here for the meantime then? Is he eating well? Is he still hurt? Does he need anything?”

“He is taken care of. Do you doubt this master?” Shen Guangxia narrows his eyes when Xiao Jiu squirms in his lap, paw reaching out for the other boy. “Ten laps around the mountain for insolent questions.”

“As shishu commands it.” Yue Qingyuan bows and takes his leave. Yes! Xiao Jiu is staying! He’s going to be safe and comfortable! He barely feels the sun beating into his skin when all he could think about was his Xiao Jiu.

Chapter 6: murder mittens


it's been a while =^._.^=

Chapter Text

The life of a cultivator was not that different from the lavish lifestyle he had seen with the Qius. Instead of pompous controlling masters, Xiao Jiu was surrounded by spoiled brats who still needed to be taught the basics of scholarly pursuits.

I can do better than this, he often scoffed when Shen Guangxia would spend the rest of his waking hours to grade poetry and calligraphy. Peak Lord Shen forbade him from leaving his sight, choosing to even carry him from class to class. For a mountain named for its tranquility, his poor feline ears have never suffered so much abuse. One time, a student hadn’t noticed their strings were out of tune and had the audacity to continue playing! It wasn’t until Xiao Jiu sprung from Peak Lord Shen’s lap to scratch their hand, which would quickly become the official punishment for the music classes, did they finally catch on to correct their mistake. To his satisfaction, no one else dared play their instrument without tuning it.

However, his favorite classes were painting and embroidery as they were the only times he was allowed to nap. The windows in those rooms in particular were just right for the sunbeams to shine through. Xiao Jiu would only need to find the desk he’s claimed as the best sunning spot and simply curl up. This, of course, inadvertently labeled him as the perfect model for still-lifes. His likeness quickly dominated Qing Jing Peak. He must admit, it felt good every time he’d catch a glimpse of little white cats on canvas, hair ribbons and handkerchiefs.

While Xiao Jiu enjoyed lazing around, he couldn’t deny that something was missing.

I miss Qi-ge.

Then, enough was enough. No more was he going to be some rich lord’s lapcat! He has to find Qi-ge! He was going to make his escape– today!

Xiao Jiu pokes his head up from Shen Guangxia’s arms as he walks along the familiar path to the library. He meows innocently, craning his head to pretend he was asking for pets– his eyes roll to the back of his head when skilled fingers scratch just right behind his ear… wait. There’s no time to be distracted! When Shen Guangxia’s arms slacken just enough to pull the great oaken doors of the library, Xiao Jiu wriggles free.

He doesn’t look back to the cry of his name, running as fast as he could with his little legs. Xiao Jiu breaks from the worn cobble road and into the plush grass, crouching amongst the young bamboo shoots as he watches Peak Lord Shen run past him.

Sucker. He purrs, continuing his escape through the gardens. Now where to find Qi-ge…

He wanders around pavilions and secluded gardens with only the faintest clue that he was now lost. He had gotten used to being carried everywhere that sharing the same ground where ants walk was disorienting; everything was barely recognizable. How was everything so big? His paws are aching and he’s pretty sure there’s a pebble stuck between his toes but he can’t even get it out no matter how hard he flaps it! The world was just so big, how was he going to find Qi-ge when he can’t even see the damn sky with all this bamboo?!

“Mrrrroooooow!” Qi-ge! Qi-ge, come get me! Where are you?

“Is that Shizun’s cat?”

“Oh poor thing! He must be lost.”

Don’t touch me! His hair stands on end, tail bristling as two disciples approach him with open arms. He bats away their hands, claws out, before running away from them. When they begin to make chase, Xiao Jiu pushes onwards despite their pleas.

He nearly runs off the edge of a cliff, his heart jumping to his throat until he realizes he was not in fact falling to his death. Instead, the colors of the rainbow glitter underneath his paws. He paws at it inquisitively, watching it bend and dip under pressure like a fine veil. He can walk on this?

“There he is!” Xiao Jiu jumps at the familiar voice.

“Here kitty kitty,” he rolls his eyes. Give me a break, he ignores them in favor of running across the strange prismatic bridge.

“Oh no! He’s going to Bai Zhan!”

He wanders until their voices are drowned out by the cutting gales amplified by sheer cliffs of dry cracked earth. There was barely any grass here! He squints up at the stark bronze colored canopies of sturdy tupelos. So dusty here, he sniffs with disdain, trodding down what looked to be a path.

His fur stands on end at the discordant sounds of clashing metal and the shrill creaks of wood on the verge of splintering. With his belly grazing the ground, he stealthily approaches the cacophony. Disciples dressed in gray and white throw themselves at each other, some with blunt swords and some opting to fight with their fists. Wooden dummies pitifully crash to the ground, crumbling too easily from sheer force alone. There is no beauty nor elegance to be found here.

“What’s that?”

“Is that snow?”

“It’s spring, you idiot! How can there be snow here?”

Xiao Jiu flees when the vacant-eyed brutes approach, but his escape is cut short when meaty hands wrap around his body. The pressure is too tight like a cage, and the moment his paws leave the ground do the claws finally come out.

“It’s a cat– ow!” Xiao Jiu flails, hissing and spitting as blood flies everywhere with each swipe. He’s only let go until the brute falls backwards, his arms flailing up to toss Xiao Jiu in the air. Instinct forces him to splay his legs out, except he still doesn’t land on the safe unmoving earth.

He lands on another Bai Zhan disciple. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, Xiao Jiu does not stop scratching and slashing. Stop touching me! He cries out, incensed. He’s thrown and flung among disciples like a hot steamed mantou. Some of them even try to fight back only to fall, defeated, with split lips and gashes. Only then does the chaos finally stop when all that is left is boys groaning and rolling on the floor.

“What’s going on here?” A boy who wasn’t that much older approaches, scrutinizing the aftermath.

“Liu-shixiong! Shen-shibo’s cat attacked us!”

“You lost to a cat?” Gray eyes hone in on him. Xiao Jiu raises his haunches, hissing.

Don’t touch me, you barbarian. He bares his fangs, batting away at their ankles when he approaches.

“Don’t get too close!”

“It’s going to cut up your face!”

“You all must have been slacking off. You deserved what you got.”

Xiao Jiu nods along. Yes, yes they did– hey wait! He yowls his displeasure when all his muscles go limp as he’s grabbed by the scruff. The Liu boy holds him up with a contemplative expression.

The younger Bai Zhan disciples do not linger in their awe as their shixiong’s eyes immediately burst with glassy wetness. Their admiration turns to horror as they watch redness burst across pale unblemished skin. This new foe just defeated the prodigy of Bai Zhan Peak without laying a single paw on him!

“Achoo!” The Liu boy holds him away like a dirty rag, his face twisting with anger. “Am I poisoned?! What kind of trick is this?”

It’s no trick, you stupid knucklehead!

“Someone take it back to Qing Jing!” The Liu boy’s voice cracks, his hand trembling as hives emerge from flushed skin. When no one dares volunteers, he huffs and stomps away, swinging Xiao Jiu back and forth as if he were a mere bag of vegetables.

Peak Lord Shen was very amused, moreso to see the boy his shimei had bragged so fervently reduced to a hot mess of snot and tears.

“Well? Did you have fun?” Shen Guangxia asks during a well needed bath, clearly relishing in his scorn. Xiao Jiu vehemently splashes soapy water at the man.


Chapter 7: Qingqiu


Its a bit longer than the rest, but I couldn't have it any other way

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shen Guangxia touches down on Qiong Ding Peak for an unexpected emergency peak lord meeting. By the time he steps into the enclosed pavilion, he’s greeted by the curious eyes of ten other peak lords. Sect Leader Chu looks exasperated, as if he wasn’t the one to call this meeting in the first place. Xiao Jiu stirs in his arms at the tense atmosphere. He silently takes the only empty seat to allow Xiao Jiu to take his lap.

“Well? What is this about?”

“This shixiong has been hearing strange rumors of Qing Jing students being outplayed by a cat in weiqi.” It was the most ridiculous sentence to have ever come out of Chu Guangyu’s mouth. The Zui Xian Peak Lord chokes on her wine, her face deepening several shades of puce to refrain from laughing or coughing out loud.

Shen Guangxia merely smiles, undeterred by his shixiong’s cold frigid gaze. Xiao Jiu curls up in his lap, he resembles a mantou bun when he tucks his paws in. “This master doesn’t see anything wrong with that. A student must learn from defeat.”

“This is an intervention, shixiong.” Wen Guangfeng sighs, his gaze not straying from the cat in his lap.

“An intervention?” Shen Guangxia says flatly, glancing across to Li Guangshao, raising a questioning brow. The healer shrugs.

“This shixiong is merely concerned. It seems Shen-shidi has taken liberties with his teaching style.”

Shen Guangxia snaps his fan open, his smile sharpening. “Thanking zhangmen-shixiong for his concern, but isn’t it only natural to focus on his new head disciple?”

Silence descends upon the round table. A tea cup clatters a little too loudly, clumsily spilling tea on lacquered wood. Only then does the whispered prayers of the Ku Xing lord break their shocked reverie.

“Head disciple?” Chu Guangyu regains his bearings.

Shen Guangxia reaches up to the green ribbon looped around the pin of his guan, tugging it loose to tie it around Xiao Jiu’s neck. He tightens the knot of the bow with a flourish. Bright jadeite eyes blink up at him.

“This master officially chooses his heir. Meet Xiao Qingqiu, the new head disciple of Qing Jing Peak.”

“Shen-shixiong, that’s a cat...” Jia Guangfen recovers from choking, wine dripping from her chin.

Chu Guangyu pinches his nose. A wrinkle forms in between his knit brow. It’s a foreign sight, for the sect leader’s face is as impenetrable as stone. “That is not your head disciple.”

“Oh yes he is indeed, this master is grateful to Yue-shizhi, after all he was the one to deliver him to me.” Upon the displeased stare, does he continue, “this master presumed you knew? Or did Yue-shizhi not tell you?”

“Yue Qingyuan had informed this one about bringing back someone from that unsanctioned excursion of his. Is Shen-shidi saying he escaped Qian Cao to retrieve a pet?” His voice is on the edge of becoming shrill.

“If this shidi may interrupt before this misunderstanding ensues?” Li Guangshao interjects, “that cat is actually a human being.”

“And when were either of you going to inform this master?” The sect leader glares at the An Ding Peak Lord scooting the platter of sweetmeats towards a curious white paw.

“Had this shidi needed to?” Shen Guangxia smiles, holding out an osmanthus cake for his Xiao Qingqiu.

“It became pertinent the moment my head disciple fled the sect to bring someone back.”

“This shidi was unaware. Perhaps he should have pried more details from Yue-shizhi.” The other lords shy away from their sect leader’s glacial countenance, some even shudder from the frigid drop in temperature.

“Mew?” Xiao Qingqiu peeks over the table.

The peak lords hold their breath, waiting for their cold leader to smite the little kitten from the physical plane of existence. Even when the plate clatters from a clumsy paw, Chu Guangyu does not move a muscle. All eyes are on the kitten as they chew on a pine pollen cake without a shower of crumbs flying on the table. All but the sect leader and Qian Cao lord nearly spat blood as they witnessed Shen Guangxia dab a napkin to the feline’s chin.

“...and what is Li-shidi’s insight on how to return Shen-shidi’s head disciple to their true form?”

Shen Guangxia smiles, “while there are no records with concrete evidence, after extensive research, we’ve only come up with a theory. While everyone is familiar with the symptoms of qi deviations, the most uncommon one is a reversion to childhood for the body to recuperate at a base level state.”

“But what becomes of that symptom when a child qi deviates? They’ve no childhood to revert to, lest they become an infant. So what is the next form to take in order to force the body to recover? An animal, of course.” Li Guangshao concludes, raising his chin, smug.

“Zhangmen-shixiong mustn’t worry. Xiao Qingqiu is in a better state than when he first arrived. He will revert soon to take up his duties.”

Exasperated, Chu Guangyu rises from his seat. “Then it seems all is well. This shixiong is going to leave first. He requires a very necessary chat with Yue Qingyuan.”

“Meow?” Xiao Qingqiu looks up, concerned.

He strokes his chin, “yes. That boy of yours is going to be in trouble. Let’s go back home, shall we?”

Before he could be trapped by descending hands, Xiao Jiu leaps from his lap and runs through the sect leader’s legs before the door closes behind him.

Qi-ge! He yowls, sprinting through trimmed pathways and startled disciples. Qi-ge! He must be here! He hops over gurgling streams and under benches, frantically scanning the trimmed grass and flowers.

There! He barrels towards a lone figure carrying an armful of scrolls. Xiao Jiu doesn’t question it. Without a doubt, those broad shoulders and lanky limbs surely belong to him! With a burst of energy he didn’t even know he had, he flings himself towards the Qiong Ding disciple.


Scrolls fall to the ground as Yue Qingyuan is startled out of his wits, blinded by a burst of white before an unstoppable force crashes into him. He barely registers his back slamming into the ground when familiar eyes look down on him. “Xiao Jiu!” He cries with joy, and then with incredulity. “Xiao Jiu, you’re naked!” Frantically, he pushes the boy off of him to shrug off his outer robe. Xiao Jiu merely reaches out to tug on his cheeks as the robe falls over his scrawny shoulders.

Catching their breaths, Xiao Jiu takes in the healthy sheen in Qi-ge’s hair and the deep flush staining cheeks that hold just the right amount of fat. His thumbs trace the smattering of freckles that dot the skin like stars. “You’re not very big now, are you?” His unused vocal cords crack.

“Xiao Jiu looks like a completely different person! You’ve grown.” Yue Qingyuan grins despite the fingernails digging into his dimples.

“I’m Qingqiu now.” He frowns at the last character, but knowing it wasn’t chosen out of malice, he could forgive shizun just this once.

“What? You’re head disciple?” Yue Qingyuan’s eyes threaten to pop out of his skull.

“I lived with a peak lord and you expect me not to learn a thing or two? Qi-ge should believe this Xiao Jiu more!” He pulls on his cheeks harder. Yue Qingyuan merely accepts his fate, wrapping his arms around him in an iron tight embrace.

“I’m glad. I was worried Xiao Jiu wouldn’t fit in…”

He hums, returning the hug with just as much vigor. They sit under the shade of the pine trees, holding each other. He has to resist the urge of sinking his fingernails into black fabric and kneading against his back. Xiao Jiu butts his head against the other boy, breathing out a stuttering exhale because this body wasn’t capable of physically purring.

“Qi-ge came back for me.” He whispers.

“Of course.” Yue Qingyuan whispers back.

He bites his nose, fueled by lingering feline instinct. “A little late though.”

Yue Qingyuan offers a watery smile, “I came as fast as I could.”

“I knew it! I knew it, don’t think I didn’t tell you so!” Shen Guangxia’s voice echoes throughout the garden. Both boys jump at the sight of their shizuns emerging from the foliage. “Xiao Qingqiu! Get away from that boy, lest you wish to lose some intelligence.”

Xiao Jiu finds himself tugged by the collar, forced to stand on his bare feet as Peak Lord Shen looks over him. Out of the corner of his eye, Sect Leader Chu descends upon Yue Qingyuan like a shadow.

“How are you feeling? Any pain? Any dizziness?” He asks fervently. He shivers at his probing qi.

“This one feels fine.” His arms are pulled out to be inspected. The skin is slightly mottled with thick silver bands of scarring, however they were thankfully faint. It was as if he hadn’t nearly burned to death at all.

“No need to lie. Here, on my sword. We’re going to Qian Cao– take my robe. It would be unbecoming if anyone saw you in anything less.” He wobbles on his shizun’s sword, clutching fine green and yellow silk tightly to hide black brocade for himself.

“What’s going to happen to Qi-ge?” He breathes, only catching a glimpse of Yue Qingyuan kneeling in front of the sect leader.

“That’s none of our business.” Shen Guangxia says quickly before taking to the skies. Xiao Jiu nearly throws himself off when he finally looks down, heart lurching to his throat. It was so much better to be carried around everywhere! What if he falls and dies?! How do they even do this standing still?!

Thankfully, Qian Cao Peak was not far away. “Now that you’ve a proper voice, what’s your name?”

“Xiao Jiu, Shizun?” Instead of being herded to the familiar cropping of buildings, they walk down a path surrounded by herbs and flowers. They approach a comely cottage, its roof littered with colorful blooming trespassers. This must be where the Qian Cao lord lives.

“Truly? Is that really your name?” Shen Guangxia sighs.

“En. This one is an orphan.” He immediately regrets saying it. What if he’s kicked out now? Surely they wouldn’t want an orphan slave on their mountain?

“Jiu-er needs a proper name. Shen Qingqiu has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” He doesn’t know why he doubted in the first place. Xiao– Shen Qingqiu hides his face behind too large sleeves, hoping his red cheeks would go unnoticed.

He finally remembers his manners. “Thanking Shizun…” A warm hand pats his head. It’s a lot different than the pets he’d receive as a cat. He doesn’t think anyone besides Yue Qi had pat his head. Feels nice.

The door of the cottage opens before they even knock. Shen Qingqiu shies away from the healer’s clinical stare, his eyes straying too long on the ribbon around his neck.

“What timing you have to return to a body with opposable thumbs, shizhi. Come in.”


YQY: omg xiao jiu ❤️❤️❤️
[sees his shizun]
YQY: haha i'm in danger

Chapter 8: Who's this?


so to break up the chapters, when SJ turns human the titles will be capitalized while Nyanjiu chapters will be lower case

Chapter Text

“I hear Shen-shibo brought his son to Qing Jing Peak.”

“What? He has a son?! Where’d you hear that from?”

Liu Qingge looks down at the tattered dummy he just dismembered, frowning at the sound of flapping lips in the training field.

“From the An Ding disciple that dropped off our new shipment of wooden swords this morning!”

Another Bai Zhan disciple interjects, “well I heard from some Qing Jing snobs that he’s just a young master that paid his way in. He even got head disciple!”

“No way! His family must have been rich to have bribed Shen-shibo for head disciple.”

“Shen-shibo wouldn’t do that!” Liu Qingge finds himself nodding at this. That’s too unbelievable to be true. The Qing Jing Peak Lord is no pushover; anyone who would try their fate in bribing him would be struck down on the spot.

“Actually, my shijie on Qiong Ding said it was because Yue-shixiong had to take responsibility for him and begged Zhangmen-shibo to accept his admittance to the sect.”

The training sword shatters in Liu Qingge’s hand. The shrill sound reverberates across the training field, rendering the gossiping disciples mute. What are these deplorable rumors?! Yue Qingyuan is the epitome of a responsible gentleman! He is a man of high moral character. He wouldn’t be in a situation where he would need to take responsibility in the first place! Just the thought of it makes Liu Qingge’s face burn, his heart thrums in his chest like a Sword-Face Nectar Bird.

“Yue-shixiong wouldn’t do that!” He shouts at the top of his lungs, “spreading rumors about the future sect leader is… is…! Despicable! Three hundred laps! All of you!”

“What? Liu-shixiong, that’s too much!”

“Then you shouldn’t have run your mouth when you should’ve been training.” He huffs, “or should I tell Shizun what you were saying?”

His martial siblings deflate and grumble under their breaths. Before they could signal their leave with proper bows, Liu Qingge is already on his way towards Qing Jing Peak. He’ll get to the bottom of these rumors: straight from the source. He’ll make sure they don’t tarnish Yue-shixiong’s reputation any longer!

He stomps around stone pathways and marches through well-trimmed gardens and over bubbling streams. If he manages to see Qing Jing disciples, they run away as soon as they see him, leaving Liu Qingge even more frustrated when he can’t even interrogate them. If they’re so skittish, then he’ll have to ambush them. Squaring his shoulders, he barges through the rigid bamboo grove.

“...Qing Jing fairing for you? Any troubles at all?” Liu Qingge freezes at the soft distinct rumble of Yue Qingyuan’s voice. What is he doing here? He crouches, as still as humanly possible, and lies in wait for the voices to come closer. There, amongst all the green, he spies the signature black and silver of Qiong Ding robes. He narrows his eyes at the boy walking beside the future sect leader. It’s a face he’s never seen before.

Could it be Shen-shibo’s son after all? Their hair was styled the same half-up-half-down style.

“They’re a little sore still. I can’t blame them though, I really came out of nowhere.”

“They should still respect the rank.” Yue Qingyuan frowns. Liu Qingge nearly spontaneously combusts when he sees his hand reach for the other boy’s, clasping their fingers together. This is the new head disciple?

“Shizun said he’s going to host a weiqi tournament to silence them once and for all.”

The frown is immediately dissipated by a smile. “It’s good to hear Shen-shishu is supporting you through all this.”

The brunet boy rolls his eyes. “He’s just annoyed by their moaning and groaning.”

“When is it? I’d like to watch.”

“Don’t you have duties? You’re going to get demoted if you keep hanging out with me.”

“I’ll get them done in advance so Shizun won’t have anything to complain about.”

Liu Qingge couldn’t believe his eyes. His da-shixiong is shining and smiling! He never smiles this much!

“Tch. Do as you wish then. It’s not my problem if the future sect leader has poor time management.” His heart somersaults when the boy swats at his reverent shixiong’s arm only to have his wrist get caught. He must have done something to Yue-shixiong! He must be put under a spell or an enchantment!

Unable to stand by any longer, Liu Qingge bursts out from the bamboo and lands on the path in front of them.

“You! Fight me!”

Unimpressed, the brunet raises an eyebrow. Liu Qingge nearly staggers backwards when he sees Yue Qingyuan’s smile fall.

“Is there a Bai Zhan raid today, Liu-shidi?”

“No.” Liu Qingge reaches for a sword that wasn’t there. His fists fall to his side, his spine rigid as he stares down Qing Jing’s supposedly new head disciple.

“Unfortunately I can’t fight today, shidi.”

Lightning strikes the younger boy. Yue-shixiong has never denied a fight! Stiffly, he points to the boy at his side. “Not you. Him.”

“I’m not fighting a baby.” The brunet reaches for the fan tucked in his belt and snaps it open with ease, his jadeite eyes glare over the brim as he lightly fans himself.

“Surely another time, shidi? This wouldn’t be the proper place to fight–”

“I am Liu Qingge of Bai Zhan! This one is requesting a duel with the newly appointed head disciple of Qing Jing Peak!”

“This Shen Qingqiu politely refuses, as he is currently busy at the moment.”

He sees red. “You–!”

“Shidi.” He snaps out of it when he realizes that sharp tone was directed at him.

“Tomorrow then.” Liu Qingge grits out and tactfully retreats. (He did NOT flee.)

That Shen Qingqiu…! As a dutiful shidi, he must test his mettle! After all, he has to earn the right to be called “shixiong.”

They stare wordlessly as the rude boy disappears into the bamboo. Shen Qingqiu closes his fan with a flourish. “What was that about?”

“Ah, that was just Liu Qingge. He’s one of the youngest head disciples among us.” Yue Qingyuan shifts his gaze to where the red-faced boy was standing. “Xiao Jiu mustn’t accept his duel if he hasn’t recovered completely.”

“Of course I’m healed! But I’m not going to fight him. I’ve just better things to worry about than some pipsqueak.”

This doesn’t deter Yue Qingyuan’s worries, “are you sure?”

“Qi-ge, I’m fine.” He whacks him with his fan.

“If Xiao Jiu says so.” He says sunnily. Although he insisted on walking him to his upcoming class, Shen Qingqiu was able to begrudgingly compromise with Yue Qingyuan escorting him out of the gardens. Honestly, how did his Qi-ge become so sticky? He’s had fleas less clingy than him!

Chapter 9: Cat Fight


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Qi-ge jinxed it. Everything isn’t fine at all!

Shen Qingqiu glares at the vaulted ceiling of the boy’s dormitory, arms crossed protectively over his belly. He must have done something to annoy Shizun. Why else would Shizun suggest he move out of his estate and into the dorms? When Shen Guangxia had told him it was to bond with his martial siblings, did he really expect him to believe that?

Shen Qingqiu shivers a little, curling up on his side. The first night wasn’t so bad but being surrounded by boys, he couldn’t sleep a wink. Sure he slept soundly under Shizun’s roof, but he had slept with him prior as a cat! His feline instinct had already deemed the man safe. The second night, someone had put a Fleeting Wisp Frog in his bed. His martial siblings didn’t do a very good job stifling their giggles when he carried it outside. However his reaction, or lack thereof, must have disappointed them because by the time the third night came, his bed had been ransacked and rocks were stuffed inside the mattress. To this day, he is still missing his blanket. From then on, his belongings will either disappear or return in a state of disrepair. It was purposeful. For if they returned broken, his Shizun would surely notice his depleting supplies.

It was all so… juvenile. It was practically nothing. He may have come from the streets, but his pride will not allow his martial siblings to find out his weakness. He’d rather they believe their pranks were the cause for his insomnia.

Really, it wouldn’t have been that much of an inconvenience. Shen Qingqiu has slept in worse places. He had found it easier to sneak in naps throughout the day to curb the sleepiness weighing his eyelids down. But if it weren’t for that Bai Zhan brute, he would have been doing just fine! Always charging in on his nap times, demanding a fight. No matter where he hides, Liu Qingge always finds him!

Shen Qingqiu throws himself out of bed and shucks on his robes and shoes. If he can’t sleep in peace, then he’s going to have to go somewhere nobody will be expecting. With the moon high in the sky, Shen Qingqiu hurries towards the rocky uneven steps descending Qing Jing Peak. If he hurries fast enough, he’ll get to sleep for a few hours before dawn breaks. Halfway down the stairs, the thought of sneaking into Qiong Ding crosses his mind.

He shakes his head. He shouldn’t do anything to get Qi-ge into any more trouble. With that, he continues the arduous trek down the mountain.

The cool night air has clung to his skin like a film. His feet are aching by the time he finally stumbles onto flat land and his lungs even start hurting with each huff and puff. He takes the ribbon his Shizun had given him and reties his hair into a hightail to allow the air to lap at his damp neck.

It’s late. The town is so deep underneath its sleepy spell, not a single window was lit at the inn. Shen Qingqiu pauses, patting his pocket where a silver tael sat heavy. He looks onward, down the street where the only source light has chased away the dark. They burn bright red and even from afar, he can hear the soft tinkling of laughter and music.

Liu Qingge would never look in a brothel.

At first the man guarding the door shoos him away. It wasn’t until he had to physically pull out the silver taels, his Shizun had been giving him an allowance, to prove that he was in fact a paying customer. Begrudgingly, he’s allowed in.

“Xiao Gongzi looks a little young.” A woman looks down at him when he asks for a room.

“I’m old enough.” He huffs. “And I’m not here for your skills.”

Her tone goes flat, “this isn’t an inn.”

“This one knows that. He’ll be paying full price either way.”

Amusem*nt curls her painted lips, “then this Shaomei will have to ask for a little extra before leading Xiao Gongzi to his room.”

He reaches for his pouch. “Will this cover snacks too?”

“En.” As soon as her fingers enclose around the taels in hand, she leads him up the stairs and down a hallway. It probably would’ve been cheaper to go to the inn across the road, but here, he is guaranteed sleep. As long as he visits sparingly with his limited allowance, he’ll be fine. The room is small. Perhaps a little too small for what he paid for, but the bed is still big and he sinks right in after he manages to climb over the mountain of pillows.

“Is there anything else Xiao Gongzi would like?”

“Wake me up in two shichen.” He says, curling up against perfumed pillows. They smell of plum blossom perfume and a musky incense, while faint, had silently informed him it was burned just a short time ago. Before he knows it, he’s already falling asleep.

While Liu Qingge is relentless in harassing him, Shen Qingqiu found that the brute won’t follow him into the library because he is ejected immediately upon the first footstep. And he walks loudly. So naturally, the library becomes his safe haven during the later hours. Now, if only he could get away with sleeping in the library…

His insomnia isn’t cured, but a single nights’ rest once a month at the Warm Red Pavilion is all he can afford now. The girls, especially the younger ones, have taken to accompanying him now. Ever since they realized that he wasn’t going to partake in their services, they would take turns and offer their friendly company if they desired a night’s rest from their own work.

It was comfortable. It was nice.

But of course all good things must come to an end.

Just as he was about to duck from the main path in the bamboo forest, a voice cuts through the illuminated mist.

“Shen Qingqiu! Where do you think you’re going?”

He slowly turns around to glare down Liu Qingge. “Isn’t it past your bedtime? What are you doing here?”

“I should be asking you that. You’re going to that brothel, aren’t you?”

What? How does he know?!

“This Qingqiu doesn’t see how any of it is shidi’s business.” He reaches for his fan to stifle his sneer. Who snitched? And here he thought he was being careful!

“You’re a head disciple. You should be better– not disgracing yourself in such a lowly place.”

“Oh? A lowly place? Shidi will have to be specific. Is he sure of this one going there or not?”

Even with the moon half full, Liu Qingge’s ears burn a bright red. “Don’t play dumb! My shidimen saw you going there!”

And what were they doing to have seen me? Shen Qingqiu scowls. “Does shidi even know what one does in a brothel?”

“Of course I know! Such a place will destroy your cultivation.”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes before walking away. “Your concern is unappreciated.”

“So you’re running away?”

His fan creaks in his grip. “Who says I’m running away?”

“Me. Fight me. Right here, right now.”

This again? “As you can see, this shixiong doesn’t want to fight.”

Liu Qingge scoffs. “So you’re a coward then.”

He unfurls his fan with a thunderous snap and spins on his heels, sending a qi-powered gale to knock this pipsqueak off his feet.

The tension that had accumulated between the both of them finally snaps. Liu Qingge recovers just as quickly as launching himself at Shen Qingqiu. Without swords, the only weapon they have is their fists. Because he had only just recently begun attending classes as a human, the lessons that had barely ingrained into his bones become forfeit as instinct and adrenaline takes over.

His swings are easily deflected and evaded as Liu Qingge ducks and weaves to deliver quick concise blows. His wrist is caught, twisted away, to make room for the palm slamming down on his sternum. The air leaves his lungs all at once. Shen Qingqiu doubles over, wheezing.

Liu Qingge clicks his tongue. “What does Yue-shixiong even see in you?”

The anger that had been simmering under his skin immediately boils over, scalding him from the inside out. His ears begin to ring. Before the younger boy could leave, Shen Qingqiu lunges, slashing four angry red lines across his cheek.

The sight of blood startles him. He looks down to find sharp claws instead of seashell-pink fingernails. No, no no no. Before Liu Qingge can launch his next attack, Shen Qingqiu runs.

The chaotic energy in his chest unravels. His skin feels too small and too big all at once. He can smell blood and taste more rising in the back of his throat before he could even reign in the uncontrollable anger. Shen Qingqiu stumbles, falling into a bush just as he loses consciousness.

The next time he wakes, he finds the world looming over him once again. He looks down to find white paws tangled in pale-green silk.

No! Not again!


while SQQ's cultivation is undamaged without Wu Yanzi's influence, he hasn't been on QJP long enough to fight very good. so of course the claws come out (literally)

Chapter 10: cutsleeve



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Shen-shixiong mustn’t worry. It was merely a mild qi deviation.” Li Guangshao considers the white feline on the table before cautiously scratching him behind the ear. Soft. His shixiong’s furry disciple curls into the touch before realizing he was giving in to his base instinct. His green eyes narrow, meowing loudly. Shen Guangxia takes this as his cue to take him into his arms, cradling and rocking him back and forth like a baby.

“This master thought he was getting better.” Shen Guangxia frowns, adjusting the green ribbon around his disciple’s neck. “Who did this to you, hm? They will have hell to pay.”

Shen Qingqiu bats his paw on his shizun’s cheek, mindful of his claws. It was that brute! He did this to me! Of course, his yowling is left misinterpreted.

Three pairs of eyes blink towards the doors creaking open.

“Oh. Shen-shixiong is here.” Mu Qingfang says when he recognizes the white fluff in his shibo’s arms. “That explains Liu-shidi’s face…”

He’s here?! Shen Qingqiu meows, wriggling in his shizun’s arms.

“Qingfang has impeccable timing.” Li Guangshao hums with amusem*nt.

Mu Qingfang pauses in the threshold. “Did Shizun need something from this disciple?”

Shen Guangxia steps in to forcibly transfer Shen Qingqiu into his arms. “Now that the culprit has been unveiled. This master will be speaking to the brat’s handler. Watch over Xiao Qingqiu for this shibo?” He shouldn’t have bothered asking because the Qing Jing lord was already marching out the door.

“Shizun?” Mu Qingfang stares at his soft shixiong with wide eyes.

“Mrrrr…” He growls, wiggling and writhing against the other boy’s surprisingly firm grip. Let me go! Let me have at it with the brute! I’ll make it so he can’t see straight without sneezing for the rest of the week!

“You heard your shibo.” Li Guangshao says dryly, eyes crinkling with mirth. “You’re in charge of him.”

He sinks his teeth into Mu Qingfang’s palm, although not hard enough to break skin because he doesn't actually detest this boy, and bursts into a sprint as soon as he drops him out of shock. Shen Qingqiu streaks across the halls of Qian Cao, barreling through the skirts of disciples while poking inside rooms in search of a certain Bai Zhan knucklehead. His whiskers twitch every so often from the astringent smell of nose-burning cleanliness and bitter herbs.

Eventually, he finds his target; or rather, he hears him.

“Can’t you just seal it already?”

“Liu-shidi, it’s rather deep and your cultivation isn’t strong enough to let it heal instantly.” A Qian Cao disciple says, exasperated, putting the finishing touches on the fat wad of gauze on Liu Qingge’s cheek. He looks like a chipmunk like this. Shen Qingqiu snickers, darting underneath a bed to hide from plain sight. “Now, are you going to stay here while I go get Mu-shixiong?”

“Yes.” He sighs, crossing his arms.

“Good. This shimei won’t take long.” As soon as the girl leaves, Shen Qingqiu initiates combat by jumping into the brute’s lap.

“What the–?! You again!”

Take this! He rubs his body against his chest, deliberately leaving white hairs all over his pale gray robes. When Liu Qingge tries to grab him, he slashes his palm open.

“Get off! Achoo!” Liu Qingge doubles over with a powerful sneeze. Shen Qingqiu continues to rub up all over him until snot and tears begin pouring out of his orifices with each unruly sneeze wracking his body. “Get away from– achoo! Me!”

“Oh dear. Shixi- Shibo’s cat!” Mu Qingfang runs to the rescue.

No! He deserves more! Shen Qingqiu yowls with displeasure as he’s robbed of his victory. He grumbles and growls under the healer’s grip on his scruff.

“Apologies, shidi. You’re going to have to stay a little while until your allergy is cured.” He quietly urges his shimei to get the medication.

No, let him suffer! His body doesn’t obey his commands, as it had been rendered into jelly.

“Are you going to behave yourself?” Mu Qingfang asks seriously.

“...meow.” Maybe.

“You can’t reason with that thing!” Liu Qingge cries out, smearing snot all over his nose as he desperately wipes at it with his sleeve.

“This is Shen-shibo’s cat, of course he can be reasoned with.” Slowly, he sets him down. Promoting his best behavior, Shen Qingqiu rolls on his back, exposing his belly for pets.

See? I am a good kitty. He makes eye contact with the brute and sticks his tongue out.

“It’s mocking me!”

“It’s a cat, shidi.” Mu Qingfang smiles.

“No, that’s a demon.” He punctuates his accusation, jamming his finger at his direction. “It used tricks on me!”

“Meeeeow.” Shen Qingqiu licks his paw innocently. You’re sounding a little insane right now, shidi.

“Shixiong, I’ve got the medicine.” Mu Qingfang’s shimei returns with a tray. Her eyes brighten at the sight of him. “Aww! Cute!” As soon as she sets the tray down, without missing a beat she pats him on the belly. Shen Qingqiu wiggles on the floor for her, purring shamelessly.

“Ahem… shimei.”

“Oh! Sorry, shixiong.”

With the loss of belly scratches, Shen Qingqiu decides he had enough fun for one day. Before Mu Qingfang can relinquish himself from assisting his shimei, he turns around to find the room missing a ball of white fluff.

He internally groans, hoping his shibo doesn’t get mad for losing his new head disciple.

It’s easier to move around the peaks as a cat. Nobody bats an eye, and those that do make it real obvious that they wish to pet him with high pitched squeals and coos.

He traverses through the well-trimmed gardens of Qiong Ding until he finally found the little cottage Qi-ge was living in. As head disciple, his lodging was farther from the dormitories and closer to the peak lord’s estate. So carefully, just to be safe in case Yue Qingyuan’s shizun is around, he lurks in the bushes and foliage.

When the coast is clear, he streaks across the clearing and scratches at the front door.

“Mew? Meow!” Qi-ge? Are you home? I’m here!

The door opens. Yue Qingyuan looks down, eyes bulging out of his head.

“Xiao Jiu?! You’re a cat again!” He scoops him up and promptly takes him inside.

You won’t believe it, Qi-ge. Liu Qingge made me like this!

“Did something happen? Was this an accident?”

Stupid Qi-ge, why won’t you understand? He meows, clawing at his robes until they give in to his claws with a satisfying rip.

“Does Shen-shishu know you’re here?”

He’ll come if he needs me. He huffs.

“Alright alright,” Yue Qingyuan smiles, scritching the underside of his chin. A wave of pleasure rolls down his back. Shen Qingqiu leans in for more. “If Xiao Jiu doesn’t mind, he can stay here while I grade essays.” He takes his purrs as a sign of acknowledgement.

Yue Qingyuan steps into his office and the first thing he notices is that the rooms are barren of decoration. There’s nothing but books and scrolls here.

As soon as I turn back, you’re getting a plant. You need some color in here!

Yue Qingyuan sets him down as he takes his place to kneel at the table. That is, assuming this is a table considering the surface area is littered with parchment upon parchment. Shen Qingqiu hops onto the table, curling up on top of the boy’s flowing sleeve.

“Ah… Xiao Jiu… I need my arm to write.”

He hisses. You’re going to let me sleep on the floor?

Yue Qingyuan pats his head. “Nevermind. Xiao Jiu can sit wherever he wants.”

“Mrr.” He purrs, tucking his paws inside his body. He watches his Qi-ge retrieve his brush to continue his work. He moves so slowly and carefully, not daring to use enough force to pull at the feline sitting on his sleeve. Yue Qingyuan feels invigorated hearing his Xiao Jiu’s happy little purrs. The sound of pure bliss has his heart performing somersaults. It’s a wonder his handwriting is unaffected.

As the setting sun bleeds through the latticed window, Yue Qingyuan resists the urge to stretch and relieve the crick in his neck. For the first time ever, he has completed his work load in a single sitting. He fondly looks over to find his Xiao Jiu sprawled out, fast asleep. As much as he wants to stare and pet his belly, he really needs to stretch his legs. But he cannot disturb Xiao Jiu.

A sacrifice must be made. Yue Qingyuan reaches for his letter opener and cuts off his sleeve.

In his sleep, Xiao Jiu kicks his legs out, kneading the air with his tiny but deadly claws. Yue Qingyuan smiles. I wonder what he’s dreaming about.


[nyanjiu dreaming about YQY]: "stay still, i'm getting these caterpillars off your face."

Chapter 11: pawsitively the favorite


so my laptop has been rebelling 😭the screen started turning black randomly and as soon as i find a temporary solution it bugs out even more by going grayscale and having wobbly lines; never have i had a machine so petty and spiteful. its been a mess.
anyways: kitty time
(˚ˎ 。7
TW poor jiu-mei getting kicked (once) in cat form

Chapter Text

Yue Qingyuan holds the teapot steady as he serves Shen Guangxia first. He tries not to show his disappointment when Xiao Jiu exits his lap to greet his shizun. The Qing Jing Peak Lord gladly pats him on the head.

“It was unfair to ask Mu-shizhi to watch after this one’s disciple as it seems Xiao Qingqiu goes out of his way to find you.” Amusem*nt glimmers in his warm amber gaze. “However this master was expecting his disciple to be human again after so many days.” He concurs with a meow, ducking his head away, tail flicking back and forth.

Yue Qingyuan frowns. Out of habit, he lowers his cup for Xiao Jiu. He has to bite his cheek to stifle the smile when the feline pads over to lap at the ginger tea he had steeped. “It has been quite some time, hasn’t it?”


“If Yue-shizhi has any knowledge of Xiao Qingqiu’s condition, he should inform this master now.”

He straightens his back at his shishu’s tone. “While this Qingyuan has known Xiao Jiu for nearly all his life, all he knows is that this affliction appeared after his eighth birthday.” Or at least, what he thought was his Xiao Jiu’s birthday.

It had been difficult at first. All the other children thought Xiao Jiu was cursed when the first time he transformed it was a nauseating in-between of human and feline. Many believed he was actually a demon and if it weren’t for Yue Qingyuan intervening, Xiao Jiu most likely would have been killed if he were discovered by the slavers. As one of the oldest boys in the group, he had taken it upon himself to keep the slavers deaf to this new and shiny secret. Which was anything but easy as Xiao Jiu would use this to his advantage to keep the children away by threatening to eat them alive and suck on their bones for breakfast.

“Were these transformations a common occurrence?”


“When he was younger he would often get stuck with partial animal traits.” Yue Qingyuan translates, “this one never seemed to find a consistent pattern.”

“This master, alongside Li Guangshao, has deduced this to be caused by a qi deviation. But if Yue-shizhi’s account is wholly accurate, then perhaps there is an underlying factor as of yet to be discovered.”

“Xiao Jiu has always been temperamental.” This earns him a pointed glare. He quickly pulls back his tea cup before it could be knocked over in retaliation. “I have to tell your Shizun, don’t be angry.” He whispers apologetically.

“Meow meow meow!” Xiao Jiu bristles, pacing back and forth before sitting with his back facing him. Yue Qingyuan sighs. Right now he can only imagine him vehemently refusing that he even has a temper.

“While it is only a guess, and we cannot speak for Xiao Qingqiu; emotional influxes may be enough to trigger these feline episodes. This one will speak to your Li-shishu for calming teas and remedies.” Shen Guangxia scoops the white cat into his arms, adjusting the green ribbon that had managed to stay on his neck. “Just because you’re stuck like this does not mean you’re getting an extension on your painting.”


“En. That should be enough motivation to change back.”

“Shen-shishu, he doesn’t have control over it.” Yue Qingyuan tries to say, but the Qing Jing Peak Lord’s gaze narrows in on him.

“Then Qingqiu must learn.” Shen Guangxia rises, “thanking shizhi for the tea. He shall be taking his disciple back now.”

Now back on their respective peak, Shen Guangxia had returned to his estate with Shen Qingqiu. The cat lingers in the doorway, watching his shizun silently stoop back down to the low table where essays and poems awaited for a final grade. Without glancing up, he returns to his work. Shen Qingqiu knows his strange affliction must be an annoyance to handle. The peak lord cannot always supervise him. So, he doesn’t dare disturb him any more. He slips out of the manor and wanders along the tranquil pathways, meandering by pavilions and the beautifully kept gardens.

I need to do better, Shen Qingqiu hastens, climbing through the open window where painting lessons are held. His shizun is right. He cannot be allowed special treatment for his affliction. So what if he didn’t have opposable thumbs right now? He could still paint! He just has to add a few finishing touches to his project and it will be done

He lands on the hard floor with a near silent thump. He ducks behind a table when he hears hushed whispers. Cautiously, Shen Qingqiu creeps around the desks. He recognizes these boys, as their fleeting faces have been haunting his peripherals every time a misfortune falls upon his dorm room.

“Why do I have to watch the door? I haven’t even seen him around these past few days.”

“Just to be safe.” The ringleader says, pulling something from the drying rack.

“Ugh. How does Shizun put up with that guy? He doesn’t even take things seriously!”

“Well, Shizun will have no choice but to demote him if he has no work to turn in.” The ringleader snickers before taking out a knife.

No! Shen Qingqiu yowls, lunging from his hiding spot to barrel into the boy. But it’s too late, the knife had gouged a hole into his incomplete painting. All his work– gone!

“Shizun’s cat?!” Shen Qingqiu ignores the hands grabbing at him. He sinks his claws and teeth through fabric and shakes his head to rip and tear. He was too incensed to think and in this body, instincts came far too easily.

“Ow! Get it off!”

A heavy boot digs into his flank and he’s sent across the room. Shen Qingqiu spits out a mouthful of blood and hisses, wobbling on his feet from the sharp pain in his hip.

“I didn’t say kick it!” The ringleader screams, holding his bloodied arm up.

“Well you said to get it off!”

Meanwhile the boy that was supposed to be watching the door looked ashen faced. “Now you done it guys, what if Shizun finds out?”

“Oh? And pray tell, what is this master supposed to find?” Shen Guangxia emerges from the threshold, his gaze immediately finding Shen Qingqiu’s limping form and the tampered painting on the floor. His eyes narrow into frosty chips of sun lit ice. The temperature drops in the room as all three disciples freeze under their teacher’s sight.

“Shizun! This disciple found this cat destroying–”

“If you wish to remain on this mountain, do not finish that sentence, disciple Song.” Shen Guangxia waves his fan. It was merely a delicate flutter, but the pressure in the air immediately suffocates with an overwhelming wave of qi. All three boys fall to their knees, their spines fold into a kowtow. Shen Qingqiu doesn’t know if it were their bones or the floor to make such a loud cracking noise.

His vision is enveloped with turquoise robes. Shen Qingqiu nearly jumps out of his shizun’s gentle hands when a finger presses against his bruised flank. “Mrrr,” he meows dejectedly, eyes glued to his ruined painting. It wasn’t worth saving. He’d have to start all over.

“Xiao Qingqiu should have said something if he was being bullied.” Shen Guangxia whispers, sending cool and refreshing qi into his spirit veins. It’s a balm against the warm throbbing pain. He ducks his head when his shizun tries to scratch him behind the ear.

Bullied? This is nothing. He scoffs, whiskers twitching.

Shen Guangxia turns to the three quivering disciples. “The three of you. Report to the punishment hall and await further instructions. This master will be attending to you personally.” With that, he is the first to leave.

Shen Guangxia does not set him down even after entering his estate. He cradles him, using one hand to continue circulating healing qi throughout his system while rummaging through the cabinets of his kitchen. His shizun prepares tea just as gracefully as he would with two hands. Not a single movement was wasted. As soon as he pours a cup, his shizun blows on it before raising it up to his muzzle. Shen Qingqiu was shocked. His shizun is personally making him tea!

“Don’t look at this master like that. Drink up. It is a calming tisane that should also have restorative properties.” Shen Qingqiu sniffs at the greenish violet concoction. As soon as his tongue touches the surface, he feels his face shrivel and shrink in on itself.


“Unfortunately Xiao Qingqiu needs to drink it all without cream and honey. Your shishu worked hard to create this in order for you gain control over your own body.” He pushes the cup to his face, “and this master would like to exchange words with his disciple very much.”

Oh no. He’s in trouble. Even if it wasn’t bitter, why would he take medicine to change back now? He mews his distress, raising a paw to push away the wretched porcelain.

“Drink.” Shen Guangxia urges sternly.

Lapping it at would be torture. So, obviously, the next viable solution is to dunk his head into the cup and gulp as much as he can. He gags around the revolting taste and curses his taste buds for merely existing.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

It was terrible! Awful! I’d rather have Liu Qingge beat me into the dirt than drink this again! His complaints muffle against the peak lord’s sleeve wiping his wet chin clean. His incensed yowling is quickly interrupted by a yawn.

“This master hasn’t touched the guest room since you left it.”

No, I’m not tired! The sun is barely even going down!

But as soon as he’s deposited into silk sheets he’s out like a light.

Shen Qingqiu jerks awake. He instinctively reaches out only to feel loose feathers and silk. He must have torn open a goose-down pillow by accident. He looks around, eyes adjusting to the blobs and vague outlines in the dark. Is it night? He looks out the window to find not a single speck of light. Shen Qingqiu rubs his eyes only to find drool smeared across his cheek.

Fingers. He has fingers! Shen Qingqiu swings his legs over the bed and immediately falls. His entire body aches like someone had stretched and smushed him into tangyuan. He squeaks at the sound of footsteps approaching. He quickly pulls up the blankets over his naked body before the door swings open.

“Oh. It worked.” His shizun kneels down and raises his hand. “Well, not quite.” A blissful haze falls over him when fingers rub his ears just right– wait what?! His hands reach over his head. Cat ears?!

“Shizun!” His cheeks flush at the very non-human purr rumbling loud in his chest.

“This teacher will speak with your Li-shishu to tweak the dosage, don’t worry. This is a lot more manageable.” The petting stops. “Now, Qingqiu needs to be honest. Why has this master only been informed now that Qingqiu hasn’t been sleeping in the dorms?”

“It,” he clears his throat, “it was this lowly disciple’s problem. Not Shizun’s.”

“You’re my head disciple. Of course it falls under my purview.” Shen Guangxia sighs. “And why exactly is sleeping such a difficulty for Qingqiu?”

Shen Qingqiu can feel his ears flatten against his skull. He feels something flick back and forth under the sheets. He turns around to find a tail– ugh. He can’t hide anything, can he?

“This disciple has difficulty sleeping around… men.” He refuses to meet his shizun’s eyes, even when the air thickens with killing intent. Although it was brief and not directed towards him, it still made Shen Qingqiu feel smaller than he actually was.

His shizun finally lets out a sharp breath. “And what of this master? You’ve slept here for a while.”

“As a cat,” he pulls his tail close to keep it from flailing. This feels like a dream. The feeling of cotton being crammed into his skull gives no sign of fading. “This one got used to Shizun’s presence.”

“And where has Qingqiu been sleeping?”

This disciple tried to take naps during the day but Liu Qingge always found me to fight.” He fidgets, “he caused my qi deviation– when he confronted me about sleeping in a brothel. Just sleeping. Nothing else. This disciple didn't do anything else.” He clarifies frantically.

Shen Guangxia pats him on the head. “This teacher believes his disciple. If he knew this would happen, this Shen wouldn’t have bothered sending Qingqiu to the dormitories. If I knew this would have caused such a fuss, he would have allowed Qingqiu to stay here.”


Shen Guangxia rises to his feet, “Xiao Qingqiu will keep this bedroom from this day forward. He will also be personally trained by this teacher to avoid further stress.”

Shen Qingqiu blinks, falling to a blank. “Thanking Shizun for his generosity.” When he tries to bow, his shizun stops him.

“None of that now. Your education has flagged behind long enough. You need to catch up.” Shen Guangxia smiles, “I do recall a painting being due in three days…”

That’s not enough time! SHIZUN!

Chapter 12: The Reluctant Assistant


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Xiao Jiu.” Yue Qingyuan immediately finds him after the weiqi tournament has met its climax. Shen Qingqiu flushes at the name. He drags the older boy away from the crowd, stepping inside an empty pavilion before swatting him hard on the arm.

“Don’t call me that in public,” he hisses, snapping his fan open to hide behind bamboo stalks painted on thin paper. He doesn't know what's more embarrassing: his childhood name being flown around so casually or the blatent fondness spoken inside every ardent syllable of it.

“Apologies, shidi. It’s been a while since I last saw you.” Somehow, hearing the unwavering excitement lilting his words stirs something inside him. He immediately concludes this to be the instinct to knock something over. Shen Qingqiu pulls at his cheeks, stretching them until the goofy smile on his face disappears.

It doesn’t.

“I had to catch up with my work.” He quickly informs him. His wrists are still sore from consecutively pulling all-nighters to finish that damn painting. He feels his tail coil under his robes when Yue Qingyuan’s eyes gleam with concern.

“Is everything alright? Are you eating and sleeping well? Is the work too much–?”

“Yes, everything is fine! Why are you worrying so much?”

“Can this Qi-ge not worry just a little?”

Shen Qingqiu squints. Is he pouting? “If this is a little, then I fear for what it will look like when you worry for real.” He is going to be a sect leader after all. Other than him, he will have to worry about an entire sect too.

“Perhaps my hair will turn white.” Yue Qingyuan laughs. It’s not the gentle chuckle reserved for polite conversation, but rather an obnoxious yet endearing giggle. “But this shixiong didn’t come to fret. He also has something to congratulate shidi on his win.”

“Stupid. What if I lost?”

“Qingqiu wouldn’t have lost.” The older boy sheepishly reaches for his sleeve to pull out a hair stick. At first glance, it looks plain. It’s a pale wood with magnolia flowers carved along the body. At the tip, a silver bell hangs and jingles with each jostle. His eyes glance up to the scarf tied tightly around his head. “Even if shidi is trying out a new hairstyle, w-which looks nice by the way–” The hair stick is shoved into his hands. “If you don’t like it, I can get something else!”

“Qi-ge,” he says flatly, “this isn’t a new fashion statement. I am literally covering my ears.” He lifts up the silver and green scarf to reveal the white cat ears. Yue Qingyuan blinks. And blinks again.

“Oh.” He breathes in awe. “It’s not uncomfortable, is it?”

“No.” Shen Qingqiu bats away a curious hand. “Li-shishu is adjusting my medicine so this won’t happen again.”

“At least you don’t have claws this time.” Yue Qingyuan jests. Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes. When they were children, Yue Qi would always get the brunt of his claws, especially in his sleep, when he would make the stupid decision to try calming him from a nightmare: the older boy would get his face scratched to ribbons.

“It would have been bad for you if I did. Shixiong can’t afford any new scars.” His gaze falls onto the ever so faint scars slashing across his cheekbones. With cultivation, they’ve faded even more with time.

A curt “ahem” breaks their reverie. Shen Qingqiu quickly adjusts his scarf before his Shizun and the Bai Zhan Peak Lord approach. Shen Guangxia hones in on the bell on the hair pin. Shen Qingqiu shoves it up his sleeve to hide it from wandering eyes.

“Qingqiu left so quickly. This teacher wasn’t even able to congratulate you first.” His shizun lightly taps him on the forehead with his fan.

Yue Qingyuan bows faster than he could even utter an apology. “It was this disciple’s fault, shishu. This Qingyuan was overzealous in his excitement.”

“This master shall ignore it just this once.” Shen Guangxia hums, tilting his head towards Shen Qingqiu. “Qingqiu did well. He should be proud. He secured his position today.” At his words, he cannot help but feel weightless. If a breeze decided to blow, Shen Qingqiu would have surely been swept off his feet to join the birds in the sky.

He bows sincerely. "Thanking Shizun for his guidance."

The Bai Zhan Peak Lord grunts. “This lord has brought Xiao Shen a gift.” Nie Guangdao steps aside. Overshadowed by her towering stature where he didn’t even notice a third presence, stands Liu Qingge. He looks tiny and soft compared to her broad frame and sharp edges.

“Shen-shixiong.” Liu Qingge says stiffly. Then, as if he wasn’t already standing with the posture of a rock, he directs a cursory bow to Yue Qingyuan. “Da-shixiong.”

“Shidi.” For a second, Shen Qingqiu glances around, wondering if there is a fourth person hiding behind Nie Guangdao with a sword to Liu Qingge’s back.

“Go on.” She urges her petrified student.

Liu Qingge stomps forward with as much grace as one has in wading through mud. His spine snaps in half into an exaggerated bow. “This shidi apologizes. And begs for Shen-shixiong’s forgiveness.” Shen Qingqiu ignores Yue Qingyuan’s incredulous stare.

Nie Guangdao sighs, pinching her nose. “And?”

Liu Qingge’s ears burn a bright pink. “And this shidi will not believe in baseless rumors and presume the worst.”

Shen Qingqiu bites back a scoff. What was he supposed to do? Accept his apology when he was one of the reasons he fell behind? Under the pressure of Yue Qi’s questioning gaze and two peak lords staring him down, Shen Qingqiu raises his fan to his face and slowly sidesteps to his shizun.

“Should this disciple forgive his shidi?” He whispers.

Shen Guangxia’s eyes narrowed into amused crescents. “That is for Qingqiu to decide.” Shen Qingqiu wordlessly returns to his spot in front of Liu Qingge. He clears his throat.

“Shidi won’t be forgiven just yet.”

Liu Qingge’s head snaps up, slack jawed and wild eyed. “What?!” Behind him, Nie Guangdao’s hand twitched at her disciple’s outburst.

“Liu-shidi had kept this one from sleeping properly with his uncouth demands. So in return, he should help this shixiong with his scholarly duties.”

The Bai Zhan Peak Lord shrugs. “You can have him for as long as you want.”

Liu Qingge looked on the brink of combusting on the spot. “Shizun?!”

“If that is what Qingqiu wishes, then so be it.” Shen Guangxia nods in approval before both lords signal their leave. Yue Qingyuan frowns.

“What was that about?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Shen Qingqiu taps Liu Qingge on the head, startling him from his trance. “Now shidi, this one has a poetry class later. This shixiong will greatly appreciate your help in grinding ink.”

“Will that be all?” Liu Qingge asks glumly.

“It’s not like this shixiong just subjected you to torture. You’re just going to be my helper.”

Yue Qingyuan pats him on the shoulder, consoling him gently. “It won’t be so bad.”

“But I won’t be able to fight–” the younger boy recoils, “achoo!”

Shen Qingqiu quickly takes his leave, not bothering to hide his grin. Unbeknownst to them, his tail happily swishes back and forth. That brute better be on his best behavior if he wishes to breathe with two open nostrils ever again.


SGX: so... a bell huh? what's next, a collar?
SQQ: 🧍 [conflicted on whether he should wear the hair stick out of spite or never wear it at all]

Chapter 13: No Sneezing in the Library


/ᐠ •w• ᐟ\/💜 thanks for all the kudos and comments 💜

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

News of Qing Jing Peak’s head disciple dominating the best weiqi players has spread like wildfire throughout the mountain range. The rumors had immediately thinned down with a narrative of favoritism: that Shen Qingqiu was the scholarly peak lord’s beloved relative. Why else would someone appear out of nowhere if they weren’t related to Shen Guangxia by blood?

Qi Qingqi had just returned from a mission, caught off-guard by the sect buzzing about an abrupt arrival and Qing Jing's sudden acquisition of a head disciple. Despite being rarely seen outside the scholarly peak, it seemed as though everyone already knew of them! And yet when she tries to sneak a glance at this mysterious talent, suspiciously, he is nowhere to be found. How could someone be so elusive? His existence is undeniable because even Mu Qingfang had mentioned meeting him!

“Perhaps Shen-shibo is protective of him? I’ve heard from some Qing Jing jiejies that their shizun personally trains him.” A Xian Shu girl suggests.

“Yue-shixiong is always seen crossing the rainbow bridge to visit him apparently.” Another informs her.

“Oh! I heard that Liu Qingge has been trailing after him ever since his shizun made him apologize!”

Chen Qingyan looks up from her glowing puzzle cube, “who are we talking about again?”

Qi Qingqi rolls her eyes, “Shen Qingqiu of course!”

“Oh.” She ponders her cube, “I think he’s shy. A while back, he and Shen-shibo came to Chuang Mi for an artifact that can reverse transformations. He didn’t say very much.”

Qi Qingqi rises from her luohan chair with a huff. “Well, being shy doesn’t excuse him from introducing himself. Come on, Chen-shimei.”

“What? Why am I going?”

“Because you’ve seen him!”

Chen Qingyan yelps as her sleeve is pulled. “But my puzzle!”

“You’re not using your legs to solve it, aren’t you? Walk and talk!”

Shen Qingqiu’s ears twitch at the feeling of being watched. He looks over the stack of books Liu Qingge was carrying for him and finds two female disciples not so subtly ducking behind a bookshelf. They stand out with their violet and pink robes amongst the pale greens and blues of Qing Jing’s uniform. He shrugs. As long as they don’t disrupt the library, he doesn’t care.

“Over here, shidi.” He directs Liu Qingge so he doesn’t run into another shelf again. As funny as it was the first time, he’d rather not damage these compendiums.

“Achoo!” Liu Qingge sniffles, “these are bestiaries.”

“Yes. A little outdated, but for some reason we keep these.” Shen Qingqiu takes the first book off the stack and slides it back into place. He pauses, eyes narrowing. Someone has been leaving them out of alphabetical order again.

“Why are they outdated?”

Shen Qingqiu resists the urge to roll his eyes. “Isn’t it obvious? Expeditions are incredibly taxing and dangerous, only the most senior Qing Jing disciples are allowed to go. Because of this, every bit of information and speculation they bring back is archived for future use.” He then adds with a mutter, “one of these days I’ll write a better bestiary.” However, despite his shizun’s encouragement, he needs to focus on the present as of now.

“Bai Zhan often leaves the mountain.” Liu Qingge’s eyes brighten. Or was it the sheen of unshed tears that made them shine? “I can bring beasts back for shixiong to study.”

“You go on nighthunts when you don’t even have your own sword?” At this point, he won’t be surprised that part of Bai Zhan’s training regimen includes tossing the younger disciples off a cliff and hope they land with the least broken bones.

“En. Shizun says we must learn how to use our feet before we become reliant on a sword.”

No wonder he stomps around so loud. “Well. If shidi keeps up the good work, then the sooner he shall be released into the wild.” He takes another book and walks down the aisle to slide it back into its respective place.

“Psst… psst!”

Shen Qingqiu nearly slams his hands down on his head to keep the scarf from springing off his head. He slowly tightens the fabric to suffocate his ears even more.


Liu Qingge wanders off to investigate. “Shijie? Shimei? What are you doing here?”

“We’re here to save you!”

Shen Qingqiu looks over the girls once again as the one in violet tugs on Liu Qingge’s arm. Now that he thinks about it, they do look vaguely familiar. Upon closer inspection, their robes are more intricate and refined than the typical Xian Shu and Chuang Mi robes.

“As much as it is a shock to see Liu-shidi hold a book, this shixiong isn’t holding him hostage.” Shen Qingqiu says as he approaches.

“So Liu-shixiong is willingly here? In the library?” Qi Qingqi stares at Liu Qingge right in the eye as if to convey a silent message. Blink twice if you need to be saved.

“Why does it look like he’s about to cry?” Chen Qingyan asks bluntly.

“I’m not crying! It’s allergies! And this shidi is working for Shen-shixiong’s forgiveness.” He says stiffly.

Qi Qingqi laughs, “oh. And work you must!” She slaps him on the shoulder sympathetically before her onyx gaze hones in on Shen Qingqiu. “I do believe we haven’t met personally. I’m the head disciple of Xian Shu Peak: Qi Qingqi.”

“Shen Qingqiu.”

“It’s nice to finally match a face with everything I’ve been hearing.”

Shen Qingqiu glances over to Liu Qingge. “Surely all good things?” He intones, rubbing salt in the wound. The boy’s face scrunches.

“I said sorry– Achoo!”

“Inside voice, shidi.”

“Mostly good things now that the misunderstandings seem to be out of the way.” Qi Qingqi takes out a handkerchief for the other boy’s runny nose.

“Did you and your shizun find what you were looking for?” Chen Qingyan asks in the meanwhile they plug up the mucus river. Shen Qingqiu hesitates. It’s not like he was explicitly told to keep his feline episodes a secret. In fact, simply telling the truth would probably ease the burden on his shizun. Unfortunately, his pride forbids him from uttering a single word about it. Anyone else would find it embarrassing to be transformed into a small house cat against your will!

“Not quite. Li-shishu has been aiding Shizun in his… research.”

“I see.”


With the sanctity of the library compromised, Shen Qingqiu steals back the diminished stack of tomes from Liu Qingge’s hands. “Go spread your snot in Qian Cao. You’re being disruptive.”

“It’s not my fault!”

“Come on, shidi. Mu-shidi will get your book allergy cured real quick.”

Shen Qingqiu slips a finger under his scarf to scratch his ear. Perhaps bringing a very sneezy shidi into the library wasn’t the best idea after all.


QQQ: LQG in the library?? Sneezing??? omg he's allergic to books, poor baby
SQQ: 🏃♂️ yes it's definitely the books causing it

Chapter 14: Do not leave cups around for the kitty


(• ˕ •)
/ づ💜

(A cun is 3 ⅓ cm)

Chapter Text

Shen Qingqiu is alone practicing his sword forms in one of the many bamboo glades. The early morning mist swirls at his feet like a dancer’s diaphanous ribbons, weaving in between the rhythm of his soft and meticulous footfalls. He thrusts his practice sword and twirls on his heels as his other hand unfurls his fan. The air shivers with qi and whistles in trepidation as sharp leaves are released from their tethers to join his dance of wind. Severed segments of bamboo fall to the earth. The remaining leaves hovering in the air fall when Shen Qingqiu hears a squeak.

“Qi-ge? What are you doing here?! I could have cut your head off!” He marches over to the stunned boy and plucks a leaf that had stabbed into the bamboo a mere cun above his head.

“This Qi-ge is going to be busy with the Immortal Alliance Conference approaching, so he wanted to take advantage of his free time to spend with Xiao Jiu.” Yue Qingyuan’s eyes shine like the morning dew on untouched grass.

Shen Qingqiu sheaths his practice sword. “It’s barely even sunrise… Are you skipping breakfast to see me?”


“Stupid. What’s next, are you going to sleep in my room? Is Qi-ge going to become my flea?” His robes flutter from his tail swishing back and forth. He pulls on the other boy’s cheeks to deter that stupid smile from growing any further. “It’s not like this shidi is going anywhere.”

“This Qi-ge shouldn’t have doubted.” He beams, “Shizun is allowing me to shadow a meeting in two shichen. Has Shen-shishu mentioned if Qingqiu will be participating in the conference?”

“He said if I can get a sword, I can go.” In a few weeks, his shizun will be selecting which disciples will be eligible for the trip to Wan Jian.

“Qingqiu’s foundation seems to have settled.”

“Yeah, but apparently not enough to get rid of these!” He rips off his scarf, half tempted to toss it on the ground and stomp on it, but he resists. His shizun had given it to him. It wouldn’t bode well to tarnish his gift.

“It’s not so bad.” Yue Qingyuan pats his head, even stroking the white ears poking from his brown hair. Shen Qingqiu hates the fact that he’s enjoying the subtle scritches. He blames it on the feline instincts instilled in him. “It could be worse? What’s so bad about them?”

“It’s not normal. Even Li-shishu says it’s strange, and they deal with qi deviations all the time over there on Qian Cao.”

“Xiao Jiu is special.”

“You’re being ridiculous now.” Shen Qingqiu swats his hand away. “And just because you’re used to seeing me like this, doesn’t mean I want anyone else finding out.” He unfolds and folds the scarf over and over again, fidgeting with the flowers freely embroidered across the silver and green fabric. Finally, he decides to secure it over his ears. “If Li-shishu’s next batch of medicine doesn’t get rid of them, I’m going to skip the conference.”

Yue Qingyuan frowns. “If Xiao Jiu doesn’t go then this Qi-ge won’t go.”

“What?” He shrieks, raising his practice sword to bash his head in. Yue Qingyuan raises his arms up to protect his head. “You’re the future sect leader, of course you have to go!”

He manages to catch the sword sheath and gently turns it aside. “And you’re my future second-in-command.”

Shen Qingqiu throws the sword in favor of hiding his burning cheeks behind his sleeves. “You’re so– ugh. Fine. I’ll go to the conference no matter what.”

Yue Qingyuan returns his practice sword. It looks small in his heavily calloused hands. Compared to Xuan Su strapped to his back, it’s pretty much a toothpick. “I know Qingqiu doesn’t like Liu-shidi…”

He takes it, squinting at him suspiciously. “Who says I don’t like him?”

“Well,” Yue Qingyuan trails off, “if shidi hasn’t forgiven him yet then perhaps he can return the favor with sparring practice?”

“That’s what caused this in the first place!”

“It could be helpful for the conference. And who knows? Perhaps by giving him what he wants, your ears will return to normal.”

“Like I’ll willingly go to that brute for a fight.” He huffs. “Why can’t I spar with you?”

“Me?” Yue Qingyuan blinks. “Ah. I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”

“As if. Come on. Just one fight before you go. I’m not going to let you slack off while you’re here.”

Yue Qingyuan’s hand spasms over the hilt of Xuan Su. “Perhaps we should forgo the swords? To spare this Qi-ge’s robes of course.”

Shen Qingqiu hums, a little disappointed. Wasn’t he famous because of his sword? What’s the big deal? “Well, don’t complain when I accidentally claw you.”

He’s met with a smile. “This Qi-ge would never.”

Shen Qingqiu looks over to a disheartened Liu Qingge. The ink stone in his hand is practically reduced to a putty from how much force he was using to grind it. It’s been a while since he’s sneezed. Perhaps Mu Qingfang finally concocted allergy medication for him? It’s too quiet. In fact, the silence is stifling even. Has he really gotten used to his shidi's sneezing? His gaze wanders to the teacup sitting dangerously close to the edge of the table.

His hand hovers over the cup. Do it.

It’s so tempting. It’s only half-full. The trajectory is harmless, none of his essays will be harmed. And if it splashes over Liu Qingge, it would probably even improve the ruined ink.

As if on instinct, his hand swats at the porcelain cup. It shatters on impact with a satisfying crash. Tea is pooling everywhere. Bai Zhan gray pants immediately soak up the liquid and darken just a shade above sepia.

“What the f*ck?” Liu Qingge cries out, flinging himself back on his feet. “Why’d you do that?”

Shen Qingqiu blinks. Why did he do that? He clears his throat, willing his face into an immovable mask. “If shidi wasn’t so out of it, he would have caught it.”

“You did that on purpose?!”

“It was an accident,” he says like a liar. He extricates himself from his desk and stretches to conceal his embarrassment. He’ll clean it up later. “Seeing that the ink is unusable, perhaps shidi can make himself useful in another way?”

“Like what?” Liu Qingge grunts. If he juts out his lip a little bit more, he would most definitely be pouting.

“Liu-shidi is going to be participating in the conference, correct?”

“I was until Shizun canceled my appointment to retrieve my sword.” His silver eyes narrow. It’s all your fault, they say. Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes at the thinly veiled attitude.

“Does Liu-shidi wish to spar or not?” You better not make me regret this, Qi-ge.

The brute immediately brightens like a puppy hearing their owner calling for them. “Yes.”

He reaches for his fan to shield himself from the blinding excitement radiating from the younger boy. “If Liu-shidi helps this Qingqiu train, then perhaps he will finally be forgiven just in time to retrieve his sword for the Immortal Alliance Conference.”

Liu Qingge grabs him by the sleeve, practically dragging him outside. “Let’s do it. Now.”

“Hey! You brute! Don’t just grab people!”

Chapter 15: Animal testing


we're slowly but surely making our way through the plot (plot? what plot? only fluff!)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Shen Qingqiu!”

The tranquil melody of a qin ends abruptly in a discordant note. Shen Qingqiu looks up to his shizun with a grimace. Shen Guangxia merely raises an eyebrow as the Bai Zhan brute charges through the bamboo trees instead of the well trodden path. Liu Qingge blinks at the two Shens sitting on the veranda of the main estate. Judging by the bright red scratches and the leaves stuck in his ponytail, he must have been wandering through the forests searching for him instead of walking the paths like a normal person.

But of course, Liu Qingge is not normal.

“What are you doing here?” Shen Qingqiu asks incredulously, debating whether or not he should beat him with his qin or tear the strings off to choke him out.

“For our spar.” He says as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Can’t you see I’m busy? Did shidi not get this shixiong’s message that we should meet in five hours?”

“Why not now?”

Shen Guangxia carefully takes the qin out of his disciple’s hands just as he raises it over his head.

“No need to get angry. Qingqiu can continue his lessons later. This master finds no issue overseeing his disciple’s progress.”

“But Shizun–!”

“If Liu-shizhi can give us a moment?” Liu Qingge stares wordlessly at the two Shens before bowing clumsily and scampering off towards the courtyard. “Why is Qingqiu upset? This teacher thought he was getting along with that Bai Zhan boy.”

Shen Qingqiu crosses his arms, muttering, “who says I’m upset. And I wouldn’t call it getting along. I’m just using his skills.”

“Friends often use each other for help.”

“He’s not helping me.” He huffs. Shen Guangxia hums a disbelieving note and holds out his hand in a silent inquiry for his wrist. Shen Qingqiu reluctantly hands it over.

“Oh? Then this master supposes Xiao Qingqiu’s meridians have flourished on their own?”

“Yes!” He snaps. He quickly composes himself, muttering under his breath, “from Shizun’s teachings of course.”

“Liar.” Shen Qingqiu scrunches his nose at the fan tapping his forehead. “It’s good you’re pushing yourself. But your ears and tail are still present?”

“Yes, Shizun.”

“Then after this, let's visit your Li-shishu, hm? It’s about time he’s made another attempt for a cure.” Shen Guangxia sets the qin aside and rises to his feet, “let’s not keep Liu-shizhi waiting. This master knows Qingqiu is dying to meet him.”

“No I’m not.” He grumbles, following his shizun close behind.

They find the brute in the courtyard with two sticks of bamboo in hand. And like the dog that he was, he jogs over to offer his stick.

“Just pretend this master isn’t here.” Shen Guangxia happily announces, claiming the bench as their only audience member.

It starts out like it always does: Liu Qingge initiates while Shen Qingqiu falls back defensively to observe his opponent. It’s a comfortable back and forth that, in reality, is a warm-up for the both of them. Their makeshift swords thwack back and forth in crisp echoes. Shen Qingqiu retreats five steps back to slash at the younger boy with a qi-powered wind. Liu Qingge’s eyes gleam as he lunges, ducking down to slash upwards. Shen Qingqiu meets the blow with a teeth clattering clang. No matter how much he parries and blocks, the boy doesn’t give him a single second to breathe.

With his defenses whittling down, he has no choice but to loosen the earth beneath his feet with qi before swiping his bamboo staff to fling dirt into his eyes.

“That’s cheating!” Liu Qingge staggers back to frantically wipe his eyes.

“So? There’s no rules!” Shen Qingqiu sweeps his ankles from under him, but the brute wasn’t going to go down alone. His blind flailing yields success when fingers clasp around the scarf. Upon his descent, the knot unravels and Shen Qingqiu feels his ears spring up from their confinement. With a battle cry, Liu Qingge barrels into his knees to bring him down into the ground. It spirals down to a full on brawl with elbows and kicks- until he’s left with no other choice but to lift his hands off his ears to fight back.

Liu Qingge freezes, wide eyed, at the snow white cat ears. Embarrassment and fear floods through him until only adrenaline remains. He takes advantage of his shock and punches him square in the jaw. Shen Qingqiu doesn't know whether to scream or cry. He saw them! “Now look at what you did, you brute!”

Liu Qingge blinks as if half his face wasn’t already growing purple. “What is that?”

“A curse. That’s what it is!” He snaps, scrambling for his shizun. Even if it wasn’t a curse, the books in the library had qualified it as one. Abnormal but persistent transformations? Check. Loss of control from one’s own body? Check. Disfigurement? Check!

It’s not normal. It’s an abnormality. And it is difficult to hate it because he’s most comfortable in his cat body. Without it, he would have starved or died from food poisoning on the streets. Despite it being the reason Qiu Jianluo caught him, it was also his saving grace when he was able to hide in the impossibly small spaces inside Qiu manor.

He winces from pinpricks of pain in his scalp. He brings his hands down to find bloodstained claws. A shadow looms over him as Liu Qingge silently unties his gray sash and drapes it over his head.

“I will take responsibility.” He says this while he bows.

“For what?!” Shen Qingqiu snarls, tugging at the rough fabric. It smells like sweat and dust. Gross.

Liu Qingge doesn't answer right away, preferring to look him over with concern. “Who did this to you? How long?”

“Long enough to mind your business.” Shen Qingqiu hisses.

Shen Guangxia sighs, “it has been a long term affliction, but shizhi mustn't worry.” He looks up to his shizun, betrayed.

“This disciple wants to help.”

“Oh?” His shizun coos with interest, “while it is a kind offer, Liu-shizhi should realize that as the Qing Jing Peak Lord he’s already exhausted every possibility for a cure.”

Liu Qingge looks crestfallen at the gentle rejection.

“You better not tell anyone.” Shen Guangxia quickly grabs his disciple by the collar to hold him back.

“I won’t.” Liu Qingge says solemnly, eyes lingering on the sash.

“Then scram!”

As soon as the boy leaves, Shen Guangxia sighs. “What has gotten Xiao Qingqiu so angry? Was your shidi’s reaction too lackluster?”

“It’s not that.” He huffs, “why would he want to help? It’s like he doesn’t think it’s terrible.”

The eldest Shen considers his next words carefully. “Contrary to what Xiao Qingqiu thinks, his affliction can be regarded as cute to others.”

Shen Qingqiu rips the sash into tiny pieces with his claws. Cute?! “Shizun!” He cries out, wishing for the floor to swallow him whole on the spot. Shen Guangxia reaches for the fallen scarf and dusts it off with qi.

“Xiao Qingqiu should realize it is not as terrible as he thinks.”

“But it’s not normal.”

“What does Qingqiu consider normal?” Shen Guangxia smiles, “we live in a world of grotesque flora and fauna, many of which produce unsavory side effects. Is it really all that surprising to see a fuzzy pair of ears?” He pets his head, because how could he not?

“But still…”

“Do you think his concern was genuine?”

Shen Qingqiu falls silent, his thin lips pursing into a tight line. “It’s none of his business.”

“Xiao Qingqiu mustn’t be so mean. Is it so terrible for Liu-shizhi wishing to be your friend?”

An inhuman sound rumbles from his chest. He's here to cultivate, not socialize! “But Shizun, I don’t want to be friends with him!” He gets a harsh whack on the head.

“Don’t growl at me, young man!” Shen Guangxia sighs, “this disciple of mine cannot rely on Yue-shizhi forever. To coexist as peak lords, this master recommends you befriend other head disciples. It will do you good to have others care and watch your back.” He holds out the embroidered scarf. Shen Qingqiu takes it, securing his head with a double knot this time. “But if this is a great burden for Xiao Qingqiu, then let us make haste to your Li-shishu, hm?”

The trek towards Qian Cao is a silent one. With preparations and rigorous training schedules spanning across all twelve peaks, it was no surprise to see the healing peak crowded with disciples adorning all sorts of colors.

His shizun leads him to Li Guangshao’s cottage, waving a hand over the talismans keeping the door locked tight. Glowing sigils dissipate into gold dust as the door swings open.

“Li-shidi? You better be decent.” Shen Guangxia calls out. Shen Qingqiu stands rigid in the foyer. Why would his shishu not be decent?!

“Why are you like this? Of course I’m decent, you said you were bringing the little one.” Li Guangshao scowls, emerging from the hallway. Thankfully, he is fully dressed. His long flowing hair is plaited into practical braids and pitched into a topknot. His sleeves are pulled back and fastened by ribbons to not hinder the use of his hands. For some reason, Shen Qingqiu looks away: it is the most skin he’s ever seen from another lord. “This master has been working on potions and poultices all night. You should be thanking me for working so hard.”

“Thanking shishu–”

The healer cuts him off. “Not you.”

Shen Guangxia’s lips twitch into a smile. “Why should this master thank his shidi for doing his job?”

Li Guangshao clicks his tongue, “this one hopes Xiao Shen learns better manners than you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” His shizun squawks.

“Come here, Xiao Shen, let’s get you looked at.” The healer gestures for Shen Qingqiu to follow him into the makeshift clinic he has towards the back of the house. “Ears out. Let me see them.”

He begrudgingly tugs it off, silently debating whether or not he should hold it up to his nose to stifle that awfully bitter stench emanating from the discolored stains on his shishu’s apron.

“Let’s get the disgusting one out of the way.” He pulls out a palm-sized container and scoops up a thick brackish gel with his fingers. “It’s an amalgamation of Gibbous Moon Ferns, the appendix of the Thunder-tail Hare and the eyes of the Mountain Soaring Werecat.” By the time he has slathered the putrid concoction all over his ears, Shen Qingqiu’s face has turned just as green as the poultice. “Now, your tail please.”

His ears are already tingling by the time he hands the twitching appendage over. “What is it going to do?”

“Theoretically, it should force the animal parts of your body to remember their human state.” He yowls when he pulls a little too hard. “Apologies, shizhi.”

“Are you sure it’s going to work?” Shen Guangxia crosses his arms.

“Of course. If not, this master has others.”

I don’t feel so good, he bites down on his tongue to refrain from vomiting all over the healer.

“Lay down, Xiao Shen.” Huh. He must have said that out loud.

“This master will make ginger tea.”

Laying down on the narrow mattress, he shivers. His entire body feels tingly, like that irritating and raw sensation of being pet too much. He curls up, waiting for the room to stop rocking back and forth.

He wakes up bleary eyed with no recollection of falling asleep when his shizun nudges a steaming cup to his hands.

“This master would like to keep Xiao Shen overnight to monitor his condition.” Li Guangshao informs them when Shen Guangxia helps him sit up.

“Then if shidi doesn’t mind, this Guangxia would like to stay with his disciple as well.”

Shen Qingqiu sleeps for the rest of the day, tucked tightly into bed and still as stone. Across the hallway from Li Guangshao’s personal clinic the Qing Jing Peak Lord meditates with the door wide open, listening for his disciple’s every breath.

It is the middle of the night. The full moon slowly but surely makes its way across the clear night sky, casting its benevolent light over Cang Qiong. Through the camphor trees of Qian Cao, its silver beams penetrate the canopies and infiltrate latticed windows. One such wayward beam shines into Li Guangshao’s cottage, illuminating pale skin and green robes.

Shen Guangxia bursts into the room at the same time Li Guangshao wakes to the sudden flash of a blinding white light. They find the bed empty of a boy, and instead find a very familiar kitten wiggling out of the tangled mess of sheets and robes.

“Meeeeeow!” It cries out in obvious displeasure.

“Oh dear.”


LQG, suddenly waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat: wait a minute, was i allergic to my shixiong this whole time?!?!

Chapter 16: psspssspssspss


nyanjiu is strictly a house cat now, he can't be out after curfew ㅤ/ᐠ - ˕ -マ z Z z

(theres going to be more nyanjiu in the future, but for the sake of story progression he's gonna need to be human for a bit)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Would you like the good news or the bad news?”

“Does it matter?” Shen Guangxia glares at the healer. His fan trembles on the verge of shattering under his white knuckled grip. Shen Qingqiu, no longer a kitten, merely nods in his sleepy daze.

“Good news is, Xiao Shen appears to be stable. The bad news is, if he is touched by moonlight then he is to turn into his cat form. This master presumes the healing effects of the Gibbous Moon Fern and the transformative ability of the Mountain Soaring Werecat have combined into an… unintended effect.” Li Guangshao looks up from his medicinal compendium.

“So all I have to do is avoid the moon?”

“For now, yes.”

“It’s better than before at least.” He mumbles, pinching his earlobe to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

“Is there anything shidi can do about this?” Shen Guangxia asks.

“This master advises we refrain from moving on to the next treatment, as they are still experimental. In the meantime, Xiao Shen must allow the medicine to run its course.”

“Thanking shishu for helping this disciple.” Shen Qingqiu bows.

“This Guangshao appreciates shizhi’s patience unlike his Shizun–” His teeth clack shut when the eldest Shen shoots him a dagger sharp glare.

“Come now, Qingqiu. Let’s not waste the day away, hm?”

It turns out, it is extremely difficult to moon-proof a house.

His shizun was very dutiful in blocking out the windows, but of course he didn’t account for a sleepy Shen Qingqiu to crawl out of his bed for a glass of water. Shen Guangxia had found him on the kitchen floor, soaking wet in a puddle of what was supposed to be his drink.

The rest of the estate was soon blacked out where the only light allowed inside was the warm glow of the candles and night pearl lanterns. Shen Qingqiu appreciates the effort, he really did, but he can’t help but wonder if at this point he is more of a burden rather than the competent head disciple he hoped for.

So, after shadowing his shizun’s lessons, he holes himself up in the art room. Painting and calligraphy were the skills he lacked the most. While he was stuck as a cat, he learned the rules of weiqi and memorized scales and finger placements of the various instruments in Qing Jing’s arsenal. Without opposable thumbs, he couldn’t hold a brush. And right now, while he has them, he dips his brush in ink before guiding it across the canvas.

He only pulls back when his bones protest loud enough for some sort of relief. Shen Qingqiu looks back at his painting, wiping away sweat and smearing ink across his face. The mountains are a little too blurry from the fog effect he tried recreating. What was supposed to be a waterfall looked too rigid. Compared to shizun’s lifelike masterpieces, this looked like a child’s drawing.

Again. No matter how much he wants to stab his brush through the canvas, he sets it aside and grabs another blank slate to paint on. This time, he ignores the painful creak in his spine.

The sun had set to make room for its nocturnal companion. The crickets are beginning to chirp now, relishing in the cooling air. By the time Shen Guangxia finds his disciple, he’s surrounded by splattered inks and colorful paintings.

“Xiao Qingqiu is hard at work.” He remarks fondly. Shen Qingqiu tries to greet his shizun properly, but the man taps him on the head with his fan. “Has this disciple of mine been here all day?”

“Shizun is correct.”

“Not taking enough breaks does more harm and good.” Shen Guangxia gestures for him to follow. “Come along now.”

He tries not to trip over his own two feet from the blood finally rushing to his legs. Shen Qingqiu hesitates, looking over his paintings. They’re really not that great, are they? As soon as fresh air washes over him, he startles at the blackening sky. The moon–!

“Qingqiu deserves a good rest.”


“This teacher is making an exception, of course. Qingqiu needs to rest his hands and what better way to recover than to lose them?” Shen Guangxia smiles.

“And Shizun is… fine with it?”

“Why wouldn’t it be? Qingqiu mustn’t forget it’s his body’s unique way of healing.”

Ah. It is, isn’t it?

As always, it’s a painless transformation. His body curls up on itself when they step into moonlight. His robes swallow him as he shrinks further and further, but Shen Qingqiu doesn’t feel the ground under his paws. He bursts from the entanglement of green fabric to find himself being carried in his shizun’s arms.

“Feel better?”

Yes, actually. He couldn’t help but purr. He feels warm in his shizun’s arms, cradled so close against his chest he can hear the telltale thrum of a heartbeat. It reminds him of how Qi-ge used to hold him when he was younger. The older boy would tuck him inside his robe to hide him from the slavers when bedtime came. Just reminiscing makes him sleepy.


“Xiao Qingqiu mustn’t wait for this master. This Guangxia is going to work late.”

The eldest Shen carries the kitten until he hears tiny snores from the wad of fabric. He gently sets him down after lighting a portable brazier on the veranda. With his littlest disciple fast asleep, Shen Guangxia reaches into his sleeve to pull out a sewing kit and a miniature set of robes that could be mistaken for dolls clothes. Shen Guangxia turns the fabric inside out to finish embroidering the unique talisman inside.

Liu Qingge hears Shen Qingqiu before he sees him. The chosen crowd of disciples turn towards the crisp and delicate tinkling of a bell. Approaching them is a small group of Qing Jing disciples led by Shen Qingqiu. Gone is the pretty embroidered scarf around his head. Instead, his silky brown hair is pinned up by an elegant, but modest, hair stick. The little bell dangling on the end gleams like a fallen star in the sunlight.

“Is that all, Shen-shixiong?” Wan Jian’s Peak Lord, Wen Guangfeng, silently greets him with a polite nod.

“Of course. This master prioritizes quality over quantity.” He shoots a playful glance towards Nie Guangdao. The Bai Zhan Peak Lord smiles with all her teeth, making sure to clasp Liu Qingge’s shoulder.

“This shimei will entrust her disciples to watch over Shen-shixiong’s. She wouldn’t want to see her shizhis cut their precious fingers on swords, after all.”

Before Shen Guangxia can retort, Wen Guangfeng steps in. “Shixiong and shimei mustn’t worry. Wei Qingwei will supervise everyone.” The Wan Jian Peak Lord gestures to a young man in sunset colored robes, his auburn hair pulled into a loose ponytail.

Shen Qingqiu tunes out the peak lords as Liu Qingge approaches. “What happened to your…” He points to his head.

“It’s gone for now.” He holds his fan over his face, waiting, as disciples eagerly rush around them with the hope of being the first to pull a sword. “But Li-shishu’s medicine had an unintended side effect, so now this shixiong is on a strict curfew.”

Liu Qingge frowns as he regards him considerately. Then, he leans in and loudly sniffs.

Shen Qingqiu slaps him with his fan. “Why are you smelling me?!” Behind them, the peak lords pause in their conversation to stare at the two disciples.

“So it was you.” The brute says, “the cat. You were making me sneeze.”

“You just figured that out?”

“En. After I get my sword, I can hunt beasts to help your curse.”

Shen Qingqiu pauses at his sincerity. “You just want an excuse to wave a sword around, don’t you?”

“Don’t need an excuse.”

“Then perhaps shidi should find a beast to cure his cat allergy? Who knows when this shixiong is going to turn again?” And if you ever make me mad again, I’ll put cat hair in your pillow, Shen Qingqiu silently adds.

“Mu-shixiong gave me enough medicine. If Shen-shixiong becomes a cat again then this shidi will protect you.” Liu Qingge declares seriously.

Nie Guangdao clears her throat, “Qingge. Are you going to get your sword or not?”

“Yes, Shizun.” Liu Qingge turns around to find Shen Qingqiu already walking towards the Hall of Swords.

“If Liu-shidi waits any longer, this shixiong is going to walk out with a sword of his own.”

“As if!”

The famed Hall of Swords was actually a tower, rather than what its namesake implies. Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge are met with a round room with two staircases: one going up and one going down. Liu Qingge doesn’t hesitate to step towards the descending stairs.

“Do you even know where you’re going?”

“Mn. The lower the floor, the stronger the swords.”

“How do you know that?”

“Wei-shixiong.” Liu Qingge grunts. Shen Qingqiu hesitates before following after him. Well, what else is he supposed to do?

They pass through corridors upon corridors of rooms that can single handedly supply an Emperor’s army. Each wall was decorated with countless swords, leaving no trace of the wall they were mounted on. The more stairs they take, the more he notices the faint crescendo of the buzzing in the back of his skull. With each room, the simple make of the swords slowly transition to intimidating broadswords and elegant blades. However, one room was different. He barely registers Liu Qingge already moving on to the next stairwell when all he can hear are a myriad of voices. They speak loud and clear, as if they were inside his ears.

“Too weak.”

“Oh? That one is interesting.”

“Too unstable.”

Shen Qingqiu looks around. There’s nobody here. Hopefully Liu Qingge didn’t go too far, perhaps he can catch up.

“Good riddance.”


“No!” A voice calls out just as he reaches the threshold. “Come back!”



Shen Qingqiu spins on his heels. Who’s making that sound?!

“Psspss… yes! Over here!”

A thin silver sword shivers with anticipation as he approaches. Upon closer inspection, embossed vines and flowering branches wind around the hilt. Surrounded by gaudy golden handles and too bright blades, Shen Qingqiu can appreciate this sword’s regal elegance. Thoughtlessly, he reaches out. Immediately, a sense of calm washes over him like gentle ocean waves. The sword’s weight in his hand feels just right, as if it was made just for him.

Xiu Ya, his mind supplies on its own. The sword beams, radiating with what could only be recognized as bliss as the corresponding characters carve themselves into the blade.

“Shen Qingqiu!” Liu Qingge emerges flush faced with a dazzling broadsword in hand. His eyes immediately hone in on Xiu Ya. “Let’s fight!”

The still-mounted swords on the walls scream in unison, “NO! GET OUT!”


shen guangxia: omg my baby is going to have such a good friend ✨
nie guangdao watching her disciple sniff SQQ: oh no

also i could not resist Xiu Ya calling out to SQQ like a cat to get his attention

Chapter 17: A Cabbage Thief in the midst


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Chapter Text

When it was time for him to leave closed cultivation, Shen Qingqiu is greeted by a radiance that did not belong to the sun for once.

“Xiao Jiu!” It may as well have been a hundred years since he last saw Qi-ge. As soon as he retrieved his sword, he and the other disciples were immediately sent to cultivate in the Ling Xi Caves. Even right now, his knees still think they’re locked in a lotus position.

Yue Qingyuan stands in front of him with a crooked hair crown and wrinkles hiding among the black and silver embroidery of his robes. Shen Qingqiu frowns. Who let you out like this? “Qi-ge didn’t wait too long for this one, did he?” He asks, moving in to adjust his hair crown, pulling and shoving thick hair back into place.

“It has been eight months, four weeks and three days since shidi went into closed cultivation.” He recites before his expression droops with concern. His fingers gently seek out his wrist, probing. He can feel his sun-warm qi wobble with anxiety, flooding nervousness into Shen Qingqiu’s system. “How are you feeling? Have you felt off-balance? Does anything hurt?”

“Were you keeping track this whole time?!” He doesn’t know if he is shocked at how much time has passed, or the fact that Qi-ge had been meticulously counting each day. He’s surprised he wasn’t counting the very shichen!

“Mn.” Yue Qingyuan fidgets with his sleeve, his voice softening. “This Qi-ge wanted to be there for Xiao Jiu when he left the caves.”

Shen Qingqiu feels his cheeks immediately burst aflame. He retaliates by pinching the older boy’s cheeks. “I-Idiot! It would have been easier to just say you missed me!” He grins wider, despite his face being pulled apart like a rice cake.

“I m’thed Xiao ‘iu.” He unabashedly tries to say.

“How is this master not surprised to find Yue-shizhi here?” Shen Guangxia gracefully steps off his sword, casting a judgemental glance to the both of them. Shen Qingqiu pushes Yue Qingyuan back, causing him to stumble. Both boys quickly compose themselves, although with his thin face Shen Qingqiu hides behind his sleeves instead.

“This disciple greets Shen-shishu.”

“Shizun.” Shen Guangxia scrutinizes his disciple, expression mellowing out. He gestures silently for his wrist.

“Qingqiu’s foundation has bolstered. If this master is correct, he’s only a breakthrough away to begin core formation.” His shizun nods approvingly, letting go of his hand with a cordial pat. “How is he faring though?”

“This Qingqiu feels fine.”

“While this teacher is glad to see his disciple, Qingqiu should still be looked over by a healer. After all, the Immortal Alliance Conference begins in three days. We must make haste for preparations.”

“Three days?” He exclaims, swiveling on the balls of his feet to yank on Yue Qingyuan’s robes. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

Yue Qingyuan flounders, “this shixiong was going to–” but before he can explain himself, Shen Guangxia interjects.

“Which is why Qingqiu must recollect himself as soon as he can.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Yue Qingyuan immediately pounced on the opportunity. “This disciple asks Shen-shishu to escort his shidi.”

Shen Guangxia regards the older boy, his eyes going frosty over the brim of his fan. “Yue-shizhi mustn’t dilly dally.”

“This disciple won’t.” He says, determined. It’s as if Shen Qingqiu is caught in the middle of a standoff. He couldn’t help but wonder: did something happen between Qi-ge and his shizun?

“See that you don’t. And be sure he returns to Qing Jing in a timely manner.” The Qing Jing Peak Lord leaves little to argue as he is already soaring away.

“What was that about?”

Yue Qingyuan merely smiles. “I think Shen-shishu wanted to be the first one to greet you.”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes. “Are you sure? That sounds childish.”

“Ah, before this one forgets–” Yue Qingyuan hastily reaches into his sleeve to pull out a bulging qiankun pouch. The drawstring looks like it’s about to snap any second now, which shouldn’t be possible because how could you fill up an interdimensional pocket space?! What the hell is in there?!

“On this Qi-ge’s travels, he bought gifts and snacks for Xiao Jiu.” He falters when the first thing he pulls out is a glittering blue and silver head scarf. “H-He doesn’t need to accept them all of course! Especially when this was for when Qingqiu’s ears were out…”

“It’s fine. I’ll wear it when I’m painting when I need my hair out of the way.” He takes the scarf, fondling the fabric. Soft… Yue Qingyuan somehow takes this as permission to continue pulling out each and every item from the pouch.

“I’ve got hair pins, ribbons, books, a brush set, scented ink sticks– this one smells like roses! Oh! And a portable heat lamp to keep snacks warm. Here, Qingqiu looks pale, he should eat.” Shen Qingqiu blinks, dazed, at the bundle of youtiao shoved into his hands.

“Are you trying to drown me in gifts? Put them back! Shizun says we can’t mess around.” He tentatively takes a bite out of the stick of fried dough. It’s still warm, albeit a little stiff from being confined in storage for so long, but it stirs a hunger he hadn’t realized he had.

Yue Qingyuan deflates, slowly putting his gifts back one by one. “Apologies, this shixiong got ahead of himself.”

What’s this kicked puppy look? “You better help me put everything up after you walk me back to Qing Jing.” It’s enough to perk the other boy right up. “So, tell this shidi what he’s missed in the past eight months?”

“Well, ever since Liu-shidi left closed cultivation two months ago he’s been wreaking havoc across all the peaks demanding fights…”

They chat about idle things. Surprisingly, Yue Qingyuan apparently knows all the ins and outs of all twelve peaks. Currently, the Xian Shu and Qian Cao peak lords are livid at the Zui Xian lord for a near fatal accident of mass poisoning. Qian Cao had ordered Sleeping Death Apples for an upcoming research project on a less intensive cure for insomnia, which apparently was mistaken for regular apples by a Zui Xian disciple. After retrieving this shipment, they then sent a bulk order of sweet treats to the fairy peak, effectively leading the peak to shut down due to nearly all of its disciples falling into a dreamless sleep.

“And what happened to the Zui Xian disciple?”

“They were demoted to an outer disciple and blacklisted from the kitchens.” Yue Qingyuan informed him with a grave expression. A punishment like that was akin to cutting off both hands. Zui Xian Peak’s cultivation techniques were unique: a spiritual path aided with enhanced food and drink, pushing the body’s limits through the digestive system alone.

They pause their conversation when they finally reach Qian Cao. Shen Qingqiu didn’t even realize they had been holding hands when a disciple clad in yellow and olive gave him a strange look. After being deemed a clean bill of health, they redirect their path to Qing Jing Peak.

“Anything else?”

As Qiong Ding’s head disciple, he didn’t expect his Qi-ge’s responsible and well-mannered persona to be so invested in gossip. Especially when it was trivial drivel such as which disciple was the most beautiful or most handsome, and who had the longest sword (Qi-ge didn’t clarify when asked). However, the most amusing rumor was Sect Leader Chu being seen smiling.

“A rock would have an easier time smiling.” Shen Qingqiu snickers.

“Shizun is…” Yue Qingyuan’s hand tightens around his own. A brief shadow flickers across his face but before he could ask what’s wrong, it’s replaced with a placid smile. “Shidi isn’t incorrect.”

As they step onto the rainbow bridge passing by Bai Zhan, the wind whistles from a new arrival. Liu Qingge jumps off his sword as if he had always done so. He wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t even need to practice flying. “Shen Qingqiu! You’re finally out.”

“This shixiong had to come out some day.”

“Now we can spar for real.” However, just as he shifts into a battle stance, he falters when his eyes settles onto his shixiongs’ interlocked hands.

“Ah Liu-shidi, do you mind? This shixiong has to catch Qingqiu-shidi up on what he’s missed.” The determination seeps out of his limbs as Liu Qingge begrudgingly relents to Yue Qingyuan’s unusually firm tone.

“Next time?”

“Liu-shidi can do what he wants,” he huffs.

As soon as the brute leaves, Yue Qingyuan looks over him fondly. “This Qi-ge is glad to see Xiao Jiu making friends.”

“Who says he’s my friend?” His heart flip flops at the idea of getting close to anyone else besides Qi-ge. He scowls, “as if I have the time to make friends with everybody.”

Only then does Shen Qingqiu finally relax when they’re greeted by towering bamboo and gurgling streams. He didn’t even think he would miss the smell of his peak. Despite reaching their destination, Yue Qingyuan insists on escorting him to Shen Guangxia’s estate.

“This way. It will be faster to cut through here.” Instead of entering the courtyard, they follow along the cobblestone walls before jumping over. “My room is here.”

Yue Qingyuan suddenly hesitates, blushing madly. “X-Xiao Jiu…?”

Shen Qingqiu pushes the window open. “What? You shouldn’t have gotten me so many gifts that I need help with them!”

“Ah… of course.”

It’s not like his room is barren or anything. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about! He only has his own paintings and calligraphy scrolls to decorate the walls, although that was upon his shizun’s insistence. While he does have his own allowance, he wasn't the type to spend it on frivolous things. If he wished for a vase, then he would simply go and craft it himself.

“It’s,” the older boy hesitates, compelled to compliment the neat and orderly room, “clean.”

“What were you expecting?”

“Art supplies.” He smiles, “cat hair.”

“I do not shed!” Shen Qingqiu squawks. Flustered, he takes the qiankun pouch and begins unloading every single item just to occupy his hands. Yue Qingyuan swiftly joins him in organizing them. Fans were quickly decided to be displayed on the shelf.

“This Qi-ge still finds little white hairs on his robes.”

“That’s your fault for wearing black.”

“But it’s my peak’s colors...”

Their heads swivel to the sound of the door slamming wide open. Shen Guangxia’s imposing figure stands readily in the threshold, his hand on the pommel of his sword. His offensive posture relaxes as he glances between the both of them.

“This teacher was expecting Qingqiu to arrive through the front door.” He punctuates with a stiff smile. Oh no, he’s mad.

“Shizun, Yue-shixiong had proffered this disciple so many gifts he needed his assistance in putting them up.” He tries to explain.

“Oh?” He inspects the clutter, “Chu-zhangmen often complained about his disciple’s enthusiastic expenditures. This was all bought with Yue-shizhi’s allowance, correct?”

Is shizun actually questioning if he embezzled sect funds for his gifts?!

“Yes, shishu. Shizun provides a comfortable amount for this Qingyuan.”

“As much as this master is tempted to stand here and chat, Yue-shizhi has done his duty to escort Qingqiu home, as it is about time I finally speak with my disciple.”

“I can lead him to the front door–”

“He can find it on the way out.”

Yue Qingyuan waves sheepishly, mouthing “see you later,” before promptly leaving both Shens alone. Shen Qingqiu avoids looking up directly to his teacher’s steady gaze. Shen Guangxia raises an unimpressed eyebrow, flicking his fan shut with a uniform clap.

“Should this master expect Xiao Qingqiu to bring home boys in the near future?”

“Shizun–! No!”

“Good. Let’s keep it that way, hm? This teacher doesn’t want anyone stealing his prized cabbage.”

Just this once, Shen Qingqiu wishes for the heavens to strike him down on the spot when his shizun goes on a tangent about picking the right cultivation partner. Unfortunately, he remains in one piece by the time the knowledge of dual cultivation is forcibly seared into his brain.

Chapter 18: First (Unofficial) Meeting


this chapter went through a lot of revisions, but i really needed to get it out

sqq finally gets to meet the rest of his martial siblings. he really has been a sheltered kitty

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Carriages line up at the base of the mountain. The pale blue robes of An Ding flit around the throng of the Cang Qiong delegation like wayward clouds, hitching horses and designating riders. Shen Guangxia quickly steers Shen Qingqiu towards the carriages before he could get swept away by the crowd. This does not go unnoticed.

“Oh! Is that him, Qi-shijie?” A Tan Xing disciple asks amidst the cluster of violet and rose-colored robes. At her nod, the girls immediately begin cooing.

“He’s like a little lamb!”

Qi Qingqi crosses her arms, “he’s sheltered. This shijie has gathered that his shixiongs on Qing Jing do not favor him. Especially after three disciples were supposedly banished because of him.” From what she’s heard, ever since the first utterance of Shen Qingqiu, is that he is difficult to find and rarely ever alone without his shizun always whisking him away like a vigilant shepherd.

“Oh no. How can they not? He’s a little baby!”

“As soon as I get my hands on him, he’s going to be fierce.” But first, she’ll have to distract his dutiful guardians before performing such a heist. Qi Qingqi hones in on Yue Qingyuan standing in the commotion like a boulder in a steady stream. No matter how much he’s bumped and jostled, his gaze never left Shen Qingqiu’s fleeting form. Ever since Shen Qingqiu spontaneously appeared in the sect, it’s as if life was breathed back into their sullen shixiong.

“Did you see them holding hands?” Small noises of speculation erupt, “no, I’m not lying! I saw them walking down the rainbow bridge holding hands a few days ago!”

“Aiyah… Yue-shixiong is so brave. Shen-shibo looks like he wants to skin him alive.” Upon hearing this, Qi Qingqi follows her fellow shimeis’ and shijies’ eyes to find the Qing Jing Peak Lord glaring daggers at Yue Qingyuan. While all this is happening, it appears Shen Qingqiu is oblivious to it all.

“I better go save him.” She sighs. Qi Qingqi rolls up her sleeves before approaching Yue Qingyuan, expertly side-stepping through the crowd to avoid bruised shoulders. She pinpoints the moment he catches her in his peripherals and loops her arm around his before he can run away. “Face it shixiong,” she grins, lengthening her stride to prevent him from digging his heels into the ground. “Shen-shibo isn’t letting anyone near him right now.”

“Hello to you too, Qi-shimei.” His expression quickly turns wooden, his smile stiffer than usual. “Is everything well?”

“Everything is just fine,” she drawls. “You were being a little too obvious.”

“This shixiong wasn’t–”

“Right right, and the sky isn’t blue. But it’s not Yue-shixiong’s fault he was taught the art of subtlety in politics, and not in matters of the heart.” Seeing that he was coiled up tighter than a Sun-bellied Mink Snake, she directs him away from prying eyes and ears. “Will shixiong hear this shimei out?”

The polite mask cracks. “Qi-shimei, we are about to depart.”

“We’ve time on horseback,” she counters.

“Apologies. This shixiong doesn’t have time for gossip.” His eyes shine like flint before igniting. Qi Qingqi takes a cautionary step back.

“You’re going to need Shen-shibo’s approval because right now, you’re the pig eyeing his prized napa cabbage.”

“Shimei has been heard.” Yue Qingyuan’s cheeks color, “this Qingyuan will see you at the conference.” The future sect leader all but flees the scene.

Qi Qingqi cranes her head towards an approaching Shang Qinghua. “What was that about?”

“Young love,” she sighs. She’s got a lot of work ahead of her. Usually she’s not one to meddle, but seeing as this is the future sect leader and their tactician here, she’ll make an exception.

Shang Qinghua looks as if he’s sucked on a lemon. “You should see An Ding’s ledger. His name has practically covered two pages from all the gifts he’s been ordering.”

“Oh? Do tell.”

“Do you have everything?” Shen Guangxia looks over him for the umpteenth time, patting imaginary dust from his pristine viridian robes. “Li-shidi, can you check him one more time?”

“One of these days this master isn’t going to be at your beck and call, shixiong.” Shen Qingqiu sees the healer roll his eyes. His shizun catches this and swats his shoulder hard. “What? Is my head disciple not good enough to tend to your cabbage? He knows Xiao Shen’s furry little problem.”

Shen Qingqiu flushes. Is that what they’re calling it now?

“Mu-shizhi is fine, but he’s participating!”

“So of course you seek out your poor overworked shidi. I see.”

“Poor? Overworked?! You chose to be a healer!”

Shen Qingqiu slowly shuffles away towards the door of the inn. Upon arriving, the peak lords were assigned the most ostentatious rooms available while the participating disciples were given tents. His shizun was adamant that it would be beneficial to share a room together, and that he shouldn’t risk the possibility of an aching back from sleeping in a place he wasn’t accustomed to. It was his debut after all. He knows his shizun means well, but he wasn’t even able to find Qi-ge before the journey!

“–like this shidi has said before: Xiao Shen’s system is cleared of the potion. None of the side effects should hinder his performance in the conference.”

“Does shishu require this disciple to drink another potion?” He asks flatly, hoping his disgust isn’t too apparent.

Instead, he gets a pat on the head. “Not yet. But if shizhi feels his qi spiraling out of control, then take this. It should stabilize your qi before it escalates into a deviation.” A plain cloth sachet of pills is set into his palms.

“Thanking Li-shishu.”

“Good. Now run along–”

“You can’t dismiss him!” Shen Guangxia knocks Li Guangshao out of the way. “Do your best. This master believes in you, but don’t feel pressured to endanger your own life for a couple points.”

“This disciple takes Shizun’s words to heart.” He barely manages to say without his voice cracking. The fluttery feeling in his chest had nearly caused the words to disintegrate on his tongue.

“Good boy.” He’s interrupted by the deep resonant sound of a distant gong. “The conference will be starting in three shichen. Xiao Qingqiu should take the time to find his martial siblings until then.” Shen Guangxia then takes his turn to pat him on the head.

Shen Qingqiu doesn’t remember leaving the inn. He comes to with bright flags and decorations looming over him. He doesn’t even feel the ground underneath his feet; his body is light as a feather. In the back of his mind, he wondered if he skipped a stage in his cultivation to feel like he was floating.

He tentatively pats the crown of his head where the phantom touch of his shizun and shishu linger like the soft beating wings of a butterfly. Is he dying? Is he nervous? What is this feeling? Maybe he’s having a heart attack? Could cultivators even get heart attacks? He doesn't feel like this when he's a cat!

Shen Qingqiu pops a large round pill in his mouth and winces at the bitterness exploding on his tongue.


He cranes his head to find a boy in Qian Cao robes approach. His eyes are a welcoming shade of brown and his hair is pulled back into a braided topknot. “Mu… shidi?”

“Ah, it’s been a while since we last saw each other hasn’t it?” Behind him, Liu Qingge and two others follow closely behind.

A boy in deep maroon robes dramatically swivels his head, “did Shen-shibo finally release you from his clutches?” It’s not even midday yet and he smells heavily of wine.

“You were trapped?” Liu Qingge asks with genuine concern.

Shen Qingqiu unfurls his fan with a snap, “this Qingqiu wasn’t trapped.”

“Maybe for you it wasn’t, but we were all waiting to finally meet you. I’m Hu Qingshui, head disciple of Zui Xian.” They chirp merrily. Meanwhile the boy with shaggy brown hair and An Ding sky blues bows his head.

“This one is Shang Qinghua.” Then under a breathy chuckle, “we were all thinking of breaking into Qing Jing if you weren’t going to show up for the next meeting.”

Shen Qingqiu tilts his head, raising his fan up to hide the confusion twisting his lips. “Meeting?”

“Head disciples meet on Qiong Ding when our shizuns meet for the monthly meeting.” Liu Qingge explains. He then tightens his grip on Cheng Luan. “We still need to fight.”

“Please don’t fight before the competition.” Mu Qingfang sighs, “now that we finally found Shen-shixiong, perhaps we should hold an unofficial meeting with the rest of us?”

“Good idea!” Hu Qingshui rummages through his bell-shaped sleeves, “I’ve got snacks! Here.” Yet another pouch is pushed into his hands. This time, he eagerly opens it up and pops in the first treat he finds: a warm water chestnut cake. It’s just what he needed to chase away the bitter aftertaste haunting his mouth.

“This one thanks Hu-shidi.”

Hu Qingshui beams. “Does shixiong like sweets? If you give me your preferences, I can send you more when we return to the sect!”


It doesn’t take long for them to find the remaining head disciples.

“Xiao Jiu–!” Yue Qingyuan rushes towards him.

“Don’t call me that in public!” He hisses, bashing him on the head with his fan.

“Shidi. It’s been too long.” Yue Qingyuan doesn’t even duck away from the assault. Much to his annoyance, the taller boy slouches over to offer each hit easy access to his thick skull.

Shen Qingqiu squints, “did you hit your head or something? The ride here wasn'tthatlong.”

“Yue-shixiong, have you been keeping our newest shixiong all to yourself?” A willowy girl asks in a breathy voice, “no wonder our first meeting was so foggy. Shixiong was interfering all this time.” The silver stars embroidered in her deep blue robes glitter like stars when she steps forward.

“This shixiong did no such thing, Lin-shimei.” Yue Qingyuan smiles sheepishly before ducking down to whisper in his ear. “That’s Lin Qingshi of Tan Xing Peak.”

Amongst the crowd, he finds two familiar girls waving at him: Qi Qingqi and Chen Qingyan. Beside them in dusty sunset colored robes, Wei Qingwei casually raises a hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Shen-shixiong.” A clean shaven boy clad in bright saffron bows, “this one is Duan Qingyu of Ku Xing Peak.”

Shen Qingqiu politely nods. “So many names,” he whispers back. His fingers itch for the qiankun stitch in his sleeve where he keeps spare ink and brushes. He’ll have to write down a list if he wants to avoid an incident in the future.

“Shidi learns quickly,” Yue Qingyuan intones warmly. He clears his throat, “now that we’re all here, shall we hold our first unofficial meeting?”

With time to kill, all eleven teenagers cram themselves into Yue Qingyuan’s tent. Hu Qingshui doesn’t hesitate in bringing out a tea set and a platter full of sweetmeats and savory snacks.

“Did you even bring any supplies other than food?” Shang Qinghua asks through a mouthful of melon seeds. Shen Qingqiu scoots away from the other boy to avoid the trajectory of spit and crumbs. He ends up leaning on Yue Qingyuan.

“Where have you been this whole time?” Wei Qingwei asks, “even when you went to get your sword I barely saw you.”

“How? He was right there.” Liu Qingge raises a brow.

“Shidi, just because you were with me doesn’t mean everyone else was able to see me.” Shen Qingqiu laughs.

“Mn. Is shixiong going to team up with anyone? You still look weak.” Yue Qingyuan shifts beside him, stiffening.

Mu Qingfang sighs, exasperated. “Liu-shidi, you can’t just call people weak.” He says this in such a tone that is familiar with correcting his shidi’s indelicate words.

“Why not?” The healer looks like he wants to smash his head into the table.

“This Qingyuan will be teaming up with Shen-shidi.” Shen Qingqiu jerks at this.

“We never agreed to that!” He whispers, pinching his elbow. “And you could have asked beforehand!”

“Then may this Qi-ge ask now?”

Ugh, this guy. “Unbelievable,” he grumbles.

“If Shixiong wishes to seek out pointers, this shimei will be more than happy to spar. I promise you’ll fall onto a soft mat instead of getting beat into the cold hard ground.” Qi Qingqi interjects cheekily.

Shen Qingqiu hesitantly nods. It would be beneficial to have multiple sparring partners. He licks his lips nervously, “this Qingqiu will take up shimei’s offer.”

They gorge on their impromptu feast until not a single crumb could be found. Shen Qingqiu reigns in his desire to lay across Yue Qingyuan’s lap as he succumbs to the sleepy spell brought upon a belly full of food. He clears his throat and stares at the flustered reflection in his tea cup. “This Qingqiu thanks his martial siblings for the warm welcome…” His cheeks burn at how quiet his voice tapers.

Qi Qingqi grins. “No need to thank us.”

“Oh, I nearly forgot. I have some wine–”

“Please.” Mu Qingfang rasps, reaching out to gently lower Hu Qingshui’s hand from reaching into his sleeve. “No alcohol before a dangerous competition. Please. Just this once.”

“Is it that bad?” Shen Qingqiu cranes his head. Yue Qingyuan chuckles.

“It’s not terrible, but because it’s of Zui Xian make, it is extremely potent.”

“Just one sip? Come on, it’s not too bad!”

“One sip is enough to knock out Liu-shidi!” Mu Qingfang cries out.

Liu Qingge stands abruptly to defend the truth. “That is untrue. I can withstand two sips.”

“Like that’s any better!” Qi Qingqi guffaws.

Their reverie is broken by the resonant sound of the gong, except this time it rings out in three consecutive notes. Yue Qingyuan politely nudges him to get up. “Is it time already?” Has it already been three shichen?

“It’s time.” Yue Qingyuan confirms.

The Immortal Alliance Conference is about to begin.


so i realize, maybe i should just add back the qijiu tag bc i feel like its just inevitable (also i love them too much, totally not biased at all) im still trying to figure out tagging, like, do you just add the couple from the very beginning even if it might take time to get them there??

/ᐠ. .ᐟ\ฅ

Chapter 19: Immortal Alliance Conference Part 1


/ᐠ. .ᐟ\ฅ some action in this chapter
once again, i write intending for one scene to happen but then it runs off from me (which isn't a bad thing lol, its just more content than initially planned)

also sidenote: 1 li = 500 meters

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shen Qingqiu watches yet another golden prayer bead latch itself onto the thin-cord bracelet. That should be… ten points? He looks over the body of the Thorn Tusk Spider Hog with disgust. As much as he wants to sit down and paint it, he’s going to need more points if he wants to see his name in the top fifty.

All types of demonic beasts had been placed in the valley, and with this many participating sects, there had to be at least five thousand. The more spiritual energy a kill has, the more points you get. He glanced up to the sky where a glowing leaderboard was hovering. Su Xiyan was one of the fastest names rising to the top, just knocking Liu Qingge’s name into fifth place. However, they still had six days left. Anything can happen.

Shen Qingqiu was about to leave when he hears a branch snap behind him.

“You’re not going to get any points if you keep following me. I’m not sharing.”

Yue Qingyuan emerges from the safety of the treeline, his hand falling from Xuan Su’s hilt. “This Qi-ge has no further need to prove himself.”

“Are you stupid? What if Chu-shibo decides he doesn’t want you as the future sect leader because you scored dead last?”

Yue Qingyuan beams. His lips quirk into a dimpled smile, “then I would have more time for Xiao Jiu.”

Shen Qingqiu sputters, shoving the older boy away. He sheathes Xiu Ya clumsily and pulls out his fan to wave cool air over his burning cheeks. “You can’t just slack off and expect me to pick up the work. I can’t be your second-in-command if you quit on me!” He yanks him closer to swat his arm, “you have this huge sword and you’re not even using it. At the end of this, you better be on the leaderboard.”

Yue Qingyuan happily allows himself to be pulled along. “I thought Xiao Jiu didn’t wish to team up?” He can hear his dopey smile growing by the second.

“I didn’t, but someone is apparently having trouble finding their own prey. Don’t think this means you can take my kills though.” He finds a Spirit Eagle soaring nearby, no doubt capturing their image on the screens. “And don’t call me Xiao Jiu right now!”

“Yes, shidi.” Shen Qingqiu doesn’t let go of his wrist when he drags him through the gnarled roots and overgrowth. The shade of the canopies falls over them and so the Spirit Eagle moves on.

Unbeknownst to them, Shen Guangxia was on the verge of throttling his sect leader.

“What are you teaching over there on Qiong Ding? That boy of yours is shameless! Did you see him smiling? He has ulterior motives on my Qingqiu!”

Chu Guangyu sighs, his voice remains steady and monotone. “That boy has always had a fixation on Shen-shizhi. This master doesn’t understand why Shen-shidi is surprised.”

“Ah, young love.” Fu Guangqi reaches into his sleeve to pull out a bamboo container. “If Shen-shixiong wishes, this shidi will find an auspicious date–”

The kau chim sticks rattle as Shen Guangxia politely shoves the container away from him with a stiff smile. “There will be no auspicious date,” he says in disingenuous saccharine.

The Xian Shu Peak Lord, Hua Guangque, leans over from her seat. “Shixiong opposes this so vehemently. Shouldn’t he be happy for a possible union? The sect will be stronger than ever after our ascension.” After all, there hadn’t been a marriage among peak lords since the Ting generation ascended over 200 years ago.

“He’s a simpering fool.” The sect leader’s cheeks twitch as if it took great effort to suppress a frown.

“Yue-shizhi was in my Qingqiu’s bedroom. Alone.” Shen Guangxia hisses, drawing scandalous gasps from his martial siblings.

Chu Guangyu’s impenetrable mask cracks. “That boy…! He shall be punished.”

“Zhangmen-shixiong should tighten his leash.” The scholar unfurls his fan with a snap, “what is the saying? A student is the reflection of the teacher? Perhaps Chu-zhangmen has finally gone soft?”

The ten remaining lords hold their breaths as the temperature drops. Even the Ku Xing lord doesn’t dare utter a single mantra, fearing that he too would fall under their cold shixiong’s gaze. Chu Guangyu’s jaw sets with an audible click, but before he could sharpen his tongue, a silhouette in gold trespasses the threshold of their designated seating.

“Excuse this master’s curiosity, but does Lord Shen hold relation to the Shen on the leaderboard?” The Palace Master of Huan Hua asks, his calculating eyes skimming over the tension hanging over the peak lords.

“Leaderboard?” Shen Guangxia murmurs under his breath, looking up to indeed find his head disciple just breaking the fiftieth slot. While it was still early in the competition, he’s witnessed enough conferences to know that having your name on the scoreboard on the first day meant they will only trend upwards.

As if on cue, the flat crystal screens flicker to Yue Qingyuan pulling a still sheathed Xuan Su out of the skull of a Ring Horn Fire Buffalo. A Ring Horn Fire Buffalo’s skull is nearly impenetrable by normal means as it is reinforced to hold the weight of its horn and yet Xuan Su had made a dent in it. Judging by the impressive size of its halo, it must have been an older male. It’s a large specimen, and upon closer inspection Shen Guangxia can see hundreds of sharpened leaves embedded into its thick black hide. Shen Qingqiu limps into view, bending over to pull out Xiu Ya from under the beast’s shoulder blade. The sword had been completely sheathed in flesh, drawing completely red. Considering the prayer bead had flown to his head disciple’s bracelet, he had been the one who delivered the killing blow.

Shen Guangxia couldn’t help but nod in approval. “Greetings to Palace Master Chen. Shen Qingqiu is in fact my head disciple.” He finally says, remembering to answer the old man.

“Oh? Surely Cang Qiong does not stoop so low to nepotism?”

Shen Guangxia casts a cautionary glance to Chu Guangyu, hiding a smirk behind his fan. Upon the Palace Master’s entrance, his shixiong had immediately reigned in his composure and slid on the perfect immovable mask he was always known for.

“What is the matter if my Qingqiu is related to this one? He has the talent and works hard.” He can feel the questionable stares from his fellow lords burn into the back of his neck.

Bushy silver eyebrows shoot up, parting through folds of skin to reveal bulging eyes. “Master Shen does not deny it?”

He merely smiles, “clearly if Palace Master Chen holds doubt then perhaps a friendly wager will change his mind? Your Su Xiyan versus my Qingqiu. If my disciple loses, then this master will wholeheartedly admit to his blatant favoritism. Let’s say… five hundred spirit stones?”

“Consider the same from this master.” The Palace Master bows his head, “until then. This one shall watch our disciples’ progress diligently.” With the final word, he wanders off. As soon as the old man is out of view does Jia Guangfen finally sputter out the cough she had been holding in. Li Guangshao silently intervenes to take the jug of wine from her lap.

“Do you even have that much, shixiong?” She wheezes.

“Of course. Even if this master loses, I would only need to sell three paintings to make up for such a loss.”

“As long as shidi takes responsibility, then it is of no concern to this master.” Chu Guangyu scowls, plastering his eyes to the screen where a Spirit Eagle has returned following a familiar duo.

The first day has come to a close. Night has fallen over Jue Di Gorge, swathing it in a cloak of pitch black darkness. Fire bursts from Shen Qingqiu’s fingers as Yue Qingyuan tosses in the dry twigs and logs he managed to scrounge. As soon as they found a quiet spot to rest, it’s as if the entire day’s worth of hunting beasts finally catches up to him– well, Yue Qingyuan got the scraps. For once, the pressure of being watched falls like water off a duck’s back. He reckons it would be too boring to watch a bunch of disciples make camp.

“Is your ankle fine?” Yue Qingyuan asks for the umpteenth time.

“If you keep asking, I'm throwing my boot at you.”

Yue Qingyuan straightens, mouth clamping shut. For a moment, only the crackle of the fire fills the silence. Out of the corner of his eye, he can practically see the older boy’s nervous energy radiating off of him in waves.

“Are you sure–?” Before he can finish, Shen Qingqiu shucks off his boot and flings it at him. It hits Yue Qingyuan square in the nose, sending him sprawling backwards.

“Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”

Yue Qingyuan carefully holds his boot, averting his gaze away from the immaculate snow white sock. “This Qi-ge won’t dare say otherwise.”

“If you’re going to mother hen, at least do it when there’s actually a problem.” He huffs, stealing his boot back. Yue Qingyuan chuckles a low rumble.

“This Qi-ge will always look after Xiao Jiu.” He says fondly.

“I can look after myself.” Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes. As if on cue to refute his words, his stomach grumbles. Loud. He practically can feel the sh*t eating smile coming a li away.

“Is Qingqiu hungry?”

“No!” He shrieks, grabbing a fist full of unlucky twigs to throw into the fire. “But if you’re hungry, then why don’t you do something about it?”

Yue Qingyuan rises to his feet. “Mn. This Qi-ge will hunt something for the both of us.”

As he’s walking away, Shen Qingqiu draws his knees up to his chest and mumbles, “who said anything about me, huh?” He’d be surprised if there’s any game here at all.

He waits, tending to the fire, until he’s bored out of his mind. As much as he’d like to sleep, he’s not used to sleeping on the ground! Somewhere, he just knows Liu Qingge is enjoying himself.

Something howls not too far from him, shrill and guttural. Shen Qingqiu jumps to his feet and stumbles. sh*t. Where was Yue Qi?

The earth rumbles as a hulking body charges forth. There’s no time to run. So, he stands his ground and floods the air with his qi. The campfire is overtaken by a swirling whirlwind and amplified into a blinding blaze before it’s directly funneled towards the beast. It rears back screaming, shaking its head frantically as its mane alights.

A Woolly Cheetah Bear! The points from this thing would skyrocket his rank. Before he could form a sword sign, he’s quickly swept off his feet.

“Is Xiao Jiu okay?” Yue Qingyuan asks between breaths.

“Why are you running?! That’s free points right there!”

“It was going to eat you!”

“Like hell it was!” Behind them, the Woolly Cheetah Bear slams through the trees in its pursuit. He closes one eye and holds Xiu Ya up, forming a sword seal in his other hand. “Can you run any steadier?”

Yue Qingyuan tightens his grip on him as Shen Qingqiu hangs over his shoulder. “Does shidi have a plan?”

“Of course I do!” He scrunches his nose, trying to line up his shot. “I don’t know why you’re doubting me when I’m the one who’s been killing everything.”

“You have a sprained ankle.” Yue Qingyuan wheezes.

“Sprained. Not broken by the way!” If he could, he’d give him a good whack, but now’s not the time for that right now. The Woolly Cheetah Bear is quickly gaining up on them. It’s so close he could see the singed fur and the slobber dripping from its maw.

There. Its eyes were wide open. The light they reflect from Xiu Ya illuminates like the bullseye of a target.

Just as Yue Qingyuan trips over a root, Xiu Ya flies like a shooting star and pierces through the Woolly Cheetah Bear’s skull in a burst of dazzling white light. The two of them crash into the ground with a hard thud, skidding across the forest. Yue Qingyuan doesn’t dare let him go, even shielding him with his body as the hulking beast falls a hair's breadth away from them.

A gold prayer bead attaches itself to Shen Qingqiu’s bracelet.

“See? I had it handled.”

“I’m going to have a heart attack with you,” Yue Qingyuan hugs him tight.

“If Qi-ge took this seriously and unsheathed his sword, we’d have an easier time.” Shen Qingqiu begrudgingly accepts this, reassuring himself that nobody is watching them right now.

“I thought you didn’t want to share his points?”

“Obviously this shidi meant you had to find your own kills first.”

Yue Qingyuan smiles, his nervous energy finally waning, “obviously.”


sometimes im like "omg i hope im not writing them too ooc"
then i realize, YQY and SQQ are much more happier and this is an au so its going to be ooc anyways; and without wu yanzi's influence, i really wanted to showcase just how spiritually strong SQQ is now.
also thank you for the comments 💜💜💜

Chapter 20: Immortal Alliance Conference Part 2


the peak lords during this entire conference: 🧍what is this dog food??
SGX, seething: my cabbage!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the competition goes on, Shen Qingqiu’s name cuts through the scoreboard. While Yue Qingyuan was adamant that he take the spotlight instead, he still rested comfortably in 27th place. Shen Qingqiu passes the familiar names of his martial siblings, it was all too satisfying to knock Liu Qingge down to a humble third place.

“Do you think he’ll be mad?” Shen Qingqiu doesn’t bother hiding his glee.

Yue Qingyuan looks up to the scoreboard, “I’m sure Liu-shidi will be glad Qingqiu is giving his all.”

He rolls his eyes. “As if. That little barbarian is going to be even more annoying.” He can already imagine it: a little puppy nipping at his heels, yapping ‘fight me, fight me’ all day.

“He’s a little overzealous, but his heart is in the right place.”

“Who cares about his heart? He’s got sword polish for brains.”

“Shidi,” Yue Qingyuan starts, his tone firm at the beginning of a reprimand. Although he cannot be taken seriously as his dimples betray his amusem*nt.

“Am I wrong?” He reaches over to pinch his cheeks, feeling the slight smile twitch underneath his fingernails. “Come on. You can laugh. He won’t know.”

Before Yue Qingyuan can deny it, a high pitched whistling echoes overhead before an explosion reverberates the forest floor. They don’t hesitate to investigate.

But of course, when you speak of the devil then he shall appear.

Liu Qingge is a spectacle to see in the throes of battle. Truly, he is the personification of wind and war. Cheng Luan cuts through air in sharp and boisterous swings and uppercuts as blinding white sword glares descend around a Prancing Star Shrike Stag. The beast bounces on its long spindly legs, weaving in and out around the explosive sword glares while using its crystal antlers to deflect Cheng Luan. Yue Qingyuan pulls him back from joining the chaotic battlefield.

Shen Qingqiu was about to give him an earful when he spies a silhouette hiding in the shade. If it weren’t for the golden embroidery flashing in the sun he wouldn’t have seen her at all. Paper talismans shoot out and explode around the stag, causing it to shriek and buck its legs defensively. Before Liu Qingge can deal the killing blow, a young woman steals it right under him.

The Prancing Star Shrike Stag keels over with a high pitched howl, its prized prayer bead attaching itself to her wrist. Without a word, she flicks the viscous blue blood from her sword before sliding it back into the floral patterned sheath.

“Hey! That was mine.” Liu Qingge barks, gritting his teeth.

She raises a dark brow, “did it have your name on it?”


“She’s right, shidi. If you didn’t play with your prey so much, you’d have gotten it already.” Shen Qingqiu emerges from the treeline with a smirk lilting his words.

Upon seeing Su Xiyan’s name receive 100 points for the kill, Yue Qingyuan pats Liu Qingge on the shoulder. “There’s still two days left of the Conference. Liu-shidi has time to catch up.”

“Why are you reassuring him? I’m the one who actually has a chance of winning!”

“Are you Shen Qingqiu?” She tilts her head, studying him with steely eyes.

“Yes.” He looks over her opulent brocade. Truly, she is fit to represent Huan Hua with how much gold is weaved into her robes. However, instead of the peaco*ck he expected he’s face to face with a lioness.

She offers a curt but polite nod, “this Su Xiyan looks forward to the rest of the competition.” And with that, she turns to leave without acknowledging Liu Qingge.

“I’ll catch up to her.” Liu Qingge fumes, frowning at the stag’s carcass. Shen Qingqiu crouches down to inspect its antlers. Oh how he wishes to paint it, he sighs. Suddenly, his peripherals are blocked by an object. “Here.”

It’s his fan. Specifically, the one he dropped during the scuffle with the Woolly Cheetah Bear a few days ago.

“Liu-shidi held onto it all this time?” He snaps it open. Shockingly, it is in one piece: the silk is in tact, albeit a little dirty, and the wooden handle remains without a single crack. The Bai Zhan brute only grunts with a shrug.

“How kind of shidi.” Yue Qingyuan says warmly. This actually pulls a reaction out of the younger boy; for once he is subjected to his shixiong’s smile. Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes at his pink ears. Qi-ge always smiles, it’s not like they’re handed out so sparingly!


“As much of a riveting conversationalist Liu-shidi is, this shixiong has to make up for lost points.” He tugs on Yue Qingyuan’s sleeve, whom immediately perks up. “Come on you big oaf.”

“Good luck.”

“Why are you wishing him good luck? Can’t you see he doesn’t need it?”

Liu Qingge’s gaze lingers on his shixiongs as they disappear into the overgrowth, their backs receding into the shadows. He rubs his warm ears and directs a glare to the sun overhead. It became too hot all of a sudden. He’ll have to find water soon.

Today marks the final day of the Immortal Alliance Conference. Shen Qingqiu and Su Xiyan had often bumped each other out of first place, reclaiming it over and over again. They were neck and neck with a ten point difference. With the beasts dwindling in the valley, it was more difficult to find them. If it weren’t for the rule that beads cannot be stolen or given away, Shen Qingqiu was forced to play fair.

“Perhaps we should enlist Liu-shidi for his tracking skills?” He asks jokingly, poking at a mound of feces with a stick. “Do you think he’ll know what sh*t this out?”

“Judging by how stagnant the scoreboard has gotten, I wouldn’t be surprised if he began challenging others.”

“He’d only be a nuisance.” Being stuck in third place will probably make those around Liu Qingge a target of his frustration and pent up energy. “Well, it looks like you’re still stuck with me.”

“Was Xiao Jiu looking to get rid of this Qi-ge?” Yue Qingyuan does his best to jut his lip out into a pout. It’s not convincing at all.

“Maybe.” Their shoulders bump together, “Qi-ge should start being bait if he wants to be useful.”

“Anything Qingqiu says.”

“Say that again when I order you to douse yourself in honey.” Shen Qingqiu pinches his elbow, “come on. Let’s fly to the perimeter of the barrier.” Surely the animals and beasts would have somewhere to go from the center of the valley.

They eventually touch down where the trees begin to thin out in sporadic clusters. Bones left from the carcasses of monsters were scattered sparingly, their remains plucked clean by the Spirit Eagles. Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but stop and sketch a few skeletons. Without a bestiary to match the anatomical structures, he’ll have only his imagination to fill in the gaps.

“You brought ink and paper?”

“Now that it’s quiet, what else am I going to do?” He hadn’t the opportunity to do so when the conference first began. When he finally finishes quick and dirty sketches, he tugs Yue Qingyuan towards the sound of rushing water. Surely, there will be something drinking water.

The river bank is empty of beasts. Instead, the phantom of violent qi lingers in the air. There are bodies everywhere. Emergency flare talismans that have yet to be ripped are blown away in the gentle breeze. The scream of a Spirit Eagle echoes in the distance.

Yue Qingyuan doesn’t waste time in ripping his own talisman, sending a firework into the sky. Just as it explodes, two figures emerge from the shadowy treeline.

“Shifu, we should go.” A boy not much younger than him says.

“What’s two more?” The older man grunts, flicking blood off his blade. Only when he steps closer does Shen Qingqiu go rigid upon recognizing him.

“Xiao Jiu– go.” Yue Qingyuan whispers, nudging him to get behind him but Shen Qingqiu is rooted to the spot.

“Well well well, risen from the ashes have you? I didn’t think you survived that fire; there were barely any survivors after all.” Wu Yanzi grins a cruel yellowed rictus. “If only I found you sooner– I would have relished in ruining you.”

“You’re not touching him!” Yue Qingyuan snarls, freeing Xuan Su from his belt. Despite remaining in its sheath, Shen Qingqiu can feel the pressure pushing him down as it meets Wu Yanzi’s sword.

“Yi San! Are you going to do anything or what?!”

Shen Qingqiu snaps out of his daze as the boy bursts forth. If it weren’t for the sun illuminating his second-hand sword, he wouldn’t have had the time to deflect it with Xiu Ya. Upon this new opponent’s entrance, Yue Qingyuan loses focus as he turns away from Wu Yanzi.

“No!” Shen Qingqiu screams, summoning a powerful wind to dislodge the dirt underneath their feet before sending it towards Wu Yanzi. He staggers back with an infuriated cry, rubbing his eyes, temporarily blinded. “I got this! Keep your eyes on him!”

Thankfully, Yue Qingyuan listens as he swings Xuan Su with only one hand. Wu Yanzi doesn't stand a chance as Yue Qingyuan effortlessly throws Xuan Su around as if the sword weighed hardly nothing at all. The sheer force of it launches the rogue cultivator back with a loud crack. Shen Qingqiu doesn’t know what happens next as his concentration barely returns just in time to deflect another sloppy attack.

The fight is messy and uncoordinated. Wu Yanzi moves like a rabid animal, wielding explosive talismans that shake their footing. Yi San zigzags back and forth, wildly slashing the space between Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qingyuan to keep them apart. It takes great effort to recall his own teachings from Qing Jing as desperation and instinct take over.

Dull pain explodes across his arm as the blade finally makes its mark. However, this will only be the first and last wound the boy named Yi San would give as Xiu Ya returns the favor tenfold.

This could have been me.

Shen Qingqiu cannot bring himself to stare at the light leaving the boy’s eyes. His unhealthy pallor looks gray compared to his own healthy skin, illuminated with death as bright red blood drenches his hands. It feels like it's everywhere: under his fingernails, in his robes, in the air and infesting his lungs. Shen Qingqiu stumbles back as the boy drops like a doll. His stained hands tremble, struggling to find purchase around Xiu Ya as it threatens to slip from his hold.

It’s not the first time he struggled holding a sword like this. Qiu Jianluo didn’t go down so easily until his entire midsection was reminiscent of minced meat. Back then, Shen Jiu was a feral thing fueled by adrenaline, rage, and fear. It was inescapable, this all consuming feeling. He had never felt so small.

By the time he noticed the candle on the desk had toppled over, the office was already ablaze. He only had enough time to open the door before the world grew around him.

What would have happened if he made it out of Qiu Manor? Would a life under Wu Yanzi’s tutelage be just as bad? Looking at this boy– this corpse; he doesn’t know if it would have been worth it.

Yes, he killed before but Qiu Jianluo and his men deserved it! But this boy? This kid? He probably wasn’t even half as terrible as Wu Yanzi. He must have been like Shen Jiu: too eager to learn cultivation it became a fault.

Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but wonder: If he had gone with that man– what would have happened to Qi-ge?

His robes feel too tight; whether it was from all the blood soaking into it or if it had suddenly shrunk several sizes, he doesn’t know. Even when he furiously wipes his hands, the blood doesn’t come off. Instead he can feel his skin shrivel up, threatening to wither his hands away if he doesn’t wash them soon.

“Qingqiu,” Yue Qingyuan crashes into him breathlessly. Over his shoulder he can see the limp form of Wu Yanzi, beaten and battered from the blunt force of a broadsword. “Are you alright?”

“My pills,” he chokes on his own breath when he tastes smoke and iron in the back of his throat. Why? Why can’t he breathe? Xiu Ya drops with a clang as he fumbles uselessly for the qiankun pouch hanging on his belt. Dizziness overwhelms him and the world quickly begins to spin as turbulent qi bleeds into the air. Yue Qingyuan is there to catch him when he falls.

The Qi-ge on his lips comes out as a startled “mew!”


my favorite part of writing YQY is him using Xuan Su like a baseball bat. If he cant use it to cut, he can at least use it to bash some heads in

Chapter 21: dress up the kitty


( ˶•˕•˶)

Chapter Text

The conference met a swift end when it was revealed that Wu Yanzi had somehow infiltrated the barrier, resulting in a dozen casualties. If it weren’t for two heroic disciples from Cang Qiong, who knows how many more would have died? Of course, because he was a wicked man of no morals, he cast a curse on Shen Qingqiu right before he met his end.

Which was the story given to other sects. Shen Guangxia made sure Xiao Qingqiu’s secret remained as it was one best left as an internal matter. Victory was short-lived as sects mournfully collected bodies of their own, so there was nobody to question the authenticity of the “curse.”

While Shen Qingqiu finished in second place, the way many spoke of his bravery outshined Su Xiyan. Despite losing their bet, the Huan Hua Palace Master was none too pleased to have his cherished disciple’s spotlight stolen from her. Although, for Shen Guangxia, never has a loss tasted so sweet. His Qingqiu had blossomed wonderfully for his official debut.

Shen Guangxia severs the final stitch and holds up a tiny pair of robes to look over his handiwork, making sure the adjustments he made met his expectations. The sleeves were tapered short while the skirt length was not too long to obstruct walking. It consisted of a shimmery green and teal silk, looking more like a set of formals rather than the standard robe of Qing Jing Peak. For an added touch, tiny embroidered cats playing with bamboo leaves along the hem. Nodding in approval, Shen Guangxia turns to the white ball of fluff sulking by the door.

“This master has kept you contained long enough.” As much as he wants to hide his precious disciple forever, he can’t keep doing so if he is going to be the next Qing Jing Peak Lord. “Come here.”


Shen Guangxia pulls the miniature set of robes over the kitten, buttoning the fastenings and tying the sash into a perfect bow. “If Xiao Qingqiu is going to wander around, this teacher will be reassured if he wears this,” he says before claws could come out to pull the garment off.

“Mrrow?” His tail swishes back and forth, ears twitching, as if he were debating to himself. Shen Guangxia resists the urge to coo. So adorable.

“Should Xiao Qingqiu transform back, he mustn’t worry about his decency. These robes will grow to his form accordingly.”

Shen Qingqiu rubs his head against his hand, purring. He scritches him behind the ear in return, just the way he likes it.

“You’re welcome. But before you go…” Shen Guangxia licks his thumb and reaches for an ink stick to stain his fingertip. Green eyes blink languidly at him as he rubs black ink on the tips of his tail and ears. “We wouldn’t want others connecting the dots now, do we?”

“Meow.” Even in cat form, he can hear the doubt in that flat intonation. Sure it is still a stretch to conclude that the Qing Jing Peak Lord’s pet cat is actually his disciple the whole time. Besides, if the sect finds it easier to believe that right now Shen Qingqiu was cursed, who was he to refute? His disciple may as well take advantage of this new freedom.

“Don’t let that Yue boy kidnap you.” He said seriously as he was about to open the door. As much as he wants to punt that little cabbage thief into next year, Shen Qingqiu would be very upset if he did. “This master expects his disciple to return before curfew.”

“Maaaow!” He doesn’t need human lips to say “ I know!” in that petulant tone teenagers often have. Shen Guangxia chuckles.

“Well, off you go then.”

As soon as the door slides open, the kitten shoots off in a white blur.

He finds Yue Qingyuan because of course he does. The older boy was in the middle of monitoring a room of disciples taking a mock imperial exam when Shen Qingqiu found him. He jumps on his shoulders, nestling against the crook of his neck.

Yue Qingyuan beams, reaching up to scratch him under his chin. “Hello to Xiao Jiu too.”

“Meow.” He butts his head against his cheek. Hello.

“Qingqiu looks nice today,” he whispers fondly.

Good. Shizun made me wear this, he sniffs haughtily. He paws at the white hairs already clinging to Qiong Ding blacks. Who’s washing your robes? They missed a spot! These were definitely NOT his hairs!

Warm doe brown eyes fixate on the ink smudges on his fur. “What's this?”

“Meow meow meow.” Apparently Shizun did this to make people think I’m a different cat.

“I see.” Yue Qingyuan says despite not understanding him. Whatever. It’s the thought that counts. “Shidi is going to be horribly bored in here. He can go somewhere else if he wants.”

“Mrr.” Are you telling me what I can or can’t do now? He digs his claws into thick fabric, hoping to penetrate skin.

Yue Qingyuan winces, “okay okay. Xiao Jiu can stay.”

They look up to a captive audience, bulging eyes staring at the both of them. Yue Qingyuan clears his throat and crosses his arms. Knowing that his Qi-ge wasn’t intimidating enough, Shen Qingqiu mustered up the meanest and nastiest glare in his arsenal. The effect was immediate: disciples plant their eyes back onto their exams; one even slammed their head on the desk for trying to bow out of sight.

See that? That’s how you do it. “Mrrow,” he gets a stroke on the head as a reward.

“There’s a meeting after this. Does Xiao Jiu wish to come?”

He purrs loudly. Where else am I supposed to go? And there better be snacks.

Yue Qingyuan smiles, “sounds like someone is in a good mood today.”

Don’t push it. His purrs taper off into a warning growl. He was about to reach out and claw his face when two fingers snatched his paw aside, squishing his sensitive paw pad. Are you trying to hold my hand? He huffs, whiskers twitching. Stupid Qi-ge! Can’t you see they’re my feet?

As much as he wants to let his claws out, he dozes off from Yue Qingyuan’s incessant petting. This close he can smell fresh pine, damp earth, and the floral perfume of camellias and jasmine. It’s a scent that lulls him to sleep far too easily. Where was he before this, a garden? If sunshine had a scent then surely it too would be clinging to his skin.

The irritating sound of chairs scraping along the floorboards rouses him from his slumber. So loud! Yue Qingyuan thankfully doesn’t linger in the classroom for too long when everyone finishes their exams. He hurriedly slides the stack of papers inside his sleeve before departing.

They approach a pavilion not too far off where the peak lords hold their official meetings. Just as Yue Qingyuan was about to pry open the door, voices trickled into the hall.

“...wonder what they’re talking about.”

“It has to be about the conference.”

“It seems we’re a little late.” Yue Qingyuan smiles apologetically, announcing their entrance.

“Greetings to shixiongs.”

“Oh so it is true!”

“Shen-shixiong looks so well dressed!”

Shen Qingqiu hops onto the table to take the empty spot beside Yue Qingyuan. Liu Qingge scrutinizes him, brow furrowed in concentration. When he tries to touch him, Shen Qingqiu slaps his hand away fiercely.

“Dirty,” he mumbles.

Who are you calling dirty?!

“Shen-shixiong already looks accustomed to this change.” Qi Qingqi coos, taking a pine pollen cake from the platter to wave it around. Shen Qingqiu tucks his paws into his body instead. He knows that look in her eye. He wasn’t going to be bribed for a few pets!

“Will Shen-shixiong be able to change back?” Chen Qingyan inquires.

“Of course. Li-shishu and Shen-shishu are already working on it.” Yue Qingyuan promptly supplies.

“If it’s a curse then shouldn’t my shizun be helping?”

“All this Qingyuan knows is that Li-shishu was concerned for his health. Perhaps our shizuns are to speak of it today.” He quickly recovers.

Nice save there, Qi-ge. It’s truly spectacular that if there was a person so nefarious, that using them as the scapegoat for your lie just makes everyone automatically trust your word. Shen Qingqiu rolls over on his back, belly facing the world and ripe for the petting. At least, as of right now, he doesn’t have to hide. It actually feels nice to be included.

“I wonder if Shen-shibo will be placing an order for silks if he’s going to sew personal outfits.” Shang Qinghua mutters speculatively under his breath.

“Is there anything someone wishes to speak about?” Yue Qingyuan finally grabs the reins of the meeting.

Duan Qingyu speaks up about an issue about Ku Xing disciples sneaking out after curfew to drink. By the time he’s asking Hu Qingshui where they could be stealing these jugs, Shen Qingqiu is already distracted. He’s parched. And he would very much like to drink tea.

He makes eye contact with Yue Qingyuan, swishing his tail challengingly. He then glances back and forth to the tea pot stationed by the platter of sweetmeats, hoping he’ll get the message. I’ll let you touch my belly if you pour me a cup.

Yue Qingyuan finally gets the message. He swiftly decants the tea, pushing it towards him before placing a pine pollen cake onto a plate just for him. When he doesn’t move right away, Yue Qingyuan cautiously reaches for his belly.

Gotcha! Hehe. He sinks his claws into his hand instead, nibbling on a finger. Yue Qingyuan sighs as if expecting nothing less.

Shen Qingqiu however still allows himself to be petted as he delicately laps at his tea. By the time he’s gobbling down his fifth osmanthus cake, does the meeting finally end.

“Xiao Jiu is going to get a stomach ache.”

Preposterous! Shen Qingqiu grumbles under his breath, looking longingly at the leftovers as Yue Qingyuan picks him up.

“Shen-shixiong, may this one examine you?” Mu Qingfang asks as he approaches.

Do as you wish, he huffs.

Mu Qingfang tries his best to keep his neutral mask when he takes a tiny paw into his hand, gently probing his meridians. “Shen-shixiong is just a little strained. He’s still tired from the conference, yes?”

“Mrrrow.” Yes. He was still feeling a little sore actually. An entire week of hunting beasts really took it out of him.

“If it is like Shizun says, he should relax as much as he can. Emotional turmoil will only sustain this form.”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes. Relaxing is all he can do at the moment. He bats the healer away and snuggles further into Yue Qingyuan’s arms. Out of the corner of his eye, he finds the predatory gazes of his martial siblings. He knows that look: they’re going to ambush him to try to stroke his fur!

Qi-ge! Take me away!

Chapter 22: shovels and cat toys


ty for all the kudos and comments ≽^•⩊•^≼ you're all lovely


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ah. I’m in danger.

Beads of sweat roll down his neck as the burning gaze of Shen Guangxia sears into him. Even with a fan obscuring half his face, a lesser man could tell he wanted to flay him alive. For a moment, Yue Qingyuan wishes he had Xiao Jiu with him to stave off these dagger sharp glares. He wonders where Xiao Jiu is. Considering how early in the morning it is, the younger boy may be sleeping in. Does he have his own miniature bed? Is it comfortable? Shen-shishu surely spoils him, but perhaps he doesn’t have enough tiny pillows and blankets– Yue Qingyuan quickly writes a note on his wrist.

“Shidi. The reports.” Chu Guangyu blithely cuts the silence.

“Of course,” Shen-shishu intones. Just as the sect leader leans back to read, Shen Guangxia clears his throat. “Yue-shizhi is working hard, isn’t he?”

Yue Qingyuan couldn’t catch the brush falling out of his hand. It lands with a deafening clatter, splotching ink all over the lacquered wood.

His Shizun barely spares a glance over his paperwork. “If Shen-shidi has a complaint, then he mustn’t bother with pleasantries.”

Shen Guangxia taps his fan against his chin. “Oh this shidi has a plethora of complaints.”

Chu Guangyu sighs, pinching his nose. “Such as?”

“He’s seducing my head disciple!”

“And? This master does not concern himself with frivolous matters.”

Yue Qingyuan doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Or die. Perhaps all three would be good.

“Shishu, it’s not like that. Xiao Jiu and I– we grew up together!” He squeaks through his mortification.

Shen Guangxia’s head swivels so fast if it were anything but flesh, it would have popped off. The wooden handle of his fan creaks, threatening to snap. “No? Is my Xiao Qingqiu not good enough then?”

Frantically, he looks over to his teacher for help. “Shizun–?”

Big mistake.

“Are you ignoring your shishu? Chu-shixiong, may this shidi remind Yue-shizhi of his responsibilities?” His saccharine lilt returns, sending shivers down his bones.

His Shizun chuffs. To anyone else, it may have been mistaken as a short punctuating sound of amusem*nt, but to Yue Qingyuan it was a sound most commonly heard in the office after reading a particularly poor essay: annoyance.

“Do what you want.” Without another word, he tucks the reports into his sleeve and leaves. Not even waiting for the door to click shut, he’s quickly slapped over and over on the head with a fan.

“Yue-shizhi is insolent for taking advantage of Xiao Qingqiu’s trust! How long were you going to lead him on? Months? Years? Has Yue-shizhi ever acknowledged Qingqiu’s thoughts and how he feels? If you hurt him, this master promises he will never hear news of your death.”

Despite the fan breaking with each whack, Yue Qingyuan finds himself floating in another room with the sounds of his own skull cracking. Shen-shishu hated me because he thought I was a swindler? Wait… I can court Shen Qingqiu?

A flash of determination fills his belly with fire.

He has… feelings… for me?!

The chair clatters behind him as he stands abruptly. “This disciple will not disappoint shishu!” He nearly shouts at the top of his lungs. "Please grant this Qingyuan your approval!"

“Why are you shouting? Were you even been listening?!”

Today was a particularly nice day. The sun was shining extra warmly, the snacks were aplenty, and Qi-ge was generous with his cuddles and pets. Not like he wanted pets in the first place! He’s just one of the only few who knows where the best spots to scratch are, but unfortunately Qi-ge gets too overzealous.

“Oh. There you are.”

Although he doesn’t outright barge into the small garden he and Yue Qingyuan were occupying, the Bai Zhan brute simply stands there. Menacingly.

“Hello Liu-shidi.” Yue Qingyuan looks up from the forms he was editing. Shen Qingqiu doesn’t bother looking up from the sunbeam he was lounging in. He’s currently working hard digesting cakes and candied nuts.

“What’s wrong with him?” Liu Qingge brazenly approaches, blocking out the sun. When he bends down to poke his bulging pink belly, he quickly finds his finger trapped between a set of fangs. “Hey!”

You can’t just go around touching people, you brute!

“Liu-shidi should ask first,” Yue Qingyuan warns before sheepishly raising his hand to reveal the dozen bite marks he was given half a shichen prior. “Although, even if Xi– Qingqiu-shidi did permit it, he may change his mind.”

He gives a halfhearted growl. “Grrr.” You were petting too much. Glaring up at the younger boy for disturbing them, Shen Qingqiu strategically weaves in and out between his legs to rub as much fur as possible on his robes.

“You can’t use those tricks anymore. I took my allergy medicine before coming here.” Liu Qingge informs smugly. Shen Qingqiu looks up at him, incredulous.

“This shixiong is glad to hear that.” Yue Qingyuan looks away guiltily.

“Mn. Had to since Shen-shixiong would do it on purpose back then.”

“Really?” Yue Qingyuan raises a speculative brow, looking down at him as if he’ll find an answer.

Shen Qingqiu hisses, don’t talk about me as if I’m not here!

“En. He told me he was cursed.” Liu Qingge casually pushes him down to stop his claws from shredding the hem of his robes.

“Did he now?”

Shen Qingqiu huffs, retracting his claws. What? He’s the one who assumed.

Then, Yue Qingyuan relaxes as a smile creeps on his lips. “This one is glad his shidis are getting along.”

At the same time Liu Qingge nods, Shen Qingqiu unleashes a protesting whine. No, we are not! Can’t you see how annoying he is?!

“Shen-shixiong. We still need to fight.”

No I don’t, this is my relaxation time–! Something flashes in the corner of his eyes. It wiggles tantalizingly, taunting him even.

It’s like a switch has been flipped: something in his brain just snaps into place as Shen Qingqiu’s feline hindbrain takes over. He assumes a perfect hunter’s crouch, tail wiggling, before launching at this new foe.

Liu Qingge waves the feather wand vigorously in stances reminiscent of Bai Zhan techniques. Even if this wasn’t the spar he was hoping for, he takes it just as seriously. Shen Qingqiu leaps into the air, body elongating and toes stretched out, hoping to close the distance with this feathered fiend.

Yue Qingyuan can’t bring himself to look away from the spectacle. Shen Qingqiu was surprisingly lithe and limber for a cat who just ate an entire ensemble of mid-day snacks. He quickly gathers his papers and ink well to set them aside before it could be knocked over.

“Is that all you got?” Liu Qingge incites with a concentrated smile.


Yue Qingyuan couldn’t help but wonder who was having more fun.

This game of chase meets a swift end as Shen Qingqiu finally had enough and attacked Liu Qingge’s arm instead. The feather wand falls with a victorious clatter as he’s tackled by a force of qi and fluff. Shen Qingqiu meows triumphantly as he pins the Bai Zhan brute to the ground.

“It seems Qingqiu-shidi won this one.”

“Again!” Seemingly more fired up, his bloodied arm reaches for the feather wand only to get smacked in the face with a tail.

No, you’re going to stay there and be quiet! “Mrrrrrow!”

“Perhaps another time?” Yue Qingyuan translates much more nicely.

“Shixiong is going to get lazy if he doesn’t train.” As much as he wants to claw up that beautiful face, he decides Liu Qingge must also share his humiliation. Carefully, he sheathed his claws into Bai Zhan whites and carefully unraveled the embroidery. With all the practice he does, the stitching comes apart easily.

“Ah, he’s making mantou.” Yue Qingyuan reaches over to pet him. He allows this. After all, he’s on a mission.

“Mew.” He purrs innocently, kneading fabric back and forth.

“It hurts.”

“It’s supposed to hurt. That means he likes you.”

The brute just used a cat toy on me! I hate him!

“Oh.” Silver eyes gleam. His face suddenly looks softer from the relaxed smile gracing his lips.

Don’t look at me like that. “Meow!”

Thankfully Liu Qingge simply lays there for the rest of their lunch break, accepting his fate. As soon as Yue Qingyuan finishes his work, Shen Qingqiu yanks himself off the Bai Zhan brute and admires his handiwork. His entire front is completely shredded, revealing snippets of skin underneath.

Shen Qingqiu leaps into the older boy’s arms and presses a fuzzy paw to his lips before he can say anything.

“Xiao Jiu…” He whispers admonishingly. Shen Qingqiu bats his eyes, summoning a purr.

Don’t worry, it was for a good cause. He licks his cheek reassuringly.

“If you’ll excuse us, this shixiong has to return shidi to Qing Jing Peak.”

Liu Qingge nods, seemingly unaware of the draft blowing through the holes in his robe. “See you around.”

“He’s going to notice soon…”

No he won’t. “Meow.”

“Xiao Jiu. Please.”

He closes his eyes, tilting his head to ignore him. “Mrrr.” I don’t know what you’re talking about.


SGX: [holding a shovel thinking they're both aware of their emotions] cabbage thief! wait, are you not trying to steal my cabbage? Why? Why not? IS HE NOT GOOD ENOUGH?
YQY, who is just now getting the memo: wait... i can act on my feelings now??
SQQ, oblivious: ᓚᘏᗢ omg new cat toy

Chapter 23: Cat weed


*climbs out of all this fluff* ฅ^._.^ฅ don't worry, there's still a plot in here somewhere, i just need to dig it out

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shen Qingqiu wondered who tossed him off the mountain and shoved him into a mortar and pestle. Where was he? He blinks furiously, squinting up to find a familiar ceiling. The gauzy muslin hanging off the bedposts are embroidered with flowers and bamboo unlike the clean stagnant curtains of Qian Cao. Home? Did Qi-ge feed him too many cakes again?

He finds the comforting glide of silk under his palm. The realization that he in fact had human hands attached to human arms quickly slams into him. When did he turn back? Strangely, the faint smell of warm tea trickling into his room offers an inkling of lucidity. Oh. Right. The last thing he remembers was Shizun and Li-shishu discussing their books…

“Is Xiao Qingqiu enjoying himself?” Shizun had asked, holding his book higher to keep wandering eyes away from it. Shen Qingqiu meowed at the loss. He was just getting to the good part!

“Xiao Shen has been a cat for two weeks now. Have you any hairballs?” Shen Qingqiu meows loudly, offended. As if he was going to lick himself clean!

“He’s not a real cat, shidi should know better!” Shen Guangxia scoffed, offering consoling pets for such a question.

“Isn’t Shen-shixiong a pursuer of knowledge? This master was only inquiring about a symptom.” Li Guangshao slyly averts his gaze.

“Xiao Qingqiu is not going to be your experiment.” His shizun shut his novel with a loud clap. “And don’t think this teacher is going to allow you to laze around any longer. You’ve work to do!”

Who says I’ve been lazing around? I’ve been monitoring the morning classes. No matter how much he protested, he couldn’t be understood. “Mrooow meow.”

“Xiao Shen cannot be like this forever.” The healer’s voice had lowered into a soft sympathetic tone.

Why not? Was his first thought.

He’s never been so content. Thanks to how fast gossip circulates around the mountains, he’s recognized by everyone and respected even in this form. He’s treated as an equal, not just as Shen Guangxia’s pet cat. It feels… nice. As a cat, he’s not even expected to talk back and watch his words. If someone’s touch was unwanted, he has the claws to scare them off. For once in his life, this body feels like a well-worn cloak rather than a pair of too big shoes.

If only I can control it…

“As much as this teacher wishes Xiao Qingqiu to feel at home, he still prefers a human disciple.” Shen Guangxia cleared his throat.

“Don’t worry your shizun still thinks you’re cute when you’re small and fuzzy.” Li Guangshao rummaged through his sleeve to pull out a ceramic pot alongside a long pipe. “Considering the hectic circ*mstances of the Conference, this master realized a pill taken at the first sign of a qi deviation was inconvenient. With a little modification, Xiao Shen will only need to smoke this two times a day.”

Curious, Shen Qingqiu stood up from his Shizun’s lap to sniff at the dried herbs. A surprisingly sweet and minty scent greeted him instead of the acrid bitterness medicine often carried. Immediately, phantom fingers stroked his skull until a pleasurable fog wrapped around him. He wanted more, no– needed more!

Shen Qingqiu flails in bed at the memory. Shame and embarrassment lights his skin with the force of a thousand suns. “You put catnip in it?!” Were the last words he remembers his shizun screaming; everything else beyond that point in time was blurry beyond comprehension.

Groggily, he pushes himself up and hangs his weary head. Why does everything feel so heavy? Ugh. Judging by the rosy dawn filtering through his window, he must have slept the entire day away.

“Psst… psst!”

Shen Qingqiu blinks at the shadowy figure poking up from the other side of the window.

“Xiao Jiu?”

“Qi-ge?” He blurts out louder than he wanted. He stumbles out of bed to push open the latticed shutters to reveal the older boy waiting underneath the windowsill. “What are you doing here?”

“I heard Qingqiu was sick.”

He leans over the ledge to flick Yue Qingyuan’s forehead. “Who said I was sick? I feel fine!” He’s only a little sleepy!

“Shen-shishu said this Qi-ge couldn’t visit yesterday and Li-shishu was here…” Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes, clicking his tongue.

“Qi-ge assumed then?”

Yue Qingyuan sheepishly scratches the back of his neck, “Xiao Jiu is fine?”

“Of course. Qi-ge didn’t have to go through the trouble to come all the way here to check on me.” This guy is the future sect leader? How does he always manage to spend time with him?

“It’s no trouble at all if it’s you.” He says softly, out of breath even. Yue Qingyuan reaches for the pouch on his belt to pull out a ceramic pot with warming talismans plastered hastily all over. “But if shidi isn’t sick, then surely he isn’t hungry?”

As if on cue, his stomach growls. Shen Qingqiu flushes. Great. As if he needed more humiliation in his life. “Stop assuming and give it here!” Without even hesitating, he takes the pot and sets it aside before scalding his palms. “Are you coming or not?”

Yue Qingyuan startles, blushing, “are you sure?”

The door suddenly slams open, causing the walls to reverberate upon impact. Shen Guangxia marches forth with his fan in hand, arm already bent for a finishing blow. “Again?! Do you lose your brain upon stepping foot on this mountain?”

“Shizun, it’s fine–”

With a sharp fwhip , the fan cuts through the air only to lightly tap his forehead. Despite this, electrifying qi zaps him. “Xiao Qingqiu shouldn’t be letting boys into his room, especially without a chaperone.”

He rears back, rubbing the tender skin. Why would he need a chaperone? It’s just Qi-ge! “But Shizun, what was this disciple to do? Leave him out there?”

“Yes.” Shen Guangxia drawls, issuing a glare towards Yue Qingyuan.

“He brought food. Shixiong was just concerned.” He gestures to the innocent clay pot. He doesn’t summon tears out of fear he would send his shizun into a shock, but he makes sure to bat his eyelashes and jut his bottom lip out.

After a long pause, his shizun’s fan snaps shut before unleashing a long drawn out sigh. “Yue-shizhi was wise to bring a peace offering. Be sure to use the front door this time.” The boy doesn’t need to be told twice before scrambling away. Shen Qingqiu finally closes the shutters before more cold air could infiltrate any longer.

“Xiao Qingqiu should have alerted this teacher as soon as he awoke.”

“This disciple would have, but he got sidetracked.”

Shen Guangxia clicks his tongue, “honestly, the both of you are ridiculous. Now, get dressed and get the door for Yue-shizhi. This master won’t be the one fetching him.”

Lunch is an awkward affair. With his shizun nonchalantly reading off to the side, Yue Qingyuan has lost any semblance of vocabulary that wasn’t related to the weather. Every innocuous clack of a cup and clatter of utensils suddenly sounded like nails on a chalkboard. As delicious as the congee is, he’s unused to eating all by himself.

“You sure you don’t want any?” He asks skeptically.

“This shixiong didn’t know how long he was able to stay so he wasn’t anticipating joining Shen-shidi.” He casts a glance over to the eldest Shen, who merely turned a page. Loudly.

“Well, it’s not like you’re not allowed to be here too. Just send a message ahead of time.”

“Don’t let it interfere with your work,” his shizun interjects.

Shen Qingqiu discreetly rolls his eyes, “this disciple has excellent time management skills.”

“If you say so.”

Feeling bolder, Yue Qingyuan tentatively raises his voice. “To be truthful, this Qingyuan didn’t come here just bearing food.” He once again reaches for his qiankun pouch to withdraw a large fur trim cloak. “Since it’s getting colder, this one just wanted to get shidi a little something. Just in case.”

Shen Qingqiu hums in approval. It was a plain black robe with white trim, leaving ample room for decorating. “I can embroider this. This will be useful when I’m not, you know, covered in fur. Thanks.” He beams at how buttery soft it feels on his skin. Okay, as nice as it is being a cat, nothing can beat having functioning fingers again.

Yue Qingyuan perks up, a small closed smile graces his lips as he shyly averts his gaze back to his teacup. With the mood notably relaxing, Shen Qingqiu sets aside the dinnerware so he may map out a design for his brand new cloak. He asks for his opinion on whether or not he should embroider birds or a simple nature scene.

“Does shidi want flowers or trees?”

“Hey, I asked a question first.”

Shen Guangxia sets down his book. “What’s wrong with bamboo?”

“Shizun, we’re surrounded by bamboo.”

“And it's a perfectly fine motif.” He finally gets up and takes note of their empty cups. “Yue-shizhi musn’t stay for too long lest Chu-zhangmen finally realizes his head disciple is missing.”

“Right, right.” Yue Qingyuan stands with a bow, “thanking Shen-shishu for the invitation.”

“Off you go.” Shen Guangxia waves him off. As soon as black Qiong Ding robes disappear, he turns to Shen Qingqiu. “It’s time for your medicine.”

“Will it make this one sleepy?” He grimaces at the familiar pot of herbs.

“No. As long as he doesn’t linger in his other form, Xiao Qingqiu will be fine.” He pulls out the pipe and demonstrates how much he should pack in. “Don’t inhale for too long. Short puffs now.”

He still sputters and coughs despite the warning. Was his cat nose that different from his human one? He doesn’t remember it being this bitter!


ฅ^o.o^ฅ 💜💜💜💜 thank you for all the comments and kudos, i can't believe we're at 800 already!

Chapter 24: Hot Boy Winter


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Snow has graced the Tian Gong mountain range in a whirl of high winds and gray clouds. The humidity of the autumn months have succumbed to the low temperatures of the tall peaks, leaving behind a thin sheen of gossamer. Disciples stay huddled against one another in a frantic attempt of keeping warm between classes. With the sun tucked away in the thick cover of clouds, finding warmth in one another is their second best option.

For Bai Zhan, it is merely another obstacle for training. Exposed skin flushes easily in the harsh nip of declining weather. The pure sheet of snow on the training grounds has already been reduced to a dirty brown sludge as the delicate dance of snowflakes is replaced with the brutish dance of battle.

Shen Qingqiu wraps his cloak around his body even tighter, circulating his qi to keep his legs from falling asleep on the tree stump he claimed as a front row seat. In his peripherals, he finds Shang Qinghua approaching with a large box in his arms.

“Enjoying the show, Shen-shixiong?”

“What is there to enjoy? It’s too cold.” He grumbles. Shang Qinghua chuckles, setting the box down to take a seat.

“Liu-shidi just had to get one last spar out of Yue-shixiong, didn’t he?” And they had to make a spectacle out of it too.

First of all, they were shirtless. With each strike of their wooden practice swords, the sheer force of it would reverberate up their biceps. Their skin was flushed from the chilly air and if they weren’t circulating their qi properly, no doubt their sweat would freeze. Liu Qingge zigzags back and forth, trading blow after blow, always retreating backwards to think about his next move. It’s honestly shocking to find his impulsive shidi so defensive with Yue Qingyuan constantly delivering hard and heavy hits.

As the fight goes on, an audience eventually gathers. Upon hearing the not so discrete giggles of Xian Shu girls does his gaze settle on flesh rather than studying battle prowess.

Liu Qingge is naturally pretty, so of course he’s bound to get a few admirers to watch from the sidelines. For a guy who’s obsessed with training, he’s a lot more lean than expected. Meanwhile, Yue Qingyuan always had a kind and handsome face; it was perfectly suited for diplomacy as the future sect leader. And yet, for a gentle giant, he is built like a brick house. With each flex, his muscles bulge and strain from the power coiling beneath mortal flesh.

He finds his eyes wandering on that broad back of his. How much effort would it take to paint it? No– paper and ink wouldn’t be a good medium at all. Stone, preferably pure mutton jade, would do better to capture such strength. Although, the movement and grace would definitely be lost in such a stiff art form.

He shakes his head. As if he has time for a large project anyways. Shen Qingqiu suddenly feels a little warmer, his hand itching for a fan that was inappropriate for the weather. Was he always that big? What have they been feeding him? Qi-ge wasn’t like this when they were children! Sure he was most often chosen for hard labor, but without adequate meals to build muscle he was a lanky beanstalk.

The sound of dull metal shattering shocks him out of his reverie. Liu Qingge is on the ground, the shards of his training sword lay scattered around him. Chest heaving, Yue Qingyuan tosses his own sword in favor of helping the other boy back up on his feet.

“Before you go off and sulk like a sore loser, could you do it after we’ve set out for our mission?” Shen Qingqiu calls out.

“This Qingyuan hopes he hasn’t kept his shidis late.” Yue Qingyuan walks over, apologetic.

Shen Qingqiu feels sweat wicking on the nape of his neck, finding his gaze glued to an ample chest and perky dusky nipples. What the hell? Why are they so big? No wonder the girls were looking at him, he’s got a bigger set! “What’s the point of this? It’s too cold! Put some clothes on already!” He tears off his cloak to throw it over his head.

“It’s not like anyone hasn’t seen it already, shixiong.” Shang Qinghua pipes in unnecessarily. Shen Qingqiu levels him with a glare.

“It’s training.” Liu Qingge furrows his brow, disapproving of the way he was suffocating their shixiong.

“My robes are right here, shidi doesn’t have to give him his cloak.” Yue Qingyuan tries to say.

His voice nearly goes shrill. “Then what are you waiting for?” He steals the rest of his robes from Yue Qingyuan’s qiankun pouch because obviously he can’t dress himself right now. Shen Qingqiu is too busy wrestling the unruly fabric to notice he was under a spotlight of pure affection.

Shang Qinghua is forced to look away, cringing. “Shidi, where’s your clothes?”

“Here.” He simply demonstrates.

“...and are you going to put them on? Poor Yan-shidi is probably already waiting for us.”

“Mn.” Liu Qingge purses his lips as if he sucked on a lemon, begrudgingly abiding by his request.

“What’s this mission for?” Yue Qingyuan asks, somewhat dazed.

Shen Qingqiu squints at his dopey expression. Has his brain finally froze? Whatever. Not his problem. “It’s a beast capturing mission for Xiang Ye Peak. A Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*ck was sighted in the northern border of the demon realm.”

“Don’t worry Yue-shixiong, we won’t let anything happen to your favorite shidi!” Shang Qinghua loops his arm around his shoulders. The appendage doesn’t make contact for much longer as Yue Qingyuan’s sunny expression immediately dims. He pulls away, wiping his clammy hands on his pants.

“How long will you be gone?”

“It depends. If Liu-shidi’s tracking skills are what he boasts, then we should have no problem returning.” Shen Qingqiu says, swiping off the snowflakes accumulating on his cloak.

“Two weeks.” Liu Qingge promises.

The brief shadow on their shixiong’s face fades. “Ah. That’s– a long time.”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes. He can practically see how he’s bursting at the seams with worry. He grabs his wrists to stop their ceaseless fidgeting. “If you’ve got something to say, then say it.”

Behind him, Shang Qinghua stage whispers to Liu Qingge, “hey maybe we should go?”

“Why?” He asks loudly, confused. Yue Qingyuan holds back a sigh, hands twitching with the urge to tighten up Shen Qingqiu's cloak.

“This Qingyuan… wishes his shidis a safe journey. Stay warm.”

“We’ll be back before you know it!” Shang Qinghua squeaks. “The carriages should be ready by now.”

“We’re going by sword.”

Shen Qingqiu jerks his head, hair whipping behind him. “Unless shidi has the arm strength to carry the beast back, we are taking the carriages.”

Yue Qingyuan watches his shidimen bicker back and forth. The tendril of unease has snaked its way around his ribs and coiled around his heart. He anxiously tugs on his sleeve, rubbing the hem until the threads threaten to unravel. Slowly, he makes his way back to Qiong Ding.

For once, Wei Qingwei has left the forges. His sunset colored robes stand stark in the white landscape, with each step he leaves a trail of ash behind him. Being the tallest peak, Qiong Ding isn’t exactly welcoming with the slippery icy paths and ankle-deep snow.

“Wei-shixiong, just in time.” Mu Qingfang says as soon as he finds the open pavilion he was called to. A steaming pot of tea sits between the healer and a downtrodden Yue Qingyuan.

“What is Wei-shidi doing here?”

“This Qingfang had to call someone who could knock some sense into you.”

“What happened?” Wei Qingwei sighs, sliding into the table to get his hands on some tea. Hopefully it isn’t a medicinal brew.

“Yue-shixiong decided he could risk his health by showing off.” Mu Qingfang intones, his lips pursed into a thin line of disappointment. Wei Qingwei raises a brow. That certainly didn’t sound like his shixiong.

“This Qingyuan didn’t risk anything. He is perfectly able to circulate qi for this weather.”

“And did you do that while sparring with Liu-shidi?”

Yue Qingyuan shies away, suddenly interested in his tea. The healer merely turns to Wei Qingwei, gesturing a pained and silent “you see what I am dealing with?” Looks like he’s got his work cut out for him.

“Alright, what’s wrong shixiong?”

Yue Qingyuan hesitates, “nothing. It’s just, ah, well.” When he pauses for elaboration, he stays silent.

“He and Liu-shidi were shirtless whilst sparring. Shen-shixiong was watching so he overexerted himself of course.” Mu Qingfang explains, exasperated.

He stares at his shixiong. “Aren’t you two courting? You’ve already caught Shen-shixiong’s eye.”

“It’s not that. It’s just–” he fidgets with his sleeves, “he told me to cover up.” Wei Qingwei would have thought it a joke if it weren’t for the sad warble. What was this? Why is his shixiong acting like a bullied maiden?!

“Are you saying Shen-shixiong doesn’t like your…” he gestures vaguely, “body?”

“Why else would he say it?”

“Because it’s cold?” Mu Qingfang adds in grumpily. His poor shidi never fared well in the colder months. Just like plants, he withers away into his own shell, waiting for warmth to defrost him back to life.

Wei Qingwei quickly holds a fist to his chin, feigning thoughtfulness, to hide his twitching smile. Ah, young love. “Shixiong is overthinking it. What if he was embarrassed to have everyone else gawking at you?”

“Does shidi think so?”

“En. Perhaps he was even a little jealous?”

Yue Qingyuan hums, perking up. “I see. This Qingyuan was just overthinking.”

“Where is Shen Qingqiu anyways?”

“He just departed on a mission.” Yue Qingyuan wilts once again, “I wanted to ask him if he wanted to go to the Mid-Autumn Festival…” Mu Qingfang nearly falls out of his chair at his mood’s sudden decline.

“That won’t be happening until a few weeks.”

Their shixiong sighs mournfully. “He’ll be gone in a few weeks…”

Oh dear. It looks like they’re going to need more tea for this.


SQQ: 🙄 LQG might be pretty but Qi-ge is WAAAAY more handsome, if i had the time he'd have a dozen sculptures by now (totally a normal thought)

YQY: xiao jiu doesnt wanna see my tit* 🥺
MQF: ??? do i look like your therapist

Chapter 25: Do you even lift?


im back with a boring chapter title
(Edit - 1 hour later) nvm i just came up with one lol
i had to take a break from writing nyanjiu so i could try to finish other fics im working on (i didnt get very far)
but anyways

Chapter Text

Shen Qingqiu leans out of the window with a smirk behind his fan, watching Liu Qingge float on Cheng Luan with crossed arms. “You know there’s enough room here, shidi.” Shang Qinghua joins him, poking his head out to coax their sulking shidi.

“It’s not that bad.”

The boy from Xiang Ye Peak barely spares his shixiong a glance, too focused on the road ahead. “It will feel faster if Liu-shixiong sits inside the carriage.” Yan Ling adjusts his grip on the reins to signal the horses to step around a particularly large rock.

“It would be faster to ride by sword.”

“Didn’t you hear this shixiong earlier? If we ditch the carriage, we’d have nothing to transport the beast back.” Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes.

Liu Qingge sets his sights towards their junior, “how big is it?”

Yan Ling holds back a sigh, unsure of what to think of his shixiongs. Are they going to be bickering the entire journey? “The Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*ck is no larger than a draft horse.”

Liu Qingge turns back to Shen Qingqiu, “see? I can carry that.”

“No you cannot.”

“Can too–”

“Liu-shidi, I know you probably don’t skip arm day or any kind of day, but this Qinghua recommends we keep the carriage.” He sheepishly interjects, “it would be inconvenient if we lost the carriage. It’s An Ding property!”

“Liu-shidi knows all about destruction of property, doesn’t he?” Shen Qingqiu drawls, fanning himself.

“It’s not my fault if things break too easily.”

“Right, Liu-shidi is just so strong that he cannot control himself.”

Liu Qingge burns a bright shade of pink. “What’s your problem?!”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes, “why is shidi assuming this one has a problem to begin with?”

“Relax shidi, it can’t be helped that you… do in fact destroy things far too easily.” Shang Qinghua trails off, muttering under his breath. Shen Qingqiu sighs, reaching out to tap Liu Qingge on the head with his fan. This seems to temporarily paralyze him.

“If shidi is this uptight, then perhaps he would be better off to spend his energy flying ahead? Daylight is starting to fade after all.”

Liu Qingge doesn’t protest at the suggestion. “Are you so spoiled you can’t even sleep in a carriage?” He grumbles before gaining altitude on Cheng Luan. After a few moments of peace and quiet, Shang Qinghua is the first to break it.

“Aiyah Shen-shixiong, must you tease him?”

Shen Qingqiu closes the curtains as a chill breaches the carriage space. He wraps the cloak even tighter around his body, curling up comfortably. All that was missing was a fire and a warm cup of sweetened soy milk. “He assumed the worst of me without even bothering to get my side. He deserves to be teased.” So what if he was being a little petty? If Liu Qingge had gone on and ran his mouth, who knows how much the rumors could have escalated.

“Really? Shen-shixiong knows how to hold a grudge…” Then, his eyes dart to the empty side of the carriage, uttering nonsense. “What the hell? Why is everything off script? System! Hello?” Shen Qingqiu hides his frown, inching away from the An Ding disciple. He isn’t too fairly acquainted with him. Perhaps it’s a nervous tick?

“What was that?” Yan Ling asks from outside.

“Nothing!” Shang Qinghua squeaks.

Yan Ling casts a cursory glance towards the horses and the road. Yep. That’s definitely a long narrow path right there. With the Tian Gong Mountains foggy outline in the horizon, they were slowly but surely making their way out of Cang Qiong’s territory. There was still time for him to change his mind about his shixiongs. But so far, Yan Ling thought they were… strange. Volatile even– as if he was stuck in a pen of beasts of varying species. He couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as he was the only one among them without a generational name.

Oh Shizun, you didn’t plan this to be a test for this poor Yan, did you?

Yue Qingyuan’s hands felt sore from testing the countless bolts of fabric presented to him. Either they were not the right shade or the texture was just a little off. If it weren’t for his Qiong Ding robes, he would have definitely been chased out from the shops earlier. But could anyone blame his high standards? Xiao Jiu only deserves the best after all.

His heart skips a beat recalling how good Xiao Jiu looked in black. As much as light colors such as green and teal suit him, dark colors bring out his delicate complexion and emerald eyes. Yue Qingyuan’s mind begins to wander: enchanted by a clear starry sky with his Xiao Jiu swathed in shadow, his pale skin glowing like the purest mutton jade from the sweet caress of moonlight.

“Da-shixiong?” He’s promptly ejected from his daydreaming. Qi Qingqi scrutinizes him in concern. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes. Why wouldn’t it be?”

“You’re standing in the middle of the street…”

Yue Qingyuan smiles, “ah forgive this Qingyuan, he was just distracted.” She visibly relaxes, her lips curling into an amused smile.

“Yue-shixiong? Distracted? Has he received good news?”

“You could say that.” He tugs absentmindedly on the drawstring of his coin purse. “Shen-shishu allowed this one to court Qingqiu-shidi.” Just saying it out loud makes his knees wobble.

Qi Qingqi claps him on the shoulder, “this shimei knew you could do it!” Her eyes flash to the bulging coin purse, “so is shixiong having trouble finding a gift?”

“Unfortunately,” he sighs. “This Qingyuan was going to take him to the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I need a gift first.”

“What’s the budget like?”

“It’s not a concern. Shang-shidi is aware of this one’s spending.” She can’t help but feel unnerved at his sunny countenance.

“Yue-shixiong can’t just buy what’s the most expensive. His gift must have heart! What does Shen-shixiong like?”

Qi Qingqi was not prepared for the barrage of information. Was this what love did to a man? How smitten was her da-shixiong?!

“Qingqiu has a sweet tooth, he likes anything sugary. He dislikes greasy and spicy food, but is particularly fond of youtiao. He enjoys historical accounts and poetry rather than fiction, but if he were to read fiction, it would be a mystery novel. He prefers to wear his hair simply, and likes to coordinate his fans with his outfits– oh! I should get him a matching fan for his cloak.” Yue Qingyuan bows breathlessly to signal his leave. “Thanking shimei for the advice. I have to go.”

Qi Qingqi blinks, feeling as if she were caught in a whirlwind.

What just happened?

As soon as Yan Ling had described that the Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*ck would be using its peaco*ck-like tail feathers to shovel snow on top of its body for camouflage, Liu Qingge had the bright idea to carelessly use sword glares to disturb the snow covered field.

“What are you doing, you idiot?! Is subtlety that much of an art they don’t bother to teach it on Bai Zhan?!” Shen Qingqiu screams, smacking his fan over and over against the brute’s head.

“It would have taken all day to find it.” Liu Qingge retorts, “and stop hitting me!”

“Why? Do you feel something loosen in that skull of yours?”

Shang Qinghua squeals behind them, “uh… guys?” At the same time it takes for them to look where the An Ding disciple was pointing, Yan Ling gasps in glee.

“A mated pair!”

Disturbed by the attack, two Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*cks were charging towards them at full speed. They were impressive beasts. They had bear-like forepaws to wade through the deep snow with ease. The feathers along their avian heads puffed out to appear larger as their tail feathers fan out into a menacing display of aggression. Shen Qingqiu quickly mounts Xiu Ya to avoid their wrath.

“We should capture both!” Yan Ling suggests, withdrawing a bundle of rope from his sleeve.

“Um, are you crazy?” Shang Qinghua floats even higher on his spirit sword, cowering.

Liu Qingge shrugs, adjusting the tightness of his ponytail. “Mn. Okay.” Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes at his lack of urgency. Can’t he see that they’re coming right for him? Does he not see those giant claws?

“Shang-shidi, can you erect a barrier around them?” He asks Shang Qinghua. While An Ding was known for logistics, they actually specialize in defense. Despite ranking fourth, they were not thought too highly for their seemingly low standards considering the Peak was well known for selecting anyone. However, for a high selection rate, they accommodate this by teaching both physical and spiritual techniques.

“Are you sure? Liu-shidi is down there.” Shang Qinghua hesitantly pulls out a small stack of paper talismans. With a snap of qi, the talismans shoot out of his palm to form a circle over the beasts. When they align, bright blue energy surrounds the ongoing fight.

“Oh please, he looks like he’s enjoying himself.” Shen Qingqiu gestures. They watch as Liu Qingge knocks over one of the beast’s with his bare hands, trying to pin it down with his knee. It flails, howling and crying, flapping its tail feathers in a desperate attempt to get up to get away from Liu Qingge’s insistent punching. Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*cks were no larger than a horse, but that didn’t make them any less dangerous. Just as Liu Qingge was about to get clawed by its mate, Shen Qingqiu descends and pushes the other Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*ck back with a powerful wave of qi. It rears back, dazed.

A lasso strikes like a serpent, latching around its neck. With a yank, the beast staggers. Shen Qingqiu takes the opportunity to deflect another swipe with Xiu Ya as Yan Ling lands, sending electrifying qi through the rope to shock the beast. The Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*ck keels over, eyes rolling to the back of its head.

“Well, that was easy,” Shang Qinghua chirps.

“The barrier was a good idea.” Yan Ling nods to Shen Qingqiu, “Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*cks don’t do well in confined spaces. See their back legs? They’ve a curved claw made to gouge out their prey, but they need ample room to run and jump. If it weren’t for Shen-shixiong’s quick thinking, Liu-shixiong would have been disemboweled.” It’s the most words their quiet little shidi has said for the entirety of the mission.

“You hear that, shidi? This Qingqiu saved your life.” He says haughtily behind his fan.

“I wasn’t in danger.” Liu Qingge grunts, tying his unconscious Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*ck up with a spare rope.

“Because of this shixiong.”

“You didn’t do anything.”

“Do you deny your recklessness?” Shen Qingqiu puts his hands on his hips. With a single glance towards the sun, he’s quickly reminded to take his medicine. He reaches into the qiankun stitch in his sleeve to pull out the pipe.

“What’s that?” Liu Qingge asks.

He lights it with a snap of his fingers and inhales the calming smoke. “My allergy medicine for your stupidity.”

“You–!” He shouts, his face coloring with an angry shade of pink.

He’s cut off when Shang Qinghua calls out, “hey guys? How are we supposed to transport two? We only have enough room for one on the cart!”

“They’re unconscious right now. It doesn’t matter how you lay them down.” For someone so quiet, it was an impressive sight to see him deadlift and toss the beast into the cart they bought. Beside him, Shen Qingqiu doesn't miss how Liu Qingge has gone rigid in shock from the sight.

“Liu-shidi, you might have some competition.” The scholar muses out loud, stifling the smoke hissing from his teeth with his fan.

“Not even close.” Liu Qingge is easily goaded into lifting the last Snowy Plumed Polar Peaco*ck. He marches towards their shidi, pushing up his sleeves. His form was actually not terrible, but he was holding the body over his head rather than cradling it like Yan Ling did. As soon as he carried it to the cart, the wobble in his knees was transparent afterwards.

“Does Bai Zhan have a weight lifting regimen?” Yan Ling asks, amusem*nt shining in his round eyes.

“We do now!” Liu Qingge barks, clearly embarrassed to have been outshined here.

Shang Qinghua laughs, patting him sympathetically. “Liu-shidi is welcome to visit An Ding and help transport crates for extra training!” Shen Qingqiu coughs from the giggle trying to make its way out of his throat.

“If this shixiong may ask, what is the research concerning these beasts?” Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but ask, stepping close to observe the pure white feathers and fur. He gently grazes his knuckles across its flank. The pelt was surprisingly coarse and dense. An idea suddenly comes to mind. Could its fur be used to make ink brushes? Or perhaps it would be better to use it for a cloak? He could give Qi-ge a cloak of his own as thanks.

“There’s very little about this species in Xiang Ye’s archive. We've only sparse entries about them from passing cultivators, so capturing two live ones is already remarkable in itself.”

Shen Qingqiu blows smoke towards the slow falling snowflakes. “Qing Jing has its own catalog of various bestiaries. This shixiong would like to visit Xiang Ye’s library and compare notes.”

“Shen-shixiong is welcome to.” Yan Ling beams, turning around to plaster a talisman on each of the beasts’ foreheads. He recognizes the characters for ‘sleep’ and ‘trap.’ “This should keep them from waking up on the way back–”

“ACHOO!” Shang Qinghua erupts, scaring the horses. Yan Ling rushes over to calm them down. He quickly regains his bearings, muttering nervously under his breath. “Ehehe… Someone must be talking about me.”

“Are you allergic to cats too?” Liu Qingge asks whilst staring at Shen Qingqiu.

“Ignore him.” He shoots him a glare. “Why does shidi say that?”

“Oh, it’s just a superstition. Usually if you sneeze, someone’s talking about you.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

Shen Qingqiu climbs into the carriage and holds the door open. “If Liu-shidi is going to think hard about it, then he should sit and rest inside.”

“Shen Qingqiu!”

Chapter 26: It's a date! (on the calendar, right?)


thank you for all the comments and kudos (wow 900 already? that's insane)
the story is slowly but surely moving along, but i wanted to ask: do yall like it when an author responds to comments? I feel bad not replying to any of yall, but i dont know if its something people find overbearing? idk, but i do have the email notifications on which are always a nice read 💜

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Welcome back.” Yue Qingyuan is the first to greet them at the base of the mountain.

“Thanks da-shixiong,” Shang Qinghua brightens at their cordial shixiong, only to realize the warm welcome was only meant for one of them. Aiyah Yue Qingyuan… can't you at least spare some warmth for us lowly ones?

Nobody else seems to take offense as they were too distracted returning the horses. But Liu Qingge’s pride was on the line now that Yue Qingyuan was here. He channels his qi through his muscles, just like how Yan Ling taught him, before lifting a great sleeping beast into his arms. It was a technique similar to Bai Zhan’s, except it called for the body to hold it instead of channeling it into an attack. If Yue Da-shixiong sees how strong I am now, maybe we’ll spar later! His efforts were sadly wasted. As far as Yue Qingyuan knows, there was only a white blur in the background as he was too focused on greens and teals when Shen Qingqiu breaks away to meet him.

“You didn’t wait for too long, did you?” He smirks, wiping off stubborn snowflakes that had clung to the other boy’s shoulders. “If I ask around, is anyone going to say you slept on the staircase?”

“This Qi-ge did no such thing.” He says unconvincingly. “He actually got work done.”

Shen Qingqiu raises a brow, “oh? Are you saying this shidi is a distraction?” Yue Qingyuan startles at his severe tone, suddenly dismayed.

“No, that’s not–” he pats him on the arm.

“This shidi was only teasing.” Shen Qingqiu presses his thumb between his thick brows to smush the wrinkle there. “So serious. What’s going to happen when you cultivate a golden core with so many wrinkles? Am I going to have to call you Lao Yue?”

Yue Qingyuan coughs into his hand, ears going pink. “D-Does shidi need to turn in a report?”

“Yan-shidi has it.” He lowers Xiu Ya to the ground, readying himself for flight. Yue Qingyuan steps on, his hand respectfully grabbing his arm for balance. “Are you mooching a ride off me now?”


“What’s the point of you lugging that thing around if you can’t use it?” He chastises as they lift off. They break through the veil of clouds and mist encircling the mountain range, Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but shiver. Now that he’s back, he could finally embroider some warming talismans into his cloak.

“Ugh, how is it colder here?”

“We are at a higher elevation,” Yue Qingyuan agrees. “Did the cloak keep you warm enough?”

“It did. It’s very nice.” The other boy preens at this.

“How was the mission overall?”

“Liu-shidi was impatient, but that’s nothing new.” He pauses, “did you know Yan-shidi can lift more weight than Liu-shidi?”

“Oh?” Yue Qingyuan perks up at this new tidbit of information. “That’s– but Yan-shidi is so… small.”

“He is, isn’t he? But if you think about it, wouldn’t you need to have the strength to manhandle your beasts? What if you must shear them? Or clean their hooves like any other animal?”

“Shidi has a good point.”

“Of course I do.” He hesitates, slowing Xiu Ya down. “Did you need to go somewhere?”

“Shall we have tea?” He quickly adds, “if you’re not busy of course.”

To Qing Jing it is then. Shen Qingqiu tilts Xiu Ya’s trajectory to descend with a little more force than he wanted to, causing Yue Qingyuan to stumble and press against his back. This close, he can smell the pine sap and warmth of his skin.

“Ah, sorry.” His breath tickles his ear. Shen Qingqiu suddenly feels too hot under his robes. What is this? Why is he so warm? They touch down in a clearing, the grass whispers welcome greetings under the soles of their boots.

They find an open pavilion close to the music hall. Yue Qingyuan asks a passing disciple to bring tea and before he could even finish the request, they’re already running down the cobblestone path with the promise of the best tea. “Was it something I said?”

“Who is going to deny serving their future sect leader? Don’t act so clueless now.”

“Is it because I’m scary?”

Shen Qingqiu pinches his arm, “who would be scared of you?”

“A sect leader should at least be a little intimidating.” What kind of question is that? Stupid Qi-ge! He leans in, pulling Yue Qingyuan’s cheeks. The loss of baby fat does not stop him from stretching them as far as he possibly could.

“Chu-shibo can’t even smile. As far as I know, it’d be impossible for Qi-ge to quit smiling.” If Chu-shibo were cut from ice itself, then Qi-ge was sunshine incarnate. He’s got an amiable handsome face. Who wouldn’t approach him? Shen Qingqiu relents, pulling away when they’re finally delivered tea.

“This shidi greets his shixiongs.” His shidi bows, casting a glance between the both of them. “Welcome back Shen-shixiong,” they bow once more before fleeing.

“See? It’s me they’re afraid of.” He says haughtily, decanting the first pour.

Yue Qingyuan regards him with fondness, “Xiao Jiu isn’t so scary.“

“You should attend the classes I teach. Only then will you know true fear.” He instinctively reaches over to where a honey pot should be, only to find his hand grasping thin air. Ugh. Is he really going to have to drink unsweetened tea–?

“I’ll see if I can,” Yue Qingyuan says, rummaging inside his sleeve. As if answering his prayers, his savior retrieves a wrapped parcel of snow crisps. He reaches for them immediately.

“Qi-ge’s too good for me.” It melts in his mouth, the milky sweet quickly overpowering the oaky herbal tea. Yup, this is exactly what he needed after a mission. He munches on another, sagging in pure bliss. A breathy moan slips out of his lips, causing Yue Qingyuan to sputter and choke mid-sip. “What’s wrong?”

“N-Nothing.” Yue Qingyuan says between coughs. Shen Qingqiu shifts awkwardly in his seat when he sees how red in the face he’s gone. He tries to ease his discomfort, but patting him on the arm only seems to make him cough harder.

“Don’t go dying on me now, here. Drink some more.” He says, refilling his cup. After what seems to be an eternity of wheezing, Yue Qingyuan is finally able to breathe again.

“N-Now that Qingqiu is back, I was wondering if he would like to go to the Mid-Autumn Festival…” he trails off nervously.

It is indeed that time of year, isn’t it? With the snow, his brain had completely forgotten autumn wasn’t over yet. Now that he thinks about it, this would be their first festival together as free men. For once, they wouldn’t be forced to watch from the darkest shadows of the unlit alleyways. Back then, the street rat children were told to keep out of sight to not disturb the festivities. But that didn’t stop Xiao Jiu from sneaking out and pilfering fallen coins. After all, it wasn’t his fault if people weren’t careful with their money.

Will the tanghulu still taste just as sweet when it’s paid with honest money?

“Yes. I’d like to go.” Yue Qingyuan perks up like a spring bloom under sunshine.

“Qingqiu is already making plans when he hasn’t even greeted this teacher?” Shen Guangxia approaches, face hidden behind his fan.

“This disciple greets Shizun.” He shares a glance with Yue Qingyuan.

“It was this disciple’s fault. He distracted Shen-shidi,” the older boy tries to say but his shizun wasn’t having any of it.

“This master knows Yue-shizhi was simply excited to see Qingqiu. It is no fault of his. However, he would like to hear of his disciple’s mission now.”

“This disciple will take his leave,” Yue Qingyuan then whispers, “I’ll see you then?”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes, “of course.” Had he no faith? He wasn’t going to ditch him!

As soon as Yue Qingyuan departs, Shen Qingqiu sets up a spare cup to fill for his shizun.

“So… the Mid-Autumn Festival, hm?” Despite the cup hiding his lips he can hear the teasing smile.

“This disciple thought shizun was going to inquire about the mission?”

Shen Guangxia waves him off, “it was this teacher’s original intent until he overheard Yue-shizhi. What is Xiao Qingqiu going to give as a gift?”

Shen Qingqiu blinks at a loss. Wait. Was he supposed to have a gift ready?

At his clueless expression does Shen Guangxia begin to regard him severely. “You… have a gift prepared, yes?”

“This,” he scrunches his eyebrows. Was it something he’s missing? “This disciple can go to the market tomorrow?”

Apparently this was the wrong answer. The crockery clatters as his shizun suddenly stands up. “We must remedy this. Come, we’ve a lesson in porcelain today.”

“Right now?” He asks, stunned.

“Yes! Did Qingqiu not know he had to reciprocate his gifts with equal or greater value?” Shen Guangxia smacks him on the head with his fan. “Your schedule for today is cleared anyways. This master expects perfection by the end of the day!”


SJ is finally catching on to his own feelings woooo

SGX: ???? am i a bad teacher for not teaching him the rules of courtship?
[SJ on his fifth attempt, clay all over his robes]: "did i do something wrong?"
SGX: "no sweetie, you're doing great." i can't let that boy outshine qing jing! We must prepare the better gift!

Chapter 27: Under the moon is me and you


is literally YQY in this chapter

also thought it was time to name the little town at the base of Cang Qiong: Shanying (山影)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The town of Shanying, so often nestled against the shadow of Tian Gong mountain range, glitters like a treasure trove with the ardent glow of festivities and the moon’s benevolent silver spotlight. Here, it is one of the few times of the year where the idyllic settlement outshines their immortal neighbor.

Shen Guangxia hides behind a cart of hay bales, glowering over the edge of his fan. He doesn’t dare blink, hoping that Yue Qingyuan can feel his dagger-sharp glares cutting into the back of his head. Eventually, Li Guangshao finds him.

“This shidi didn’t know Shen-shixiong was to attend the festival.”

The wooden handle creaks in his hand. Shen Guangxia grits his teeth, grumbling, “this son of a sow took my cabbage without even asking for a chaperone.” The healer follows his incisive gaze only to merely raise a brow at the couple stopping by a snack cart. Their shoulders were bumping against one another every so often, but upon closer inspection he could see Yue Qingyuan’s hand was having a difficult time in committing to holding Shen Qingqiu’s. “You see that? He’s touching him all over!”

“Aiyah shixiong, they’re teenagers in love.” Li Guangshao gently pats the man on the arm, “weren’t you warming up to Yue-shizhi? What happened?”

“Well this master changed his mind!” Shen Guangxia hisses. The worry lines plaguing his face smooth out when the healer steps close enough to loop his arm around his. The tension ever so slightly seeps out of the scholar’s spine as their eyes finally meet.

“They’re going to be fine,” Li Guangshao gives an experimental tug, “let’s enjoy the night. The book shop is having a sale right now.” His eyes shine like black river stones under the moonlight. Shen Guangxia casts one more glance to the street before allowing himself to be towed away.

Shen Qingqiu slows to a stop, distracted by a flash of teal and greens. The fleeting silhouette conjures a spell of familiarity in his mind, but it immediately dissipates with disbelief. Are Shizun and Li-shishu…? He shakes his head. No, that can’t be. They’re just martial siblings.

Out of the corner of his eye, Yue Qingyuan’s form lingers at the threshold of an alleyway. He crouches down with armfuls of fresh baked treats, his smile just as warm, coaxing the cautious shapes lingering in the unlit alley. The children eventually break away from the shadows, their grubby little fingers relieve him of his mooncakes. Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes. As if he even needed to smile for them to approach. He can’t even scold him for being so soft hearted. As cultivators, they’ve no need to worry about how to spend their money.

Once the street children retreat, Yue Qingyuan stands back up, his smile still lingering on his lips. He couldn’t help but stare at how pronounced his dimples are. He quickly looks away when they begin to drift to his lips.

“You hardly bought anything for yourself.” Shen Qingqiu points out, frowning in protest as he’s handed a mooncake. It’s individually wrapped and smells heavily of the fruit filling inside. Yue Qingyuan merely purchases another mooncake at the accusation.

“I’m not as fond of sweets like you.” Just as his eyes scan over the crowd to land on another food stall, Shen Qingqiu has had enough. He selects a mooncake he believes to be filled with white lotus paste and shoves it into his hands. The thin pastry crumbles from the excessive force, forcing Yue Qingyuan to catch it.

“Have you already advanced to practice inedia? You should eat something. I don’t want to drag around your body when you inevitably collapse from hunger.”

“Ah, Xiao Jiu is always looking out for this Qi-ge.” He says wistfully, nibbling on the pastry like a baby bird. Shen Qingqiu tugs on his sleeve, directing him through the street. If he can’t get him to eat, then he’ll have to try other means.

“Let’s get some tea before finding a good spot for the moon viewing.”

Which, it turns out, was a difficult task. Every balcony was booked and there were barely any open chairs in the outdoor seating areas. Of course they could drink tea inside but what was the point in that when there was a perfectly good moon to admire? They eventually find a spot to sit, which just so happens to be the most ideal spot for moon viewing: a roof. Besides, who was going to stop them? Only a fellow cultivator would have to fly on their sword to kick them off.

“We can go to Qiong Ding for tea,” Yue Qingyuan suggests. Shen Qingqiu lightly taps him with his fan.

“I’m not going all the way to Qiong Ding just to have tea.” He squints down at his own qiankun pouch. It’s made of black shimmery fabric embroidered with delicate silver gardenias and gold leaves.

“Are you sure? I can go get–”

“I changed my mind. I don’t want tea anymore,” he grumbles, shoving the pouch into his lap to distract him. “Well? Open it!”

“Qingqiu didn’t have to get me anything,” he says gently, prying open the ribbon drawstring with gentle hands. He swings his legs back and forth, waiting in anticipation as he reaches inside. Seriously, can he unwrap his gift any slower?

“Oh!” He gasps, holding up two pairs of eggshell porcelain cups. If they’re set next to each other, they would complete a scene of a flock of birds flying over misty mountains and flowering magnolia trees. It took a long time to get the paints and glaze just right. Just looking at them now, his fingers ache from hours of manhandling clay. “It’s beautiful… but is shidi sure he isn’t telling this one to go get tea?”

Shen Qingqiu blinks, cheeks going warm. “It’s just a coincidence. Do you like it or not?”

“Of course,” he beams, but before he could put them back in the pouch for safe keeping, Shen Qingqiu reaches inside to pull out a porcelain ji-style hairpin. It was simple, made to be worn casually when the time called for it, but with the carefully painted carps swimming up the shaft it was elegant enough to not earn a dubious glance. Shen Qingqiu’s mouth goes dry when Yue Qingyuan begins to take out his silver hair crown. “Oh! You really shouldn’t have. Can you help this Qi-ge put it on?”

He gulps down the lump in his throat when he suddenly holds a handful of silky black hair. “You can’t do it yourself?” He mumbles. What’s the big deal? It’s just hair, he tries to reason with his fluttering heart. And yet, when he slides the hairstick into the bun, it’s as if he stuck a piece of moonlight in Yue Qingyuan’s hair. The porcelain seemed to glow in front of his very eyes.

“How is it?” The older boy asks, instinctively reaching out to touch his handiwork. Shen Qingqiu forces himself to look away. If both of their faces were flushed pink, neither of them dare to comment.
“It’s good because I made it,” he says, distracting himself by putting up his gifts inside the qiankun pouch.

“It’s that I just so happen to have something for you as well…” Yue Qingyuan sheepishly reaches into his sleeve to pull out a fan. Just the weight of it alone revealed its quality. The tassel attached is inoffensive, light and decorative; a clear jade token. The handle was made of polished ebony, embossed with clouds. It snaps effortlessly with a sharp fwhip. At first the black silk reveals no pattern or painting of any kind, but at the slightest shift of his wrist it seems to shimmer from a subtle metallic pigment. Shen Qingqiu immediately studies the hidden scenery. Iridescent mist swirls around low hanging branches of bamboo.

“It’s very nice.” Shen Qingqiu instinctively raises it over his lips as he finds himself under Yue Qingyuan’s patient and expectant stare.

He receives a blinding smile. “I’m glad.”

He averts his gaze, finding it too much. In the crowd, couples begin to exchange kisses under the moonlight. Everywhere he looked, he just so happened to find people kissing. And then, a wayward thought grabs him by the throat: what would it be like to kiss Qi-ge?

The air is punched out of his lungs. Oh wow, ha ha, where did that come from? He frantically breathes in and out, trying to not fall off the roof. His eyes somehow land on Qi-ge’s lips. Shen Qingqiu raises the fan over his eyes, but it’s too late– the image of smile lines and dimples are burned into his retinas. How did it come to this? How? He can’t just kiss Qi-ge!

“It matches my cloak.” He barely manages to say just to fill the silence. Thankfully, Yue Qingyuan doesn’t appear to have noticed his silent meltdown.

“It does, doesn’t it?”

Shen Qingqiu quickly fans himself, grateful for the cool air nipping his burning cheeks. “I’m thinking of embroidering that cloak. It’s been dying for some embellishments, but now I can embroider a pattern to match the fan.”

“Whatever Qingqiu does, it will surely be beautiful.” Yue Qingyuan says fondly, not even looking at the fan.

Before either of them can say another word, paper lanterns begin to take their languid flight. Then, up above in the faint shroud of the mountains, tiny pinpricks float from their respective peaks. Shen Qingqiu turns to Yue Qingyuan, only to find him holding a paper lantern of his own.

“Where did you get this?” He asks. A chuckle forcibly bubbles out of his mouth when he sees a crude rendition of a cat drawn on the side.

“I may have come to town earlier to purchase it before they sold out.”

“And is this your handiwork?” Is that supposed to be me? It has to be– there’s even a ribbon tied around its neck!

Yue Qingyuan looks away, embarrassed. “Qi-ge did his best.”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes, “it’s better than some of my shidimen.” It’s the best compliment he can hand out without trampling on his poor Qi-ge’s artistic dreams. His hands graze against his much larger ones. “We wouldn’t want it to be left behind now, wouldn’t we?”

Together they set it off. They watch it join the rest of the lanterns; a countless stream of golden flickering lights streaming into the night sky. For a moment, they will be one with the stars. Just for a night.

Shen Qingqiu jolts at the fingers tentatively lacing around his own. No matter how fast his heart jumps, the butterflies in his belly reassure him that this is not an unwelcome touch. Maybe this could be more… Thoughts racing, he doesn’t quite hear the syllables flying out of Yue Qingyuan’s lips.

“What was that?”

“Shall we go get tea now?”

Seeing that the moon would be making its descent soon, he agrees. They step onto a still sheathed Xuan Su. Despite the amount of space on the broad sword, they stand close together anyways with their hands intertwined.


ok so tbh, i wasnt expecting to ship my own peak lord OCs but SGX and LGS are kinda cute together ngl. Shen Jiu gets to have two dads now (LGS is definitely the dad who lets SJ do whatever he wants and gets yelled at by his wife later)

YQY: "hey wanna kiss?"
SJ, literally having a gay awakening: "huh what was that?"
YQY 🥲: "uh i said should we go get tea now?"

Chapter 28: Puppy Love


so this chapter was 100% unplanned, unintentional: LQG grabbed me by the neck and shook me like a maraca demanding for character development

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Liu Qingge is not lost. How can he? He can track a beast over a hundred li, so theoretically, he can’t be lost! The trees just… look the same! Even the cobble path was bending and winding around the same rock he had passed just half a shichen ago! He stomps his foot in frustration, glaring at the bamboo stalks. They don’t offer a single syllable of help. They merely sway in the wind’s gentle caress, bumping ever so softly against one another.

Before he could unsheathe Cheng Luan to take flight, he jolted at the slight scratching sound of boots stepping closer. He whirls around, skin itching from unspent energy, only to find Yue Qingyuan standing at the top of the steps. Their eyes meet, relaxing under mutual confusion.

“Hello shidi. What brings you to Qing Jing?”

“Shen Qingqiu still hasn’t given me a proper spar.” Liu Qingge grunts, falling into Yue Qingyuan’s gait as they meander along the twisting path. His shixiong carefully regards him.

“What causes Liu-shidi to be so persistent?”

“He’s strong,” he admits, “and he could be stronger if he trains.”

Yue Qingyuan’s brow softens, a pensive shadow cast over his countenance. “Qing Jing is a peak of spiritual cultivators. Their training regimen is unlike Bai Zhan.”

Liu Qingge huffs in frustration, “I know that. Nobody but you can last very long in a fight. I need to test him and find out if he'll make a good sparring partner.” He kicks a pebble when they pass a familiar stream. It gurgles loudly, mocking him. He doesn’t notice his shixiong pausing, contemplating.

“Come spring, Qingqiu-shidi’s time in Cang Qiong will officially be one year. In that time he’s had to overcome his condition and catch up with his peers.” Yue Qingyuan reaches out to pluck a bamboo leaf, twirling it between his fingers. Liu Qingge cannot tear his gaze from the ardent affection and pride illuminating his shixiong’s noble face. “It’s hard to believe he’s on the same level as us, isn’t it? He’s worked thrice as hard for it, so this shixiong asks shidi not to take offense.”

“It’s strange.” He forcibly rips his eyes away in favor of searching the canopies overhead. “It feels like he’s always been here.” He cannot imagine– no, remember a time where Qing Jing even lacked a head disciple.

“He should have been here earlier.” Yue Qingyuan confesses, voice diminishing. Guilt radiates off of him in waves like the thrumming of an angry nest of Hornet Hummingbirds. His voice is low, fading to a mere whisper as if the words were meant for himself and not Liu Qingge. “If I were braver– stronger, he’d have come with me to Cang Qiong.”

Liu Qingge falls still, attentive. “You knew him.”

“En. We grew up together.” His shixiong trails off, eyes drifting in between the bamboo stalks.

“What happened?” There had been a curiosity brewing in his belly the moment he heard the rumors speculating Shen Qingqiu’s origins. Ever since he was scolded and punished, he had to rely on his ears and mouthy shidimen to supply the itch to know, but the dubious truths he managed to hear was never enough to satisfy it.

He turns to him, eyes as sharp as obsidian glass. His usually genial tone shortened into a curt staccato where each syllable stabs into his skin like Qian Cao needles. “Our circ*mstances were difficult. That’s all shidi needs to know.”

The sunshine seems to lose its warmth as his shixiong merely looks past him: solemn and distant. It was a look, Liu Qingge realized, he never wanted to see again. It was a look that reminded him of when his shixiong first entered the sect.

Yue-shixiong entered the sect like a comet, bright and relentless. He cultivated and studied like his life depended on it. He never lingered in personal boundaries nor did he divulge in deepening relationships beyond polite acquaintances. Of course he was pleasant to be around. What little warmth he offered felt like the first drop of rainfall in a decade long drought. Yue Qingyuan was very likable, yet he kept everyone at arm's length. Admirable. Helpful. Hard working. He was favored among many.

Liu Qingge wasn’t going to lie. He wanted to be closer to his da-shixiong. Back then, he admired his diligence and determination to be better. He wanted his acknowledgement, his friendship. He wanted to be more than a sparring partner. He wanted to be the one to break Yue-shixiong’s shell, to get closer. He simply wanted more.

He recalls the murmurings of Shen-shibo’s new pet cat and the coincidental appearance of Shen Qingqiu’s debut. That’s when Yue-shixiong began to smile. A memory sparks: fiery jadeite eyes and pale hands digging into green brocade.

“A curse. That’s what it is!” Shen Qingqiu had shouted, hiding behind his shizun. It’s like several puzzle pieces have slid into place. Liu Qingge resumes walking along the path to catch up to his shixiong. No wonder he’s so protective of Shen Qingqiu. If they grew up together, then surely he would know the one who had cast the curse. He tightens his grip on Cheng Luan.

Were they still out there? Were they still a threat? Would they be looking for Shen-shixiong?

“Da-shixiong,” he says once he catches up to the older boy. “Shixiong should know I hold no ill will to Shen-shixiong.” Yue Qingyuan falls still, the tension in his shoulders falls away like water off a duck's back.

“That’s good to hear, shidi.” His chest tightens upon seeing his smile. The air seems to lift as a faint ripple of energy ripples throughout the forest, disturbing the leaves up above with a protesting shhh. Yue Qingyuan perks up with recognition. “Qingqiu,” he says, dimples and all.

“What are you two blathering about?” Shen Qingqiu emerges with a dizi in hand, seemingly out of nowhere. He’s not dressed in his usual attire of Qing Jing’s signature pale greens and teals. Instead, he’s clad in rich forest greens that could easily be mistaken for a shade of black if it weren’t for the sunshine dappling his silhouette. A matching black fan is tucked into his belt. And instead of his customary guan, his hair is tied up into a tight ponytail. It leaves ample room for Liu Qingge’s gaze to memorize the swannish column of his bare neck. Shameless! His hands twitch, resisting the urge to tear off his sleeve to tie a makeshift scarf around his neck.

Judging by the heat prickling in his peripherals, he knows he’s not the only one staring.

“Did you dispel an array just now?” Yue Qingyuan asks, not hesitating in offering an arm to help the brunet over the ridiculously small stream weaving around the stones and steps.

“It was just a simple deflection array to give me enough time to finish practicing.” Shen Qingqiu tucks the dizi away into his belt. Its naturally pale wooden sheen stands stark against the dark fabric. “What brings Liu-shidi here? This shixiong wasn’t expecting you.”

“Spar.” Shen Qingqiu snaps his fan open. For a moment, he thinks he’s about to be rebuffed once again.

“How about a game of weiqi then?” Liu Qingge frowns.

“That’s not sparring.”

“But shidi must be familiar with it enough to play, no? It’s unfair of him to insistently demand a spar from this Qingqiu, a spiritual cultivator.” He flutters his fan, “a challenge is still a challenge. Unless Liu-shidi is backing away from it?”

“No!” Liu Qingge wrenches his hand off of Cheng Luan, “but if I win, you spar with me!”

Yue Qingyuan smiles, “shall this shixiong call for tea then?”

“Do what you want.” The fan falls away ever so slightly for Liu Qingge to catch a glimpse of a sharp crescent moon smirk. “But it better be fast. Liu-shidi may be losing in under ten turns.”

“I’m not gonna lose!”

He loses. And the tea hadn’t even arrived to the gazebo they moved to.

“Again!” He slams the table, disturbing the white pieces surrounding his own black stones.

“If Liu-shidi needed a warmup, he should have said so.”

Yue Qingyuan pats him reassuringly on the arm, “this shixiong can spar with shidi.”

As tempting as it is, he shakes his head. “I need to spar with Shen-shixiong.”

“How about this?” Shen Qingqiu sets additional black stones for him, “shidi will be given a handicap. It will be more than fair now.”

Hope! Liu Qingge takes the chance. This time, he’s going to win!

He loses.

By a lot.

But when has a loss ever deterred him?



I think its pretty funny if LQG cannot tell the difference between a crush and the desire to make friends, because fighting is his way of connecting with others- how else is he going to get close to others? use his words? nope.
(for those wondering, i am unsure if this fic is going to end up qijiuliu. maybe down the road, the more i write it might become even clearer, but as of right now the primary focus is qijiu)

also, I based SQQ's darkening wardrobe (totally not YQY's influence here) from this lovely art
here the artist is @dracotology on twitter and @momolith on tumblr

Chapter 29: Spin the sword


yan ling gets his generation name woo

anyways, here's the final list of the OC head disciples:
Ku Xing: Duan Qingyu (锻 清雨)
Xiang Ye: Yan Qinglan (弇 清栏)
Chuang Mi: Chen Qingyan (晨 清焰)
Zui Xian: Hu Qingshui (壶 清水)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


“Congratulations Yan-shidi!”

Mulled wine is graciously served to all twelve disciples, save for Duan Qingyu who seemed content to just have water. Its deep color rivals the signature rich burgundy of Zui Xian. If it weren’t for the inviting smell of plum and clove, Shen Qingqiu would have thought it an ill-brewed potion. Hu Qingshui makes sure to fill their newly promoted shidi’s cup all the way to the brim before handing it to him. “Here you go, Yan Qinglan.”

No matter how carefully he holds the cup, beads of wine still manage to spill over onto his sepia robes. “Thank you, Hu-shidi.”

“It’s about time Yang-shibo selected someone.” Chen Qingyan interjects. She earns a few pointed looks when Yan Qinglan deflates.

“It should have been Ji-shixiong.”

Shang Qinghua leans over to pat him on the shoulder. “H-Hey now, accidents happen all the time! Ji Qinghao was just… unlucky.” If it weren’t for Shang Qinghua’s own nervousness bleeding out, perhaps this would have offered some reassurance.

Lin Qingshi’s sagely voice reverberates inside her cup as she gulps down her wine. “It was simply fate that led Yan-shidi down this path.” Duan Qingyu grimaces into his water beside her.

“Shimei… that’s not very comforting.”

“Why so down? This is my best brew! Come on, drink up! We’re supposed to be celebrating!” Hu Qingshui frantically tries to grab the reins of the conversation.

Mu Qingfang pinches his nose. “Please don’t drink in excess if you don’t wish to,” he informs the sullen Xiang Ye head disciple. Meanwhile, Shen Qingqiu looks up from his untouched wine. He leans over to whisper in Yue Qingyuan’s ear.

“Who’s this Ji Qinghao?”

“Ji Qinghao was Xiang Ye Peak’s previous head disciple.” He pauses, shifting in his seat uncomfortably, glancing around to make sure he wasn’t whispering too loud. “He was tasked to capture a Snapping Tiger Turtle and it, ah, didn’t end very well.”

Shen Qingqiu looks down at his mulled wine, untouched and still full to the brim. “Were you friends?”

“No.” He intones in a low timbre, their shoulders pressing against one another. He’s so close, his words resonate through his bones. “When I entered the sect, I wasn’t intent on making friends at first. I had to work hard for Xiao Jiu after all.” His half-lidded eyes glinted like cinders in the dim candle-light. Shen Qingqiu sinks into the warm and fuzzy feeling expanding in his chest at the affirmation. Thousands of butterfly wings tickle his belly, itching to take flight. He tries to clear his throat, only to find it void of any moisture. He quickly takes a sip of his drink. The sweet plum is pleasant on his tongue, but he mourns the loss when it’s quickly overwhelmed by the powerful bite of clove and anise.

“How about some drinking games?” Qi Qingqi suggests.

Shang Qinghua perks up, “how about spin the bot– er, spin the sword!” Liu Qingge’s spine snaps to attention at the mere mention of one of his favorite words. He eagerly unsheathes Cheng Luan, immediately blinding everyone in the room with its dazzling gleam.

“Here. I have a sword.”

Chen Qingyan, who seems to already be feeling the effects of downing three cups, hisses and shields her eyes. “Okay? Congratulations. Now put that thing away!”

“It’s okay shidi, it can be sheathed!” Liu Qingge slumps with disappointment as he begrudgingly sheathes Cheng Luan. Shang Qinghua quickly clears the table and shoves plates of snacks aside before setting the sword down. This only seemed to offend the Bai Zhan disciple as he sits back with his arms crossed. If he jutted his lip just a little bit more, he’d definitely be pouting.

“What is this?”

“Well, it’s this game I know. You take turns spinning it, and kiss!” Beside him, Yue Qingyuan turns still as stone. Shen Qingqiu quietly taps his fingernails against his cup, wondering whether or not he should down the whole thing when Qi-ge’s lips haunt the back of his eyelids once more. This again? He pinches his thigh, hoping to quell the adrenaline jumpstarting his heart. Daringly, he casts a glance towards the older boy. Yue Qingyuan, like many others in the group, has decided that his wine is suddenly very interesting to look at right now. Shen Qingqiu begrudgingly gulps down the rest of his drink.

Don’t get ahead of yourself here, he thinks glumly, he probably doesn’t even think of anything like that. The last thing he wants to do is ruin his friendship with Qi-ge over something so impulsive.

“I don’t think some of us would like that.” Qi Qingqi emphasizes by wiggling her brows.

“O-Oh,” Shang Qinghua sputters, “well there’s another version of the game! You just spin it and whoever it lands on, you have the option to either ask for a truthful answer to any question or request anything you want.”

Liu Qingge doesn’t hesitate in spinning Cheng Luan. Just as it lands on Wei Qingwei, he turns to Shen Qingqiu and barks, “fight me!”

“Do you have wine in your ears? That’s not how the game works.” He hides behind his sleeve to snicker.

“Ask me a question, shidi.” Wei Qingwei gestures, sloshing his drink in encouragement. Liu Qingge frowns, face hardening under the startling weight of the world as if he were a general overseeing war plans.

“How… do you grow hair… on your chin?” Each word is bitterly hissed through grit teeth as the absurd honesty of it stuns the entire room into silence. Shen Qingqiu is close enough to hear the snort that escapes Yue Qingyuan before it’s quickly submerged in mulled wine.

“You just grow it.” Wei Qingwei says, stroking his wispy beard as if it were wisdom he was spouting. Mu Qingfang lets out a heavy sigh.

“If shidi wishes, he can come to Qian Cao for hair growth serums.”

“Does that mean it’s my turn?” Yan Qinglan hesitantly reaches out to spin Cheng Luan. It lands on Shen Qingqiu. His shidi shyly raises his cup, “this shidi asks for Shen-shixiong to have another drink since he didn’t get a party of his own upon receiving his generational name.”

Hu Qingshui looks stricken, “what? Oh! I didn’t bring enough booze!”

Shen Qingqiu raises his cup for a refill. “It’s fine. Cheers.” Not so soon after a generous sip does he begin to feel as if someone is stuffing cotton inside his skull before lighting it on fire.

“You were named so quickly.” Yue Qingyuan intones remorsefully, “I don’t think I even congratulated you.”

“It’s not a big deal…”

“Of course it is, you were like a shooting star.” Qi Qingqi chimes in.

“I can’t believe we didn’t throw a party for Shen-shixiong!” Hu Qingshui bemoans, “I’m going to get more snacks!” It’s a wonder how the Zui Xian disciple didn’t knock over anything on the way out. Upon his exit, Liu Qingge turns to him.


Shen Qingqiu chuffs, “thanking shidi for remembering.” Liu Qingge grunts with a self-assured nod.

“My turn!” Wei Qingwei vigorously spins the sword, face splitting with glee as it just so happens to land onto the boy next to him. Mu Qingfang’s round face betrays not a single ounce of amusem*nt. “Mu-shidi!”

“Wei-shixiong cheated. You made the sword land on me.”

Liu Qingge immediately stands up, “Cheng Luan wouldn’t be so easily swayed!”

“I’m hurt, shidi! That’s a very bold accusation.” Wei Qingwei grins, “alas, the rules of the game provoke me to ask Mu-shidi… to grow a mustache.”

“Can I skip?” Mu Qingfang sends a pleading look to Shang Qinghua.

“You can, but it will cost you a drink.” As soon as he says this, the healer takes a modest sip.

“He said drink, not sip!” Duan Qingyu, who’s happy to live vicariously through his martial siblings, heckles from the sideline.

“Who’s side are you on?” Mu Qingfang complains into his cup.

“My turn!” Qi Qingqi announces. Shen Qingqiu watches the tip of Cheng Luan land on Yue Qingyuan. “Da-shixiong, you’re so handsome, but sometimes you’re so unapproachable. May this shimei do the favor of softening your face?” She says this as a matter of fact while pulling out cosmetics from her qiankun pouch.

Yue Qingyuan fidgets with his cup. No doubt he is thinking it a harmless dare. “Not too much, shimei.” He weakly obliges. Shen Qingqiu watches his shimei carefully as she forces her way to sit next to the older boy. She pats his face with a powder puff. Shen Qingqiu’s gaze follows her meticulous hands as she expertly lines his eyes with kohl until his eyes burn and beg for him to blink. When she draws back, it’s as if someone had stolen a starless night sky and hid them inside Yue Qingyuan’s skull. And yet, Qi Qingqi wasn’t done. She brings a square of red paper– winking to Shen Qingqiu as she moves close enough to offer it to his lips.

His mulled wine must have gone bad all of a sudden. It tastes sour and rancid when it goes down his throat. Although his blood simmers pleasantly all the same.

“That’s better isn’t it, Shen-shixiong?” Qi Qingqi smiles cheekily, admiring her handiwork. Shen Qingqiu squints despite his blurring vision. Like this, covered up, he can’t count the freckles on Qi-ge’s cheeks. It’s unnerving. He doesn’t like it. He wants to wipe it all up– okay, maybe not the rouge on his lips.

“Augh.” A garbled noise escapes him. Shen Qingqiu squeezes his eyes shut and buries his head against Yue Qingyuan. Just thinking about his skin and collar being stained red from countless kisses makes him dizzy. His cup goes slack in his hand, but judging by the lack of it shattering into a dozen pieces it must have been caught.

“Did Xiao Jiu drink too much?” Qi-ge’s voice rumbles against his skin. It’s a deep noise, as if he just plucked the lowest string on the qin. He’s so warm. Shen Qingqiu wants more, wants to tuck himself against his arms to steal his body heat all for himself.

“Mrr.” The room is spinning so he has no other choice but to grab handfuls of black fabric. He doesn’t pay much attention for the rest of the game. Qi-ge must have stopped playing at some point too, since he hasn’t moved a muscle ever since he moved into his lap.

He must have fallen asleep because the roaring sound of raucous laughter pierces the hazy fog cluttering his mind. Each swell of giggles and drunken amusem*nt stabs into his skull. Shen Qingqiu whimpers, clinging onto Qi-ge even tighter. Safe.

His robes fall away. Claws tear into black fabric. Shen Qingqiu meows against the face rubbing into his belly. Qi-ge, you stink! His white fur is quickly ruined as bow-shaped imprints of rouge stamp across his once immaculate pelt. He bats at the older boy’s face, claws catching against skin.

“Xiao Jiu is so cute,” Qi-ge hums, not even bothered by the weepy scratches. He leans down to smother another kiss on his cheek. He even emphasizes each kiss with a loud obnoxious “muah.”

Shen Qingqiu yowls. Ugh! Stinky Qi-ge! Your breath stinks! His fur itches all over from overstimulation. He’s being held way too tight and he’s beginning to feel breathless. He bats at Qi-ge once more before wiggling out of his grasp.

“Xiao Jiu, come back!” Yue Qingyuan whines. Shen Qingqiu clumsily saunters across the floor, paws threatening to slip from under him. He hops into Liu Qingge’s lap before promptly rolling on his belly. With a cautionary sniff, he only detects faint traces of wine underneath the scent of lavender soap, sweat, and dirt.

“Shixiong.” Liu Qingge’s hand hovers over the exposed downy fluff. But the Bai Zhan boy has seen this trick before, so he didn’t dare tread on his shixiong’s personal space. Even when the white cat inevitably falls asleep across his legs, Liu Qingge finds himself trapped: if he moved, he’d wake his shixiong. Yet, if he doesn’t move, his nose is going to start–


In the end, he’s scratched anyways.


SQQ: oh no, qi-ge probably doesn't like me back [YQY, literally kissing him in cat form]

HQS, coming back with more booze and snacks: how is everyone drunk already?!

also i had this idea for the longest time of YQY leaving kissmarks all over nyanjiu. im so glad to finally get it out lol

Chapter 30: Aftermath


sorry if i teased nyanjiu time last chapter, theres a lot to progress and we're approaching a much needed timeskip, but i promise nyanjiu time will be coming soon™

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Oh gods. What happened to his head?

Shen Qingqiu blinks blearily up at what he can assume is the ceiling to his room. When he tries to get up his limbs are uncooperative and sluggish, as if they were tied down with lead weights and used as training dummies for Bai Zhan. He pats around, searching for a nightpearl that is surely stashed in his robes. Except, he’s apparently half-dressed? He reaches up to rub his eyes only to nearly skewer them with something sharp. One squeeze of his hand informs him that his claws were in fact out. How did that happen?

The door slams open like a clap of thunder, causing the walls to vibrate. It rattles his brain, nearly sending his body flying off the bed.

“Is this master’s disciple finally awake?” His shizun’s drawl effectively pours ice cold panic over his head. He flinches when the curtains are yanked open, flooding sunlight into his once dark room. Shen Qingqiu pulls the blankets over his head for refuge.

“Aiyah Shen-shixiong, must you still drag him out bright and early?”

“Li-shishu?” He pokes his head out of his blanket cocoon. What is he doing here?

Li Guangshao’s peak lord regalia of Qian Cao chartreuse is absent from his person. He almost doesn’t even look the same person under the cool toned greens and blues of Qing Jing. Without his hair pulled back and out of the way, fallen wayward strands of raven hair soften his sharp features. Instead, a thick loose braid is draped over his shoulder.

“Hello shizhi,” the healer greets him good-naturedly, holding out a glass vial. “A hangover tonic.” He watches his shizun out of the corner of his eye as he shamefully knocks back the medicine. He cringes involuntarily at the horrid viscosity more than the bitter-sour citrus flavor.

“Didn’t this shixiong say he didn’t need it?” Shizun crosses his arms, brow quirking upward.

“This master heard no such thing,” Li Guangshao pats him on the head. Shen Qingqiu jolts when his very feline ears tingle pleasantly at the touch. One cursory pat around the bed reveals that he also had a tail again.

Shen Guangxia clears his throat. “Now that disciple Shen is awake, may he explain these marks?”

Huh? Shen Qingqiu looks down, pushing up a disheveled sleeve to reveal bright red lips staining his skin. Oh. Oh no. The party. Did anyone see him transform? Calm down, he tries to take a deep breath. Surely nobody noticed. Nobody can endure a Zui Xian brew after all.

“Answering Shizun…” he stalls, eyes bulging wider and wider when the rouge refuses to even smear and smudge against his futile efforts of wiping. All he remembers is… “This disciple was celebrating with his martial siblings and got carried away.” He hopes it’s vague enough to be an acceptable answer.

“Oh? And how did Qingqiu get carried away?”

Shen Qingqiu can feel sweat pricking the back of his neck. He clamps down on his swishing tail. “This one participated in a game and lost control halfway through it.”

“Interesting. Alcohol does indeed inhibit medication with calming properties. Xiao Shen should be careful next time.” Li Guangshao turns to the other man, “Shen-shixiong mustn’t worry too much. Who else wouldn’t wish to kiss a cat?”

Shen Guangxia sputters, “not if it’s unwanted! He shouldn’t lose personal boundaries after changing shape.”

His face heats up at the blurry recollection of Qi-ge kissing him all over. Fate really is testing him, isn’t it? Shen Qingqiu doesn’t know whether or not it’s a good thing he had fur instead of skin. “This disciple asks Shizun to be excused and wash up.”

Shen Guangxia sighs, “dismissed. And remember your medicine. Xiao Qingqiu has classes to teach.”

“Yes Shizun,” he bows glumly before rushing past them.

Li Guangshao raised a questioning brow as soon as the boy was out of earshot. “I’m surprised he didn’t say anything.”

“What is there to say?”

“This,” he gestures to the stolen robes hanging off his body.

“Why would he?” Shen Guangxia reproaches. “Have you seen him? He’s too in love to even look straight.”

“I don’t know,” Li Guangshao intones dubiously as he casts a glance down the hallway, “with how besotted Yue-shizhi is, this master cannot help but feel concerned that Xiao Shen isn’t the one taking it seriously.”

“Of course he is. Give him time. Qingqiu only needed some encouragement until recently to handcraft his courting gifts.” The scholar tilts his head up with a haughty chuff. Judging by the pride lilting his words, there was no doubt he was supervising these passion projects.

“If you say so.” Li Guangshao pats him on the arm in a silent request to follow. “Now please tell me the food here is better than Qian Cao.”

Yue Qingyuan finds Shen Qingqiu by happenstance. He had just wandered through the tranquil bamboo gardens past the Music Pavilion when he heard a disapproving voice filtering over the shrill sound of discordant instruments.

“Can you not hear how sharp that sounds? Perhaps Pei-shidi should visit Qian Cao to clear out the buildup in his ears.” Yue Qingyuan doesn’t dare step any further. Instead, he hides behind a wall to watch.

Shen Qingqiu kneels down to manhandle his shidi’s hands to manually tune the erhu. He was wearing his lighter robes today. Yue Qingyuan couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. The feeling doesn’t linger long however. Just as Shen Qingqiu gets up, a faint jingle trespasses the Music Pavilion. There, in a flash of silver, is the bell dangling from the hairstick he gifted him ages ago. Yue Qingyuan’s heart squeezes, just as it does every time his Xiao Jiu wore his gifts.

After a hesitant whine on the erhu, Shen Qingqiu deems it good enough. “See how better it sounds? Now start again from the top.”

Yue Qingyuan leans against the wall as the erhus drawl out a warm and crisp tone. A call and answer echoes throughout the pavilion before transitioning to a jaunting melody. The cheery tune crescendos as the beat goes faster and faster. It’s a wonder how these students remain sitting upright when the song leaves Yue Qingyuan dizzy and breathless.

Shen Qingqiu’s head jerking causes the bell to jingle furiously. “Gao-shidi, you got carried away and made everyone go faster to match your tempo. Again.” Bows position back into place, ready to repeat the song, except only this time Shen Qingqiu claps a steady beat. The rest of the song goes smoothly and by the end of the lesson, all the energy in the room has been sucked out.

As the lesson disperses, Yue Qingyuan finally makes his presence known. The brunet doesn’t look surprised to see him in the slightest. “Yue-shixiong. How long were you lurking there?”

“Not for too long,” he confesses. “What song was that?”

“Birds Singing In a Tranquil Valley.” Shen Qingqiu pauses, setting his own instrument aside, “it’s a tricky one. They always get carried away in the end.”

Yue Qingyuan smiles, “Qingqiu is a good teacher.”

“I’m just doing what Shizun does.” A fan quickly blocks the view of pink dusting his cheeks. “What brought Yue-shixiong here to Qing Jing today?”

Ah, he’s embarrassed. Fondness tickles his chest. “I just wanted to see how you were doing after last night…” Yue Qingyuan trails off, nervously curling his fingers inside his sleeves. His eyes scour every inch of bare skin, searching for any sign of rouge stains. He hadn’t expected his Xiao Jiu to be so vulnerable from alcohol; or as Hu-shidi liked to call everyone, a “lightweight.”

“This shidi is fine.” Shen Qingqiu says stiffly, eyes narrowing just above plain silk. Yue Qingyuan mentally notes he should purchase a variety of fans: one of every color to match any possible outfit. “Has anyone talked about seeing a cat?”

He shakes his head, “I hadn’t heard anything so far. I doubt anyone was sober enough to see you transform.”

Shen Qingqiu briefly fans himself as if to wave off the palpable tension in the air, although the worry lines in his brow remain. Out of the corner of his eye, he spies a flash of white peeking under the skirt of teal robes. His tail is out! Does that mean he’s unwell? It twitches back and forth, betraying Shen Qingqiu’s calm and collected mask.

“You’re wearing the hairstick,” he blurts out. It was an impromptu attempt to distract Xiao Jiu from his worries, and it was the only thing he could think of on the spot. He fumbles when jadeite phoenix eyes bore into him. Yue Qingyuan fights through his tangled tongue and finally continues, “wouldn’t it be a distraction for music lessons?”

“It’s to teach patience and concentration.” Shen Qingqiu smirks, tilting his head to elicit another delicate tintinnabulation. “It’s not loud enough to be annoying, but just enough to serve a purpose.”

“Perhaps I should give Xiao Jiu a gong-belt?” He suggests with a chuckle. He could just imagine his shidi disturbing the peace, pounding his mallet against the flat metal disc. Another image quickly dissipates it with a younger and scruffy Xiao Jiu, where instead of a brick in hand, he’s smashing someone over the head with the gong. An unbridled snort escapes him. Shen Qingqiu pinches his arm, rolling his eyes.

“And I can be a one man troupe,” he snarks.

“It would be quite the performance,” he responds honestly.

They slowly meander along a garden path. It’s one of many that is ingrained inside Yue Qingyuan’s brain, carved with the many memories of these simple walks. He had to have memorized Qing Jing Peak at this point, from the cluster of bamboo forests and the peaceful gardens, he would rather admit it rather than confess the fact that there are parts of Qiong Ding he has yet to venture.

Overhead the sky has shifted to a permanent gloomy gray to prepare for the winter months. The grass under their boots have turned brittle from the recent snowfalls and lost their viridian luster. Just as a wayward brown leaf flies over their heads does Yue Qingyuan finally recall something important.

“Your birthday is coming up, isn’t it?” As children, the first sign of the trees shedding their leaves served as a reminder for Xiao Jiu’s birthday. For Yue Qi, his birthday would be somewhere in late spring when the days become warmer.

“Is it?”

As if he could forget, even if there’s no specific date to memorize. “En. Does shidi want anything in particular?”

“Why are you even asking? Do you not know me enough?” He huffs, snapping his fan shut to poke him in the ribs.

“Then it shall be a surprise.” Yue Qingyuan beams. “If shidi isn’t busy, shall we go get tea?” He asks, pausing when he spies a group of disciples laying in the grass with their noses buried in scrolls and books.

“Mn. Sounds good.” Shen Qingqiu’s eyes flash, “did you know Li-shishu was at the manor this morning?”

Yue Qingyuan nearly stumbles, “really? Is something wrong? Was it your, er, furry little problem? ” He inconspicuously gestures to the tail hiding under layered robes. Shen Qingqiu smacks him on the elbow.

“Why are you calling it that? Don’t do that.” He hisses, “and no, nothing is wrong. He was just there. I know he and Shizun are friends, but isn’t it strange to visit that early?”

“And what if I visit you early? Would you think that's strange?” He quips in return.

“No.” Shen Qingqiu whips his head towards him, the bell clinking menacingly. “Don’t you dare visit me before sunrise.”

Yue Qingyuan’s cheeks are beginning to ache from smiling, “alright alright. Xiao Jiu will keep his beauty sleep. This Qi-ge will visit when the sun has risen just enough.”

“I’ll claw you and wear your skin as a blanket.”

“If it keeps Qingqiu warm at night, then gladly.” Yue Qingyuan laughs as he endures another smack.


SQQ seeing LGS dressed in qing jing colors: "wow, he and shizun are such good friends"

Birds Singing In A Tranquil Valley is a real song

Chapter 31: Birthday Bash


oops its been a while
so i finally got hit with the brain fog where no matter how much story you have, its typing it down that is the problem. writing this was difficult, my fingers were very uncooperative, and it was supposed to be posted on halloween but was too late

this chapter is so long, probably the longest one i ever written if you include new game+ but i just didnt have any way of cutting it in half so lol enjoy this big chonker

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shen Qingqiu technically has two birthdays: the nameless day he received from Qi-ge and the one Qiu Haitang gave him because “it just seemed too sad not to have one.” She bestowed to him an auspicious date in summer, which just so happened to coincide with her own. But he’s never liked summer. His skin always burnt at the end of the day, and the heat made nights unbearable as he wouldn’t be able to cling onto Qi-ge like he always did.

Xiao Jiu always thought it silly. Qiu Haitang, he could understand, had the luxury of wealth and a family to dote on her. But Yue Qi? He always had this strange fascination with birthdays. Perhaps it was because he got to spend a few years with his family before being sold and that was where the fondness for it came from. Still, even when he was sold and abandoned by that so-called family of his, he clung to this annual tradition.

Thinking back on it now, he really was a brat. Shen Qingqiu leans against the windowsill, smothering his smirk behind his palm. Qi-ge had to stop giving the other kids gifts, otherwise Xiao Jiu’s gift to them was going to be a brick to the head. And it’s not like the presents themselves were anything special either; they were always toys left forgotten and trampled in the street, or food from the garbage that were just edible enough not to cause a stomach ache. But they were from Qi-ge, and it could only be his and that’s what made it special.

“What has Xiao Qingqiu lost in his own thoughts?”

Shen Qingqiu jolts out of his reverie, the forgotten ink brush in his hand is sent clattering to the floor. “Answering Shizun,” he looks down to find careless ink droplets splotching his ruined poem. sh*t. He’s going to have to start over. “This disciple was simply reminiscing.”

“Oh? Does it have to do with the sudden romanticism in your poetry?” He fumbles for his fan to hide his face, no doubt his cheeks were bright red now.

“T-This disciple is merely experimenting with various themes.”

Shen Guangxia laughs, “judging by the state of your paper, it certainly wasn’t an artistic escapade.” He picks up the ruined sheet before Shen Qingqiu could save it from his teacher’s prying eyes. “Come. Let’s play a game. Qingqiu looks like he needs a break.”

The board is set and he’s given black pieces. Only when Shen Qingqiu carefully places his first stone does his shizun finally speak once more.

“Does Xiao Qingqiu wish to speak of anything?” His white stone quietly clacks against polished mahogany. “It’s no chore for this teacher to listen.”

Is this about his assignments? Shen Qingqiu leans back, focusing his gaze on the board. Does shizun think I’m doing something wrong? He hoped what was legible from his poetry was at least up to standard. “This disciple has been diligent, Shizun mustn't worry."

Shen Guangxia clicks his tongue. Was that not the right answer?

"Is that it? Does Xiao Qingqiu not have anything else to say?" Surprisingly, there is a lack of disappointment in his tone. Upon his hesitation does his shizun sigh. "Your birthday. This master is offended his disciple hasn't informed him it is his birthday today."

Shen Qingqiu blinks, forgetting his next move. “Shizun… wanted to know?”

“Of course. Isn’t it obvious your teacher wishes to celebrate? Imagine my shock when Yue-shizhi informed me!”

“He told you?” He wasn’t expecting getting his cheek pulled. “Shizun!”

“Qingqiu, this teacher has given you his name and a home. What made you think I wouldn’t care?” He squeezes the black stone in his hand until it digs into his palm. The way he says home – to say such a thing so tenderly, to him of all people, makes his heart ache. His shizun sets the board aside to get closer.

“This disciple,” he barely manages to get it out with his tongue tied and twisted, “didn’t think it was important.” He clams up when gracious arms wrap around him. For a moment he wonders if he failed to smoke his medicine when a hand strokes his head, only to realize he was still in fact human. His feline body is accustomed to touching because it’s expected, but this? No one other than Qi-ge has hugged him so tenderly before.

“Just because it may not seem special to Xiao Qingqiu doesn’t mean others think the same.” Shen Guangxia murmurs, “silly boy.”

Shen Qingqiu sits there in a daze. For some reason, he wasn’t expecting the pure warmth radiating from his shizun. As a cat he always assumed it was his own fur keeping him warm, but instead it was his shizun all along.

When Shen Guangxia finally pulls away, he reaches into his sleeve to pull out a white jade amulet. His fingers are all but pried open to replace the forgotten black stone. The cool jade is like a balm against his bruised skin. It’s concave, embossed stars surrounding the characters for the sun and the moon. Upon closer inspection he finds the tiny relief of a cat sleeping amidst the bamboo stretching out from the edges.

“It’s a longevity lock.” Shen Guangxia gestures for him to put it on, “it’s instilled with protective charms should Xiao Qingqiu need it.”

Shen Qingqiu blinks furiously against his blurring vision, “thank you Shizun.”

“Xiao Qingqiu deserves the best.” He whispers, stroking his hair once more. “This teacher will handle classes today. You go on and enjoy the day.”

“Shizun is benevolent,” he mumbles, standing up on numb legs. When he tries to attempt a bow, a fan smacks his head.

“In exchange, this disciple of mine shall be attending to his teacher’s paperwork.”

A fair trade. He tries not to sigh out loud. “Yes Shizun.”

As soon as fresh air hits him, he feels a rapidly cooling wetness dribbling down his cheeks. He quickly dabs it away with his sleeves. He’s not crying! It was just the dust! The longevity lock rests heavy against his chest. His shizun’s doting presence was now an omniscient one; his familiar qi signature pulsates like the roaring fire of a hearth.

With a deep breath, he tucks the lock under his robes and steps towards the direction of Qiong Ding. Why would Yue Qingyuan tell his shizun it's his birthday?!

Shen Qingqiu cuts through a bamboo forest. It’s a well known shortcut to the rainbow bridge. So really, he shouldn’t have been so surprised to see Liu Qingge.

“Liu-shidi? What are you doing here?”

The Bai Zhan boy meets him in four wide strides before thrusting a jar into his arms. Shen Qingqiu scrambles to keep it from slipping out and crashing to the ground. Liu Qingge pulls away with a grunt, “happy birthday.”

“Oh. Thanks.” He rolls the glass jar around, sloshing the viscous liquid inside. “How did shidi know?” Who else did Yue Qingyuan tell?! Does the whole damn mountain know?!

“Da-shixiong.” With a nod, he spins on his heels to walk away. What? Isn’t he supposed to ask for a spar right about now?

“That’s it?” The words slip out.

Liu Qingge pauses. He scrunches his thin brows together before shrugging. “Yeah.”

“Usually shidi seems to find this shixiong at the most inconvenient times to ask for a spar.”

His shidi blinks, “shixiong doesn’t seem interested.”

Shen Qingqiu huffs, “well as thanks for the…” Just what the hell is this?

“Sword oil.” Liu Qingge supplies helpfully.

Right. Of course it’s sword oil. Thank goodness it’s not some strange beast’s saliva. “This shixiong wants to thank his shidi with a spar.” He’ll give Yue Qingyuan a head start in fleeing the sect, but first he needs to warm up his blood.

Liu Qingge predictably perks up, “really?”

“Of course. This shixiong is no liar.” Besides, he’s in a generous mood now. This was the first time Liu Qingge hadn’t barged in on him shouting demands at the top of his lungs. Surely that deserves a reward? “Before you take out Cheng Luan–” too late, the sword was already out. He sighs, “let’s go to a training courtyard. I’d rather not be an accomplice to deforestation.”

“You should use it.” Liu Qingge suggests as soon as they find an empty courtyard. He’s practically brimming with excitement, he’s even leaking qi. “The oil.”

Hesitantly, he pops open the lid and is greeted with a surprisingly pleasant woody scent. “What is it made from?”

“It’s Stinging Silver Cedar sap and clove oil.” Liu Qingge puffs his chest out, pleased. He hands over a rag. Shen Qingqiu takes it, dabbing a small amount to polish Xiu Ya. “It’s a family recipe.”

Xiu Ya looks positively radiant when he returns the rag, shining brighter and somehow brimming with even more energy. “It looks like Xiu Ya approves.” He hums, “thank you.”

“Mn.” Liu Qingge steps back, feet sliding into an offensive stance. He’s barely given enough time to tuck his jar safely into the qiankun pouch on his belt before the younger boy thrusts out with Cheng Luan.

“Eager, shidi?” He asks, greeting his blade with his own. They clash together with a song of metal.

“It’s been long overdue.” Cheng Luan slides away with a high pitched hiss before returning with another powerful blow. Shen Qingqiu swiftly changes his grip, spinning Xiu Ya downward to dispel the force. Knowing full well he’s weaker in this stance, he ducks his free hand behind his back to form a seal before pushing Liu Qingge away with a gust of wind. Before he can allow the other boy to regain his bearings, he lunges with a downward sweep.

As much as Shen Qingqiu thinks he could push Liu Qingge back, he can’t keep him away forever. The moment he steps too close, a fist grazes his side. It only knocks the breath out of him. Thank heavens he resisted his shidi’s spars before! If he had accepted, he’d be flung across the field by now!

He forms a sword sign to send Xiu Ya flying. In retaliation, he goes for a crescent kick. Liu Qingge easily grabs his ankle to toss him down, but as soon as his back slams into the dirt Xiu Ya shoots towards him. It’s a tumultuous back-and-forth without any stable rhythm. Shen Qingqiu didn't dare allow Liu Qingge to get near, while Bai Zhan techniques called for closer range.

Shen Qingqiu makes the mistake of relying on using Xiu Ya as his long ranged weapon, spearing the air in a futile attempt as Liu Qingge easily dodges. He takes the opportunity to lunge, butting into the scholar’s personal space. His bruised forearms protest with each punch and before he could even try to throw a punch of his own, a kick sends him tumbling with Cheng Luan pointed at his throat.

“Does Shen-shixiong surrender?” He doesn’t even sound out of breath!

“I don’t know,” Shen Qingqiu tries not to wheeze between each syllable, “shidi should look over his shoulder.” He smiles, raising his hand which had stubbornly remained locked in a sword seal. Liu Qingge goes still, looking shocked to find Xiu Ya gleaming menacingly in his blind spot.

“A draw then.” He nods, sheathing Cheng Luan before offering a hand. He takes it, clicking his tongue when he finds grass stains all over his robes. “Shen-shixiong should take a secondary weapon for long ranged attacks.”

“And what does shidi suggest?” He asks wryly, sheathing Xiu Ya. Would his sword get jealous if he did?

Liu Qingge hums, eyes drawn to the fan safely tucked into his belt. “A war fan. Something durable so shixiong doesn’t have to send out Xiu Ya all the time. Also you need to work on your hand to hand skills.” He tacks on hastily.

“This shixiong will consider it if he tells this one where he last saw Yue Qingyuan.”

“Zui Xian.” He says without hesitation.

“Thank you shidi,” he pats him on the shoulder before taking his leave. He neglects to see pink faintly coloring the younger boy’s ears.


By the time he’s halfway across the rainbow bridge, he finds himself coming across another encounter.

“Shen-shixiong.” Mu Qingfang greets, “I was just about to look for you.”

“Hello Mu-shidi,” he eyes him warily. “What do you need from this shixiong?”

He pulls out two packages. “Shizun apologizes for not being able to hand it over himself. A case of Popping Boil Pox has erupted in Shuang Hu City,” he briefly grimaces. “Happy birthday.”

“Thank you shidi,” he tucks the gifts into his pouch. “Who told you it was my birthday?”

Mu Qingfang sheepishly backs away, “apologies. This Qingfang must go attend to some patients.” Shen Qingqiu squints as he retreats towards Qian Cao. How… strange.

Just as he was about to step off the rainbow bridge, Shang Qinghua suddenly burst out from the bushes. Twigs and leaves stick out of his hair, baby blue robes disheveled and rumpled. Something definitely was amiss. First Liu Qingge’s strange behavior, Mu Qingfang and now Shang Qinghua?

“Oh! Wow, hey shixiong! Fancy meeting you here!” He babbles, “err, hey let’s talk about the recent request for new instruments!”

“Shang-shidi, we make our own instruments.” He deadpans.

“O-Oh! Um, right. But anyways–!” When he tries to walk past him, Shang Qinghua scrambles to block him. “Let’s have some tea!”

“Tea? I’m in no mood for tea.”

Shang Qinghua’s shoulders slump, his eyes running frantic as he mutters under his breath. “That certainly puts a wrench in things…” So something is going on! Whatever it was, it definitely had Yue Qingyuan’s fingerprints all over!

Shen Qingqiu puts on a sweet saccharine smile, “Shang-shidi mustn’t try so hard. Liu-shidi already spilled.” Shang Qinghua practically wails in horror.

“Please shixiong, have mercy!” He rolls his eyes and pushes past him.

Zui Xian Peak is uncharted territory for him. Dusky maroon robes hurry along the wide paths carrying baskets of fruit and vegetables. The air is heavy with a pleasant citrus scent, ripe and on the verge of bursting. Persimmon trees grow wild all over this peak, their orange fruits hanging heavy from their branches. The chill of winter here is not completely absent, but there is still a warmth permeating the air.

“Shixiong, wait for me!”

“Can it wait? This Qingqiu has an urgent meeting with Yue Qingyuan.”

“Can’t it wait? Um! He’s just wrapping things up! I can take you to him!”

Shen Qingqiu snaps his fan open, “sure. Lead the way.” He notes how his shidi all but melts with relief. He turns on his heel and begins to babble about nonsensical things. Judging by where they’re heading, he’s being led to the eastern side of the mountain where more and more fruit trees seem to grow.

Without a word, he ditches Shang Qinghua to leave him alone with his thoughts. Shen Qingqiu walks towards the western side of Zui Xian where a maze of workshops and pavilions greet him. He quickly hides behind a tree when a flurry of familiar multi-colored robes sneak into a small but homey building.

Just what are they plotting? He makes his way over, and as luck would have it, the door was cracked open just enough for sound to seep out. Astringent smoke lingers in the air, causing his eyes to water.

“...shixiong is going to be here any second and you’ve burnt another batch?” Wei Qingwei’s voice rings out.

“Shut up, he’s doing his best!” Qi Qingqi admonishes.

“Da-shixiong, there’s not enough flour for another batch. Why not use the pastries I made?”

“I have to make it,” Shen Qingqiu nearly kicks the door down when he hears the exhaustion weighing down Yue Qingyuan’s voice. He peeks through the crack to find his Qi-ge surrounded by their martial siblings, their robes stained with an assortment of patterns from the flour and even some smudgings of dough. Yue Qingyuan looks windswept and bedraggled, as if he had been flying for days and took a detour through a well-stocked pantry.

“I’m sure I can find an artifact that can be repurposed to fold the dough, shixiong.”

“No no, I can do it.”

Hu Qingshui coaxes, “let's take a break and check what we have in the oven."

Shen Qingqiu pulls away from the door when Yue Qingyuan moves out of view. His skin prickles with heat all over and he has no choice but to wipe his sweaty palms on his robes. He suddenly feels embarrassed. What was he so worried about? It was just Qi-ge baking for him.

He tries to calm down his fluttery heart with the deep breathing exercises Li-shisu instructed him to do. It does very little. Just the very thought of his Qi-ge, in what was possibly his first ever attempt at cooking, sends his body into a tizzy.

Shen Qingqiu wanders away from the pavilion until he finds a bench to meditate. He’ll forgive Qi-ge for this infraction.

After what felt like a shichen, Liu Qingge of all people finds him.

“Oh. You’re here. Did you find Yue-shixiong?”

“No. Are you in on this surprise party?” He couldn’t help but ask. It would be a shock if anyone bothered to loop Liu Qingge in on any future secret plans.

“There’s a party?” He blinks, “is it yours?”

Oh shidi… Shen Qingqiu stifles a snort. “Why else would Qingyuan tell everyone it’s my birthday?”

“Am I invited?”

“Sure shidi, you’re invited.” He finally stands up, “let’s go find everyone else.”

By the time they return to the pavilion, it seems the smoke in the air had dissipated. Liu Qingge steps inside without hesitation, causing the entire room to freeze before promptly bursting in cheer. Out of the corner of his eye, Shang Qinghua jumps in to shower him in glittering confetti.

“Happy birthday!”

“Happy birthday Shen-shixiong!”

“I am so surprised.” He tries his best to sound genuine.

Liu Qingge is quickly yanked to the sidelines by Qi Qingqi. “You were supposed to stall him!”

“Stall? You didn’t say anything like that. You asked for a spar but if shimei wanted to fight so badly, she should have asked shixiong herself.”

“That’s why you have to be specific with your words,” Mu Qingfang pipes in with a wry smile, “apologies for the secrecy shixiong.”

“It wasn’t much of a secret the moment you sent out Liu-shidi!” Shang Qinghua protests.

“This shixiong had his suspicions the moment he heard Qingyuan tell everyone it was my birthday.”

Yue Qingyuan and Hu Qingshui emerge with two steaming trays of snacks and pastries. The older boy quickly sets his tray aside to meet him. “Happy birthday Xia– shidi.”

He raises his fan up to his face, suddenly feeling shy under his bright eyes and beaming smile. “You didn’t have to be so secretive, you know.” He swats his arm.

“I didn’t know if shidi would have wanted a party.”

He’s right. He didn’t want a party, no less some grand festivity, but he appreciates the effort nonetheless.

“Stupid Qi-ge,” he grumbles under his breath, “always assuming.”

“Shen-shixiong, happy birthday!” Hu Qingshui interjects, “since you left Yan-shixiong’s party so early I decided to bring the best juices and teas my peak has to offer. Don’t worry, this shidi won’t speak of your low alcohol tolerance,” he winks, “but shixiong should be careful leaving the doors open after he leaves. Poor Shen-shibo’s cat found his way in!”

Yue Qingyuan chuckles nervously at this. “Thankfully Shen-shishu’s cat found his way home after that. Has shidi eaten today?” Grateful for the sudden change in topic, he shakes his head.

“Here, these are the ones Yue-shixiong made.” Qi Qingqi gestures to the table. It… wasn’t very difficult to know which ones were made with Qi-ge’s amateur hand. The osmanthus cakes were slightly burnt at the edges as they sat beside each other in a lumpy assembly line. Their neighbors, a platter of pine pollen cakes, favored the doughy side while lotus bean paste leaked out of deflated buns. The tanghulu resembled more like a weapon rather than confection with how spikey the sugar coating was. The water chestnut cakes were… Well, they were square, at least.

“This Qingyuan tried his best, but if they don’t taste good he can have Hu-shidi’s!” He tried to interject, but Shen Qingqiu had already stuffed a pine pollen cake into his mouth. It was slightly underbaked, but the signature nuttiness enhanced the flavor nonetheless. He chews thoughtfully.

“It’s good.” It’s just how he likes most things: overwhelmingly sweet.

He doesn’t miss the collective shock amongst his martial siblings. Yue Qingyuan practically melts with relief. “Really?” He makes the mistake of trying his own creation. His lips pucker from the dense sugar punching his taste buds.

“Mn.” Shen Qingqiu reaches for another one, “I like them.”

“Thank the heavens,” Hu Qingshui says a little too loudly.

“Let’s not forget about the gifts,” Qi Qingqi announces. From her sleeve, she produces an elegantly carved wooden box which contains bottles of perfume and hair oils. He barely has time to snatch a stick of tanghulu when he’s barraged with gifts.

Wei Qingwei’s gift was a practical pair of silver wrist guards. Chen Qingyan delivered a multitude of presents considering Li Qingshi and Duan Qingyu were absent for a mission, which included prayer beads, a scrying glass and a set of puzzles. Yan Qinglan hoisted a neat bundled stack of various furs and pelts while Shang Qinghua quickly delivered a miniature painting set. Just so he can include his shidi, Shen Qingqiu pulls out Mu Qingfang’s gifts. His shidi had given him a box of expensive tea while his shishu had given him a fashionable gilded pipe.

At the end of unveiling his gifts, Shen Qingqiu felt so overwhelmed it’s a wonder he didn’t spontaneously combust into a cat right then and there. “Thank you everyone.”

Yet, he was not given his much needed respite when Yue Qingyuan stepped forward with a qiankun pouch. “This shixiong hopes his gifts don’t outshine his shidimen.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t be too offended.” Wei Qingwei jests.

Without an ounce of shame, Yue Qingyuan offers not one, not two, but four gifts: a bolt of cobalt silk, fur mittens, a fan and a sword tassel. He inspects the fan like always and unfurls it to reveal a lotus pond and dragonflies painted on the dusty blue silk. The mittens were most welcome. At first he thought it was a gag gift to nod at his cat paws, but that was quickly forgotten when he pulled them on.

“Told you he’d go overboard.” Qi Qingqi not so subtly holds her hand out to receive a few silver taels from the audience.

“The food was also a gift…” Yue Qingyuan sheepishly wrings his wrist, ears glowing pink.

“That’s five gifts!” Shen Qingqiu cries out. At this rate, he’s going to be more spoiled than the emperor’s most favored concubine! He can’t imagine if he has any allowance left.

“That’s because this Qingyuan wished to compensate for the birthdays he missed.”

He checks his newly acquired fan’s durability by smacking him on the arm, muttering under his breath. “As if you need to compensate to begin with.”

The party isn’t as chaotic without any alcohol, so it didn’t stretch out unnecessarily into the late hours. It’s a simple affair and Shen Qingqiu appreciates that. Also having platters of sweets all for himself was a nice bonus. (No one dared try any of Yue Qingyuan’s cooking after seeing Liu Qingge keel over from nibbling on a cake.) If anyone else dared to steal his food, he’d only have to wave a spiky sugary skewer around.

“Did Qingqiu enjoy the party?” Yue Qingyuan asks. He tries not to think about the fact that their arms were looped as they walked leisurely towards the rainbow bride.

“It was pleasant.” Shen Qingqiu silently screams for his heart to stop trying to escape. Calm down will you?! But they’re so close! Qi-ge’s so warm so of course he has to lean against him. It’s not like they didn’t steal each other’s body heat as kids! This is perfectly normal!

“This Qi-ge is glad.” The walk back to Qing Jing is a quiet one. Before he knows it, he’s standing before the gates to Peak Lord Manor.

“Xiao Jiu–”


They both say at once, blinking at each other. The older boy quickly ushers him to go ahead.

“It was thoughtful. Thank you.”

“This Qi-ge is glad,” he smiles, “Xiao Jiu…”

“Yes?” When he cranes his head to look up, a faint pressure pecks his forehead. The moment he feels Yue Qingyuan pulling away, the older boy is fleeing.


Shen Qingqiu shrieks, “goodnight!” And sprints inside the manor, ignoring his shizun’s worried calls, before slamming his bedroom door shut.

That was a kiss. A kiss! What the f*ck? Surely that was just a goodnight kiss, right? That’s platonic! Perfectly normal!

He feels his qi ripple under his skin, prompting his heavy limbs to pack his pipe with medicinal herbs. Shen Qingqiu tries not to choke on the smoke when he replays the kiss over and over again in his mind’s eye.

“Qingqiu? Is everything alright?” His shizun gently raps his knuckles against the door.

Shen Qingqiu grabs the nearest pillow and screams into it at the top of his lungs.

“This disciple is fine.”


SGX: i am literally adopting you now
SQQ: the ultimate favoritism...!

≽^•⩊•^≼ 🍬 this could have been a happy halloween message but since im late i'll just say uhhh happy national calzone day 🍕

Chapter 32: Courting For Dummies


not me realizing L99L has not even reached the halfway point and might even be longer than NewGame+: 🧍
and here i thought, when i first thought of this fic, it would be short 🧍🧍🧍🧍
thanks for the support 💜💜💜💜

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“This master sees Qingqiu has been working hard.” Shen Qingqiu cranes his head to find his shizun entering the clearing. If it were anyone else, he’d be surprised. It took great lengths to find an inconspicuous part of the bamboo forest to hide in. “Did this master intrude?”

“No, Shizun.” He looks down at the swan he was embellishing. “This disciple has taken on a personal project and didn’t want to be disturbed by his shidis.”

“Qingqiu’s embroidery has been improving as of late. It’s no wonder the younglings wish to be around their shixiong hoping something rubs off on them.”

“This disciple doubts his presence alone will improve their needlework,” he mutters. Although embroidering wasn’t included within the four arts, his shizun was well known for weaving talismans into fabric. It was the fifth secret art of Qing Jing, so to speak. Shen Guangxia taught the most advanced classes and even amongst the senior disciples, only a selective few may attend to reduce the risk of failure since a faulty embroidered talisman can be fatal.

His shizun laughs a short sound behind his fan, “if they believe hard enough then perhaps it will come true.” Shen Guangxia looks over his handiwork, taking note of the immaculate protective talismans stitched discretely along the hems of the sleeves and collar of what looked to be an outer robe. “And what might this be?”

Shen Qingqiu nearly jams the needle into his thumb. He can already feel his face heating up under his teacher’s gaze, but if he reaches for his fan it would make his impending color change more noticeable. He clears his throat before it has the chance to crack. “A gift.”

“Oh? For Yue-shizhi?” He can hear the smile in his voice.

How does he know? The robe shouldn’t have been a dead giveaway! He just inverted the colors of Qiong Ding for it, pale gray with black hems. There was a completely plausible chance for it to be mistaken for Bai Zhan robes from afar, so why did his shizun guess Yue Qingyuan right away?!

The fan snaps shut, revealing a triumphant smirk. “And to think your Li-shishu doubted your courtship seriously. Hmph! This will show him.”

Shen Qingqiu blinks. And blinks again. Suddenly his mouth is dry, tongue tied and twisted. “Courtship?” He hadn’t even proposed the idea to Qi-ge yet– who knows if he even accepts! How could his shizun possibly think that?

The amusem*nt falls on Shen Guangxia’s face. The only thing left is an uncertain smile. “Yes, courtship. Isn’t this robe a courtship gift?”

Shen Qingqiu feels the heat retract from his fingertips, “no. This is going to be his birthday gift…”

He watches his teacher’s face contort through what could only be described as the five stages of grief. Shen Guangxia pinches his nose with a deep and concentrated sigh. “Xiao Qingqiu, you surely have another gift to match the ones Yue-shizhi has been giving you?”

He can’t help but think about the goodnight kiss.



“Was Yue Qingyuan courting me this whole time?” He whispers, suddenly feeling faint. All those gifts…! Were they–?!

Shen Guangxia stumbles. His spirit sword flies out of its sheath and hovers low to the ground to catch its master when he falls. Shen Qingqiu watches him bury his face into his hands, shoulders slumped. Despair yawns in the pit of his belly with each passing second of silence.

“It appears there is still plenty to be taught” he mutters under his breath. When his shizun finally raises his head, he scoots along his sword to pat the empty space next to him. “Qingqiu, sit with this master.”

He gathers his things and quickly tucks them inside his sleeve before hesitantly approaching the spirit blade. His shizun’s gaze holds no room for questions so he simply does what he’s told. The sword sways ever so slightly, making the tips of his toes swing back and forth against the grass. Without the soles of his feet firmly planted to the ground, he hangs over just a degree over vulnerability and borderline discomfort.

“Xiao Qingqiu should enlighten this master of his thought process.” He folds his fan across his lap, “what of the gifts? Surely Qingqiu would have noticed something was amiss?”

He swings his feet back and forth, unable to meet his shizun’s eyes, “as children we never owned anything but the clothes on our back. Any coin we would make would be taken away and even if I could manage to stash some away, we could only afford a little bit of food. So I just thought… Yue-shixiong just couldn’t stand idle with his allowance.”

“Then,” his teacher pauses with a grimace as if an unsavory thought manifested, “then what of the touching? You two are very… comfortable with each other.”

“We don’t–”


Shen Qingqiu ducks away, grumbling. “Shizun must be mistaken. And even if we did touch, it was out of habit. We often slept with one another to stay warm.”

Shen Guangxia laments, “Yue-shizhi was very obvious.”

“He was?” Shen Qingqiu glares down at his lap. Stupid Qi-ge! Why was he the one being interrogated here? He did nothing wrong! And if he’d known, who knows how many times they could have kissed already! “He didn’t say anything at all!” He’s too aggrieved to care about how petulant he sounds right now.

“Perhaps this master must review Qiong Ding’s etiquette training,” his teacher mutters under his breath before patting him on the head. “Does Xiao Qingqiu know what his next course of action should be?”

He hops to his feet before cupping his hands with a bow. “En. This disciple will mend his errors.”

“Good, good.” Shen Guangxia bops him on the head with his fan. “Dismissed.”

Shen Qingqiu does not waste time in mounting Xiu Ya. He doesn’t care how the sharp bamboo leaves scratch at his robes and skin when he surges to the sky. So what if he flew a little fast to Qiong Ding? He needed to give Qi-ge a piece of his mind!

Not so soon after he passes Bai Zhan Peak, the wind whistles sharply as another sword joins his trajectory. “Shen Qingqiu!”

“What now?”

Liu Qingge studies him up and down, “what’s wrong?”

The question honestly surprises him. Shen Qingqiu slows down to a stationary hover. It is only then does he feel the miniscule pinpricks of his aching windswept skin. The “nothing” he was about to blurt out is lodged in his throat. He can’t help but wonder what he must look like now if Liu Qingge of all people is asking how he’s doing.

“Shidi, if someone was hiding something from you– something that everyone seemed to know, what would you do?”

Liu Qingge frowns, “was it a secret?”

“A secret only for you.” Shen Qingqiu nods, glad to find the brute actually pondering over this.

“I would ask them why.” What? No fighting, no beating? Xiu Ya wobbles once as the adrenaline begins to leave him.

“That’s it?”

“Then I’d fight them. Depending on how severe it is.” Ah, there it is.

“What if it was life changing? What then? Just by keeping it secret, you missed so many opportunities.”

Liu Qingge’s lips pull down into a surly rictus. “I would probably be mad.” Thank you! Shen Qingqiu nods, feeling validated. “Do you want to fight? You look tense.” The younger boy asks as if his glance towards Qiong Ding wasn’t obvious enough. Shen Qingqiu eases when he doesn’t ask to elaborate once more.

“This shixiong wouldn’t mind.”


They didn't use their swords this time, which was more than fine because he had too much energy just itching to get out. When Shen Qingqiu would step away to gain distance or even dodge Liu Qingge’s brutal swings, he’d get punished by being pulled back in.

“Just use my weight against me.”

“Wow, how could I have not thought of that?” He sneers sarcastically, but Liu Qingge looks pleased with himself for the suggestion. Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes and tries it anyway. Of course he gets countered right away and is slammed promptly on his back. “Why did I even bother?” He wheezes through clenched teeth. Liu Qingge helps him back on his feet.

“You did it wrong.”

This was a terrible idea. He wanted to use up his pent up energy, not get some more!

“Shidi should remember this shixiong is a spiritual cultivator, therefore we’re inherently more fragile.”

Liu Qingge snorts, “get better then. Here, let me show you this move.”

Only when the sun has considerably lowered does Shen Qingqiu toss Liu Qingge on his back for the fifth time. In the back of his mind he wonders if the brute is going easy on him for teaching purposes, but at the same time, he appears to be enjoying himself.


Shen Qingqiu shakes his head. Any energy left in his body has been burned out. He can’t even feel his hands. “This shixiong doesn’t have time. Before shidi distracted me, I was supposed to head over to Qiong Ding.”

“Oh.” Liu Qingge tilts his head, crossing his arms. “Are you going to fight da-shixiong?”

Shen Qingqiu quickly burns off the dust and grass stains off his robes. He can’t barge into Qiong Ding looking anything less than prim and proper. “Perhaps.”

“He’s strong. The closest I get with him is a draw.” Liu Qingge hums, wiping Cheng Luan clean with his pant leg.

“Sorry to disappoint shidi, but I’m not going to fight him like that.”

“Why else go to Qiong Ding then?” The younger boy’s face screws up, confused. At this point he looks like he sucked a whole lemon. Shen Qingqiu pulls out his fan to stifle a laugh.

“Shidi is funny.”

“That wasn’t even a joke?”

“Doesn’t have to be.”

“Mn.” His shoulders slump over awkwardly as he watches him step onto Xiu Ya. “See you later?”

“Of course. It’s not like the mountains are going anywhere.” He takes off once more, this time the breeze is a welcoming one.

Nobody bats an eye at him when he lands on Qiong Ding. The disciples here were accustomed to seeing Qing Jing teals and greens. Qi-ge, you are so lucky! If Liu Qingge hadn’t intervened, he’d probably be strangling Yue Qingyuan by now. His Qiong Ding shidis and shixiongs would be unaware for the carnage that could have been!

He stands before Yue Qingyuan’s cottage fixing his hair and adjusting the alignment of his hairstick. When he feels presentable, he knocks on the door and waits.


Just seeing his stupid face was enough to rekindle his anger. He grabs him by the lapels before he even finishes opening the door.

“You idiot! Why didn’t you tell me?”

Yue Qingyuan looks stricken. “What? Did this Qi-ge upset Xiao Jiu?”

“Of course! You were keeping something from me!” He jostles him, hoping for that loose piece of sense to finally lodge into place in that thick skull of his. The older boy grows pale, his shaky hands immediately seek out his own.

“W-Who… Who told you?”

“Shizun did.” Shen Qingqiu narrows his eyes, “why did I have to find out from my Shizun that you were courting me this whole time?!”

Yue Qingyuan jolts in shock, his body going limp. Shen Qingqiu nearly drops him but luckily the other boy seems to regain control over his limbs. “O-Oh… that.” He scrunches his brow, “but I thought shidi knew?”

“What do you mean that?! Is there anything else I should know about?” He whips out his fan and swats him over and over, hoping to banish the stupidity out of him.

“No no! I was just mistaken!”

“How could you think I knew this whole time? Weren’t you wondering why we weren’t even kissing? Or doing other stuff couples do?”

Yue Qingyuan flushes at the mere mention of intimacy. “I-I thought Xiao Jiu wanted to go slow…”

He wants to rip his hair out. “This whole time?!”

“Because Shen-shishu approved of it! And so this Qi-ge thought Xiao Jiu accepted.” Yue Qingyuan says frantically, grabbing a hold of his fan mid-swat. His eyes go round and shiny on the brink of tears, “this whole time… did Qingqiu not feel the same?”

His shizun approved and didn’t even tell him?! Shizun has a lot of explaining to do after this. “If Qi-ge asked like a normal person, I would have said yes.”


“Of course,” he pulls on his cheeks, stretching them as far as he could. “How are you going to be a sect leader if you fumble with something as important as this? Is this foreboding my future as your second-in-command? Am I going to have to bash sense into your silly little head every month?”

Yue Qingyuan whines, hands flailing. “Uuuahhh, ‘iao Jiu, let’oo…”

“You’re going to have to make it up for me.” He eventually does let go.

“Anything for Qingqiu.”

“But if you want to hold my hand, you’re going to have to beat my Shizun in weiqi.”

As if he was sentenced with the death penalty, all the color is drained away from the older boy. “But... that may take months.”

“Qi-ge is going to have to work hard then.”

“What about a good luck kiss?”

Well… okay, maybe just one…

He nearly trips on his own feet when he leans in to peck him on the cheek. By the time he pulls away, both of their faces burn a bright shade of red. “That’s all you’re getting,” he mumbles, raising his hand to feel the residual heat from Qi-ge’s cheek leaving his lips.

Yue Qingyuan stumbles, “this Qi-ge will work hard for more.”

“Mn. Well let’s go. The faster you win, the faster you’ll get them.”


“Did you want to wait?!”

His voice cracks, “no! Let’s go now!”


SGX: what did i do wrong??
LGS, who knew SQQ was oblivious this whole time: you did your best *trying not to laugh*
SQQ: hey dad, im forgiving YQY if he beats you in weiqi
SGX: 🧍 ok hold on sweetie *rolls sleeves up*
YQY: haha im in danger

also here's the robe SQQ is working on. I think swan motifs are just absolutely fantastic for YQY, soursoppi's so big brained for this. (totally not biased bc i love birds very much)

Chapter 33: Winner Winner Kitten Dinner


🍽️ oh boy more fluff!

Chapter Text

Every day without fail, Yue Qingyuan arrives at the Qing Jing gates at first light. He was a man on a mission. And despite the first week of consecutive losses, he returns undeterred. Apparently it was such an embarrassment that when Peak Lord Shen had obliterated Yue Qingyuan with a two-stone victory, Sect Leader Chu had paid a visit to Qing Jing. Nobody knows what occurred behind closed doors, but from then on Qiong Ding’s head disciple began to visit the scholarly peak three times a day. As each passing day came a loss, Yue Qingyuan remained determined against the laughably unfair advantage that was their massive skill difference.

It was the moment after the thirty-fifth loss does Shen Qingqiu finally feel his patience wearing thin. As soon as it was over, he drags Yue Qingyuan towards the direction of the library. He cannot let this insanity continue any longer. It seems, once again, he is going to have to help Qi-ge.

“What’s this?” The older boy asks, brows raised, when he finds himself surrounded by Qi Qingqi, Mu Qingfang and Liu Qingge. Here, in the farthest corner of the library, they are shielded by ancient shelves and dusty ceiling beams.

“This is an intervention.” Qi Qingqi crosses her arms just as Liu Qingge’s head swivels.

“I thought this was training?”

“This is training, shidi,” Shen Qingqiu sighs, pulling out four individual weiqi boards from a separate qiankun pouch. “Doesn’t Bai Zhan teach its disciples strategy?”

“Not enough strategy to avoid getting wounded,” Mu Qingfang grumbles under his breath.

“Anyways,” he clears his throat, “this shidi has taken it upon himself to organize a study session for shixiong. You’re going to play four games at the same time.”

In other words, you can’t continue playing so terribly!

“Four at the same time…?” He can only imagine steam pouring out of his ears from the overworked cogs churning in his skull.

“Da-shixiong should take us seriously. Shen-shixiong was practically begging–”

Shen Qingqiu snaps open his fan loud enough to cut her off, “this shixiong recalls no such thing.”

“Why can’t you just challenge the Qing Jing Peak Lord in a normal duel?” Liu Qingge scrutinized his board like any other object that wasn’t sharp and shiny.

“It’s for Shen-shidi.” Yue Qingyuan chirps far too happily. Shen Qingqiu hides behind his fan as he gestures for the older boy to take his black stones. Off to the side, Qi Qingqi’s eyes nearly fall out of their sockets while Mu Qingfang murmurs a cryptic “finally.”

He places his first stone impatiently, “perhaps we should begin now? The sooner we get to it, the faster Yue-shixiong can beat my Shizun.”

“Is Shen-shidi impatient already?” Yue Qingyuan leans in, his eyes curling into crescents as a knowing smile tugs his lips upward.

“No, this shidi is merely embarrassed at your lack of skill.” He whacks him on the arm with his fan. “Now focus.”

Supposedly, Qiong Ding disciples are masters of multitasking. To witness it firsthand is impressive, but that quickly dissipates when Liu Qingge somehow manages to last longer than Shen Qingqiu anticipated. Considering how the Bai Zhan brute lost horrendously last they played, he thought he would prove no difficulty at all, which speaks to how bad Yue Qingyuan is at this game. The only times Yue Qingyuan managed to win was against Mu Qingfang, which couldn’t exactly be counted as a victory since Qian Cao disciples won’t even have the time to learn weiqi given how busy they always are. But that wasn’t the point! The point is, since when did Liu Qingge get so good at this game?!

“How do you keep losing?” Shen Qingqiu wants to rip his hair out. Perhaps his expectations were too high. At this rate, they won’t be able to share a single kiss before their ascension!

“No wonder Shen-shixiong asked for help…” Qi Qingqi stares at her board with a grimace.

“Ah… is this Qingyuan that terrible?”

“Mn.” Liu Qingge shrugs.

“How about we start over? We’ll explain the moves as we go.” Mu Qingfang suggests. Shen Qingqiu wonders if he just doesn’t wish to be the only one to lose against their da-shixiong.

And thus began Yue Qingyuan’s grueling training…

When Yue Qingyuan showed no signs of backing down from each embarrassing loss, news of his mission spread throughout the sect like wildfire. Much to the surprise of the Qing Jing disciples, their da-shixiong was getting better and better with each passing day. Disciples from all twelve peaks would filter through the bamboo forests to watch these games, hoping for the chance to witness their da-shixiong’s victory. With that, rumors began to form as quickly as the mist surrounding the mountain range. Apparently, it was unclear which peak lord opposed this match. Some say it is Sect Leader Chu, while others speculate it is Peak Lord Shen himself to condemn the courtship. Another rumor theorizes that the young couple actually married in secret and Yue Qingyuan must beat Shen Guangxia in weiqi in order to earn his approval.

“Ah, a battle of wits and love.” Li Guangshao muses, “this would make quite the romance novel.”

“It sounds like shishu’s been reading too many romance novels.” Shen Qingqiu quips, eyes not straying from Yue Qingyuan’s stiff posture. A firm hand aggressively ruffles his hair.

“Xiao Shen mustn’t forget his Shizun is reading those same books,” the healer drawls. “This is the 76th game. Does Xiao Shen have a plan to elope if he reaches 100?”

“Shishu has been counting?” He tilts his head inquisitively. Today’s game seems to be lasting longer than usual. The Qian Cao Peak Lord raises a brow when Yue Qingyuan advances with confidence.

“This master doesn’t have to when everyone else has been doing the counting.” A sonorous echo of ooh’s and ah’s ripples throughout the crowd. “Did Xiao Shen teach him that move?”

“How else would he have learned it? Obviously not on his own.” He grumbles, squaring his shoulders defensively, “and he was taking too long losing.”

Li Guangshao chuckles, “finally taking things into your own hands now? And here this master thought Xiao Shen was going to take his time.” He laughs even harder when Shen Qingqiu ducks behind his fan.

Finally, a shroud of silence draped over the courtyard. At first, Shen Qingqiu wondered if it was another loss until applause and cheers erupted at once. He looks up to see his shizun leaning back to unfurl his fan in one quick motion. Before he realizes what just happened, he gets another pat on the head.

“Congratulations. Now Xiao Shen can finally partake in the spoils of war.” Li Guangshao winks before striding over to the Qing Jing Peak Lord in a flurry of fluttering pale yellow and green robes. Yue Qingyuan quickly makes his way over with a pleased rictus splitting his face wide open, his eyes shining brighter than any star in a clear night sky.

“Did you see that? I did it!” Yue Qingyuan beams, taking both his hands. Shen Qingqiu can feel just how wet they are from sweat alone.

“Mn. Of course Qi-ge won. Who else would have been qualified to teach him?”

“We can finally court… properly.” The older boy whispers with flushed cheeks. However, Qi Qingqi was close enough to hear. Her shrill voice pierces the cacophony like a war cry.

“What do you mean court? You weren’t courting this entire time?!”

“Uh oh.” Shen Qingqiu shrinks back under the dozens of eyes honing in on them. He tightens his grip on Yue Qingyuan’s hand and bolts, “let’s go!”

They run all the way to the library and take refuge in the tall archaic shelves and regulated silence. Only then does Yue Qingyuan pull his hand away to wipe his damp palms on his robes, breathing heavy with trepidation. Shen Qingqiu quickly fans himself, impulsively licking his lips.

“Is Qi-ge ready for his prize?” He immediately cringes saying it out loud. It sounded a lot better in his head! “Is this your first time?” He tries again.

“No, I’ve been nervous before.” Yue Qingyuan practically vibrates from the overexcited qi leaking out of him.

His fan snapping shut sounds like thunder in the echo of the library. Shen Qingqiu resists the urge to bonk him on the head. “I meant your first k-kiss, you idiot!”

The older boy perks up like a daisy in sunshine, “oh!”

Their first kiss is a clumsy smattering of overly puckered lips and blind collisions of noses bumping against one another in their attempt to find the right angle. It is both anti-climatic and the most wonderful thing in the world. That’s it? Shen Qingqiu blinks when the electric tingle on his lips already begins to fade. He furrows his brows together into one concentrated line. “I don’t think we did it right.”


The second one is much better. More pliant this time. This close he can smell the bamboo and sweat clinging to Yue Qingyuan's skin.

“Again.” Yue Qingyuan bats his eyelashes expectantly.

“How much more are you going to ask for?”

“How many times did this Qi-ge lose?” Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes affectionately.

That sounds like a… reasonable reward.

Chapter 34: End of Act 1


≽^•⩊•^≼ 💜

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“The little sprouts are lively as ever.” Hua Guangque, languidly fans herself with her tuanshan. She turns over to Fu Guangqi, “has shidi been consulted for an auspicious date for the wedding?” The diviner in question shakes his head, scrunching his bushy brows together. Confused, he turns to the scholar.

“Hasn’t it been long enough?”

“What wedding?” Shen Guangxia huffs, “and this master had to kindly remind his disciple that a proper courtship requires time.”

“Is shixiong sure he just didn’t want to see his disciple married before him?” Li Guangshao tilts his head ever so slightly to hide his smirk. The scholar’s skin bursts into a complimentary shade of fulgent red. It wasn’t long before he snapped his fan wide open to hide his newfound coloring whilst shooting daggers over the brim of painted silk.

Kui Guangkui startles, “...should this master be calculating another wedding?”

“Kui-shidi mustn’t get ahead of himself.” Chu Guangyu finally decides to interject. “As peak lords, Cang Qiong is unified enough. A wedding will only be a redundant affair.”

Shen Guangxia scoffs. “How strange. Zhangmen-shixiong has detached himself from all worldly desires and yet he still seems to drain the joy out of others.”

Chu Guangyu doesn’t outright glare but the weight of his gaze burns just as bright. “If shidi feels so strongly about the matter, then it is no wonder he has yet to exit Nascent Soul stage.”

Before the scholar can snap back, the twelfth seat of the table wobbles in her seat. The wine sloshing out of the Zui Xian Peak Lord’s cup betrays her nervousness. “W-What’s wrong with a few marriages among peak lords, huh? It’s only a step above cultivation partners; immortals deserve some extravagance from time to time. This master will happily provide a feast fit for the Emperor!”

“Kui-shidi. The budget.” The sect leader holds out his hand expectantly. “This shixiong expects bi-weekly reports from now on– especially large expenditures.”

The An Ding Lord slumps a little in his chair. “Yes Zhangmen-shixiong…”

“Even if the head disciples of the first and second peaks were not to officially wed, the Qing generation is exceeding expectations.” The Ku Xing Lord, Yun Guanghe, delicately interjects.

“This lord still thinks they need more training with one another.” Nie Guangdao crosses her arms. Li Guangshao glances over to the scholar before his eyes fall to his empty cup. Wordlessly, he refills it. Shen Guangxia hums a grateful tone before taking a long and thoughtful sip.

“There has been an influx of beasts sighted in the borderlands. Night hunts consisting of groups of three should be sufficient.”

Chu-zhangmen nods, “and it shall teach some disciples to learn some much needed independence.” The healer can feel Shen Guangxia bristle beside him.

Aiyah, Zhangmen-shixiong, must you poke any further? He sighs inwardly, don’t be surprised when he snaps back out of spite. He then goes on to pat his lover on the knee discreetly.

“This master agrees,” he smiles with all his teeth. “Unhealthy dependence is, afterall, something that festers if left alone long enough. Although, such things naturally fall under the teacher’s jurisdiction.”

Li Guangshao pours himself another much needed cup of tea. If the sect leader and his second-in-command weren’t trying to tear each other’s throats out through sheer diction alone, then is it truly a Peak Lord meeting? To be honest, he’d rather be in the pavilion next door where their head disciples were. It’s a good thing they often stashed them away in a separate room. He wonders what they are talking about– or are they drowning in dog food? They must be. Xiao Shen and Yue-shizhi would put his collection of spring books to shame.

Meanwhile, in the adjacent pavilion, sparkles were practically flying off of Yue Qingyuan and ricocheting off of his martial siblings in delicate plink-plinks. His smile hasn’t even faltered in both form and geniality. At the head of the table he stands, showing off his new silver robe. With each appreciative sway, the swan motifs perched on his shoulders and torso gave the illusion of snowy wings taking flight against the brocade.

“Qingqiu made it for me. Isn’t it superb?”

“Yes shixiong… we know…” Wei Qingwei says in false enthusiasm.

“How can you move in that? How are you supposed to fight?”

Shen Qingqiu glares at his shidi, “it’s his formals. He’s not supposed to fight in it.”

Qi Qingqi was none too happy either. “Really? You couldn’t wait for the party to give him his birthday gift?”

“While this Qingyuan appreciates the thoughtfulness, shidis mustn’t feel obligated to get this one a gift.”

Shen Qingqiu fans himself haughtily at his martial siblings’ grumbling. “This shixiong won’t have to outshine you all if you tried harder in finding a suitable gift.”

“Easy for you to say.” Qi Qingqi rolls her eyes.

Unbeknownst to them, Shang Qinghua is currently arguing with an omniscient deity.

System, please get me out of here. He looks up to see Yue Qingyuan batting his eyelashes at Shen Qingqiu. I didn’t write this!

[Host should stop complaining.]

How is the plot not deviating by the power of love alone?

[Scanning… Operations are running smoothly. There are no plot deviations.]

What do you mean there’s no plot deviations? Look at them– I’m pretty sure they’re playing footsie under the table! Shang Qinghua didn’t know whether to cry or barf. Truly, he’s happy for them. Overjoyed, actually. They’re his sons! He typed up their backstories with blood, sweat, and tears only for it to be scrapped in the final manuscript! How can he not be happy for his babies? But seriously? Right in front of his salad?

[Did Host forget? (͠◉_◉) Host is simply tasked to maintain the well-being and happiness of this world!]

It seems they’re doing it on their own just fine without me interfering!

[Host is doing his best!]

“Oh. Wait.” Liu Qingge twitches in his seat, “I have something.” He turns to Shen Qingqiu before reaching inside a qiankun pouch to retrieve a lacquered box. “Here.”

The table immediately sputters into shock. “What is the meaning of this?!”

“You’re giving Shen-shixiong a gift on Yue-shixiong’s birthday?!”

The Bai Zhan brute squints. “What’s your problem?”

Mu Qingfang rubs his eyes, sorely wishing he had stayed behind in Qian Cao. Preferably the intensive care hall where he’s guaranteed peace and quiet. “Shidi… don’t you think it’s a little inappropriate?”

“No.” Liu Qingge looks at Shen Qingqiu expectantly.

Wei Qingwei’s knee slams into the table, jostling the teacups. “Isn’t that–?”

“Ah… Liu-shidi came to you for this himself, Wei-shidi?” Yue Qingyuan asks, his dimples suddenly absent from the thin smile gracing his lips.

“Don’t look at this poor shidi, I wasn’t in on it.”

Shen Qingqiu scans the box questioningly before taking it from the younger boy. He opens it up to reveal a fan. It appears larger and longer than the usual sort of silk and paper fans he carries. Curiously, Shen Qingqiu grips the metal handle and flicks his wrist. It unveils itself with a sharp sching.

“It will make our spars better.” Liu Qingge nods, pleased with himself when the war fan is splayed out in all of its glory. The ribs and edges gleamed sharper than any knife stored in the sect’s arsenals. The silver, forged from the fires of Wan Jian itself, shines like starlight on the blackest nights. Shen Qingqiu clears his throat when he finds himself lost from admiring the craftsmanship. If it were anyone else he’d let Qi-ge politely rip their head off, but since it’s coming from such an earnest shidi he finds no reason to deny the offering.

“This Qingqiu thanks Liu-shidi for… wishing this shixiong’s improvement. And thanking Wei-shidi for obliging the ridiculous request.”

“There’s a time and place for giving gifts, shidi!” Qi Qingqi manages to cough out between exasperated giggles.

“Yeah, read the room. Sheesh.” Shang Qinghua mutters.

“And shidi thought it only so he may spar with Qingqiu?” Yue Qingyuan asks.


“Perhaps, next time, if shidi wishes to give Qingqiu a gift he should consult with this shixiong first. After all, this Qingyuan knows Qingqiu best.” The older boy intones with uncanny pleasantry. Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes, tucking the war fan back into the box with amusem*nt tickling his chest.

“If Liu-shidi goes through so much effort to give this Shen such an extravagant present then surely he went out of his way to give Yue-shixiong something of equal value?”

Liu Qingge nods. “Do I bring it out now?”

“Wait for the party!”

As the rest of the table bickers, Shen Qingqiu cranes his head towards Yue Qingyuan. The older boy scoots his chair closer, beaming once more when their knees are close enough to bump against one another.

At least meetings weren’t so boring anymore, Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but muse when they sneak a kiss right when their martial siblings turn on Liu Qingge to lecture him about “how there’s always a time and place.”

Seasons come and go. A comfortable routine falls upon Shen Qingqiu like a well-worn cloak. Under the tutelage of his shizun does he find his own rhythm for teaching after mastering the four arts for five years. If there were any uncertainty pertaining to his position as Qing Jing’s head disciple, they succumbed to his title of future peak lord.

So it doesn’t come as a surprise when his cultivation moves on to the next stage.

Shen Qingqiu sits in the aftermath of his twenty-first birthday, surrounded by parcels and lacquered boxes of gifts. The party was a small affair hosted inside Qing Jing Peak Lord manor since half of his martial siblings were gone for an assignment but that didn’t make their presence any less lacking. Hu Qingshui had outdid himself with the food yet again and Qi Qingqi had even made sure to get their missing shidimen’s qi signatures imprinted on a card.

After years of spoiling each other with high quality materials and gifts, Yue Qingyuan had resorted to Wei-shidi’s expertise. It was a beautifully crafted scabbard for Xiu Ya and upon closer inspection, he could make out pine leaves amidst the bamboo emboss. Nobody would have to require a brain to know that it was a silent claim. A part of Shen Qingqiu wonders if he was still jealous of Liu Qingge for being the first to give him a war fan, but Qi-ge’s never really the type to hold a grudge was he? That happened years ago!

In the other room he hears faint mutterings from his shizun and Li-shishu. Judging by their hushed tone, they must be pillaging what was leftover of the feast. Shen Qingqiu hums a note of content as he begins to clean up the living room. Yue Qingyuan, who had stayed behind, immediately closed the distance when they were in fact alone.

“Did Qingqiu have a good time?” Their shoulders bump welcomely against one another.

“Mn.” His body feels positively warm. He tilts his head up for a kiss. “Yes.”

“I’m glad.” Yue Qingyuan happily returns one back. After they collect the remaining gifts and stow them away into his bedroom, they find themselves sitting on the veranda.

Knowing that his shizun could barge in at any moment, Shen Qingqiu settles on wrapping his arms around Qi-ge and burying his face into the crook of his neck. Without Xuan Su strapped to his back, it was much more comfortable. They simply sit like this for who knows how long. Right now, the moon was their one and only chaperone.

I’m happy, as soon as these silent words came into being, so did this golden power of pure joy. It is a tiny, wispy thing, no larger than a single mustard seed, but the remarkable shift in power suddenly saturates the world in a vibrancy he never knew could exist.

“I’m happy,” he whispers again, ears ringing from a constant buzz.

Yue Qingyuan startles at the rush of power. His hands brace against his waist to make sure he doesn’t fall off the veranda. His eyes shine with pride and love so ardently Shen Qingqiu can’t even bring himself to keep staring.

“You're purring.” Yue Qingyuan blurts instead of pointing out the obvious shift in atmospheric pressure. Shen Qingqiu blinks and touches his throat, which was in fact vibrating. Oh! Was that what that sound was?

The purring crescendos. As if on instinct, he butts his head against Qi-ge. “So I am.”

His golden core reverberates in the center of his chest, as if it were just as happy as he was.


the time skip finally arrived!
this story is cut up into 3 acts, but all i'm gonna say is that nyanjiu is going to have more screentime in act 2 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
thank yall for reading so far and commenting 💜 the journey is far from over and im scared of what the word count will look like at the end of this

Chapter 35: The Haunting of Ganjing


ฅᨐฅ yay! finally confirming SQQ reaching golden core formation gives him the ability to fully control his transformations if his emotions aren't running too high. too bad he's a little self-conscious about being cute and fluffy, but that will change real soon™

as much as i hate writing missions, this one was actually planned to be the halloween special (oops) so this is my attempt to try to be a lil spooky, so i hope yall enjoy

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

One might say Qing Jing manor was caught in disarray, but contrary to what an unexpected guest may think, an elaborate obstacle course occupies the living space. A cat pounces gracefully across ceiling beams; traversing through elaborate stacks of heavy books and even elegantly dodging the deadly sword chasing after him.

Soft paws soundlessly land on the polished floorboards only to disappear behind a whirl of expanding green fabric and a flash of light. Shen Qingqiu stands before his teacher, quickly patting down the wrinkles over his robes before bowing. “Shizun, this disciple is confident he has full control and mastery over his other form.”

Ever since the unexpected accomplishment of reaching Golden Core Formation, he found out he could willingly shift between forms. Shen Qingqiu always regarded his other form as a flaw in his cultivation, but this new development was like finding a puzzle piece he never knew he was even missing. It was an embarrassment, really, no matter how comfortable he felt in it: it just wasn’t normal. But his shizun must think otherwise because why would he adjust his training regimen around his cat form?

Shen Guangxia reaches out to pinch the tip of a pointy snow white ear. “Has he now?” Shen Qingqiu quickly pats down his head, straining his meridians to remind his ears what they’re supposed to be. “Xiao Qingqiu mustn’t be so embarrassed. It could prove useful to him someday.”

He wants to roll his eyes at his shizun’s teasing smile. “This disciple would rather stay on two legs.” This promptly earns him a pinch on the cheek.

“This master quite enjoyed holding his disciple in the palm of his hand. Hmph, since when did Xiao Qingqiu grow so quickly?” As if to emphasize this, he gestures to their slight height difference.

“Shizun,” he tries his best not to sound so petulant, “this Qingqiu has to leave for a mission in a shichen.”

Shen Guangxia scoffs, “so eager to remind your master of what he already knows? Do the course again.”

His robes shrink down alongside his body. “Mrr!” With an annoyed lash of his tail, he hops to the first shelf.

“Don’t you growl at me young man! You’ll thank this master later for setting aside practice before that mission of yours.”

“Meow meow!” Sure it will! Honestly, what is he going to need it for?

As soon as he finishes the last stretch of the obstacle course, he eagerly switches back before his feet even touch the ground. His shizun pats him over, tucking stray hairs behind his ears and checking for any non-human traits. With a satisfied nod, his shizun pulls away.

“Does Qingqiu have everything he may need?”

“Of course, Shizun.” He reaches for his qiankun pouch and the stitch inside his sleeve where emergency supplies are stashed.

“Then Qingqiu is ready.”

“This disciple will be leaving now.”

As soon as the door shuts behind him, he grabs a fistful of fabric to reveal the swishing tail hiding beneath. “Damn it,” he curses under his breath. It took all his willpower to keep this thing still while he was still under shizun’s gaze. “Go away, damn you.” The tail defiantly swishes back and forth once more before it fizzles out with a burst of qi. Before he could get one foot beyond the courtyard gate, the bamboo trees rustled loudly to announce a visitor.

“Shen-shixiong,” Liu Qingge steps out with leaves clinging to his hair from the unconventional route he took. “Are you ready?”

“This shixiong was just about to meet you all.”

“You were taking too long.” He grunts, squaring his shoulders. “And Yue-shixiong was asking about you.”

“Really? Why? He knows he could just come to Qing Jing if he needed anything.”

Liu Qingge shrugs. “He was asking Mu-shixiong lots of questions.”

“What?” Shen Qingqiu squawks, “don’t tell me he’s interrogating Mu Qingfang?” He mounts Xiu Ya without waiting for a response. This guy–! They fly fast enough for the wind to nip their cheeks and send hair whipping behind them. By the time Shen Qingqiu lands in front of the main entrance gate of Cang Qiong, he finds an exasperated Mu Qingfang slouching under Yue Qingyuan’s towering form.

“What did I tell you about hounding my mission partners?” He strides up to the man and seizes him by the ear. “At this rate, you’re going to scare everyone from going on any night hunts and missions with me!”

“I’ll still come with you, shixiong.” Liu Qingge supplies earnestly.

Yue Qingyuan has the gall to look guilty, “apologies. This Qingyuan only wished to inquire about whether or not there are precautions–”

What a load of crap. He tugs him far enough to spare his shidi’s ears. “Qi-ge, you can’t be so overprotective!”

“Why not?” He pouts, leaning into his hand like a spoiled puppy. “Shidi’s safety should be the highest priority.”

“Are you a lovesick maiden or a future sect leader?” Shen Qingqiu scoffs. He has half the mind to release his ear to see if he falls over. “Qi-ge can’t keep attaching himself to everything I do. In the future, you’re going to have to put the sect before me.”

“Xiao Jiu is going to be this Qi-ge’s wife. It’s not unreasonable to dote on him.”

W-Wife…! Shen Qingqiu would have spontaneously combusted on the spot if he weren’t so pressed for time. Instead he whips out his fan and smacks the man on the head, but not hard enough to crack his skull open to spill out what remaining brains were left in there. He quickly composes himself with a deep breath to stifle the urge to scream.

“Who are you calling wife? Shizun and Chu-shibo aren’t going to allow a wedding if you keep acting like my absence is the end of the world.” He pats him on the cheek. He couldn’t help it. His Qi-ge really is a pathetic little dog. “Now be a good boy and quit fussing. This Qingqiu is perfectly capable.”

Yue Qingyuan seems to lean closer, eyes shining with fondness. “Mn. Forgive this Qi-ge. He forgot how talented and strong his Xiao Jiu is.”

“How dare you forget in the first place? You can grovel over it later,” he chuffs, “now run along now. Don’t you have work to do?”

“Goodbye kiss?”

“Just one.” Because god knows he wouldn’t be able to stop after the second.

(Mu Qingfang squinted at Liu Qingge, who seemed to be enraptured by the public display of affection happening right in front of them. “Shidi, why are you watching?”

“I’m… c-chaperoning.” Liu Qingge stammers out, red cheeked and wide eyed. Despite his rigid combat stance, he looked more than ready to flee rather than fight.)

Mu Qingfang coughs loudly into his fist, “shixiong. We should go.”

“Have a safe trip.” Yue Qingyuan sneaks in a kiss on the cheek just as he spins on the balls of his feet.

“Apologies shidis,” Shen Qingqiu returns with his ears still stained a dusty pink. “He didn’t bother you too much, did he Mu-shidi?”

“It’s nothing this Qingfang can’t handle. Patients have said much worse.” He says matter-of-factly. Before Shen Qingqiu can respond, the healer merely chuckles before elaborating further. “Yue-shixiong was only asking if I packed enough medical supplies. Shixiong has nothing to worry about.”

“You should have made Liu-shidi smack him on the head.” Mu Qingfang seems to seriously consider the suggestion.

“You want me to sneak attack da-shixiong?!”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes. “Nevermind. Let’s just go, shall we?”

The flight to Ganjing is a long one. It’s a trade city set north of the Luo river, and judging by his view from the sky, Shen Qingqiu can see the fading memory of what were once humble farm plots. Fields of wild wheat sway in the breeze like the tidal wave of a golden sea. Who would abandon such plentiful lands? And yet, as they began to land, he couldn’t help but notice just how empty this city seemed. Where were the merchants bustling about the streets? The vendors? Where was everyone?

"Well isn’t this ominous?” Mu Qingfang says dryly.

Liu Qingge warily unsheathes Cheng Luan, “shixiongs should stay close.”

The hairs on his neck stand on end from the weight of being watched. Shen Qingqiu cranes his head towards the windows. He couldn’t even see inside as they were either boarded shut or obstructed from the inside. The only signs of life he could see were a pack of dogs meandering in the street. The longer Shen Qingqiu stared did he realize that they were staring back just as intently. To behave so calmly… he wonders if they’re some lord’s dogs. The dogs in his childhood never acted like this; he would always get chased around by those slobbering mutts. With a shudder, Shen Qingqiu moves behind Liu Qingge without a second thought.

“Did the request indicate a disease, Mu-shidi?”

“Not at all.” Mu Qingfang reaches into his sleeve to pull out a paper talisman. When it doesn't react, the healer sets it aside. “The air doesn’t indicate any signs of contamination.”

“Let’s pay our dear petitioner a visit then.”

When he looked back up, the dogs were gone.

They find the Zhong residence with ease. It was one of the more opulent manors around with high walls and a courtyard overrun by the rampant growth of what would have been a lavish garden. Just as they were assuming the worst had befallen the town, the front door actually opened upon their knocking. An eye greets them in the cautious slit in the door.

“Yes? What is it?” The man grunts.

“We are from Cang Qiong and answering your call for aid.” Liu Qingge shoves his foot into the door to widen the threshold. Clarity befalls on the frightened mortal as he seems to recognize the jade tokens hanging from their belts.

“Well what are you doing outside?! Come in, come in quick!”

Shen Qingqiu is immediately greeted with stale musty air when they step inside the foyer. Judging by the boards nailed to the windows and rags stuffed inside the cracks, fresh air hasn’t graced this manor in weeks. The lingering paranoia and nervous energies are stifling; he can’t help but feel his own skin crawl.

“Thank heavens you’ve finally arrived. This lord has been plagued by misfortune!”

“Can Zhong-qianbei explain the circ*mstances that have stricken him and Ganjing?” Shen Qingqiu asks, glancing behind the trembling mortal to find meek servants peering over the wall.

“Oh it’s terrible! Demons have overtaken the city and nobody wishes to leave their homes! Anyone who dares to step outside vanish, never to be seen again. Nobody can even sleep with all the screaming.” Lord Zhong trembles as what little color he had in his skin leaves him. Shen Qingqiu resists the urge to sigh. He’s far too frightened to offer a unexaggerated statement.

“Zhong-qianbei should sit. Mu-shidi, check him for any illness. Living in constant fright must have taken quite the toll.” He shares a tacit glance with Mu Qingfang before slipping away. Upon his approach, the servants scatter and resume the facade of cleaning various vases and tables. He manages to catch an old woman who was anxiously wiping down a wall with a dry rag.

He keeps his voice low, “this one is investigating the matter concerning Ganjing. Does guniang have anything she’d like to say?” If it concerned information, slaves and servants were always more reliable.

“Daozhang surely must have noticed the moment he stepped through the city gates.” She murmurs, anxiously wringing her withered hands. “But it is no demon like our lord thinks.”

“A ghost,” Shen Qingqiu confirms. She nods.

“Lord Zhong doesn’t wish to admit it. These strange occurrences have been happening since his concubine disappeared.” Before she can say any more, the lord of the house raises his voice.

“This lord is fine! He won’t die from something as simple as fright.” Shen Qingqiu quickly shoves a silver tael into the woman’s hands before returning to the foyer before his disappearance is discovered. “It’s getting dark now. The immortal masters should stay the night; it isn’t safe to go out and investigate.”

They don’t protest. It’s the perfect opportunity to investigate, but for a manor so large, it was strange to only offer a single guest room. It only had one bed!

“I’ll meditate.” Liu Qingge claims the corner closest to the window.

Mu Qingfang experimentally pats a pillow only to get assaulted by a cloud of dust. Shen Qingqiu scrunches his nose as they unanimously agree that the bed can be left alone for now. “What did Shen-shixiong find out earlier?” He asks.

“It’s a ghost haunting this town. Whoever it was, they were no doubt involved in this household. I’ll have to confirm with the other servants.” Liu Qingge looks visibly disappointed at this. Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but ask, “this shixiong is curious though. Why did Mu-shidi take this mission?” Since there’s no obvious demonic disease, Mu Qingfang’s presence seems out of place.

The healer grimaces, “Qian Cao disciples are required to take a mission after so many clinic hours. Shizun says it's good practice to use our combat skills from time to time.”

“Well, this shixiong is grateful for Mu Qingfang’s presence nonetheless. Who knows what trouble Liu-shidi will get into?”

Liu Qingge snorts, “trouble? I’m Bai Zhan, a ghost is no trouble at all.”

“Oh? Liu-shidi can do something besides using his fists?” He teases.

“Shixiong, we’ve sparred before.” Liu Qingge deadpans, gesturing to Cheng Luan. Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes.

“I’m trying to tease you, brute–”

He’s cut off by the abrupt sound of screams.


YQY: if anything happens to SQQ i'm not going to be happy
MQF: ??? seriously? SQQ is going on a mission with a medic AND LQG, and you're still worried?

LQG watching his shixiongs smooch:😳i am so honorable, i am making sure they dont do anything sussy (surely this won't awaken anything.)

(Shen Guangxia smugly drinks his tea knowing his precious cabbage will be safe.)

Chapter 36: Rabid Dogs and a (temporarily) lost cat


TW // small mention of infanticide

this chapter did NOT want to be written, can you tell how much i struggled?😭 half of it had to be rewritten bc I just didn't like it, then i had finals and a migraine that lasted two days
but im finally over the hurdle and we got some plot moving forward

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Before they knew it, night had fallen like a harbinger of darkness. The walls rattle from this dreadful choir, drowning the very sound of their breathing and their heartbeats. Shen Qingqiu stumbles, clutching his ears at the bloodcurdling cacophony. Underneath the mass pitch of a woman’s scream is the rattling cries of an infant.

In an explosion of light and splinters, Liu Qingge lunges out of the now open window and crashes into the cobblestreet with a crack. Shen Qingqiu rushes out after him with Xiu Ya in hand. There’s nobody else in the street despite the undeniable taint of resentful energy reverberating in the air. The screams have already dwindled down to a fleeting echo. Liu Qingge is undeniably pale. His knuckles even shake around his grip on Cheng Luan.

“Shidi,” you can’t just jump towards the first sign of danger! But he bites down the rest of his rebuke. He’s never seen the brute so shaken before.

“I–It sounds like Mingyan.” He chokes out, “my baby sister. She… should be two months old now.”

Shen Qingqiu sends Xiu Ya away, illuminating the narrow street with a harsh pulsing light. Rats skitter away in petulant hissing fits, disappearing through the cracks and the safe shadows of the alleyways. Up ahead, two round blank mirrors reflect Xiu Ya’s penetrating glow. Eyes, he realizes. Something is there. Whatever it was, its body was low to the ground and skulked in circles in the darkness, the outline of its body was barely visible but Shen Qingqiu could see that it was darker than pitch.

The both of them lunge as one: Xiu Ya shoots ahead while Liu Qingge leads the charge with Cheng Luan. The figure lurches back unnaturally as if it were a puppet on strings. It jerks to and fro, taunting them even, as he and Liu Qingge bump into each other with each attempted attack.

“Shixiong, it’s right there!”

“Are you trying to cut my hair off?! It’s behind you– to your left!”

Frustrated, he sends a barrage of sword glares to their mysterious enemy. It yelps like a wounded animal and its reflective eyes shrink into pinpricks.

“It’s getting away!” Liu Qingge shouts.

The ground seems to slip beneath him when the screaming resumes. It reverberates through his teeth and bones, shaking him to the core, but that doesn’t stop Shen Qingqiu from sending a blast of qi towards the retreating figure. He doesn’t know if it did anything, because the screaming abruptly crescendos.

They barely catch two abyssal silhouettes rushing past them. Where did they come from?! Shen Qingqiu spins on his heels and runs towards Lord Zhong’s manor when they slip through the window Liu Qingge had blown open earlier. Any visible lantern and candlelight in the windows flicker into nothingness. sh*t!

“Don’t chase after that one!” He unfurls his war fan to conjure a wind to turn Liu Qingge back. Now was not the time to split up! “We have to help Mu-shidi!”

A man’s scream joins the wailing choir. Liu Qingge barges through the back door, scattering splinters everywhere. Mu Qingfang stands protectively over Lord Zhong, who was curled up on the floor. The living space was dimly lit by the green hue of Fei Zhen. The healer’s thin blade was sheathed in a dog, or at least, what once was a dog.

“She’s here! She’s come for me! Please– save me!” Lord Zhong screams as tears, sweat and snot leak from his face.

“Shixiong! There’s another!” Mu Qingfang pulls Fei Zhen from the corpse and fills the room with sword light to drive the shadows away. A feminine shriek reveals another canine hiding in the rafters. Before it could escape, Shen Qingqiu pulls the broken boards and splinters from the floor to send it flying towards the corrupted dog. It slams against the wall. Without hesitating, Xiu Ya swoops in to pin it down before it could even think of a counterattack. He doesn’t have to say a word for Liu Qingge to deal the finishing blow.

Shen Qingqiu kneels over the canine. Without its shroud of shadows, all that was left was a rotten corpse. What little was left of its pelt clings to its shriveled frame in tufts. Shen Qingqiu narrows his eyes at the coloring. It was the same color as one of the dogs on the day they arrived in Ganjing. “They’re yaoguai,” he finally announces before turning his gaze to the trembling man. “Lord Zhong seems to have an idea of what is plaguing him, and consequently, Ganjing.”

“Preposterous! This lord knows nothing!”

Shen Qingqiu scoffs. He summons Xiu Ya and subtly makes sure it flashes in front of his face before returning to his scabbard. Lord Zhong flinches. “Then who is ‘she?’”

“T-This one had a concubine. An unruly little thing; my A-Mei had disappeared days before those demons came! This one is sure it was only a coincidence and irrelevant to the immortal masters’ investigation.”

“That would have been nice to know,” Mu Qingfang mutters under his breath.

Lord Zhong scrambles up to his feet when Liu Qingge stomps forward, kneeling down to inspect the canine felled by Mu Qingfang’s sword. “Not demons. These look to be hunting dogs. Do you recognize them?”

“T-This lord has never seen them in his life!” He quickly wipes his face with his sleeve, “there’s still one left to be eliminated. The sooner the immortal masters’ find it, the sooner this lord can call for his wife’s return!” Before Shen Qingqiu can push even further, he leaves: presumably to hide in the farthest corner of the estate. Mu Qingfang’s neutral countenance takes on a pinched expression.

“Shixiong and shidi should go find the third. I’ll stay here in case it comes back to terrorize the manor again.”

“You just want to run experiments by yourself, don’t you?” Liu Qingge asks flatly. Shen Qingqiu merely raises a questioning brow.

“This Qingfang has no idea what shidi is talking about,” the healer turns away without even being subtle about pulling out needles and various instruments from his bag. “I simply am curious about the effects resentful energy has on a decomposing body.”

“We’ll leave you to it,” Shen Qingqiu turns toward the giant hole where a door should be. He doesn’t want to leave Mu Qingfang by himself again, the prospect of any further property damage gave him no choice but to step outside. Just as they were about to mount their swords, a servant breaches their peripheral vision.

“Are the immortal masters going to find the last monster?”

“En.” But the young boy doesn’t look reassured. Instead, his hands continue wringing the hem of his roughspun tunic.

“Jiejie told me to tell you…” he mumbles so quietly Shen Qingqiu wonders if it is out of shyness or fear. “Master Zhong is lying. In fact, he started this whole mess in the first place!” The boy flinches at his own temperament getting the better of him.

“Explain.” Liu Qingge simply asks.

“Mei-jie was bought from the brothel two years ago. She was nice to Fang-er; she didn’t deserve what happened. The first wife hated her. So much so, Mei-jie kept her pregnancy hidden until she no longer could. The first wife found out and convinced Master Zhong it wasn’t his– that she saw Mei-jie sneaking off to the brothel. But it wasn’t true! Mei-jie just missed her friends! Master Zhong wanted her to get rid of the baby but Mei-jie refused. So when the day of the birth came,” the boy sniffs angrily, “he took her baby and fed him to the dogs.”

“Anything else?” He quickly asks when Liu Qingge's hands curl so tightly his knuckles crack. So not only do they have yao terrorizing the city, but possibly a resentful ghost orchestrating it all.

“Only that Mei-jie fled soon after that.” The boy says mournfully, “Master Zhong sent the dogs after her, but they hadn’t returned. Since then, the screaming and disappearances began.”

Shen Qingqiu inhales a deep breath before reaching into his qiankun pouch to pull out a handful of silver taels.


“Take it. Distribute them among the others. Good information deserves a reward. Now run along and don’t get caught with it.” The servant boy doesn’t think twice and pockets it before skittering away like a mouse. Shen Qingqiu turns to Liu Qingge and opens his fan to wave fresh air in his face. It’s enough to startle him, breaking the agitated energy that he’d been radiating. “Shidi should calm down. As unfortunate as it is, it’s only harem politics.”

“There’s no justice at all! It’s deplorable!”

“Put that anger to good use then.” He looks up to the tallest structure in the city square: a belltower. It will do. “First we should track where that dog went.”

“I can do it myself.” His shidi reluctantly trails behind when he flies up to the tower.

“Then how will you find the ghost? They’re connected in some way; if the dog is the puppet then all we must do is follow where the strings go.” He pulls out a silk fan along with his war fan and touches down on the bell tower’s roof. Shen Qingqiu floods the air with his qi and begins to dance, raising his arms in a hypnotic sway. It’s a technique passed on from his shizun’s shizun. Its basis was founded on musical cultivation, where instead of sound and vibrations, it used air and qi to survey dark energies. Although, Twin Kites Singing Wind couldn’t be used as a combat or calming technique like music could.

With each step reminiscent of a tidal wave, he pushes and pulls against the wind. His qi probes against the surface area of his surroundings, offering more and more clarity in his mind’s eye. The radius grows larger and larger the longer the dance goes on, but with a city with so many nooks and crannies, it only takes one sweep of qi to move on to the next area. Despite the slow burn easing into his meridians, he doesn’t stop his probing.

Shen Qingqiu jolts when he’s greeted with stale resentful energy. Quickly, he grasps the wind and thrusts his arm out to follow the trail. He dares not fall out of rhythm when a thick glob of sweat trickles down his neck, too focused on expanding his qi beyond the city gates and towards a forest beyond a thin strip of abandoned farm land.

He snaps both fans shut when concentrated energy knocks the air out of his lungs. “The forest. They’re both in the forest.” It’s an arduous task in itself to not wheeze out loud. When he tries to step on Xiu Ya, he has to look twice to realize Liu Qingge hadn’t already flown off towards the direction of their target. Wasn't he amped up a second ago? Where did all that energy go? “Shidi?”

“You… got their location from that?” His ears were pink and his eyes darted around like frantic dragonflies.

“What did you expect? That this shixiong put his own nose to the ground and sniff?”

“” Liu Qingge grunts. “It was just– pretty.”

“It’s supposed to be.” He chuffs haughtily. At least the Bai Zhan brute can recognize elegance when he sees it. “Let’s go.”

The forest is a bleak patch of overgrowth. The trees are shriveled and thin, their leaves taking on a shade of sickly green. The grass is just tall enough to reach their chests and hide the gnarled roots that were just waiting for someone to trip over them. However, this wilderness was no match for Cheng Luan.

“Let me go first,” he steps in front of Shen Qingqiu, swinging his blade furiously.

“So chivalrous.” He drawls, adjusting his grip on his war fan. Its razor sharp ridges glow ever so softly with residual qi, emitting faux moonbeams to light the path ahead.


The further and further they go, the heavier the air grows. The scent of crisp autumn is quickly swallowed by the stifling tang of sour-sweet rot as resentful energy becomes palpable. A hollow crack resonates under his boot. When Shen Qingqiu looks down, he finds bones.

The guttural growl is their only warning. He barely has enough time to summon Xiu Ya out of its sheath. Shen Qingqiu spins on the balls of his feet, casting a sharp wind to cut down the surrounding grass down to its roots.

“You couldn’t have done that earlier?” Liu Qingge’s rampant sword glares send tremors throughout the earth. The dog’s eyes reflect the fleeting lights in malicious pinpricks. The dog attempts to retreat back into cover to hide.

“Shidi wanted to go ahead, didn’t he? How could this Qingqiu refuse?” He scoffs, tucking his war fan aside to draw Xiu Ya. Amidst the dazzling sword lights, the dog bursts forth inside Liu Qingge’s blindspot to slash his leg. Shen Qingqiu sees its shadowed shape and sends his sword after it.

It yelps as its leg is severed. Liu Qingge finishes it off swiftly, even going as far as disintegrating it with one final sword glare. They share a glance to each other, panting.

“That’s it?”

“Did you expect more?” Shen Qingqiu quips back, gaze returning to the clearing he made. He hadn’t gotten a chance to see it before, but there were remains submerged in the loamy soil. The body was in the same stage of rot as the dogs; it didn’t take much to know that animals had had their fill. Upon closer inspection, a tiny speck of ghostfire flickers between rib bones.

“No wonder the dogs were unrecognizable. They consumed so much resentful energy, they transformed into yao.” So much so, there was little left still clinging to Lord Zhong’s concubine. He takes Liu Qingge’s silence as his signal to proceed, “let’s give her a proper burial.”

It’s… an ending he hadn’t expected: a swift one. He’d never seen a ghost be robbed of their energy. Or perhaps she just didn’t have the strength nor will to haunt at all?

When the air seemingly lifts after burial rites, they return to the manor in silence. Liu Qingge wasn’t much of a talker anyways, but there was a far-away glint in his eyes. When he marches into Lord Zhong’s manor, he makes a bee-line towards the man and grabs him by the lapels.

“Which hand was it?”

“What? W-What does daozhang mean?”

A bright silver flash announces the severing of flesh and bone with an indiscriminate sching. Mu Qingfang could only hold his face in his hands, groaning, as if Lord Zhong collapsing and screaming over his bloody nub was just another day in Qian Cao’s clinic.

“Not again,” he hears him mutter under his breath. Not again? This happened before? “Shidi… Nie-shigu is going to revoke your night hunt permissions again.”

“It was worth it.” Liu Qingge shrugs off the healer’s glare, “let’s go.”

“We’ll leave after I fix what you did.” It’s a quick, albeit awkward, affair. Shen Qingqiu was just as eager as Mu Qingfang to finally leave the aftermath to the Zhong estate.

The mission resolved faster than expected, so why did he feel so exhausted? Did he really overexert himself? The wind combing through his hair should feel refreshing, so why does it feel like it’s trying to toss him off his sword? He shifts along Xiu Ya to adjust his stance, flexing his hands reflexively, waiting for the tremor to go away. It persists; Shen Qingqiu curls his hands inside his sleeves and ignores the invisible weights pressing down on his eyes.

It’s not too bad. I’m fine.


By the time he realizes Mu Qingfang is asking for him, he’s already plummeting to the ground.

Ugh. Whoever said cats always land on all fours is a liar. Shen Qingqiu groans, reluctantly rolling over onto his belly to test his limbs. It doesn’t feel like anything’s broken, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. He tries to look around in a futile attempt to look for his shidis, but instead he’s only met with foliage and tall grass. Surely he wasn’t unconscious for too long that they’d move on in finding him, right? Liu Qingge is a tracker, isn’t he? So why isn’t he found?!

“Meow!” Hello?

No answer.

When he tries to transform, his feline body doesn’t even budge. Not even a single drop of qi tickles his fur. Shen Qingqiu swats at the ground, claws scoring countless lines into the earth. Once again, he’s stuck: only this time, he’s alone in an unknown forest. He waits a few moments more, hoping to find the brute stomping and charging. Still nothing. Just the grass whispering to one another.

His whiskers twitch. First thing’s first, all he has to do is find a way out of this forest. It must have grown undisturbed for centuries, he can’t even find a single patch of sky throughout the canopies. With his meridians aching, using qi was not an option. He carefully traverses over rocks and tree roots, doing his best to keep his pawsteps slow and meticulous, but the sharp pain in his flank still finds a way to protest.

“Mrrow?” Hello? Anyone? He tries again. Still no answer.

His pelt sags in disappointment. It looks like he’ll have to hope his martial siblings go to the nearest town, which shouldn’t be too far. He takes a deep open-mouthed breath. The air tastes more fragrant than before. The soft loamy soil carries an ever so slight sweetness evocative of petrichor. It must have rained recently. Shen Qingqiu strains his ears. Over the occasional chirp and wing-beat of an insect, a faint hum can be heard. It’s a low drone: the sound of water churning. A river!

Relief permeates throughout his body. He nearly bursts into a sprint from unrestrained excitement. If he hadn’t fallen too far off their charted course, there should be an old city downstream of the Luo River. Shen Qingqiu meanders through the underbrush until the sound of rushing water crescendos. He purrs to himself when he eventually finds it at the expense of muddy paws.

Hah! At least this form’s good for something. He mentally pats himself on the head and follows it downstream.

It felt as if he'd been walking forever. One moment he’s focusing on which paw to put in front of the other and the next– he collides head first into a wall. It’s enough to yank him out of his sleepy daze as he’s greeted with lively red lanterns and perfumed air. Shen Qingqiu pulls himself towards the entrance and falls to his belly at the warmth embracing his frame. Even with his shrunken robes, the river’s mist had rendered fabric and fur damp.

I’ll rest here for a little while, he tucks himself beside a box. Just as Shen Qingqiu feels his mind float adrift, his eyes fly wide open when the cacophony spikes with drunken laughter as a pipa sputters its final note. If it weren’t for a familiar voice, he would have noticed the languid silhouette of a snake slithering across the brothel’s front porch.

“A-Tian, don’t you think it’s a little unfair to keep drinking like this? You’re going to kill somebody at this rate.” Despite her words, there’s an amused fondness hiding behind it. Where has he heard this voice before?

“But Xiyan, I’m still learning these drinking games! Your kind has so many!”

Su Xiyan? Shen Qingqiu’s curiosity gets the better of him. He begrudgingly pulls himself onto his paws and saunters inside.

“I’m surprised you’re still so entertained,” Su Xiyan says dryly, clearly unamused. Shen Qingqiu darts under a table for a closer look. The black and gold head disciple robes of Huan Hua Palace stands stark like a pearl in the belly of the brothel. He casts a glance towards her companion and bristles: a demon! In broad daylight too!

“This lord is with good company of course.” He laughs with a smile, even going as far to throw a wink towards Su Xiyan. Shen Qingqiu presses his belly flat against the floor contemplatively.

He didn’t even need to see the alizarin flame in between his strong brow to know that this wasn’t just any sort of demon. His aura was unlike any other. And yet, not once does Shen Qingqiu detect any hostility, in fact, it was nonexistent. The demon lord is draped over a chair as if it were his personal throne. His deep-set eyes were abyssal pools that carry the reflection of mirthful stars.

And not once did Su Xiyan’s hand drift to her sword.

This must not be their first meeting then, Shen Qingqiu concludes. They even call each other with such fondness he's reminded of Qi-ge.Could it be...? Shen Qingqiu shakes his head. He mustn't presume such a thing, even so, it's not like he's in a state to investigate any further. Besides, he’s rested long enough. He gets up to leave.

Psspspssps… Something pulls on the invisible string connected to his golden core. Shen Qingqiu looks around frantically. Xiu Ya? He reaches out and tugs back.

Psspsss… It is!

“Mrrroooow!” Liu-shidi? Mu-shidi? He yowls as loud as he can. “Meow!” I’m right here!

“Shixiong!” Someone shouts. Suddenly, large hands wrap around his belly and Shen Qingqiu finds himself being lifted up.

You dare?! He hisses in protest, batting his paws at his assailant.

“Hey–!” Liu Qingge’s face screws up for a sneeze. Mu Qingfang quickly appears by his side.

“Here, let me take him.” Shen Qingqiu stares up at the healer, whiskers twitching. Mu Qingfang’s scent is familiar, almost exactly like Li-shishu’s spicy-mint blend, except it wasn’t as intense. It was more earthy and soothing, like tea.

Hm… He relaxes comfortably in his arms. This is fine.

“Shixiong should have told this Qingfang if something was wrong. Do you know how easy it is to prevent qi exhaustion?”

Okay, maybe he should have let Liu Qingge hold him if it meant he would be spared a lecture. Shen Qingqiu bares his fangs, “mew!” Alright, shidi, alright!

“He’s okay?” Liu Qingge asks, scrutinizing damp robes and mud stains.

“Yes. A little strained, but nothing a little rest won’t cure.”

“Mrr murr…” Shen Qingqiu grumbles, if you two keep yammering I won’t get any.

He’s out like a light before his shidi lifts off the ground.


LQG: oh no we lost SQQ
MQF: hey why is Xiu Ya shaking??
Xiu Ya: psspss!! (my master is over here!)

also i really just wanted to name MQF's sword so it wouldnt be the odd one out: Fei Zhen (飞针) which should translate to flying needle

Chapter 37: no playtime for kitty


oops, i think i finally burnt myself on writing 🧍 its been a struggle, so updates might feel a little slow from now on
hopefully with the plot moving forward, i'll get some more brain juice back
≽^- ˕ -^≼ 💜

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“This master cannot believe you succumbed to qi exhaustion of all things! What happened to Qingqiu’s control, hm? Perhaps I’ve been too lenient with you.” Shen Guangxia makes sure to emphasize this by washing his toe beans clean. Shen Qingqiu flexes his claws, squirming in a futile attempt to escape punishment. Oils and herbs are tossed into the dirty water. He strangely feels as if he were in a bowl of lukewarm soup. “Just wait until your Li-shishu hears about this.”

“Mew!” Shizun–! A finger taps his nose, leaving ticklish suds behind.

“No back talk, young man.” Shen Guangxia huffs. Water flies everywhere as he writhes in protest when he’s lifted out of the bath. The cool air assaults him mercilessly, chilling him to the bone. Shen Qingqiu yowls his complaints but his shizun is not fast enough in wrapping a fluffy towel around him. Shen Guangxia rubs him until his fur is sticking out in unkempt spikes, resembling more like a Prickly Icicle Cactus of the Northern Deserts rather than a dignified cat.

Rejuvenated from the bath, it’s not long until he escapes his shizun’s grasp and sprints to his room. Transforming back onto his two legs feels like he had stretched a particularly sore muscle. Shen Qingqiu pulls on a dark verdant set of robes and relishes in the smooth glide of silk across his skin.

“Is Xiao Qingqiu feeling better?” His shizun knocks on the door after he’d already opened it. Shen Qingqiu nearly drops his comb and guan at the intrusion. Shen Guangxia’s eyes flick up to his hair. He doesn’t even want to think about how tangled it must be right now. “Sit. This master will do your hair.”

“Shizun doesn’t have to,” Shen Qingqiu tried to say but the older Shen wasn’t listening at all. He’s relinquished of his comb, leaving him no choice but to oblige.

“Qingqiu is right: I don’t have to, but I want to.” A few beats of silence follow the comb running through his damp locks. There’s the slightest tug on his scalp from the occasional knot, but his shizun is gentle enough to not provoke pain. He feels his shoulder slump as every muscle in his body melts.


Shen Qingqiu’s cheeks go ablaze when he hears a distinct puff of breath, but thankfully his shizun doesn’t mention the uncontrollable rumbling in his throat. “So how was your mission?”

“It was straightforward. Just another lord mistaking demons with ghosts,” he says dryly.

Shen Guangxia’s fingers deftly plait his hair, “what do you expect? Many of the requests Cang Qiong receives are sent by non-cultivators.”

“Then what’s the point of difficulty grades?” He grumbles. Missions were typically stamped depending on the urgency and monster difficulty, and that’s assuming if the monster is correctly identified. The Ganjing mission was certainly undeserving of its high-difficulty rank! “And it was closer to Huan Hua territory. Why must we pick up their slack?”

Shen Guangxia hums, gesturing silently for the hair pin he’d been holding on to. It’s one of his favorites and it was actually a gift from his Li-shishu. It’s carved from one of the many camphor trees scattered across Qian Cao. Bronze leaves, triangular with serrated edges, dangle from the end; no doubt his shishu found the addition of catnip most amusing.

“Qingqiu must realize sects like Huan Hua have their own priorities.”

His mind lingers on red lantern glow illuminating gold brocade. His duties fall upon protecting the weak and exterminating demons and beasts, so to see a fellow cultivator fraternize with a demon lord– Shen Qingqiu was at a loss. Su Xiyan didn’t appear to be enthralled or possessed, that in itself was stranger than the fact that they were obviously enjoying each other’s company.

Shen Qingqiu is no stranger to monstrous humans, but just because he’s never found goodness in a demon doesn’t mean they don’t exist at all.

“Did anything else happen?”

He swallows the lump in his throat. Does he tell him? It’s Su Xiyan’s business– his palms curl in on themselves. A demon lord had somehow made it this far undetected in the mortal realm. He must mention this at least.

“When this disciple got separated from his shidis, I found something strange.” He says lamely.

“Go on,” his shizun looks back to admire his handiwork. Shen Qingqiu mulls over his next words carefully. The bronze catnip leaves clink against his ear to fill the temporary silence.

“While I was waiting to reconvene with my shidis, I recognized Su Xiyan. She was with someone with an incredible aura: a demon.” When his shizun doesn’t respond right away, he quickly adds, “this disciple didn’t sense any ill intent, nor did Su Xiyan act as if she was there against her will. Not once did her hand stray to her sword.”

“Was it clear she was accompanying him?” Shen Guangxia asks in a low leveled tone.

“Yes. They were familiar with one another.”

“Did this demon have any identifying features? This master recalls no reports of any sightings in that area.” He stands up after his shizun.

“He appeared human besides a mark between his brow.”

Shen Guangxia flits across the living space like a fallen leaf to fetch parchment and ink from the table he waylaid paperwork on. Shen Qingqiu had to hold back a sigh upon seeing the mess. He was not even gone for three days and the man had gone back to doing paperwork on the next available surface!

“Here. Draw it for me.” Whether or not his shizun had found the answer he was searching for, his face shows no sign of it. His lofty countenance remains a smooth and steady mask as Shen Qingqiu hands over his sketch. Dark eyes scrutinize the flame sigil long enough a wrinkle forms between his thin brows.


Shen Guangxia folds the paper and tucks it inside his sleeve. “I'm afraid my work has piled up, as you can see. Qingqiu can take the rest of the day off. I wouldn’t be surprised if that boy of yours is waiting outside.”

“You speak of him as if he’s a dog.”

“He’s at your beck and call, isn’t he?”

“I don’t call him for anything.” Just to prove a point, he marches for the front door and swings it wide open. He gestures to the empty space. “He’s not even here either. Shizun was wrong.”

Shen Guangxia snaps his fan wide open to physically wave him off. “Ah yes, the leash is quite long today isn’t it?”

Leash? As if he doesn’t have one for Li-shishu! With one foot already out the door, he makes sure to get the last word. Shen Qingqiu offers a curt bow, “this disciple doesn’t know what Shizun is talking about and will be leaving now.”

He takes flight for Qiong Ding. His feet guide him to Yue Qingyuan’s cottage and doesn’t even bother knocking. He’s greeted with darkness and the stale scent of incense that must have burned recently. Shen Qingqiu wanders into the office space to find the desk miraculously clear of any papers. A freshly ground ink stick is set aside. Yue Qingyuan must have just left.

It doesn’t take too long to find him. It was rather Yue Qingyuan’s voice that made the task effortless. He was in one of the outdoor pavilions addressing a small class. His voice was sonorous and soothing, making the lecture of imperial etiquette far more interesting than it should have been. Not wanting to interrupt, he waits.

Finally, he tries to act natural by leaning against the wall as Qiong Ding disciples begin to flood out. Only then, does he finally pounce.

“Qingqiu–,” Yue Qingyuan nearly trips on his own feet. “You’re back; when did you return?”

“A while ago. Where were you? Shizun whisked me away for a bath and you weren’t there to save me. Do you know how unpleasant water is for a cat?” He flutters his fan teasingly.

“Forgive this Qi-ge, he would have come right away but Shizun had delegated lectures to me at the last minute.” His eyes flash with concern, hands seeking out his own. “Cat? Is shidi okay? Did anything happen?”

Shen Qingqiu huffs, “I’m fine. Don’t even bother turning into a mother hen right now. Are you done with your lectures?” He asks quickly.

“Ah,” Yue Qingyuan droops in obvious disappointment, “I’ve a few more left.”

Shen Qingqiu casts a cursory glance around the empty pavilion. There was nobody around as of right now. “I’ve nothing else to do for the day. I can join you. Here, open up your robe.” It’s just out of convenience, he silently chants as he reveals a very very toned chest. I am only turning into a cat so I don’t disturb his work! His eyes linger on his ample chest. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before! They shared a few discrete touches here and there, this is nothing!

“X-Xiao Jiu?” Yue Qingyuan stammers. A high pitched squeak escapes his lips when a blur of white slams against his solar plexus, effectively knocking the wind out of him. Shen Qingqiu tries not to think how unbelievably warm Qi-ge feels. It’s the fur, he quickly reasons. Yue Qingyuan frantically adjusts his belt to keep Shen Qingqiu comfortable in the makeshift pouch he’d made with his robes.

“Meow.” Pleased as he can be, his feline brain couldn’t resist expressing it. Mindful of his claws, he kneads against Qi-ge’s chest. This was a very good idea.

“Is Qingqiu comfortable?” Yue Qingyuan’s low chuckle sounds deeper against his ears when he leans in close to kiss his head.


“Okay then. Let’s go shall we?”

As soon as Yue Qingyuan enters another lecture hall, all eyes hone in on the bulge hanging from his front. Shen Qingqiu pokes his head out and casts his best glare. What are you looking at? But this wasn’t his class to teach, so he tucks himself back into Yue Qingyuan’s robes. Surrounded by warmth and the methodic drone of Yue Qingyuan’s voice, he sleeps.

When class was over, anyone who dared raise their voice were immediately hushed by a silent look. With one arm supporting his Xiao Jiu, he’s forced to retrieve essays one at a time. If anyone needed to ask a question, they had to whisper.

“Da-shixiong, about this…” A flustered shimei begins to elaborate, her voice trembling as it couldn’t go any lower.

At last, the silence couldn’t remain when Liu Qingge suddenly barged in.

“Shixiong. Have you seen Shen Qingqiu?” He wades through Qiong Ding disciples as if they were a mere river. Yue Qingyuan flinches at the claws suddenly sinking into his chest and ripping up his inner robe, a sign of a startled awakening. He forces his lips into a tight smile despite the pain.

“Perhaps another time, shimei?”

“O-Oh, of course.” She sputters and flitters away. Liu Qingge didn't even bat an eye at her as he was scrutinizing the bulge squirming against his chest.

“What’s that?”

Yue Qingyuan opens his robes. An explosion of color saturates Liu Qingge’s cheeks and ears in a dusty shade of pink. Shen Qingqiu’s head swiveled so fast it was almost a blur. Green eyes narrow at the brute, who seemed to be staring elsewhere.

Why are you showing him your chest?! He yowls at Yue Qingyuan before swiping at Liu Qingge, but unfortunately he’s smart enough to stay away. Don’t look, you brute!

“Why is shidi asking?”

Liu Qingge tears his eyes away from supple tanned skin and focuses on the dirt on his boot. “Wanted to train. He got qi exhaustion on the mission, so I devised a sparring regimen.”

What are you, my teacher? I’ve my own shizun to help me, thank you very much!

“Qingqiu,” Yue Qingyuan merely raises a questioning brow at him. Shen Qingqiu smacks his forehead with a paw, claws retracted of course.

“Shixiong can come too.” Liu Qingge quickly adds, “if he wants.”

“Ah, that depends on Qingqiu. I believe he was waiting for me to finish all my lectures.”

He feigns an enormous yawn, making sure to show his fangs. I’m supposed to be resting from qi exhaustion. Mu-shidi’s orders.

Yue Qingyuan chuckles, “it looks like that’s Qingqiu’s answer.”

“But he didn’t say anything.” Liu Qingge frowns, “oi. You’re not going to get stronger if you laze around.”

“Perhaps next time? If shidi would like, this shixiong could use a break. I’ve been cooped up all day.” Their shidi perks up at this.

“Mew?” What about my nap?

“Is Qingqiu okay with watching? I’ll call for snacks after.” Shen Qingqiu squints, whiskers twitching.

I suppose that’s a sufficient use of my time. He meows approvingly with a headbutt to the chin for good measure. “Purr…”

Shen Guangxia’s fingertips were stained with dust as he scoured the archive shelves. These books and tomes were locked away in the restricted section of the library, moreso to protect them from disciples wandering from other peaks. Records of Qing Jing’s predecessors are stored here; as well as writings as ancient as the founders. But today, he isn’t here to call for advice from the lords before him.

The scholar sets his nightpearl down and pulls out Shen Qingqiu’s drawing. He kneels by the shelf containing demonic records and begins to carefully unravel them. The scent of ancient parchment makes his eyes water with each page. Upon the fifth book of demonic clans and dynasties does he finally recognize a flame emblem among smudged and faded illustrations.

A Heavenly Demon. Shen Guangxia reads once, then twice, before leaning back with a sharp inhale. His Qingqiu wouldn’t lie about something like this. Especially when he wouldn’t even know what a Heavenly Demon looks like. With a thousand words already racing through his mind, Shen Guangxia begrudgingly continues. The insignias illustrated here are brandings to those born of original sin. According to legend, those who fell from grace were cast from the Heavenly Realm and became the first Heavenly Demons. They serve no one: they are beasts of calamity. Beware, for the blood of heaven is poison for mortals. Do not engage. There is no death, only damnation.

Shen Guangxia squeezes his eyes shut and slides the book back into place. Heavenly Demons were a rare race as it was, but their sheer strength alone had painted a target on their back by rival clans, which only made documentation even more scarce. The fact that there were no reports concerning a Heavenly Demon is more than concerning.

Shen Guangxia slowly rises to his feet. Huan Hua is too pompous, too arrogant, to even think about consorting with demons. But something may have changed. Su Xiyan of Huan Hua Palace… He distinctly remembers the old man doting and bragging about his prized pupil. Could it be that they’re working together? Could it be that–?

His legs carry him out in long sweeping strides. He may be overthinking it, but isn’t that the duty of Cang Qiong’s tactician? Despite the insurmountable mountain between him and the sect leader, Chu Guangyu will listen.

He must.


TLJ: *sneezes* hey, someone must be talking about me! do you think it's SXY?
ZZL: *sigh* 🐍sssssure...

Chapter 38: catch and release


merry christmas

arc 2 has officially started, whew

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Apparently, staying in his cat form wasn’t a deterrence at all for Liu Qingge. No, the brute couldn’t be satisfied with tussling around with Yue Qingyuan. Especially when Shen Qingqiu found the best patch of sun to loaf under, it was as if Liu Qingge couldn’t bear the sight of him lazing around. It hasn’t even been a day since they returned! Surely he is allowed some rest?

“Shixiong.” Liu Qingge crouches in front of him, arms tucked behind his back. “Join us.”

“It doesn’t have to be for long, shidi.” Yue Qingyuan approaches and scritches his ears. Shen Qingqiu's nose wrinkles and turns his head away from the salty odor clinging to them. The both of them reek of dirt and sweat.

Why would I want to get my robes dirty? Curiously, something flutters in his peripherals. What was that? With instinct guiding him like a stringed puppet, Shen Qingqiu pounces.

“Ah, it worked.”

“Mn.” Liu Qingge jumps back, waving around a stick with feathers and ribbons crudely tied to the end. Ah, his greatest enemy, the feather wand, has returned! He drops to his haunches as something triggers inside his brain. His tail perks up, stiff and alert. This crude toy is tantalizing, no, it’s taunting him. He must grab it!

“Meow!” How dare you conspire against me?! He yowls, unsheathing his claws to tear the damn thing apart– but it was always ripped away just before he could grasp it. Give it here, you brute!

“Shixiong jumps so high.”

Yue Qingyuan claps merrily as Shen Qingqiu twists his body mid-air to swipe at the stick. “Qingqiu is elegant as ever.”

Stop teasing! “Mrrrow!” He pounces for Liu Qingge instead and sinks his claws into his legs. Take that!

“You wanna fight?” Liu Qingge puffs his chest out. “Good. Shixiong should learn how to fight in this form too.” He changes his grip on the stick as if it were Cheng Luan. Shen Qingqiu hisses when the brute takes a swipe at him. The younger boy doesn’t hold back in his strikes as if it were just a normal spar. As quick as blustery snow, Shen Qingqiu smacks each blow with eager claws. Despite the exhilarating exchange, Yue Qingyuan rushes in to scoop him up.

“Shidi! He’s still recovering from qi exhaustion. Perhaps another time?” He admonishes. Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but melt against his chest when thick fingers lovingly scritch behind his ears. However, his feline brain quickly changes its mind: this was too much petting, so he chomps on Yue Qingyuan’s hand.

“He’s not using qi though.”

“Mrrp.” Who would want to fight me when I’m this cute and fluffy?

“Yes, but shidi is well known for his, ah, lack of restraint.”

Liu Qingge frowns, “I know restraint. He’s small and weak right now, I can be careful.”

Who are you calling small and weak?! Shen Qingqiu caterwauls a battle cry before throwing himself towards Liu Qingge’s face. His claws paint angry red welts across fair skin; although they were shallow and by no means threatening to Bai Zhan’s future lord, it didn’t make him any less deadly.

“Shixiong! Get off!” No matter how hard the hands pull and tug on his fur, Shen Qingqiu only sinks his claws deeper. He was going to show this good for nothing brute just how capable he is! Liu Qingge stood no chance as soon as white fur tickled his nose.

“If Qingqiu didn’t want to spar, he should say so.” Yue Qingyuan gently pries him off before he could be blown away by the tremendous sneeze ripping through Liu Qingge. Firm arms scramble awkwardly to support more weight as Shen Qingqiu transforms.

“Oh how the mighty have fallen,” he snickers. “What did shidi call his shixiong? Small and weak?”

“You– achoo!” Liu Qingge wipes his nose furiously, “how dare you use your tricks on me!”

“Even if I wanted to spar, shidi shouldn’t have underestimated his shixiong.”

“He’s got a point, shidi.” Yue Qingyuan nods.

“Da-shixiong is taking his side?” Liu Qingge sniffles. He looks less intimidating with misty eyes and a red nose.

“Of course. He’s obligated to.” Shen Qingqiu curls around Yue Qingyuan’s shoulders, trying not to think about how close his hands are to his rear. “Looks like shidi is outnumbered.”

“Outnumbered? I could take the both of you– hrk!” Just as he reaches for Cheng Luan, he ducks his face into his arm to sputter out a sneeze.

“It looks like shidi is in no state to fight,” Yue Qingyuan says amicably. “Do you happen to have your medicine?”

“I ran out.” He says flatly, wiping his nose with his sleeve. Shen Qingqiu cringes at the sight and unfurls his fan to shield his eyes.

“Perhaps it will be a good idea to go–” He squirms out of Yue Qingyuan’s hold to prevent him from taking another step towards the brute.

“Don’t go near him, he could be contagious.”

“You’re contagious!” Liu Qingge barks back.

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes and dusts off any cat hairs he may have left on Yue Qingyuan’s robes. “Shidi is just upset he gets bested so easily.”


“Let’s not get riled up now. How about we visit Mu-shidi for some tea? A break sounds nice, doesn’t it?” Liu Qingge visibly wilts. Yue Qingyuan shoots Shen Qingqiu a look before he could even address how his shidi was pouting like a spoiled brat. He waves some fresh air towards the brute because it looks like he really needs it right now. As much as he’d like some snacks and tea with Mu Qingfang right now, they’re interrupted before they could even agree on some respite.

“Shen-shixiong?” A Qiong Ding shidi steps into the courtyard, shifting cautionary glances between Liu Qingge and Yue Qingyuan. “Your presence is requested in the Hall of Twelve.”

The meeting hall? He wonders if it's about his mission report, but then again, why wouldn't Liu Qingge be summoned as well?

“This Qingyuan can walk Shen-shidi there–”

The Qiong Ding shidi winces with a strained smile. “Apologies, but Shizun explicitly ordered for Shen-shixiong to come alone.” Yue Qingyuan’s lips press into a disconcerting line. His fingertips drift towards his own hand. Shen Qingqiu tries not to roll his eyes.

“This shixiong will be there in a moment.” He turns to the older boy, “why do you look so worried? It must be concerning some details from my latest mission.”

Yue Qingyuan's brows knit together. “It's just– Shizun…”

“Wait, who turned in the mission report?” Liu Qingge steps in, confused.

“Considering Mu-shidi was so eager to return to treating patients the moment we stepped down, this shixiong wrote the report with Shizun's help of course.”

“So why are you being summoned?”

He shrugs. “I’ll find out soon enough.”

The walk to Qiong Ding’s main hall was a thoughtless one. Unlike the bamboo maze of Qing Jing, Qiong Ding in itself was easily navigable for the sake of visitors. Its buildings were stark and looming, reminiscent of their own peak lord. But over the years, he doesn’t have to think twice as to which bridge must be crossed or which garden was more convenient to cut through if he was short on time.

Just as Shen Qingqiu was about to announce his presence, he noticed the door was left ajar ever so slightly. Muffled voices drift through the crack, urging him to lean in to listen.

“ another way. Must you be so eager to condemn children?” He startles at the sound of his shizun’s voice, shrill and hoarse, as if he’s been arguing for hours.

“That disciple of yours is no child anymore. If shidi believes death is imminent, then he shouldn’t have coddled him so.”

“That disciple is my son. And Zhangmen-shixiong should consider this master’s other suggestions.”

“Nepotism has made shidi soft,” Chu Guangyu says dryly. Shen Qingqiu lurches back when the door slams wide open from an oppressive burst of qi. “Shen-shizhi’s manners have regressed under your negligence, it seems.”

Hot embarrassment floods his face. How long did the sect leader know he was there? Not wanting to make an even bigger fool of himself, Shen Qingqiu retreats to his shizun’s side. The silence in the room is so jarring that hearing his own breathing feels unwelcome. Anxiously, he glances at the ten empty seats.

Shen Guangxia clears his throat, “does Qingqiu have an idea why he is here?”

“Is it concerning the demon this disciple had seen, Shizun?” He says after a heartbeat.

Chen Guangyu interjects the moment his shizun was about to open his mouth. “Heavenly Demons haven’t crossed the mortal realm for centuries. And for Huan Hua’s head disciple to be affiliated with such a powerful entity makes the matter much more complicated.”

“The fact that there have been no documented reports of a Heavenly Demon in Huan Hua territory is more than a concern for the cultivation world. This goes beyond treason, does Qingqiu understand?”

Shen Qingqiu feels the hairs on his neck stand on end. “Shizun thinks Huan Hua is… collaborating with demons?”

Shen Guangxia’s head snaps to the sect leader, his eyes razor sharp daggers. “That is a conundrum isn’t it? If Zhangmen-shixiong would listen, then this master would have already sent out dozens of spies.”

“Shidi knows full well that only brings a higher risk of casualties. If our suspicions are confirmed, then Huan Hua will be searching for spies already. Information gathering can be just as brutal as any war.”

“And you think sending one spy is enough?” He can hear his shizun’s teeth grinding in aversion. Anger is a foreign mask for Shen Guangxia, seeing it with his own two eyes makes Shen Qingqiu want to disappear from his peripherals despite not being its intended target.

“Disregarding Shen-shizhi’s ability for a mission as important as this is an oversight this shixiong cannot dismiss.”

The chair behind Shen Guangxia clatters as he abruptly stands on his feet with an unrestrained snarl. “Forgive this Shen as he cannot help but feel concerned considering Zhangmen-shixiong’s disregard for his own disciples’ well-being.” Chu Guangyu’s impenetrable gaze is blank and aloof as he slowly straightens his posture. Shen Qingqiu tries not to shudder as he feels those eyes wade through him like frozen river stones.

“This master hears his shidi,” he says with a cool disinterested lilt. “As the tactician for this sect, Shen-shidi must recognize the bias clouding his better judgment. This unforeseen danger goes beyond the sects, but the jianghu as well… unless you believe Shen-shizhi is simply not ready?”

“This shidi recognizes this mission is dangerous and values the preservation of life.” His shizun hisses.

Sharp pain pierces the soft flesh of his palm. Shen Qingqiu doesn’t have to look to find blood trickling out of half-moon cuts. Is that it? Does his shizun not believe in him? Does he think him incapable for such an arduous task? If his other form can be of use for the sect, then what’s stopping him?

“Shizun,” he feels the words fly out of his lips before he can even register his own voice, “I can do it.”

Shen Guangxia whirls around, hands perch on his shoulders and squeeze. “Qingqiu?”

“This disciple would like to prove himself,” he tries to say more eloquently but his shizun is already shaking his head.

“What is there to prove? Qingqiu is beneath this, a Heavenly Demon is no ordinary demon!”

He shakes his head, “this mission implies only mere information gathering. Shizun has trained this one well and if I keep to my other form, I will remain undetected.”

“Finding information is not that simple. Does Qingqiu understand he must stay away from the sect? Is he ready to wait months, or even years, of what could possibly be nothing? What of Yue-shizhi? What is he going to think when you leave without a word?”

There’s nothing the scholar can do to dissuade him. Shen Qingqiu has already made up his mind. Although his heart twists at the thought of leaving, Qi-ge will understand. He has a duty to serve the sect who accepted him wholeheartedly, and given the chance to protect those he loves he will do it without hesitation.

“This disciple will do it.” He says, absolute and resolute, despite the trepidation fluttering in his belly.

Shen Guangxia collapses into his chair. Chu Guangyu doesn’t bat an eye towards his distraught shidi. “Considering Shen-shidi’s conflict of interest, this master will debrief Shen-shizhi.”

“As if you were going to heed my words anyways,” his shizun mutters under his breath.

“Your mission is to determine Huan Hua Palace’s involvement with the Heavenly Demon known as Tianlang-jun. Shen-shizhi cannot reveal himself unless absolutely necessary. If he happens to come across valuable information, then shizhi is to write a statement and stash it in one of Cang Qiong’s safehouses near Huan Hua territory. Anything said in this room cannot be repeated. The less people that know will guarantee shizhi’s safety.” The sect leader takes a thin sheet of paper and blows the letters away. The inked characters float to his neck, sinking into his skin until he can taste astringent ink on his tongue. “Is that clear?”

“This disciple understands.”

“Good.” Chu Guangyu slowly rises to his feet, “you’re leaving in the next shichen.”

His heart leaps from his chest. If he hadn’t clamped his teeth shut, it might’ve escaped. What? So soon?

“Time is of the essence after all.” Shen Guangxia withers under his sect leader’s words, “if you’ve goodbyes then so be it.”

His shizun makes sure to get the final word in, as he usually does. “As Zhangmen-shixiong commands. Come, Qingqiu.” Shen Qingqiu silently follows after the scholar, leaving the meeting room swathed in silence as the great door behind them closes with a resounding clunk.

“Shidi!” Yue Qingyuan stage whispers, emerging from his hiding place behind a pillar before running towards him. Following closely behind is Liu Qingge.

“Please don’t tell me you two haven’t heard everything.” Shen Guangxia lets out an exasperated sigh at the two boys.

“En.” Liu Qingge frowns, “how come Shen-shixiong has to go alone? I’ll gladly help take down a demon.”

So much for being sworn to secrecy.

Yue Qingyuan’s hands embrace his own. His fingers shake as they lace together with a hopeful squeeze. “Shishu, must he go alone?”

“Let’s not talk about it here as this is extremely sensitive information you’re not privy to.”

A spark of frustration scratches the back of his throat. “Is it really so baffling for this one to go on a mission alone?” Shen Guangxia’s arm curls around his shoulders, ushering him away from the door, but Shen Qingqiu tears away from the touch. “Qingqiu, this teacher is not doubting your ability.”

“Then what is it then?”

“Can this teacher not worry about his son? You’re going to be alone without any backup. Of course I am going to oppose this assignment, but unfortunately Zhangmen-shixiong’s word is law.”

“We really can’t help?” Liu Qingge says morosely.

Shen Guangxia nods, unsheathing his sword in one reluctant arc. “We must be departing soon. Fetch your Li-shishu, will you? Have him meet us at the main gate.”

Liu Qingge hesitates before bowing his head. “Come back soon, shixiong.” He appreciates it’s not quite a goodbye, or at least, it doesn't carry a finality to it.

“Shishu, may I…?” Yue Qingyuan trails off.

Shen Guangxia steps onto his sword. “Shizhi may escort him. But if you try to kidnap him, this master will find you.”

“Shizun!” Shen Qingqiu yelps incredulously. Seriously?!

Yue Qingyuan loops their arms together until their shoulders press impossibly close. “Is Xiao Jiu really going?”

“You can’t convince me not to go.”

“I’m not. I don’t think I can. It’s just– it’s so sudden, isn’t it?”

“Qi-ge,” he pulls him aside from the beaten path of the garden. “You know the mission I just came back from? I came across something I probably shouldn't have. I’m responsible for what I found so I have to see it through.”

“You’re not forced into this?” Yue Qingyuan inhales a shaky breath, “Shizun can be… heavy handed at times.”

“No, I’m not forced into doing anything so quit worrying alright? If the sect needs me to–” his throat tightens involuntarily. Right. He’s technically sworn to secrecy. “It’s just a solo mission.”

“You won’t be alone.” His voice cracks. “Wherever you are, if anything happens, I’ll find you.”

“Stupid. How are you going to know if I’m in trouble?” He chides softly.

“I’ll just know.”

“I’m pretty sure Shizun will tell you if you look pathetic enough.” He hiccups as the realization of leaving everyone behind suddenly crashes down on him. It’s like the weight of the world decided to sit on his chest. Gods, he’s going to be away from Qi-ge. What if he takes too long to get what he needs? What if he takes too long he won’t be head disciple anymore? What if his shizun ascends without him? What poor unfortunate soul is going to be Liu Qingge’s new sparring partner? What if what if what if–? Only then does he regain his focus when warm hands frame his cheeks.

“I found you once, I’ll do it again.” Lips press against his own, chasing away the thousands of butterfly wings fluttering anxiously under his skin.

“I know,” he whispers back. The pine trees bristle overhead as a surge of wind rushes through their needled branches in a low reverberated hush. Shen Qingqiu pulls away to hide behind his fan so he may compose himself. “If we take any longer, Shizun will really think you’ve kidnapped me.”

Li Guangshao greets them at the main gate. His face is pinched with discomfort and he immediately feels his eyes frantically scan every inch of him. When he finds nothing wrong, the healer simply clasps his shoulders. He wonders how much he was told. “Xiao Shen, don’t you know what happens to curious cats?”

“We don’t have time for this.” Shen Guangxia interrupts, gesturing for him to draw Xiu Ya. Even after stepping onto shining steel, Yue Qingyuan doesn’t let go of his hand.

“Stay safe. Please.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Their fingers slide against one another in a desperate attempt to maintain contact as their grasp slowly slips away when Xiu Ya finally rises off the ground. Shen Qingqiu forces himself to look away to face the skies ahead. Li Guangshao hovers next to him as his shizun leads the way. The silence is suffocating.

After what felt like an eternity, they descend and touch down in front of a dilapidated shack. He notes that it’s not too far from the Luo River.

“These safehouses are made to look abandoned, everything you’ll need will be hidden under the floorboards. Bai Zhan disciples often use these to rest or resupply on their night hunts.” Shen Guangxia informs him. “It may not be much, but it’s discrete.”

“I should get going,” he says after reluctantly handing over Xiu Ya. The floorboards squeak at the loss of his weight as his body shrinks to stand on four legs.

“Oh Qingqiu, your robes.” His shizun deflates, crouching down to tug on the shrunken garments. He meows with discontent when his fur is exposed to cold air. He was so used to wearing clothes, he hadn’t even considered that he must be naked in order to blend in as an ordinary cat!

“Good luck, Xiao Shen.” Li Guangshao leans down to kiss him on the head. His shizun quickly follows with an embrace. He tries not to focus on the inexplicable heaviness in his heart.

“Let’s not entertain the theory of nine lives during this mission, okay Qingqiu?”

“Meow.” That sounds like a roundabout way of saying ‘be safe,’ shizun.

After another round of goodbyes reminiscent of sending a soldier off to war, Shen Qingqiu sets off.

For the first time in a long time, he’s on his own.


it felt kinda funny to write team cang qiong just assuming the worst and freaking the hell out while TLJ is just vibin' being a silly lil guy.

chu guangyu: why need a dozen spies when we have 1 kitty cat
SGX: um thats my adopted son??
CGY: exactly

Sorry for the wait, here's some bonus ramblings to make up for it - Enjoy these tidbits my little brain came up with:
So, "the prevous sect leader" as a character is interesting bc all we know is that theyre the one responsible for soul-locking YQY to xuan su. It made me wonder what kind of person must do that. Did they do it to save YQY or did they do it to preserve this once-in-a-generation-talent?

•This train of thought culminated into CGY, a vindictive asshole who sees pawns instead of subordinates/people. He judges people's importance by how useful they are

• he and SGX are ex-lovers, they had a turbulent courtship in their own disciple days, which is why SGX can get away with mouthing off at him and its why CGY chooses to pick a decision that pisses off his tactician the most.
(Also hes jealous of YQY and SGX's happiness bc hes petty like that)

Chapter 39: adoption 2: electric boogaloo


i thought i'd write more than i wanted for winter break but that turned out to be a flop
thank you for waiting 💜 ≽^•⩊•^≼ Nyanjiu finally gets named for what he is: a cute little bun

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

See, the most logical step would be to return to where he had last seen this Heavenly Demon. So what does he do when the damn beast isn’t there?! Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but feel a little foolish for volunteering to look for a needle in a haystack.

Considering how high the sun was up, the brothel was closed. With the prostitutes fast asleep inside, it left him little reason to search inside. For now, he’ll have plenty of time to scope out the town. Shen Qingqiu slips between a cluster of barrels, eyeing the busy street. Roughspun robes, plain faces, and not a single speck of demonic energy. Looks like he’ll have to look elsewhere.

Just as he rises to his aching paws, a decadent scent tickles his nose. It’s smokey, savory and definitely delicious: his stomach decides to make itself known with a loud rumble. He drops into a hunter’s crouch as his eyes fall upon the dumpling vendor.

Shen Qingqiu stalks his prey, a painfully ignorant man with no awareness whatsoever. Call him a thief, but at this point in time, it’s all about survival. How is he supposed to practice inedia in this form anyways? Nobody’s going to miss a missing dumpling. Shen Qingqiu’s whiskers twitch in amusem*nt, if he wanted to perform the heist of the century then he would have signed up stealing Chu-zhangmen’s socks.

He trots up to the vendor the moment a customer approaches. Just as the man turns away to count the counts, Shen Qingqiu stands on his hind legs with his claws outstretched.

“Hey! You little thief–!” The vendor shouts, inadvertently jostling the cart with flailing arms. The fried dumplings practically fling themselves towards him. Shen Qingqiu scoops as many as he could into his mouth before bolting into the nearest alleyway, victory prickling under his fur. He nearly chokes on his own excitement inhaling his food.

His triumph is short lived as a snarl reverberates the alleyway. Shen Qingqiu nearly jumps out of his skin to find two salivating dogs staring down at him. He bares his teeth and hisses, this isn’t your food! Shoo! But of course these vapid mutts don’t speak cat. They merely lick their jowls and step closer, eyes never straying from him. For a moment, he’s paralyzed. Back then, dogs were always more aggressive towards him than the other street rats.

A morsel of half-eaten dumpling falls onto the floor. Only when the dogs lunge does his paws finally make the realization they were connected to his body. Shen Qingqiu breaks off to a sprint before they could get the jump on him first. He’s a cultivator, the head disciple of Qing Jing Peak– and he’s running from dogs once again!

The mutts persist in their chase, no matter how tight the spaces he squeezes through the damn beasts just barrel on through. Their mindless barking sends his heart somersaulting when their teeth snaps too close for comfort. He even tears across the street, hoping for the afternoon crowd to block their haste. The phantom teeth grazing his hind legs only forces his legs to kick into the ground even harder, to keep on moving forward.

His salvation comes in the form of a wall. He jumps with his heart in his throat when his claws slip against stone. The dogs run back and forth, wild-eyed and barking frantically, slowly coming to terms that they were too short to reach. Finally, Shen Qingqiu lets out a breath, adrenaline quickly seeps out of his body only for exhaustion to trickle in.

He doesn’t dare linger long enough for the dogs to find another way to get him.

Shen Qingqiu climbs to the rooftops. He looks down upon the common folk, meticulously tucking his paws inside himself. However, with the sun shining upon him, his eyes slowly began to droop. Surely he’ll have enough time for a nap. Shen Qingqiu rolls on his back, stretching all the way to his toes. That was way too much excitement, he muses, relishing the warmth on his belly. If he’s going after an elusive demon lord, he’s going to need all the energy he can get.

Plink. Plink plink.

Shen Qingqiu blinks blearily, whiskers twitching in irritation as he wakes up cold and stiff. What’s making that blasted noise? Before he could even rise to his paws, a fat raindrop splashes his nose. He shudders as a violent chill permeates through his body. What–? He looks up to, what was once a bright blue sky, what was now a gloomy gray veil of clouds.

His feline instincts are kicked into overdrive when more and more raindrops fall. Shingles dig into his squishy paw pads as he makes his escape, stumbling onto the hard ground. Shen Qingqiu retreats under the first overhang he finds, his pelt already soaking wet.

“...meow.” He shivers pitifully, sorely missing the comforts of his bed. So cold, he reaches for his golden core to circulate his qi. The energy flow is quickly interrupted when something slithers into his peripherals.

First dogs and rain, now a snake? What else is going to come out? A Black Moon Rhinoceros-Python? Shen Qingqiu hisses, batting at the thin green serpent. It coils back cautiously, eyes glinting in the low light. It makes no move to bite, which gives him ample time to back away. It’s not like he was afraid of it being venomous or anything, he just didn’t want to share the same space with a slimy creature.

Shen Qingqiu slips inside what looked to be a bookstore. The scent of parchment and ink is a comfort he didn’t even know he needed right now. He sneaks through the aisles until he finally finds a secluded corner in the shop. He nudges books aside to curl up in the empty space, curling his tail protectively around himself.

“Zhizhi, don't shy away! Your dearest uncle needs a second opinion.”

A hesitant voice says, “this one doesn’t think Lady Su will appreciate Junshang’s… unique taste in literature.”

Shen Qingqiu’s ears prick up at this. His elusive demon is here of all places? He tentatively sniffs around, following the scent of musk, smoke, and wood. It’s like last time, no hostility; the demonic energy is respectfully reigned in even.

“Alright, then what does my nephew suggest for Xiyan’s birthday gift?”

Shen Qingqiu peers up from his hiding spot to find the demon lord further down the aisle. The Heavenly Demon, Tianlang-jun, was poring over yellow books of varying volumes. The young demon beside him looked uncomfortable with each novel pushed into his arms.

Shizun… I am afraid you overestimated the nature of this enemy. It’s so absurd, Shen Qingqiu had to blink thrice to make sure he wasn’t witnessing a hallucination.

“This Zhuzhi-lang cannot possibly say, it is Junshang that knows Lady Su best.”

Just as Shen Qingqiu tries to get closer, his paw nudges a book out of its place. Two pairs of eyes immediately hone in on him.

“Oh, I’ve seen these on the streets. This realm has such simple creatures, doesn’t it?” Before he knows it, he’s being lifted off the shelf and manhandled like some specimen. “Surely, for something so cute, it must be deadly. Does it have secret venom sacs? Poison gas breath?”

sh*t! Unhand me or I’ll show you something deadly! “Mrrrow!” He wiggles and writhes, but the demon’s firm grip doesn’t falter even after Shen Qingqiu unleashes a barrage of attacks. As soon as his skin split under his claws, the wounds stitched back together as if they were never there. Unfortunately, this only amuses Tianlang-jun.

“Ah, there it is. See how ferocious it is, nephew? It even drew blood with such tiny claws! They’re as sharp as thorns, but of course my dear Xiyan is sharper.” The demon lord says with glee.

A finger prods his forehead, shocking his system with demonic energy. Shen Qingqiu hisses at the snake demon, but it appears he’s wise enough to step back.

“Junshang, this doesn’t appear to be an ordinary cat.”

“You’re right, Zhizhi. It must be a spirit beast– this would be perfect for my Xiyan!”

What?! I’m no pet! He wails, digging his claws into black fabric until only shreds remain. However, Tianlang-jun is no pushover. In fact, he only seems to caress him closer, pushing him up against his bare chest– suffocating him.

Shizun, I’m going to die. Shen Qingqiu meows dolefully, his pride crumbling into a thousand pieces.

By the time he’s presented to Su Xiyan, he’s packed into a box with a gaudy red ribbon tied too tight around his neck. As soon as the box is lifted, Shen Qingqiu widens his eyes and blinks pleadingly to the woman.

“Where did you…? You didn’t steal him, did you?” Su Xiyan raises a suspicious brow towards Tianlang-jun as she picks Shen Qingqiu with open arms.

“Xiyan won’t be surprised as it was this lord’s charm that lured this creature in.” Tianlang-jun smiles, waggling his eyebrows in a way that could not be seductive. Su Xiyan rolls her eyes.

“Well, thank you two for gifting me a scared animal. I appreciate it.” She strokes him gently behind the ear.

“Of course, my dear.” Tianlang-jun beams, “now I hear humans treat pets as their children. Is that true? Does this mean this is our child?”

“Who said anything about a child?” She chuckles, “but he does need a name.”

“Xueqiu?” Shen Qingqiu nearly coughs blood. Snowball?! I refuse that name! Tianlang-jun turns to Zhuzhi-lang. “Any suggestions, nephew? This will be your new baby cousin.”

Shen Qingqiu glares at the younger demon. Zhuzhi-lang retreats behind his uncle, gaze planting itself to the ground. “X-Xiao Bai…?”

“You know what? He’s mine, therefore he’s going to be Xiao Mo from now on.” Steamed bun? Shen Qingqiu deflates with resignation, this is it. This is my life now. He is definitely omitting this in the report!

“Of course my Xiyan picks the perfect name.” Tianlang-jun holds an arm out, “now this lord heard a troupe just entered town two shichen ago. Shall we attend a show?”

“I’ve time for one.”

For once, Shen Qingqiu wonders if this is how his martial siblings feel when he’s with Yue Qingyuan. Now if only this mission was to simply determine Tianlang-jun’s hostility level, then it would be the fastest assignment he’d ever completed. Unfortunately, he’s going to have to stay for the unforeseeable future. He casts a subtle glance towards Zhuzhi-lang, who had fallen behind. At least he won’t be suffering alone in this ordeal.


xueqiu - (雪球) snowball
xiao bai - (小白) little white
xiao mo - (小馍) little steamed bun
also will be using Momo (馍馍) as a nickname for the future just to make it easier

i never wrote SXY, TLJ and ZZL before so writing a whole new cast of characters is kind of intimidating lol especially when nyanjiu can't outwardly speak, so im just gonna apologize in advance if they seem a little OOC

Chapter 40: keep an eye on the kitty


sorry, it's a short one! /ᐠ. .ᐟ\ฅ

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Huan Hua Palace is a lot more ugly than he thought it would be.

Despite being tucked securely in Su Xiyan’s arms, Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but stand on her shoulders to get a better view. Everything was practically covered in gold, he could taste metal on his tongue. Extravagant silk brocade uselessly decorated the windows. It’s truly a shame, Shen Qingqiu could think of a dozen ideas how he could integrate such beautiful fabric into garments and robes. Trophies and precious treasures were locked away behind glass display cases, clearly intended to impress wandering eyes.

“Su-shijie, you’re back!” The hall reverberates from the sudden outburst. Shen Qingqiu hides behind Su Xiyan’s bountiful curls to survey the situation. A young girl rushes over, her braided loops bounce with each buoyant step, and the sword hanging from her hip looks far too big for her stature.

“Qin Ruan,” Su Xiyan regards her fondly. “Does Shizun know you’re skipping lessons?”

“Shizun would understand. Besides, he’s the one who sent you off so soon after your birthday party!”

“What were you expecting, a week-long celebration?”

“Shizun always goes all out for you. It could have happened.” Shen Qingqiu quickly finds himself under the spotlight of her round and curious gaze. “Who’s this cutie?”

“Xiao Mo.”

Qin Ruan crooks her finger, beckoning him with the promise of pets. Shen Qingqiu considers this, whiskers twitching, and emerges from his hiding spot. He stretches forward for a guaranteed scritch on the chin.

“He’s quite affectionate for a cat. They usually think themselves too pompous for some love.” The girl coos.

Am I not acting like a normal cat? Do cats not seek out affection? He pulls away despite his own disappointment. He can’t be acting out of the ordinary, if anyone were to investigate, they may get suspicious of his meridians.

“Considering the man who gave him to me is a peculiar one, I am not surprised if some of it rubbed off on Momo.”

“Meow.” ‘A peculiar one?’ Is that what we’re calling demon lords nowadays?

“Ooh? A man, huh?” Qin Ruan’s lips quirk up into a coy smile. “Is it your secret admirer again?”

“Who said anything about a secret admirer?”

“Well, don’t say you heard it from me, but Tao-shixiong had this theory…”

“Tao-shidi? Really? There’s better things to gossip about.” Su Xiyan rolls her eyes, “you should listen to your lectures instead of idle chit chat. Here, I’ll walk with you. That way, you won’t get in trouble for skipping.”

“Su-shijie is the best,” Qin Ruan beams.

Shen Qingqiu hops off her shoulders to walk ahead. He makes sure not to stray too far from Su Xiyan’s sight, but given that she now had company to entertain, he takes advantage of her chatty shimei to investigate.

“I think he’s bored.” He hears her shimei suggest when he bats his paw at a glass display case. There is a powerful ward enshrouding it. Theoretically, by the concentration of pure qi alone, his whiskers would completely burn away. Whoever designed these wards was merciful; anyone with wayward hands would receive a merciful static shock. But what of its contents?

The set of armor inside is obviously demonic in nature. Its plating is dark and iridescent, reminiscent of chitin rather than metal. As much as it contrasts with the gaudy decor, it is undeniably a trophy worth boasting about.

“Meow!” He finds himself unexpectedly being lifted off the ground. Betrayed, he looks up at Su Xiyan for an explanation. What is the meaning of this? Put me down!

“Momo mustn’t get too carried away,” she strokes his neck. Her fingers pause over the vivid scarlet ribbon tied around his throat. “You’ll get lost far too easily in this place.”

As if I can get lost. He sniffs haughtily.

He’s accosted by sunshine when they step outside the main building of the palace. The gardens were overflowing with vibrant flowers, their petals stark and saturated against neatly trimmed bushes, staring at them for too long burns an afterimage behind his eyelids. The moment he inhales fresh clean air does he begin to wiggle defiantly in Su Xiyan’s arms. Her arms remain firm and resistant to his escape attempt, much to his dismay.

Just as they cut through the garden to enter a courtyard, a figure in gold emerges from the shadows to block their path.

“Greetings to Shizun,” Qin Ruan bows.

“Ah, Xiyan, it’s good to finally have you back. How was the exorcism?” He couldn’t help but notice how the Palace Master completely ignores Su Xiyan’s shimei. The beady eyes embedded inside layers upon layers of ancient skin regard his head disciple with apparent fondness.

Su Xiyan relinquished him in favor of performing a perfect bow, “it wasn’t as difficult as the villagers said.”

The old man’s eyes twinkle, “of course it wasn’t. And what is this?” Shen Qingqiu shies away from his gaze. He suddenly feels vulnerable, like a rabbit in an open field under a sky full of hawks.

“The villagers were so grateful, they attempted to shower this disciple in gifts, but the only way I can come out unscathed was to accept some of their gratitude.”

A lie? Shen Qingqiu blinks. She says this so naturally; her voice is firm and unwavering, leaving little to doubt the authenticity of her words. Does the old Palace Master truly not know of Tianlang-jun? Or is she lying solely because her shimei is here?

“I see. A pet is a responsibility in itself: is Xiyan prepared for such a task on top of her own duties?”

“What’s one more? This disciple hopes she still has Shizun’s full confidence.”

He pats her on the head, “of course. My Xiyan is always so dependable.” The old man pauses to scrutinize Shen Qingqiu once more. “For a village full of paupers, this cat is quite pampered.”

Shen Qingqiu doesn’t know whether or not he should be offended.

Thankfully, the Palace Master didn’t require any further explanation. “Young Ruan should get going, lest she earn the ire of Hallmaster Ying.”

Qin Ruan nearly loses her balance bowing over before springing back up to her full height to run off.

“Xiyan is dismissed. Don’t lose sight of that cat of yours now. We wouldn’t want it to get caught in the maze arrays, do we?”

“No Shizun.” Su Xiyan bows once more, quickly gestures him to stay close. Shen Qingqiu weaves himself between her legs to hide away from the old man's gaze.

“Meow?” Maze arrays? Here?

It looks like Huan Hua has its own fair share of secrets too. He couldn’t help but wonder how much of it could be connected to Tianlang-jun.

Shizun, please don’t wait too long for a report. I will find something soon.


i decided to give SXY some martial siblings just so the HHP bits dont feel too empty
Qin Ruan (秦 软) is the first out of the three to be introduced

Chapter 41: cutest kitty


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Shen Qingqiu was in a battlefield of his own. As the cutest thing in the palace, there was no chance of investigating when there were eyes constantly on him. Currently, he’s trapped in the common room of the girls’ dormitory with no means of escaping. Gold platters hold an array of treats like dried fish, raw slices of chicken and bejeweled bowls of cream. Any other cat would have gone wild for this feast, but of course, Shen Qingqiu was no ordinary cat. No way in hell was he going to indulge in raw meat like a beast.

After debating with his inner self, he couldn’t bring himself to let what he could eat go to waste. Even without a human body his table manners are not completely lost. Shen Qingqiu tucks his paws to himself and delicately laps at the cream. Delighted coos and squeals erupt at once. He doesn't bat an eye at the hands stroking his fur. Surely if he shows no interest in their attention they’ll stop eventually, right?

“How on earth did you convince Shizun to keep a pet?”

“Do you see how well mannered Xiao Mo is? One look and Shizun was captivated!”

“I bet Su-shijie didn’t have to say a word. Shizun is simply too lenient for his favorite.”

“I wouldn’t say favorite,” Su Xiyan looks up from polishing her sword.

One of the girls rolls her eyes, “yeah and the sky is purple.”

Su Xiyan merely raises a brow at her peers. “I don’t see any of you taking more responsibilities to get in Shizun's good graces.”

Her shimeis immediately sober up. What a spoiled rotten lot they were. “Nevermind, only Su-shijie is the most suitable for head disciple!”

Su Xiyan smirks, “alright then.”

Qin Ruan bursts in, already dressed for bed. Suddenly, the lifeless sunken eyes of the fish are very interesting. “Did you tell them about your admirer?”

Shen Qingqiu’s fur stands on end when the excitement in the room spikes.

“This again?” Su Xiyan stiffens.

“We just want to know who’s caught your eye. It’s not everyday someone gives you a cat.” Qin Ruan says.

Even in private, she doesn’t speak a word? Shen Qingqiu blinks, tail twitching.

“Look at that face– so there is someone!” All at once, the common room descends into a chaotic cacophony as Su Xiyan is barraged by questions.

“There’s nobody. Are you all so bored that you just listen to gossip all day?” It’s no use. Sensing blood in the water, her shimeis surround her.

He doesn’t know why he did it. It’s not his place, but here he is, crawling into her lap anyways. Shen Qingqiu rolls on his back to expose his belly and even pulls out his secret weapon: his perfectly irresistibly squishable toe beans.

“Meow,” he bats his eyes demurely, flexing his paws.

The spotlight is successfully stolen.

“So cute!”

“Shijie, how can you look at this and not melt?”

“I’m so jealous!”

When a hand tries to pat his belly, Shen Qingqiu instinctively curls up to bite it. His fangs don’t even penetrate the skin and the girl that dared jumps back several feet. He couldn’t help but snort. Liu Qingge would be sorely disappointed by her reaction time. “Ouch!”

The hinges creak obnoxiously loud to announce a newcomer. Shen Qingqiu watches as Su Xiyan’s countenance finds some well needed reassurance.

“Soon-to-be Hallmaster Song, how nice of you to join us.”

A tall willowy girl merely surveys the room with an unimpressed crinkle amidst her thick brows. “Oh? This shimei was wondering if she missed an invitation because she could hear all this noise down the hall.”

“We were just going to bed!” The gaggle of shimeis clamor over each other to run away as fast as possible. Only Qin Ruan remains. She appears to have missed the memo as she is too memorized massaging his paws.

“How come they fear you and not me?” Su Xiyan scowls.

“Su-shijie is approachable nowadays. You’ve been smiling more,” Qin Ruan interjects, “don’t you think, Fuhua?”

Song Fuhua crosses her arms, contemplating. “Perhaps, with the rumors of your secret man, they think you’re more relatable?” Her sharp obsidian gaze settles on Shen Qingqiu. For a split second, he wondered if she was going to kick him out, but instead she crouched down to pat his head.

Nobody is immune to me! “Mew.”

Qin Ruan leans in, “and Su-shijie always rejected love confessions. Of course people are interested to see who caught your eye!”

Su Xiyan holds up her sword, frowning at her reflection, before returning it inside its scabbard. “I don’t see how it’s anyone’s business.”

“So, you admit there is someone!”

Song Fuhua flicks her forehead. “Did you even listen? Or must I tutor you on reading comprehension again?”

“...we’re not even reading right now,” she grumbles.

Su Xiyan nudges him in a warning before rising to her feet. Shen Qingqiu hops off her lap, the tip of his tail twitching. “And as much as I’d like to keep talking until sunrise, I have lessons to teach in the morning,” she offers a wry look to Qin Ruan, “lessons you should be attending.”

“Alright alright. Let’s go Xiao Mo–” Shen Qingqiu deftly escapes her grasping hands. He has no intention of going inside the female dormitory, nor does he have any business in there!

“Even the cat knows not to get involved.”

Shen Qingqiu saunters to the door and stands on his hind legs, pawing it.

“You want to go out?” Thankfully, Su Xiyan approaches.

Yes. As you can see, I need assistance here.

“Don’t run off too far now.” If she says any more, he doesn’t hear. The moment the door opens wide enough, he’s already running down the hallway.

He won’t deny the excitement prickling under his fur. A bounce lilts each step as he runs as fast as he can for some semblance of wind running through his whiskers. It’s the first time he’s been alone since arriving at Huan Hua Palace.

Shen Qingqiu wanders until he comes across light seeping through the cracks of a grand doorway. Ornamental scrolls frame the threshold, promising wisdom and prosperity for those who enter. He rolls his eyes. Must everything be so ostentatious around here? Surprisingly, when he tests the door with an experimental prod, it falls open ever so slightly. Whoever was in here didn’t even bother shutting the door properly!

How careless. Now I am obligated to snoop.

Inside, was an office that rivals any other Shen Qingqiu has seen. It was a large circular room, full of buzzing little noises and the constant ticking of various artifacts and relics was maddening for his sensitive ears. Despite the overwhelming amount of objects, it looked relatively clean in what could only be described as organized chaos. Nightpearls float overhead, tuned to the highest setting of lumination, they drench the room in false moonlight. What little of the wall wasn’t covered by the ceiling-tall bookshelves was a giant portrait of the old Palace Master. Below it, rests an expansive lacquered desk. And seated in the chair that resembles a lot like a throne, is the old man himself.

Shen Qingqiu crouches down, ears pressed flat against his skull. He scans the countless tomes and scrolls bulging from the limited space on the shelves before settling his eyes on the pile of books haphazardly stacked on the floor. Bestiaries, encyclopedias, cultivation manuals… nothing looks out of place. The only concerning thing here is why can’t the Palace Master afford a disciple to clean up this mess?

“...ribbon she wore today wasn’t from me. Who gave it to her? Perhaps she bought it herself– ah, but my Xiyan could have simply asked for another. One measly ribbon is no chore for this master,” he prattles with a throaty chuckle.

Creep… What kind of shizun keeps track of their disciple’s garments? Shen Qingqiu scrunches his nose.

The chair creaks. The sound of bones popping and the immediate sigh after sends Shen Qingqiu into a panic. He scrambles for cover, ducking behind a bulky coffer. In his haste, his tail smacks into a manual and sends it clattering to the floor.

“Who’s there?!” The old man roars so suddenly it makes his heart drop. He freezes under the spotlight of those beady eyes. “Ah, Xiyan, didn’t this master tell you not to lose sight of your belongings?”

Fur bristling, Shen Qingqiu’s spine arches as he tries to appear twice his size. He bares his teeth hoping the guy would take the damn hint and go away, but the old Palace Master simply sees through him like one would regard an insignificant little bug. Instead, he fixates on one thing.

Don’t touch me! He hisses when a bony hand reaches out. Before he could run out, he’s nearly swept off his feet as fingers latch onto the scarlet ribbon around his neck. The old Palace Master yanks, stealing the breath from his airway, until thankfully the ribbon unravels.

Shen Qingqiu doesn’t linger. He bolts out of the room with a final resentful hiss. People always seem to reveal their true colors around animals.

Su Xiyan, your master is an asshole! Not wanting to push his luck, he runs a bee-line straight for the female living quarters.

Upon his exit, he doesn’t see the old Palace Master burning the shiny red ribbon in his palms until it was nothing but glittering ash.


(松 福华) Song Fuhua - she's older than SXY by two years, but technically is outranked so she still calls SXY "shijie"
i wanted to introduce the third, but he just didn't end up fitting

OPM's office was inspired by Howl's bedroom in howl's moving castle, but i did dial it back and avoid describing it as
"messy" bc its a room that his disciples see. I imagine he doesn't allow them to clean and organize it tho, hence "organized chaos"

Chapter 42: fur baby



Chapter Text

The few times he wandered Qing Jing in his feline form, poetry and art followed in his wake. He is a harbinger of winter, as pure and white as unforgiving snow. A calamitous beauty in disguise. Regal: unquestionably the reincarnation of a long lost empress. He is death, destroyer of hopes and dreams.

Just because he isn’t in Cang Qiong doesn’t mean his standards have lowered for others.

Su Xiyan scrutinizes the shredded pieces of paper surrounding him. Shen Qingqiu merely lifts his chin. He sheaths his claws and curls his tail over them, hiding the murder weapon. “Mew,” he says innocently. What? Don’t tell me you thought it was actually good work?

“Well? What are you looking for? Redo your essay, shidi.” Without even offering a sympathetic glance for the trembling boy, she picks up Shen Qingqiu and holds him like a tiny sack of rice. “Are you restless Momo?”

No. Can’t you see I was helping you? “Mrrr mrow!”

“This is my last class for today anyways, so we’ll be able to go out soon. Would you like that?”

He vocalizes an agreeable meow. He would rather not stay in the palace alone, even if it meant pausing his investigation.

Su Xiyan’s duties were not so dissimilar from his own responsibilities. However, unlike Cang Qiong’s system of peaks having their own specialty, she had a generalized amount of tasks to foresee throughout the day and about twice as many students to supervise.

Simple, meditative exercises were reserved for the early morning when the dew still clung to the grass. While Shen Qingqiu’s curriculum focused on the four arts, Su Xiyan hosted various lessons and lectures spanning from purification techniques to territory guidelines.

It was easy to get lost in the reverberations of long informative tangents. Huan Hua’s opulence boasted vast auditoriums, which only made Shen Qingqiu feel smaller amidst this realm of gold and excess. He couldn’t help but miss the open pavilions and the fragrant scent of bamboo.

Don’t think about it, he unconsciously buries himself against Su Xiyan. Don’t think about it. He chants once more, breathing in the dark smoky scent of sandalwood clinging to her skin, hoping to drown out the homesickness.

Shen Qingqiu unfurls himself in her arms, jostled by the explosion of countless chairs scraping against the floor all at once. Despite being stuck in her grasp, it doesn’t stop him from hissing disapprovingly at passing disciples when he catches a glimpse of sloppy handwriting on the essays they were turning in.

“Mew.” You should give me a brush already. I won’t even need fingers to fix them right up, he pats his paw on her shoulder.

“Alright alright, we’re going now.” Su Xiyan tucks the stack of essays away into a qiankun pouch with ease before departing.

In the female quarters, Su Xiyan had her own room. It was more than adequate for a head disciple, and could even be mistaken for a concubine's chamber. Shen Qingqiu is finally free to roam as she heads for the desk positioned in front of a small window overlooking a small fraction of Huan Hua territory.

Out of the corner of his eye he watches her hunched form write a letter. With a few meticulous folds, she holds up a paper crane before blowing on it. It shivers in her palm, flapping its parchment wings, before soaring out the window.

Shen Qingqiu sniffs around, scenting only a pleasant floral fragrance from the sachets hanging from the extravagant bed. The light and refreshing notes of jasmine and peony heavily contrast the sandalwood incense she keeps. It’s so out of place, he couldn’t help but wonder if this was Tianlang-jun’s influence.

Su Xiyan ties a black and gold ribbon around his neck with a flourish, looking back to admire the bow. “There. Your very own hall pass.” She chuckles, “now I don’t have to worry about losing you.”

If it weren’t for the sudden rush of qi flowing around his neck, he’d have thought the ribbon was just for show. Shen Qingqiu can’t crane his head to inspect what exactly makes it so special, but he trusts her word. He just hopes it looks good on him. Heaven forbid, something in this palace actually looks tasteful.

On their way out of the compound, the old Palace Master intercepts them.

“Leaving so soon, Xiyan?”

“Yes Shizun,” she salutes. “This disciple is taking a break. Xiao Mo has been restless as of late.”

Her master folds his hands behind his back, amusem*nt lifting his thick furry brows. “Has he now? Such is the nature of mortal creatures.” He pauses, tilting his head. “Does my disciple have time to visit with this master?”

“Of course.”

His fur crawls trepidation after returning to the Palace Master’s office. Shen Qingqiu made sure to glue his flank against Su Xiyan’s ankles in case the geezer ever tried anything again.

As soon as the door shuts, Shen Qingqiu nearly jumps out of his fur when a wave of energy seals the room. In this form it's hard to tell whether they were trapped from the inside or if it is just a simple muffling charm. “How is Xiyan faring on her special assignment? This teacher of yours regrets not asking soon enough.”

Special assignment? Is it what I think it is? Shen Qingqiu’s heart lurches.

“Thanking Shizun for his concern, but Tianlang-jun is a lot… tamer than this disciple thought.”

His ears perk up at this. Stillness falls over him like a weighted blanket, rooting him to the spot. He fears if he even breathes just a little louder, he’ll miss everything.

“Of course all our problems would be solved if all demons were simply brutish and barbaric,” he muses wistfully. “But unfortunately, it seems this demon lord is the cunning type to lie in wait.”

“It seems Tianlang-jun is more concerned with human culture.”

“Yes, but for what purpose? To understand the enemy further no doubt.” The Palace Master nods sagely, stroking his beard as if he were the wiser one in this conversation. “Xiyan will only glean Tianlang-jun’s true nature the longer she familiarizes herself with him. Time reveals all in the end.”

So it was an assignment the entire time? His ears flatten against his skull in contemplation. No, that can’t be right. Smiles and laughter could be easily faked. But being relaxed in one another’s company? That was a fact he cannot deny. It may have begun with a mission on paper, but such fondness cannot be faked.

He needs to ensure this information reaches his shizun.

After a brief, nonetheless, heavy pause, does Su Xiyan finally speak. “As Shizun says,” she salutes resolutely before being dismissed.

Her strides carry a hastiness he can’t keep up with. As much as he is glad to finally be out of that stuffy office, she should at least remember not everyone has long legs!


“Ah, sorry Momo.” She quickly scoops him up. She draws her sword with ease and steps on it. Shen Qingqiu tucks his face away before the wind could shear his whiskers off. Never has he ever been so glad to have fur to keep him warm during swordflight.

The town closest to Huan Hua isn’t as old as the city downstream of the Luo river. Its road was merely a dusty smear and many of the larger buildings were still under construction. Settlements often sprung up near cultivation sects for the guaranteed protection of sleeping on their doorstep. However, unlike Cang Qiong’s indifferent attitude in land ownership, he wouldn’t be surprised if Huan Hua’s land came with a price. Judging by the extravagant manor looming at the end of the road, this seems to be the case. It’s no secret Huan Hua’s most favored allies were the esteemed gentry.

Su Xiyan is a recognizable face amongst the common folk, it seems. As soon as they step foot into town, she’s greeted by a dozen people already. A nod here and there, an inquiry of what happened to so-and-so, all bundled up with a courteous smile. Truly, she is the golden child of Huan Hua.

Shen Qingqiu wasn't going to stick around and listen to people talk all day.

Su Xiyan inevitably catches up to him before he could wander too far. “You're here early,” she calls out. Shen Qingqiu looks up, ears perking up to their full height.

The tension that clung to Su Xiyan after the private meeting melts away the moment she locks eyes with Tianlang-jun.

“Of course! I am at your beck and call after all!” Tianlang-jun closes the distance with a spring in his step. Zhuzhi-lang remains attached to his side like a second shadow, however offering a wide and wary berth for Shen Qingqiu. He has a good reason for it too as Tianlang-jun seizes him by the armpits and holds him up towards the sky.

Shen Qingqiu doesn’t hesitate in unsheathing his claws. With a caterwaul akin to a battlecry, he attacks.

“Momo, are you happy to see your father?” Tianlang-jun asks with weepy scratches perforating his handsome face.

Father?! Freshly sealed wounds immediately open up under another wave of fury.

Zhuzhi-lang’s hands hesitate to reach, too perturbed to pull his assailant off. “Junshang, it doesn’t look very happy. Perhaps you should put it down…?”

“You scared him.” Su Xiyan successfully pries Shen Qingqiu away, scolding him. “Did the big bad man scare you?”

“Nya.” He narrows his eyes. Hmph. As if that joke of a Heavenly Demon could scare me!

Tianlang-jun hunches over, clutching his heart. “First you abscond our child without a word. Then you brainwash him to hate his father?”

“Hm. Sounds about right.”

He clutches his chest theatrically, knees buckling. Zhuzhi-lang quickly catches him, flustered. “Could you be any more heartless, Xiyan?”

Su Xiyan rolls her eyes. Cradling him like a mother showing off her newborn, she angles Shen Qingqiu towards him. “Alright Xiao Mo, can you prove this idiot wrong?”

Tianlang-jun leans in, eyes shining expectantly. It was unnerving to suddenly be under the spotlight. What did they expect him to do? He’s pretending to be a cat and yet he’s being treated like a toddler, at least, more often than not. Shen Qingqiu hesitantly raises a paw and taps the alizarin flame on Tianglang-jun’s brow.

“This father has been blessed,” he grins.

“Now, will you stop making a scene in the middle of the street?”

“Why? Was my performance adequate?”

She hums, feigning contemplation. “Not good enough for a career, I’m afraid.”

Tianlang-jun looks over to Zhuzhi-lang. “Zhizhi?”

The snake demon fidgets, suddenly finding his braids more interesting than this current point in time. “This one thought Junshang was the expert on such things.”

“Then surely Xiao Mo appreciates his father?”

Shen Qingqiu crinkles his nose and sticks his tongue out. “Blep.”

This does not have its desired effect as Tianlang-jun seems delighted. “Ah, so there is hope! Perhaps this lord does not have to drown his sorrows after all.”

“You’re ridiculous.” Su Xiyan lightly elbows him in the ribs. “Drinking doesn’t sound too bad though. Any place in mind?”

Tianlang-jun pinches his chin thoughtfully. “My dear Xiyan, you’re the one who sent a letter. Are you saying you came unprepared?”

“No. You’re the one who just showed up without any further details.” She easily counters.

The demon lord smooths out the nonexistent wrinkles in his robes and puffs his partially exposed chest like a proud peaco*ck. “Well, it just so happens this lord has seen a teahouse on the way here.”

As much as he would love a cup of mediocre tea right now, Shen Qingqiu actually had somewhere to be. He squirms enough in Su Xiyan’s arms until she finally releases him. He flicks his tail in dismissal. Well? Don’t wait on me, he silently says before trodding off.

“They grow up so fast!” Is the last thing he hears before disappearing into the bushes.

The safehouse is a little far on four legs, so Shen Qingqiu needed all the daylight he could get for the journey. He bobs and weaves under low-hanging branches, their thin spindly prongs combs through his fur like rough fingers. The scent of dry earth and thriving vegetation is a familiar friend at this point. However, he quickly finds himself focusing on the ever so faint sound of shifting twigs and fallen leaves following him several paces behind.

It shouldn’t be surprising to find out he’s being followed– or at least, something was following him.

He sprints ahead to gain distance from his pursuer before jumping onto a rocky ledge for high ground. From there, he crouches low enough his belly pressed flush against the cool mossy slab. As still as the unshakeable trees surrounding him, Shen Qingqiu waits.

The telltale iridescent sheen of scales breaks the stagnant shadows. His serpentine pursuer raises its head, flicking its tongue out to taste the air. It’s no larger than a standard garden snake. Shen Qingqiu wiggles in anticipation before finally pouncing.

The snake gives a frightful hiss when it flung into the air. His feline instincts take great pleasure in playing with his prey. The poor snake stood no chance as he bats it over and over, although Shen Qingqiu had to bite his tongue to stop himself from allowing his mouth to go anywhere near slimy scales. Zhuzhi-lang’s snake inevitably slips away, narrowly escaping with its life.

That’s what you get, Shen Qingqiu sniffs smugly. He makes sure to scan the undergrowth for any more curious beady eyes before leaving.

The sun has long sunken into the horizon by the time he reaches the safehouse, leaving behind a fractal dusky sky where neither sun nor moon is high enough to watch over him. He doesn’t know what he expected besides dust and cobwebs. Shen Qingqiu stares down at his own paw prints. Did he really think his shizun would just so happen to be here?

…maybe. Just a little.

Transforming always felt like sliding his arms out of a well-worn robe, but this time it feels as if his clothes were three sizes too small. The floorboards creak from the sudden shift in weight. He slowly stretches his aching limbs, from his toes to his fingers. When the stiffness in his joints subsides, Shen Qingqiu tries his best to ignore his own nakedness as he kneels down to dismantle a loose floorboard.

He reaches for ink, paper and a brush. Only when he wraps his fingers around the brush does he find pink paw pads on his palm, and if he flexes his hand hard enough, claws would threaten to point out from underneath his nail beds. It’s an uncomfortable mishap, but it doesn’t hinder his handwriting enough for him to bother to fix it.


This disciple sees no affiliation between Tianlang-jun and Huan Hua Palace beyond distrust. The old Palace Master had indeed assigned Su Xiyan on a honeypot mission. However, it is a secret amongst only the two of them, and she reports only to him about it. But I can confidently say that the fondness she holds for Tianlang-jun is real. I have seen enough to warrant this conclusion, as Su Xiyan has limited what information she gives so far.

This disciple of yours cannot help but be suspicious of the Palace Master himself. In the lower levels of Huan Hua, it is littered with maze arrays. I cannot help but wonder what kind of secrets they hold.

As of right now, the human realm is in no danger. Tianlang-jun is a creature of curiosity and a pursuer of the mundane. Today, it was tea.

Shizun, you don’t know how much I miss your tea.

I shall remain diligent. After all, there must be another reason for Tianlang-jun to stick around. Human culture mustn’t be that interesting, can it?

He doesn’t sign off on it. Why should he? He ignores the blooming pressure prickling behind his eyes. As soon as the ink dries, he folds the paper into a neat square before stashing everything under the loose floorboard. Only then, does he reluctantly shift back.

By the time the moon has risen to its perch, Shen Qingqiu manages to find the trio sitting nearby a storyteller, who was stationed in their makeshift area with straw mats and boxes. His belly grumbles loudly upon seeing the half-eaten snacks on their table.

He doesn’t know what possessed him. Like a puppet on strings, he jumps into Su Xiyan’s lap to pull a plate of osmanthus cakes closer. He devours three by the time he’s lifted up.

“Momo? You were only gone for a few shichen, how are you acting like you’re starving?”

Because I am! He growls in protest. Ever since he had infiltrated Huan Hua, he had been given raw meat and plain water every day. It was absolutely terrible! Inedible! And if the kitchens noticed a sudden depletion in stock, they did not blame him (yet).

“Don’t you know he’s a growing boy?” Tianlang-jun pushes forward a plate of spicy chicken feet.

Shen Qingqiu doesn’t hesitate. He chomps down on the first piece of chicken feet he can get. As soon as the spices touch his feline tongue, he can already feel the tears coming in.

“He’s a cat!” Su Xiyan shoves her fingers into his mouth. “He shouldn’t be eating this.”

No! This is mine! Clearly, choosing her lap was a mistake. He clamors over the table and runs straight into Tianlang-jun’s. Zhuzhi-lang not so subtly scoots his chair away from him.

The demon lord brightens. “Xiyan, can’t you see? Our fur baby needs all the nutrients he can get.” He gets another chicken foot as a reward.

“You’re a bad influence.”

Tianlang-jun leans over the table and winks, making sure to stroke Shen Qingqiu’s head in long meticulous strokes as if having a cat in his lap makes him look devious. “Not bad enough if you’re still here, my dear.”

“Yeah right.” Su Xiyan scoffs with no real heat behind her words.

Chapter 43: no such thing as a bad cat


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Su Xiyan betrayed him. Never in a million years would he have expected this treachery.

Apparently she had left early to purchase writing supplies to beat the morning crowd, but Shen Qingqiu knew that was a lie. She left him all alone with Tianlang-jun on purpose. She knew exactly what she was doing!

“Who’s my handsome boy? Yes, you are!”

Was his fall from grace always in the script? Shen Qingqiu squeezed his eyes shut as his entire body vibrated from a low guttural growl. Despite his obvious contempt, Tianlang-jun holds him close to his bosom.

Foul beast, is this a new torture technique?

He’s swaddled in a qiangbao. And as much as he would love to wear normal robes again, he didn’t mean this–! This was clothing meant for an infant, not for a cat!

“What do you think, Zhizhi?”

Zhuzhi-lang anxiously eyes the claws anchored in Tianlang-jun’s chest. “This one can simply buy a doll if Junshang wishes.”

“No no, this one has no need for dolls. A proper heir to the demon realm must look their best after all.” He coos, rocking him back and forth. Shen Qingqiu writhes in his arms as he grows nauseous from the incessant swaying. “Xiao Mo will look glorious in red. Come, let us search for more garments!”

I will not stand for this, you hear me? Shen Qingqiu yowls at the top of his lungs.

A cluster of old women leaving the clothing store stop to gawk. “What a rowdy baby– does xiansheng need assistance?”

“Where is your wife?” One giggles behind a dainty hand. She’s immediately hushed with a few pointed looks. Shen Qingqiu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the absurdity of it all.

So it has come to this, huh? Is this my fate now?

Tianlang-jun seems to take great pleasure in his suffering. “My precious child takes after his mother. This lord knows more than anyone how to handle him.” Shamelessly, he holds him out for all the women to see. Their faces fall and twist with blatant confusion when they find fur instead of pinchable cheeks.

“Grrr.” Help. This is not my father. He blinks pleadingly. Unfortunately, they ignore his plea and shuffle away, too disturbed to linger any longer in the man’s presence. Despite this, Tianlang-jun wasn’t dissuaded at all.

“Did you see that, dear nephew? I believe they didn’t suspect a thing!”

You didn’t do sh*t. Hiding your demon mark from people who don’t even know what a Heavenly Demon looks like is barely even hiding in plain sight! “Mrrow meow!”

“So it seems,” the snake demon doesn’t look very convinced himself.

Tianlang-jun holds him up. “Xiao Mo, are you ready for your makeover?”

His life flashes before his eyes. For a moment, Shen Qingqiu can feel the suffocating vice of silk and matching shoes on his sensitive paws. Not like this! He flails hard enough to fling himself out of Tianlang-jun’s hands. He scampers off after shoving his legs through this fabric prison. As soon as he finds safety under a stationary cart, he sinks his teeth into the qiangbao and doesn’t stop until he stands amongst shreds.

“Momo, did this lord upset you?” Tianlang-jun cries out. Shen Qingqiu bristles, hissing as he retreats further.

“Would you like assistance from my snakes, Junshang?” Zhuzhi-lang quietly offers.

“No need. When it comes to parenting, there are some things you must deal with yourself.”

“This one means no offense, but… uncle, this is just a cat.” Zhuzhi-lang’s voice wavers with exasperation as the most powerful demon in the realm crawls onto his knees, kissing noises and all, to approach an angry white puffball.

“Xiao Mo can understand me. He’s very smart.”

Shen Qingqiu averts his ears and tucks his paws into a perfect loaf. He closes his eyes, feigning that he was in fact not comprehending a single word. He doesn’t even twitch to acknowledge Zhuzhi-lang staking out the back of the cart. The snake demon makes no effort to actually retrieve him when Tianlang-jun continues to make an even bigger fool of himself as he crawls closer. And if the Heavenly Demon got too close for comfort, Shen Qingqiu simply scooted out of his reach.

“Momo, don’t be angry! How could this poor father make it up to you?” He crawls far enough there was nowhere Shen Qingqiu could go. “Zhizhi, he’s right there. You can grab him!”

He glares up at Zhuzhi-lang and flexes his claws, kneading the dirt beneath him.

“I don’t think he likes me very much.”

“Sure he does! You just need to melt his feral little heart– quick, bring out the emergency snacks!”

It won’t be so easy to bribe me, he hisses.

Zhuzhi-lang uneventfully procures a pouch. It’s an unassuming thing, the drawstring is ever so slightly frayed, and it is a shade of pink that clashes with the viridescent scales peeking out of his collar. The succulent honey cake he pulls out immediately disappears in a white blur.

If his shizun were here, he would faint from the state of his manners. Crumbs fly out as he chews on his cake with reckless abandon. The sticky sweet honey is far too sweet for his feline tongue, bringing tears to his eyes, but it isn't enough of a deterrent to stop him. Shen Qingqiu licks his maw, whiskers twitching, as he stares up at Zuzhi-lang.

Hmph. You’ll need more than that if you require my cooperation so much.

“You tamed your cousin! Well done, Zhizhi.” Tianlang-jun tries to wiggle closer to grab him but Shen Qingqiu simply hops into the snake demon’s lap to escape. Zhuzhi-lang audibly squeaks. Unsure what to do, he unloads another cake.

“Lady Su was right. Xiao Mo is easily swayed by treats.”

“Mrrrow!” No I am not! I am just starving.

“Having fun there?” Three pairs of eyes look up to Su Xiyan, her hands on her hips.

“Ah Xiyan, you’ve arrived just in time for family bonding!” Tianlang-jun props himself up with an elbow, “care to join us?”

“I quite like where I am standing, thank you very much.” Shen Qingqiu slowly retracts his paw away from the pink snack pouch as she locks eyes with him. “You two look pretty cozy right now.”

“Lady Su’s advice was valuable.” He emphasizes this by gently patting his head. Shen Qingqiu blinks at the sheer gentleness of it.

He’s far more tolerable than your demon. “Mrrp.”

She nods, pleased, before scrutinizing Tianlang-jun. “Why are you still down there– don’t tell me you’re stuck?”

“No no, this lord is simply relaxing.” He pats the dirt beside him with a wink, “Xiyan should try it out sometime.”

“Oh? Then what is it called when I am spending time with you?”

“We’re writing our own love story, of course!”

Shen Qingqiu does not miss the instantaneous change in color of her ears. As she crouches down, he doesn’t hesitate in meeting her arms. “Mew.” Su-jie, how can you be so enchanted by this pathetic fool?

“Sounds to me like those books are rotting your brain.” She rolls her eyes, “come along Zhuzhi-lang.”

“You’re leaving me here–? To die?” Tianlang-jun flops over morosely. If the twinkle in his eyes were actually tears, well, Shen Qingqiu may or may not have pawed at Su Xiyan’s cheek to direct her attention away from such an amateur display of dramatics.

“Surely you could get yourself out? Especially when the bookshop received the newest shipment of novels half a shichen ago,” she says with a barely veiled smirk. Tianlang-jun immediately scrambles out from under the cart. Zhuzhi-lang quickly comes to his rescue to pat down the dust from his robes before he could run off ahead.

“Why didn’t you say so sooner, my dear?”

“It seemed you were getting well acquainted with that cart.”

Tianlang-jun grins. “Is Xiyan jealous?”

She elbows him. “As if.” Taking advantage of their close proximity, the demon lord dives in for a kiss. Su Xiyan’s reflexes were faster, instead she raised Shen Qingqiu up to intercept the smooch. A wave of heat prickles under his fur when puckered lips move away from his forehead.

Y-You…! How dare?!

“Oh Xiao Mo, if you wanted a kiss so badly you should have said so!” His boisterous laugh pierces the air like an obnoxious drum.

Go die! Shen Qingqiu curls up in her arms to hide, too embarrassed to face the world any longer.

It’s sundown by the time they part ways. The journey back to the palace is a silent one as always, but Shen Qingqiu didn’t need human lips to ask whether Su Xiyan enjoyed her outing.

“Welcome back, Su-shijie.” A few passing disciples greet them as soon as they touch down in front of Huan Hua’s gates. Shen Qingqiu is more than happy to hop off and stretch.

“Big stretch.” Su Xiyan pats his flank. His body immediately arches up for more. “Did Momo have a good day?”

Hm. It was average. “Meow.”

“Su-shijie,” a lanky boy jogs up to her. He was breathless, clutching a training sword close to his chest. “Where’d you go?”

“I was on a walk with Xiao Mo.” She raises a brow at his sweaty state. “Did you just finish practice, Tao-shidi?”

He nods, lips quirking up into a curious smile. “Do cats need walks, shijie? They’re not the same as dogs.”

“Who’s to say a cat cannot enjoy a leisurely stroll?”

“A leisurely stroll doesn’t take all day.” Shen Qingqiu’s tail coils at his petulant tone.

“Did Tao Yaoyan forget there is such a thing as errands?” She asks as quick as a whip.

Tao Yaoyan averts his gaze, pursing his lips. “This shidi was simply wondering where Su-shijie’s whereabouts were. I wanted to ask if you were willing to spar earlier, but you were already gone.”

“This shijie is always busy. Tao-shidi will have to make more of an effort to find me.” His whiskers twitch in mirth as the boy visibly deflates. “And you know where to find me, of course.”

“Yes…” Tao Yaoyan’s graceless bow does not hide his obvious disappointment. Shen Qingqiu jumps on her shoulder when she turns to leave.

If Su Xiyan’s type were foolish men, then this guy had no chance against a simpering demon lord. No wonder she is so enamored, there was no competition!

Shen Qingqiu butts his head against her cheek. “Meow.” It’s not like I approve or anything. I am still suspicious of your demon.

Ignorant to the thoughts in his head, Su Xiyan scritches him behind the ear. “Who’s a good kitty?”

The hell do you mean ‘good kitty?’ I am the best cat there is!



finally introduced the last HHP OC: (陶 耀眼) Tao Yaoyan, he's a little bit of a try-hard

thank you for all the support for this fic 💜 i've been busy and working on two fics at once has me all over the place; but i should be back in the groove of things

Chapter 44: third-wheel


thank you for all the kudos and comments 💜 i appreciate it

also the plot should be progressing? i hope? HHP arc isnt going to take forever i promise

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Someone is following Su Xiyan.

There was a festival coming up. Or was it a celebration? Whatever it was, people were out and about, and Shen Qingqiu couldn’t care less. The streets were too dangerous for him to walk on his own four legs, so Su Xiyan’s shoulders had to suffice. Traveling merchants shout at the top of their lungs to advertise their wares and the locals were too distracted in their decorating. It would be difficult not to notice someone actively avoiding the commotion.

If Su Xiyan had noticed their trailing shadow, she gave no indication of acknowledging it. He couldn’t blame her. Tianlang-jun was more than a handful; a yappy little dog required less attention. Ever so the dutiful nephew, Zhuzhi-lang’s gaze never settled anywhere twice. At least someone was keeping watch.

“Look at these, aren’t they delightful?” Tianlang-jun all but drags Su Xiyan to a stall to inspect an array of hand-painted wooden figurines. They were not anatomically accurate– far from it, actually. They were round, rotund animals that were small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. These paltry little things would have definitely endeared to Qi-ge.

Shen Qingqiu tears his eyes away, forcing them to focus on the lanky silhouette hiding under a parasol. The lump in his throat feels too large to swallow. Su Xiyan must have sensed his soured mood when she reached up to stroke his flank. He leans into the touch.

“That one looks like you, A-Tian.” She points to the chubby ram figurine, the exaggerated smile stands stark against its black paint fleece. As soon as she says this, the demon lord turns to the vendor and slams down his coin purse. The vendor nearly falls over at the bulging pouch.

“Who am I to deny my beloved? We’ll buy the whole lot!”

Much to his chagrin, Su Xiyan returns the coin purse to Zhuzhi-lang. “No no, don’t do that.”

“Why not? I thought you liked it?”

“We need to quash this habit right now. Just because you’ve more money than sense doesn’t mean you have to spend it all at every given opportunity. Here,” she withdraws a reasonable amount of taels, which is still a little too much in his own opinion, to purchase the ram and a plump snake figurine. “See? Sometimes, you don’t need to buy someone’s entire stock. No matter how small, it’s the thought that counts.”

Zhuzhi-lang’s eyes glisten like swollen dew drops as he caresses the lumpy thing back and forth in his palms. Tianlang-jun holds his figurine close to his chest, touched. “Aiyah, the tables seem to have turned. Isn’t it this lord’s duty to spoil his Xiyan?”

Su Xiyan rolls her eyes, catching Shen Qingqiu’s gaze as if to say “are you seeing this, right now?”

“Mew.” Shen Qingqiu squints, too focused on the figure keeping their distance. They haven’t even moved from their spot. Whoever this is, clearly they aren’t that skilled in hiding their qi signature. His whiskers twitch. Unless, they didn’t even think to hide it in the first place? Either they’re co*cky or a complete amateur.

“And yet it’s either Zhuzhi-lang or I to handle your purchases for you.” She quips back.

Tianlang-jun was about to dispute this before closing his mouth with an audible clack the more he thought that this was in fact true. Shen Qingqiu would see these haphazard purchases first-hand; the careless flaunting of wealth would have made him pull all his hair out if he were in his human form.

“Xiao Mo, you’re on my side, right?” He waggles his finger close to scritch his chin, but Shen Qingqiu chomps down on the offending digit before he could. “Definitely a ‘no’ then.” He pulls away, muttering under his breath. With a pensive countenance, Tianlang-jun is forced to ponder over this crumb of wisdom as he surveys the merchant’s wares once more.

Eventually, his eyes light up as they fall onto the carving of a tiger. The vendor looks very winded at the end of this purchase and unsure whether he wants this debacle to be over with. Tianlang-jun looks proud of himself when he holds it up for both of them to see. The orange paint is vibrant enough for the stripes, some albeit a little wobbly, but if Shen Qingqiu looked long enough the stripes above its eyes resembled thick and bushy eyebrows.

Qi-ge. He couldn’t help but extend a paw for it.

He bestows the tiger into her palm, closing her fingers one by one before planting a kiss upon her knuckles. “You’re as fierce as a tiger. A peerless beauty beyond compare, as bright as the sun. Xiyan, my sunset, you are the warmth lingering after the midnight chill–”

“Meeeow!” Enough! I am going to die of second-hand embarrassment over here! He gets a consolatory pat on the head.

“It wasn’t so bad, Momo.” Su Xiyan hums, her lips curl into a coy smile. “It’s a start. Keep it up.” She hands him back the money pouch.

What do you mean it wasn’t so bad? Are you that smitten to acknowledge subpar poetry?!

“Oh? Will there be a reward?”

“Yeah. Budgetary skills. All lords should know it, demonic or not.” She walks off, leaving Tianlang-jun to stumble after her.

“That means Junshang should think wisely before purchasing an entire series.” Zhuzhi-lang helpfully adds.

Tianlang-jun squawks an offended sound. “What? But what if there is a cliffhanger? Zhizhi, you can’t expect me to not have the next book readyhand!”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes, tuning out the endless possibilities that haunted the demon lord. Although the air buzzed with conversation, they could not stifle Su Xiyan’s chuckles. He stands up to his full height on her shoulders, his head on a swivel for their voyeur now that they are on the move.

There! A flash of Huan Hua gold. A familiar face–

The crowd bursts into uproar, whistling and cheering at the top of their lungs. Shen Qingqiu makes the mistake of succumbing to the distraction of a wedding procession meandering down the main road. Judging by the extravagance, the bride must be marrying into the noble house here.

sh*t. He curses silently, glancing frantically amongst the crowd for that unmistakably tall silhouette. He had one job! How could he lose him?! He sags in defeat, tucking himself tighter than a mantou bun. Out of the corner of his eye, Tianlang-jun regards Su Xiyan in blatant fondness. Under the passing lanterns’ glow, his eyes shimmer like fathomless pools of water where only earnest stars shine in its reflection.

“My Xiyan would look exquisite in red.”

She turns away in dismissal as if it were a poor jest. “Yeah right.”

“No. Really. I have impeccable taste after all.” He winks.

Su Xiyan scoffs, “and it's not because they’re your banner’s colors?”

His smile widens into a beaming grin. “Well, that’s a bonus for me isn’t it?”

Shen Qingqiu wanted to barf. Get a room! I can’t take it anymore! He jumps onto Zhuzhi-lang’s shoulders as refuge. The snake demon stiffens at once, but makes no movement to shake him off. How could he? They were both a reluctant audience to all this dog food. Zhuzhi-lang quickly tucks in a garden snake back inside his sleeve before it slithers too close, only then does he finally relax.

When the pair of lovebirds eventually leave, Shen Qingqiu resumes his search for Huan Hua robes. However, it quickly proves futile when they disappear into the nearest inn. Whoever was following them would have to wait for who knows how long. And he had a feeling it was going to be a while. There was nothing like a wedding procession to conjure a spell of second-hand romance.

It looks like it’s just us for now, Zhuzhi-lang. “Meow.”

“Is Xiao Mo hungry?” Zhuzhi-lang asks quietly, stroking his paw in delicate strokes. He can practically smell his nervousness.

Even if I were starving, your snakes are the last thing I’d eat. “Mew.” But I am more than agreeable for a snack right now.

Don’t think I forgot about you. Sitting on the ledge, Shen Qingqiu glares out the window, tail coiling and twitching back and forth. The inn had a nice vantage point of the street outside.

There, as conspicuous as one could be, Tao Yaoyan paces in a mindless path between shops and vendors with no clear destination in mind. He holds the hilt of his sword in a white-knuckled grip, eyes shifting every so often Shen Qingqiu fears they might even roll out of his skull.

“Is there a fat juicy bird you see?” He must have growled loud enough for Tianlang-jun to join him.

“He doesn’t eat birds. Or any wild animal!” Su Xiyan calls out from the bathroom.

“You spoil him too much. He needs to work for his protein!” Shen Qingqiu meows in protest when he’s pulled into his lap. Tianlang-jun takes his paws to wave at Su Xiyan across the room. “Look at these little beans. Manicured and unblemished. Xiao Mo needs to use his claws for what they’re intended for!” He emphasizes this by squeezing his paw pad to flex the razor-sharp claws hiding between fuzzy toes.

“He uses them plenty– in teaching you a lesson, that is.” She merely raises a brow as he unleashes a barrage of swipes against Tianlang-jun. Despite the scratches healing instantly, the smears of blood remain and leave behind a gruesome splatter.

“Ack! These are merely, ouch, love taps!” He coos, leaning in to smother his face in obnoxious kisses.

“Grr…” Ugh. You’re going to stain my fur! Get off! He yowls in protest, pushing him away.

“No matter. When Xiao Mo gets stronger, he’ll eventually cultivate a human form. And when he does, it will be this father’s turn to take him under his wing.”

“Well, you’re going to be waiting for a while. It’s not everyday an animal ascends.” Thankfully, Su Xiyan rescues him from his clutches. Tianlang-jun puffs his chest out, exuding smugness.

“Did this lord not mention it? This is no ordinary creature. Of course, my dear, perfect, Xiyan required a gift just as perfect. A companion like no other, to fill the cold and bottomless void my darling feels in my absence: a spirit beast.”

Shen Qingqiu meets Su Xiyan’s scrutinizing gaze with wide eyes before ducking his head demurely. “Meow?” He shivers from the telltale rush of qi probing his meridians. If she weren’t cradling him so close to her chest, she might have dropped him out of shock.

Don’t tell me my cover is about to be blown.

Nothing. He’s not thrown out of the window nor are there any accusations of espionage. Perhaps, if one is not trained in the healing arts, there is no indistinguishable difference of spirit veins between humans and beasts. Shen Qingqiu holds back a sigh of relief.

“I should have known. You of all people couldn’t even find a normal cat.”

“Normal? My Xiyan deserves better than normal.”

Shen Qingqiu averts his gaze when they close the distance for a kiss. At this point, Zhuzhi-lang has evacuated the room. Before it could devolve any further, squirms in her arms until she finally lets him go. He stands on his hind legs, searching for that flash of gold down below. “Meow.”

“What’s wrong? You want to go outside–? Oh.” She frowns when she lays eyes on Tao Yaoyan. “What’s he doing here?”

“Hm? Who?” Tianlang-jun leans over, clicking his tongue upon recognizing the uniform. “Ah. One of your own seems lost.”

“Hopefully it’s a coincidence.” She sighs, “I have to go.”

“Duty calls.” He returns with a forlorn smile. “I just so happen to have unfinished business to settle back home as well.”

“Oh really? What a coincidence.” Shen Qingqiu leaps off the ledge to stretch. “When will you be back? I just want to be prepared for any collateral damage.” She quickly tacks on.

“Hmm. Dunno. What if I’m gone for weeks? Months? Perhaps I’ve a war to settle. Will Xiyan miss this lord?”

“In your dreams. Shall I expect perfumed letters and poetry?”

“Plenty.” Tianlang-jun waggles his eyebrows, “and read them alone. I’ve plenty of yellow book recommendations I still need to share.”

As much as I love being a third-wheel, I would rather not have a front row seat to it again! Shen Qingqiu makes a run for it, scratching at the door. Zhuzhi-lang! How could you close the door knowing I am still in here?!

“You can keep those to yourself.” Su Xiyan quickly ties her hair up before retrieving her sword. “Don’t cause too much trouble now.”

“How else will I get you to find me otherwise, darling?”

Her eyes narrow into amused slits. “Alright. Say goodbye, Momo.”

“Meow.” Hmph. Good riddance.

To be honest, Shen Qingqiu expected Tianlang-jun to get down on his knees and negotiate for more time to spend with her. Perhaps whatever business he had in the demon realm couldn’t wait any longer. Only the heavens know how much work he must be putting off. It would be a miracle if he even keeps his title as lord upon his return.

“Do you think Tao-shidi is still out there?” Su Xiyan asks, stopping at the top of the stairs. She keeps a hand on her sword as she considers the window at the end of the hall. Shen Qingqiu flicks his tail.

Nothing wrong with a tactful exit. “Mrrrp.”

“It’s not his business what I do anyways. What’s the worst he can do, spread another gossip piece around the palace?” She hums a dismissive tone. Shen Qingqiu follows after her as she descends the stairs.

The moment they step out of the inn, Tao Yaoyan finds them instantly.

“Shijie. You’re, ah, out early.”

“So are you.” Su Xiyan pats her shoulder, signaling Shen Qingqiu he may hop on. Who is he to refuse? In one graceful lunge, he drapes himself across her shoulders. “Were morning lessons cut short?”

“Yes. Hallmaster Xie had to foresee the punishment of some juniors for a prank. You didn’t have anything to do with it, did you? Su-shijie was mysteriously absent during it.”

Su Xiyan rolls her eyes at his tease. “As if I have the time for that.”

“Of course. Su-shijie is someone of impeccable character. She wouldn’t surround herself with anyone otherwise.”

There was something under his tone that made Shen Qingqiu bristle. You dare use that tone towards your shijie? Sure he wouldn’t even be here in the first place if Su Xiyan snubbed Tianlang-jun’s advances, but there are worse demons she could have picked!

“Well, it’s time for this shijie to go. Knowing Hallmaster Xie, I may be expecting a report on my desk.” Su Xiyan suddenly says, clearly done with the conversation.

“Should we go back together then?” Against his better judgment, Tao Yaoyan approaches. Shen Qingqiu lashes out, hissing when he gets too close for his liking.

“Momo!” He’s chastised with a pinch to the cheek. “Sorry. He’s usually friendly.”

Friendly? As if! “Meow!”

“But I should get going. See you around, shidi.” She waves him off before he could get another word out, swiftly exiting the conversation by mounting her sword.

Upon their return to Huan Hua Palace, she’s just about to walk down the hall towards her quarters when the echo of another pair of footsteps join her. Shen Qingqiu hops off her shoulders, weaving between her legs for shelter as gold brocade flutters behind the Palace Master.

Su Xiyan salutes. “Greetings to Shizun.”

“Xiyan has been frequenting outside as of late. A little more than usual- this old master was just about worried,” the old man smiles through his bushy beard.

“This disciple is grateful for Shizun’s concern.” She considers the empty hallway before lowering her voice. “However it is misplaced, as this disciple is merely diligent in the whereabouts of our target.”

“Is that so?” The Palace Master hums a raspy note. “Anything of note then?”

“He is returning to the demon realm for some unfinished business.”

“Wonderful. Until then, this master is glad to have his favorite disciple all for himself once more. There is only so much paperwork these old bones can handle.”

Shen Qingqiu scrunches his nose. How is that her fault? You should have cultivated a younger body then. Su Xiyan salutes once more, bowing her head more deeply this time. “This disciple is always here for Shizun.”

“What will this master do without you?” He sighs, “dismissed. Expect to be summoned later.”


Only when she closes her bedroom door behind her does she finally collapse in bed. Shen Qingqiu jumps on to join her, butting his head against her forehead. She pulls the wooden tiger figurine from her pocket to hold it up, slowly rotating it in the light.

“Oh Momo,” she rolls onto her side to pull him close. “This can’t go on forever, can it?” Shen Qingqiu waits for her to deliberate, but she never does. Whether Su Xiyan was having second thoughts about her mission or her feelings for Tianlang-jun, it's never articulated. In the end, they simply lay together amongst rumpled sheets and bask in the silence.


i think i got the hang of writing TLJ/SXY, theyre just so sweet 🐏🐅

SJ: ahh i see we share the same taste in pathetic men, but please dont kiss in front of me thats cringe
SXY: wow im so glad my cat is getting along with my demonic boyfriend
SJ: just bc i tolerate it, doesnt mean he's safe from these paws

Chapter 45: down the rabbit hole


sorry for the delay!😭 i got busy with a new job and got sick for 2 weeks, but i am still here!
thank you for your patience, the story must go on! 💜

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For the first time since infiltrating Huan Hua Palace’s walls, Shen Qingqiu feels bored. As much as he hates to admit it, Tianlang-jun’s return to the demon realm has essentially left his days stagnant. The days blend together into weeks as he remains by Su Xiyan’s side. As much as he likes to pretend he’s contributing to her lesson plans, he can only tolerate so many vapid questions in the classroom. Seriously, how does she even do it? But then again, this shouldn’t come as a surprise: she tolerates a demon of eccentric company after all.

Shen Qingqiu rolled on his back so the warm sun had easy access to his belly. He stretches his paws all the way out as a yawn possesses him, the glazed roof tiles pressing uncomfortably against his back. Finally, he rolls over and tucks his legs in as hushed whispers trickle into his ears.

“Is it just me or has Su-shijie been really cranky lately?”

“Has she?” A girl giggles ever so softly. “I don’t think so.”

For a moment, the disciple forgets his quiet cadence. “Are you serious? Didn’t you see her trip me last week?”

“To be fair, your stance was terrible.”

Shen Qingqiu rolls his eyes. Typical. It’s always the younger ones who can’t be accountable for themselves.

“No way. I was just an easy target. Do you think she got broken up with?” Shen Qingqiu peers over the ledge to see the boy lean in closer, cupping his hands so his words don’t reach the person in question. Su Xiyan stood not too far away, too engrossed in adjusting Qin Ruan’s elbows for the technique they were practicing today.

“Hmm. I hope so, if what the rumors say is true. I wouldn’t want Su-shijie getting caught up with a bad man.”

Shen Qingqiu flicks his tail. That’s enough for the both of you. Before the two disciples could speculate any further, he yowls at the top of his lungs. “Reeeeeeeeeow!”

The languid veil of concentration bursts like a bubble, dissolving instantaneously as a wave of vigilance washes over the small crowd. Some disciples even fall to a fighting stance, raising their newly obtained swords. Su Xiyan merely raises a brow as her dark eyes find him perched on the roof. Then, with amusem*nt curling in his chest, he watches her gaze fall down to the two gossips standing idly in the shade.

“Mo-shidi. Wu-shimei. Is now the time to be shying away from the sun? You’ve gotten your swords for a reason: why aren’t they out?” She gestures for them to join the group.

“Yes shijie.” They bow in unison. Hanging their heads does nothing to hide the bright pink hue of shame coloring their ears. Shen Qingqiu can feel Su Xiyan’s gaze return once again.

He wiggles his whiskers, jutting his chin up. Oh don’t mind me. You’re the one doing all the work here. Su Xiyan shakes her head and promptly turns back to her class.

He can never get over how stark Huan Hua’s curriculum stands against Cang Qiong. Huan Hua Palace is, by no means, small. The work he’s seen piled up on Su Xiyan’s desk rivals the stark towers haunting Yue Qingyuan’s room. Unlike Cang Qiong’s unique peak system to handle delegation, Huan Hua operates on a seniority system. The most senior disciples mentor the younger generation, while hallmasters will handle the majority of formal teachings. Although, one would think this would lessen the burden of Su Xiyan’s head disciple duties.

He continues to observe Su Xiyan direct the junior disciples into offensive and defensive stances. She falls into the natural rhythm of Huan Hua’s elegant swordplay. She sways like a willow tree, sliding into different stances in pulses. While Huan Hua Palace is known for their talismans and arrays, that didn’t mean they neglected their swordmanship. The longer he watches, Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but be reminded of a blend between Xian Shu and Qiong Ding techniques. Huan Hua Palace seemed to favor the flashy dance of swordplay rather than simply ending it. Their swords demand respect and command power with a single glint. Given that he’s been seeing gold in his sleep, it’s not much of a revelation to say that the rich bastards want to show off everything they got.

Right on cue, a dozen footsteps announce their arrival against the artfully placed stones leading to the training courtyard.

“Su-shijie.” Tao Yaoyan waves her over, gesturing to the junior disciples trailing after him with round and expectant eyes. This group in particular looked younger than Su Xiyan’s own. Instead of tangible, heavy steel, they clutch wooden swords close to their chests. Shen Qingqiu perches his chin over his paws to keep his eyes from rolling into the back of his head at the arrogant sweep of golden brocade. Can’t they see this courtyard is obviously taken?

“Tao-shidi. Isn’t this Song-shimei’s group?” Su Xiyan asks.

“Hallmaster Ying needed Song-shijie at the last second. She had entrusted this one with them for the day.” The hand resting on his hilt betrays a poorly veiled eagerness. “This shidi thought a joint training session would bring a more fruitful learning experience.”

“Really? Or is this just another way to get a proper spar from this shijie?” She doesn’t even hide the doubt in her tone.

“Can’t it be both? Surely there is time for a quick demonstration?”

Su Xiyan rolls her shoulders back, withdrawing her sword in a single languid swing. “This shijie will humor her shidi. Just be sure to not hide any tears from the juniors.”

Tao Yaoyan makes the first move. Shen Qingqiu follows his erratic and bouncy steps, how they leave deep gouges into the well-worn earth. Su Xiyan greets his blade as if it were a pesky fly. Her movements remind him of a perfect textbook example, smooth and effortless– a far cry from when he first saw her at the Immortal Alliance Conference. Back then, she was explosive and as quick as a shooting star. The air would simply shift around her blade, the sheer strength of it disturbing any semblance of calm. But here? There is no beast or reason for her to even bother exerting herself, falling back on the training ingrained into her muscle instead.

Shen Qingqiu shakes his head, rising to his paws. He doesn’t need to stay any longer to know what the outcome will be. He has a feeling this fight won’t even last very long. Even so, what was supposed to be his napping spot was now ruined thanks to all this commotion.

He hops down from the roof, making sure to cling to the walls to avoid any unwanted touching. He’s soon greeted by the cool air of the palace halls and the delectable smoke of today’s lunch perforating the air. Maybe he should treat himself. What else was he going to do with Tianlang-jun back in the demon realm? He didn’t sign up to be a literal teacher’s pet.

There’s always the Palace Master, he muses. Watching an old man didn’t sound very exciting, but it would certainly be better than most things on his non-existent agenda now.

He slips inside the kitchens, carefully weaving between busy legs. The cooks are barely phased by his sudden presence now. Shen Qingqiu could sneak around as much as he likes, but white fur is not the most inconspicuous color in the world.

“Didn’t you just have breakfast? Why are you here now?” An aunty supervising the large copper pot on the stove pauses her stirring to shoot him a dubious look.

“Meow.” The tip of his tail twitches. What else will I be here for? It’s lunch time isn’t it?

“Back already?” Someone calls out from the pantry.

“En.” She grabs a slice of raw fish and dangles it overhead. “For now, this is all you can have.”

Shen Qingqiu’s ears flatten against his head, nose wrinkling in disgust. You’re not even going to cook it? He tentatively reaches for it, shuddering when the slimy morsel grazes his sensitive paw pads. The kitchen aunty scrutinizes him harshly with a judgemental wrinkle forming between her brows.

“Spoiled little thing, aren’t you. Since when did we get a prince in this palace?” She clicks her tongue as she grabs a larger piece of fish instead.

“Meow!” Who are you calling spoiled? Hmph! He glares at the slice of fish with newfound contempt. Sure, it’s not exactly gourmet but any cat worth their whiskers wouldn’t pass up such an offering– and as of right now, he is a cat. It would be suspicious if he didn’t. Before the kitchen aunty could retract her generous offer, he swallows it out of spite: barely tasting it. He ducks away from her touch, growling under his breath when she tries to pet him after the fact.

“Aiyah, don’t get mad at this humble servant, your majesty. Did you expect to have free reign of my kitchen forever?” She resumes stirring the pot.

Yes! “Grrr…”

“Next time come back with your master. Nobody in this palace could ever dare say no to her,” She murmurs over hissing steam and roaring flames. Shen Qingqiu blinks. Su Xiyan was the golden meal ticket this whole time? He ponders over this newfound information as he walks out. It shouldn’t be a surprise at this point to find even Su Xiyan’s plates are lined with the Palace Master’s favor.

He pauses when a blur of white enters his peripherals. Against the thin window panes of a trophy case, his own reflection stares back. There’s something different, perhaps even uncanny, that keeps him rooted to the floor. He looks… domesticated. His cheeks and belly have rounded out and the sharp edges of his body yielded under his fluffy fur. No wonder the kitchen aunty called him spoiled– his body has betrayed him to show it for all to see!

I have grown too comfortable here.

Heartache echoes like a clumsy twang on the qin. Here he is, several li away from Cang Qiong and Qi-ge, masquerading as a spoiled pet. And for what? A demon lord who has so far shown no sign of aggression? Guilt and anger clash against one another like stormy tidal waves, stifling the homesickness bubbling underneath the calamitous sea stirring in his heart.

If I find something useful, Shizun may deem it good enough to call me back.

Shen Qingqiu spins on the balls of his feet, retracing his steps to the old Palace Master’s office.

This time, the door was closed. Shen Qingqiu presses his ear against gold inlay wood. When he doesn’t hear anything, he stands on his hind legs to reach for the handle. It was just barely out of reach, but with enough stretching in places he didn’t even know he had, he managed to open it in the end. Shen Qingqiu waits for a security talisman to activate, but when nothing happens, he slips inside.

He’s greeted by the familiar buzzing and ticking of relics. Shen Qingqiu sniffs the air. Judging by the lingering, albeit faded, scent of ink, this office hasn’t been used for at least a shichen. The dim nightpearls floating overhead grow brighter as he steps inside. He jumps onto the lacquered desk, inspecting the stacks of parchment. They carry not a single stroke of ink.

But you wrote something, didn’t you, old man? He paws the drawers open, peering inside to find a disorganized dumping ground for letters. His fur immediately prickles with exasperation. This is going to take a while. Without opposable thumbs, he’ll simply have to make do with his claws. Either way, if the old man just tossed these in here it must mean they weren’t important enough to be looked at a second time– but still important enough not to be thrown out.

Old mission statements… marriage proposals… huh. While it isn’t uncommon for a shizun to vet any proposals sent for their own disciple, there is a glaring absence of Su Xiyan’s name in the abandoned clutter. Strangely enough, the deeper he digs the more prominent the scent of ash. Just as he nears the bottom, he bats out an unopened letter with the seal still intact. It’s addressed to Palace Master Chen. Surely, this must be good?

Shen Qingqiu takes a claw and slices the wax clean off. After some stubborn prying, he manages to read the first line.

This was a proposal for the old man himself! Appalled, he kicks the letter away. This isn’t good. Where does he keep the useful information? Even if Li-shishu would be interested in this, his Shizun certainly would not!

He moves onto the next drawer. Thankfully, there are no more marriage proposals here but instead freshly written mission requests. He recognizes the Palace Master’s calligraphy, long and languid, swooping strokes. Shen Qingqiu’s whiskers twitch when he finds blanks amidst the characters where a name should be. Fabricated mission forms? But the area of their designation is all the same: the borderlands.

He couldn’t help but reach his paw deeper inside the drawer, searching for any formal missives requesting aid. He finds nothing of the sort. With so many forms, this may as well be a silent declaration of war.

Perhaps this is an attempt to block Tianlang-jun from entering the human realm once more. He shakes his head, frustrated. But what use is this if he can’t bring it back? He needs something better. He can’t disappoint Shizun.

When he tries to swallow the lump in his throat, the ribbon tied around his throat suddenly tightens as a reminder.

The maze arrays. Surely, the old man must be hiding something there if ordinary disciples can’t enter.

Shen Qingqiu hesitantly picks up his gait, venturing into what could only be known as the lower levels of Huan Hua. The air grows heavier and the sconces above seem to burn brighter with each step.

His fur stands on end when a sudden wave of foreign energy wash over him. For a fleeting moment, he thinks about turning back but as soon as the thought even dares enters his mind, it fizzles out like a bubble.

Just like that, huh.

He feels the subtle slope under his paws, and the lack of windows simply confirms his suspicions that he was in fact going down. He walks until gold no longer adorns the walls. For once, the walls are barren of glittering gold and trophies. If the air wasn’t heavy enough before, it was downright oppressive: like an invisible hand had grabbed him by the scruff and never let go.

He’s heard rumors of the infamous Water Prison, of course. But it wasn’t like it was a secret or anything, so why go through the effort of laying down a maze array to keep your own disciples out? Of all things, surely the palace master didn’t go above and beyond to care about their safety?

What if there’s a prisoner? That would certainly merit the added security. But who?

A thunderous clang strikes through his heart, metal striking stone. The stone walls shake from the reverberations of an ear-splitting wail. Shen Qingqiu presses himself against the wall until his bones stop rattling.

“Can’t you shut it up already?!” Someone shouts not too far ahead. Then, the wailing ceases. Not quite gone, but severely muffled like trailing tendrils of smoke after a snuffed flame, and yet Shen Qingqiu’s ears still ring. He has to remind his feet where to go, one paw in front of the other, peering over corners of the twisting narrow halls.

The musty air takes on an acrid tang. The scent of rust and damp. Shen Qingqiu rears back when he finds golden robes around the corner. Carefully, he takes a peek. Down the dark dreary corridor, swathed in shadow, is the unmistakable row of prison cells. The steel bars are swathed in layers upon layers of talismans and paper charms, and in the low light, Shen Qingqiu can see the reflections of a dozen eyes behind each cell.

Demons and beasts. Their listless figures simply remain slumped over as a prison cell slams shut. In the brief flash of qi, Shen Qingqiu can see exactly why they lost their vigor. One simply cannot fight back if there are only pieces left.

“That was a difficult one.” Someone heaves.

“Why did Shizun need the horn of a Gold Sun Giraffe Lion?” Shen Qingqiu falls still when he recognizes Song Fuhua’s cadence. He quickly looks around the corner once more. She is easy to find as the youngest amidst the group of hallmasters. Her bloodied hands look small holding a luminous curved horn.

Gold Sun Giraffe Lions were incredibly rare. They are beasts of solitude, preferring the seclusive depths of untamed forests. Even Qing Jing’s expansive library offered very little about these beasts. It is said they are harbingers of disasters, and their horns hold the power of foresight. To even think Huan Hua Palace held one beneath their noses all this time!

“Shizhi asks an unnecessary question. If Shizun needs it, we simply retrieve it.” Hallmaster Ying scolds her.

“Can we go already? These things are staring…”

Shen Qingqiu doesn’t dare linger for another second. With his heart lodged in his throat, he runs back the way in which he came. Although he doesn’t stop even after fleeing the front gates, diving deep into the foliage.

Shen Qingqiu slips through the safehouse, leaving behind a trail of pawprints in the dust-laden floorboards. Just as he goes on to shift back, his body is suddenly consumed in pins and needles as qi sparks through his meridians. Air vacates his lungs from the unexpected sore twang of muscles pulling and bones pushing themselves into place. Shen Qingqiu falls in a clamor of gangly limbs, wheezing.

It hurts– why does it hurt? This never happened before! He fights through the spinning walls and teetering floor as he clutches his leg. Despite pushing qi into the spasming muscles, it was anything but soothing like how it feels under a Qian Cao healer. Instead, it was as if shards of glass were pushed into an open wound. His calf was on fire, churning and twisting against his will until all he could do was sit there and wait for it to cease.

When the pain and spasms eventually fade, he crawls towards the floorboard to pull out the writing supplies stashed inside.

His hand refuses to cooperate at first. His wrist locks up, too stiff to allow subtle movement, as if there was an invisible shackle chained to it. His form is shaky at best, forced to readjust his fingers around the brush between every couple characters to keep some semblance of smooth lines.


Tianlang-jun has left the human realm. For now. Supposedly, his return was due to dereliction of duty. Still, this disciple has no reason to believe an invasion of any kind will ensue. However the Palace Master thinks otherwise: he fabricates false mission forms to send his own disciples to the borderlands in an attempt to possibly keep him from returning.

I’ve briefly toured the labyrinth beneath the palace. They’ve more than just their famed Water Prison. This disciple has witnessed them harvest the horn of a Gold Sun Giraffe Lion. I am unsure of their intentions with it as of yet, but considering that they have cages of both demons and beasts alike– or what is left of them, I can only assume Huan Hua Palace has created their own material farm. It appears to be an open secret among the hallmasters and seniors.

I hope this information pleases Shizun and all is well.

May this disciple go home now?

How long must I stay?

He slams down his brush, striking through these wayward thoughts until an abyssal blotch stares back at him, bleeding through the parchment. If he were to pick it up, the wet paper would surely disintegrate. Great. He can’t submit this report in such a state!

Just as he reaches into the floorboards once more to fetch a fresh sheet of paper, the delicate tendons in his wrist spasm. They twitch and writhe, burning until he could feel nothing but molten pain.

“f*ck!” It’s as if he were a string plucked too harshly on the qin. His vision blurs, the world doubles and shakes. His body shrinks in an instant. Shen Qingqiu looks down at his paws, sagging in relief when the aches and pain have gone.

This will have to do… He grumbles miserably at the ugly letter. He pushes it inside the stash and stamps the floorboard shut.

With his report turned in, Shen Qingqiu mulishly heads back to Huan Hua Palace.

I am going to die. Shen Qingqiu gasps, blinded by the stinging suds penetrating his eyes. His claws scrape and clack against slippery porcelain in a desperate attempt for anchorage, only to slip and splash back into the water. As much as he loves the warmth seeping into his bones, he would very much rather do it without being waterlogged!


“He doesn’t seem too happy.” Qin Ruan giggles and holds up a towel to shield herself from strewn water droplets. Su Xiyan, who is already drenched, merely accepts her fate.

“That’s too bad. He has no choice in this,” she takes another handful of bath bean powder to scrub all over his pelt. He hisses at this unfair treatment. What was he, a stain on a pot? That was way too much force than necessary!

Might as well wring me out and hang me on the clothesline, will you? He growls under his breath.

“Oh quit your moping. If you hadn’t gotten yourself so dirty, we wouldn’t be here right now.”

“What happened to Momo anyways?” Qin Ruan side-steps to dodge a splash of water.

“Don’t know. He just was like this after being gone for a couple shichen.”

Qin Ruan’s lip quivers, “you don’t think someone did this to him…?”

Let them try! “Meow meow!”

“I’m not too sure.” Su Xiyan hums a speculative note, lifting him out of the bath to pat him dry after another thorough rinse. “Either way, I doubt he would go down without a fight. You’d think they would be used to having a cat around by now.”

“I’m sure you won, didn’t you?” The young girl chirps, patting him on the head. “Did they deserve it? I bet they were more of a mouse than a cultivator anyways!”

Shen Qingqiu leans into the touch. Ah… well, there’s no harm in them assuming. Yes, I totally did it! “Nya.”

“That’s right.” Qin Ruan, none the wiser, nods. “I bet you had a reason. They were probably up to no good. Su-shijie, did you know some animals instinctively judge someone’s character as good or bad?”

Su Xiyan grabs a brush and vials of hair oils. Shen Qingqiu preens at the sight. Finally! He can feel prim and proper once again! “Mn,” she hums in agreement. “My father never got along with mother’s cats. They simply hated him.”

“And Xiao Mo was a gift from that man– your suitor?” She asks, leaning closer with baited breath.

Shen Qingqiu arches into the wooden comb brushing his fur. Yes, right there! Su Xiyan, too engrossed in brushing him, simply nods.

“Yes– wait, who said anything about a suitor?”

“Aha! So I was right!”

“No you’re not,” she tries to deny. He meows loudly when she stops brushing. “Aiyah, have patience you little brat.”

“Come on Su-shijie, I swear I won’t say anything.” Qin Ruan pouts, “it’s just been nice to see you happier as of late. And whoever gave you Momo must at least be a decent man. It’s difficult to imagine this cat allowing someone with bad intentions near you.” She punctuates this by pressing a kiss to Shen Qingqiu’s damp head.

Su Xiyan mulls it over, pursing her lips in contemplation. “You think so?”

“I know so!” She pauses, eyes flitting back and forth for any hint otherwise. “Is he good to you?”

“Meow mew.” Shen Qingqiu pipes in, batting Su Xiyan’s wrist for more brushes. If only you knew he’s actually a demon! We wouldn’t even be having this conversation!

“Of course.” Su Xiyan scoffs. “As if I’d let anyone take advantage of me.”

“I trust Su-shijie.” The young girl frowns, “but there are rumors that say the opposite– that this man is an unsavory character.”

“Courtesy of Tao-shidi, I presume? Why can’t that guy leave the gossiping to the ladies?” Su Xiyan mutters, exasperated, under her breath. She pours some hair oil into her palms, the bright scent of sandalwood saturates his senses, and rubs it into pristine snow-white fur.

Qin Ruan chuckles at the low rumble of blissful purrs reverberating the air. “And take his only joy in this world? How could you, shijie?”

“He should find other hobbies if he can’t speak face to face with another.”

“Doesn’t he come from a family of potters?”

“Does he? He’s never mentioned it.”

“For someone who is such a frequent topic in the rumor mill, Su-shijie really doesn’t pay attention to much of it, does she?”

Su Xiyan leans in to flick her shimei in the forehead. “No wonder your grades are lagging. You’re filling your brain with useless trifles.”

“Wah! Shijie is so mean, can’t she see this poor shimei is trying her best?”

“Sounds like you just have to try harder.”

“Momo! Make her be nice to me!” Qin Ruan demands, eyes shiny with crocodile tears. Shen Qingqiu merely blinks and folds his paws over themselves.

What? I’m not your emotional support animal. “Meow.”

The younger girl cries out. “Momo!”

Su Xiyan turns away to stifle a curt laugh, “there you go: Xiao Mo’s judgment is final.”


OPM finding the marriage letter to him in his office: oh, how did this get out here... huh, maybe their DMs are still open👴
sorry, i just thought it was funny if nyanjiu indirectly caused the little palace mistress being born all bc of his snooping

also expanding lore of HHP has been kinda fun! I always thought, well, if they're famous for A water prison, then surely its not their only prison cell? and what if its not strictly for humans, but for demons/beasts?
I hope everyone is at least enjoying this arc 💜💜💜

Chapter 46: letters for mew


a bit short, but i promise the plot is going to get moving after this ദ്ദി(• ˕ •マ
thank you for the kudos and reading this far 💜

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There have been a lot of distractions lately– the kind Shen Qingqiu cannot see.

Su Xiyan’s obedient rhythm to follow the heartbeat of Huan Hua began to stutter as of late. More than once has he caught her staring longingly out the window, or how her gaze would find a sudden interest in an empty corner or floorboard. Sure, he must admit, he’s heard better constructive conversations in the food halls of Qing Jing, but Su Xiyan is the type of person to pretend she’s interested in vapid talks. As her sole witness, it’s startling.

I must do something. He can’t tolerate it anymore. Shen Qingqiu hops from his designated cushion on her bed and slips out the door she left slightly ajar just for him. He saunters through the corridors until he sinks his claws into plush soil and neatly trimmed grass.

For a moment, he wonders why he’s here. Another step outside and he will melt under the summer sun in less than a shichen. And yet, his body has no motivation to turn back. With the sun at its highest peak, the gardens are empty: right now, it is the perfect hunting ground.

He carefully weaves himself through the flowers. Golden Bonnet Maiden Flowers greet him in gentle nudges with their trumpet-like blooms. Shen Qingqiu ducks under them, escaping into the hefty clusters of violet hydrangeas. He couldn’t help but pause and inhale, savoring the lingering remnants of springtime in their sweet fragrance.

Hmm, this would make a nice blend of tea. He nips a few stalks of hydrangeas. Then, just as he was about to carry away the bundle of flowers, a peppery scent tickled his nose. Mint! That would surely invigorate Su Xiyan from her besotted stupor.

He finds the mint growing at the edge of the garden. Their tiny buds of white and purple flowers had just bloomed. Just as he goes to harvest it, a shadow flits across his peripherals. Curious, he sets his bouquet aside to investigate.

There, under the shadow of the twisted root of a young tree, is a mouse. It’s a round little thing with bulging eyes and a twitchy tail. Somehow, the little creature hasn’t spotted him yet.

It’s as if he were a puppet; the invisible strings tied around his joints pull and slacken until his belly drops to the ground into a hunter’s crouch. A gentle wind whistles overhead, a bird cries out somewhere and if he listens hard enough he can hear the ever so frantic badump badump heartbeat of his prey.

Nothing else mattered. The world fades away where only he remains, a captive yet silent audience, for this tiny soul. He doesn’t dare blink. His body forbids it. Slowly and meticulously, he stalks towards the mouse. His fur stands on end in anticipation the closer he gets. Until finally, without a moment of hesitation, he strikes.

The mouse just barely escapes his claws. With a terrified squeak, it runs. With his heart in his throat, he gives chase. However, Shen Qingqiu doesn’t follow it for long when it throws itself into a hole in the ground. He stomps at the entrance with an infuriated hiss, even sticking his paw inside in a futile attempt of grabbing it. He was so close! How could he have missed–?

Like glass, his daze shatters in an instant as reality returns.

What the hell was that?! His fur bursts and prickles with embarrassment. With nothing to tear apart, all he can do is dig his claws into the loamy soil and knead. No way did that just happen– I am human, not a real cat! I don’t hunt vermin!

Hissing under his breath, he slams his paws down to scatter loose dirt everywhere before stomping deeper into the flowerbeds. Pollen smears across his fur in his haste. Only when he submerges himself under the safety of violet and gold blooms, does he finally remember what exactly he came here for.

What am I her babysitter now? This wasn’t in the mission statement. It’s not like she’s lacking in any way. Su Xiyan is more than capable of taking care of herself, if she needs something then she will simply get it herself. He huffs, curling up and resting his chin over his paws. Just as he was contemplating whether or not he should abandon his flowers, the faintest whisper of rustling grass tickles his ears.

Is someone coming? He jumps to his feet, bracing himself as the susurration moves closer and closer.

There, in between the stalks, beady eyes shine under thin fractal sunbeams. A familiar garden snake rears its head, dutifully presenting a folded square of parchment in its mouth despite the wariness radiating off its scales.

Shen Qingqiu’s whiskers twitch in annoyance. It’s about time. Do you know how much she’s moped? However, I imagine that lord of yours is even more insufferable nowadays. “Meow.”

The snake blinks, bobbing its head as though in agreement. In actuality, it's just struggling to keep the letter clamped between its fangs. Without further delay, Shen Qingqiu takes the letter between his teeth. Having done its duty, the garden snake promptly slithers back into the foliage.

At least this will cheer her up. Shen Qingqiu thinks to himself as he walks back to the female dormitory. She wouldn’t have appreciated those flowers properly anyways. If I can’t even make tea myself with it, what’s the point?

“Meow.” He announces himself, only to find Su Xiyan still at her desk. At least a small dent has appeared in the pile of paperwork on her desk. Shen Qingqiu’s tail lashes in approval. Good. It seems not all sensibilities are lost.

“Welcome back Xiao Mo.” She sets her brush down, immediately locking eyes with the letter in his mouth. He lets go, setting it down at her feet.

Shen Qingqiu looks back up at her expectantly. Your mail.

“And what’s this?” Su Xiyan’s lips quirk up into a slight smile as she tears through the nondescript wax seal. “Ah. Thank you Momo.”

You’re welcome. He preens, leaning into a head pat. When she pulls away to unravel multiple letters folded into one another, he takes the opportunity to hop into her lap. She spreads out her correspondence. Shen Qingqiu couldn’t resist craning his head to read alongside her.

My sunset,

This lord would like to start by saying he has not broken any promises! Although I’ve written every day, some letters hadn’t the chance to be sent. I do apologize for the delay. And I may or may have not neglected a rising rebellion or two under my banner, causing my desk to buckle under the weight of some dusty duties.

I am afraid some of my best poems have been intercepted by my enemies. Nonetheless, that does not mean one is lesser than the other. After all, practice is practice! But if this letter finds you, I hope you are well. This lord had to authorize the utmost discretion.

“Really? Didn’t know you had it in you.” Su Xiyan murmurs under her breath, interrupting Shen Qingqiu’s reading.

The sky could never feel so different,

For it is not the same without you beside me.

But your eyes, I see them in the stars

At last, some solace.

Su Xiyan lingers on the final stanza before slowly folding the letter, tracing each fold and crease until a neat square remains. The next letter smells heavily of smoky musk and sandalwood. If it weren’t for the dried flecks of blood staining the edges, it would have been easier to ignore the coppery scent underneath.

My heart,

You wouldn’t believe what book my dearest nephew has brought me. Our tactics were getting a touch boring, and like the good boy he is, thought to bring this lord a human strategy book. Much to his shock, it was actually a yellow book! Mind you, beloved, the title simply tricked him: ‘The General’s Captive fights back!’ Only, instead of a battle of wits and strength, it was a battle of–

Shen Qingqiu scrunched his nose. Okay, now he regrets even considering his poetry was decent. What a wretched man. Burn this letter! Onto the next one!

What’s next was, not a letter, but a collection of tattered pieces of paper. Scribbles of ink are hastily scrawled on some, while the characters in others convey careful consideration. Shen Qingqiu doesn’t quite understand the sentiment of sending drafts to someone, but he does understand that not writing it down would mean it could be lost forever. He supposes it must be good enough to swoon over.

Su Xiyan doesn’t say another word. Instead, she simply reads over every scrap and carefully tucks them away. Her hand falls onto his head, petting him in slow languid strokes. He looks up, pleased to find her at ease.

“What a silly man.” She finally breaks the silence. “Don’t you think so, Momo?”

There are far more words better suited for that demon, but sure, let’s go with that. “Meow.”


nyanjiu's hunting instincts kicking in seeing SXY down and about: ok, well she obviously cant feed herself anymore 🎯🐈

Chapter 47: rendezvous


ok this chapter got away from me a bit but im happy it finally feels like the plot is progressing

i hope yall enjoy 💜

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shen Qingqiu will never admit it, but for once he is grateful to a demon. Su Xiyan’s mood has elevated considerably. Her new collection of mediocre poetry is tucked away with the rest of the treasures she acquired from Tianlang-jun. He didn’t recognize some bits and bobbles: they must have come from a time before Shen Qingqiu’s meddling.

Well, if he’s worth waiting for… then so be it. He sighs internally, ignoring how his own heart clenches. He can’t help but wonder what Qi-ge would have for him upon his return. His own foolish man would surely have a treasure trove of presents with his name on it. A weak purr trickles out of his throat. Surely the sect leader would knock some sense into him.

Shen Qingqiu flexes his claws. What would Qi-ge think about poetry? His fur sags in disappointment. With what hands? You can’t even bring anything back to him.

“Someone’s in a good mood.” Su Xiyan’s hand falls over his scruff to pet him.

Shen Qingqiu deflates under her comforting palm, whiskers twitching. I am not jealous. Not one bit! He turns his nose up, huffing.

Even though there was no one else to listen, he couldn’t even convince himself it was anything but.

He hops off the bed, swishing his tail back and forth, gesturing for her to follow.

“Meow.” Let’s not waste any daylight now. He isn’t sure if the sun is even peeking over the horizon yet, but he needs something to occupy his wayward thoughts.

“Alright alright, don’t go on without me, will you?”

Shen Qingqiu watches her climb out of bed. After countless days of sleeping in the same room as one another, something feels off. He narrows his eyes at her sluggish movements. Is she sick? What if demonic pollen somehow tainted those letters?!

“Mrrrrow!” He runs back to her, weaving in and out between her legs.

She stumbles, although she quickly catches herself with the fall. At once, Su Xiyan turns rigid before bolting to the bathroom. Shen Qingqiu follows after her, yowling at the top of his lungs when she bows over to retch.

I knew it! Poison!

Even if Tianlang-jun meant no harm, his letters went through the arduous journey of crossing realms: who knows what could have latched on? Perhaps it doesn’t affect animals if only Su Xiyan is showing symptoms?

Here I am again, Shen Qingqiu grumbles under his breath, pressing his paws into the small of her back. He kneads through the silk of her sleeping robe to transfer spiritual energy. What would you do without me? Hm? You’re lucky Cang Qiong won’t bill you for my services after this mission.

“Sorry for worrying you.” She wipes her clammy face, slowly turning around to rub his ears.

Who said I was worried? “Mya.”

Not a single worry radiates from her person. Perhaps it wasn’t poison. Even if Tianlang-jun is a demon, he supposes he shouldn’t judge him too harshly. After all, the man hadn’t given him a reason to hate him. Although, if mediocre poetry was a crime he’d be jailed ten times over.

Which leaves another question unanswered: what is Su Xiyan sick from?

Shen Qingqiu’s fur bristles at one possibility. Sabotage? It’s not impossible to consider, and the title of Head Disciple is an old target on her back. Even if the paint has gone and chipped away, a target is still a target. But who? It’s no secret Su Xiyan is the darling of Huan Hua Palace. Who even is there to suspect if everyone loves her?

A perfunctory knock interrupts his thoughts.

“Su-shijie? Is everything alright? I heard Xiao Mo all the way from my room.” Song Fuhua asks from the other side of the door.

“He just got frightened, shimei.” Su Xiyan calls out. As soon as she combs her disheveled hair, she opens the door. “Are you too tired for breakfast? I’m craving tangyuan.”

Don’t get too close now. Shen Qingqiu butts his way between them, even fluffing up his fur to appear larger.

Song Fuhua was far from intimidated, in fact, she even chuckles. Shen Qingqiu tries to puff out even more, but she simply crouches down to pet him, flattening his fur in the process. Before he can growl at her to back off, a purr pours out of him against his will. His fur tingles pleasantly, and Shen Qingqiu admits defeat, crossing off Song Fuhua’s name off his suspect list.

“If shijie can get the cooks to conjure up a meal for us, I won’t turn it down.”

For the rest of the day, they politely lay siege to the kitchens. The cooks and kitchen aunties acquiesce under Su Xiyan’s demanding presence, although the boldest one of the bunch demands they simply stay out of their way.

Which was more than fine to Shen Qingqiu. If he has to wait another second without breakfast, he doesn’t know how long it will take for his stomach to climb out of his mouth. He leaps for the countertops. Only– his paws don’t touch the hard flat countertops.

Shen Qingqiu narrows his eyes at Su Xiyan, who had caught him mid-jump. What?

“Now, now we’re guests here. It’d be rude to not wash our… paws.”

I am a cat. I am cleaner than most of your shidi here. He hisses, flexing his claws. As soon as he’s set back down, he hops into Su Xiyan’s lap instead.

“Such a moody little guy. He hasn’t scratched you yet?” Song Fuhua asks.

“Momo has his moods, but he means no harm. All claw, no swipe.” She hums, mirth glinting like embers in her coal black eyes. Shen Qingqiu stifles down to sink his claws in out of spite.

“Mrrreow.” I’ll show you ‘moody.’

Just to show her who’s boss here, he swipes a syrup-laden tangyuan from her bowl.

“Manners, young man!” Su Xiyan raises her voice. It’s the familiar tone she uses for chastising her shidi, only there isn’t any real heat behind it for him.

Another letter arrives, this time, delivered personally by one wiggly courier.

“Don’t eat the poor thing.” Su Xiyan calls out distractedly, already tearing open the envelope without a second glance. Shen Qingqiu swallows down the urge to bite. Reluctantly, he lifts his paw from the snake and watches it dart across the floor towards Su Xiyan. It curls around her ankle, trembling ever so slightly.

I wasn’t even going to! It wasn’t his fault the slimy little creature just slithered in unwarranted. He couldn’t help it. It triggered the cat instincts!

“Let’s go Momo,” Su Xiyan abruptly says, retrieving her sword from the corner. There’s a thinly veiled excitement brewing under her skin, and she doesn’t have to be grinning ear to ear to tell him why they were suddenly leaving.

Shen Qingqiu jumps onto her shoulders, burying his claws into the fabric to sturdy himself as she walks out into the night. Her illuminated sword burns away the dark, and for a moment, Shen Qingqiu worried they were going to get caught. Su Xiyan steps on and soon, Huan Hua Palace became a mere speck of gold like the last remnants of a dying lantern.

They don’t fly south for long. She descends from the sky upon seeing the looming silhouette of a mountain. The canopies of the trees seem to swallow them, shrouding the night sky until not a single speck of starlight could be seen. The forest feels different. Almost as if it were sentient, and Su Xiyan just landed in the pits of an all-consuming beast.

Shen Qingqiu shakes his head from the familiar dizzy spell of a maze array.

Your man couldn’t have found a more ominous meeting place? “Grrr… mew!”

“It’s alright Momo,” Su Xiyan pats his head thrice before withdrawing a nightpearl from her qiankun pouch. She holds it up, illuminating the shadows hiding in between the trees, walking onward through the unruly underbrush.

Then, as tentative as the first songbird to sing at dawn, a soft note plucks through the air. Shen Qingqiu’s ears perk up at the delicate thrum of the pipa. This careful song crescendos with each step, almost as if it wasn’t meant for anyone’s ears.

The little snake around Su Xiyan’s ankle unwinds itself and bursts into the foliage. The trees suddenly shake from the weight of something massive, and the wall of shadow in front of them began to shift. Shen Qingqiu sinks his claws deeper in anticipation.

Su Xiyan winces. He gently headbutts her in a silent apology.

“Hello Zhuzhi-lang.” Unphased, she waves to the giant yellow eyes peering down upon them. The little snake from before now lays coiled on the head of a giant serpent. Despite being a hundred times his size, Shen Qingqiu bares his teeth to mask his fear. How could Huan Hua miss a giant f*cking snake in their own backyard?!

Zhuzhi-lang breaks their staring contest first, slithering away to reveal the clearing he was coiled around in. There, sitting under a lone willow tree, is Tianlang-jun. A pipa rests in his lap, his eyes bright and expectant as Su Xiyan approaches.

“There she is,” Tianlang-jun rises to his feet, strumming the pipa jovially. “Is the moon still in the sky? What are you doing shining down here?”

Su Xiyan chuffs, “oh? According to your poetry, I thought I was supposed to be the sun?”

“Why not both? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is it not?” He grins.

She takes a seat beside him. “But if you find beauty in everything, then wouldn’t that make it the new normal?” Tianlang-jun nods sagely, stroking his chin.

“Ah yes, but of course some will always shine over others.” He waggles his brow, leaning in for a kiss.

Desperately needing a distraction, Shen Qingqiu hops off his perch to paw at the pipa. He gives it a cautious pluck with his claw. His desire to play suddenly deflates from the weak note it whimpers out.

“Hello Xiao Mo. This father hasn't forgotten about you!”

“Meow!” And here I hoped you did.

Despite him growling under his breath, Tianlang-jun isn’t deterred to pick him up to press obnoxious kisses all over his head. Shen Qingqiu tries to push back with his paws. “Sweet boy, did you miss me? Your poor father did!”

“Are you back then?” Su Xiyan asks.

“For the time being, I hope.” Tianlang-jun hums, “when is Xiyan leaving for her next mission? This lord found a peculiar secret realm during his conquest and deemed it unwise to explore without a partner.”

“I am quite busy, you know.” She hums a contemplative tone, “this one wasn’t preparing for a visit so soon.”

You were literally a lovelorn maiden sighing and sulking by the window! He wants to yowl at the top of his lungs.

“Oh? Was Xiyan not worried for this lord?” He throws himself at her, sprawling across her lap with his pipa sagging in defeat. Shen Qingqiu barely jumps out of the way in time. He shares a glance of exasperation with Zhuzhi-lang, who continues to hover closeby like a silent guardian. “Not one bit?”

“Hm.” She pauses for dramatic effect before succumbing to those pitiful puppy dog eyes of his. “Perhaps the normal amount.”

At this point, Shen Qingqiu leaves the two lovebirds alone. It’s about time he gave them privacy anyways.

He doesn’t go out too far. He pushes his nose through wildflowers and weeds without a single sound emanating from his pawsteps. A cricket chirps in the distance. Shen Qingqiu’s ears perk up, pinpointing the fragile squeak to his right.

Well… It would pass the time. He gives in, dropping into a crouch to follow this insect’s one-man symphony.

With the grace of a shadow, he weaves over and under gnarled roots. The thin fractals of moonlight that manage to penetrate the canopies above illuminate his fur in brief glimpses of silver. The chirping transitions to an annoying trill, urging other crickets to join in.


Just as he was about to lunge, a branch snaps. Shen Qingqiu swivels his head towards the sound. Was it Zhuzhi-lang’s snakes? He bristles at the thought of being watched. Still, after all this time, those worms still dare spy on him? He abandons his petty hunt for larger prey.

This time, it is no snake he finds.

A silhouette lingers at the edge of the glade. The edge of their frame shimmers and blends easily with their surroundings: a concealment talisman. Shen Qingqiu narrows his eyes, following their gaze towards the weeping willow.

Does this damn sect ever teach manners?! He bares his fangs with a vehement hiss.

The young man startles, cursing under his breath. “f*cking cat!”

A boot swings out towards him. Shen Qingqiu ducks out of the way, extending his claws and honing his qi for an attack.

Scram! He yowls, swiping at him once more with another burst of qi. What kind of cultivator are you? Afraid of a cat of all things!

The intruder stumbles back. For a moment, they don’t do anything: too stunned to find blood and fabric shredded beyond repair. The moment they recognize the concealment talisman breaking, they unsheathe their sword. He can already feel his eyes rolling to the back of his head as soon as he sees Tao Yaoyan’s boyish face through the hood of his cloak.

You again?!

The earth rumbles beneath him. The branches overhead shake so violently, countless leaves fall from their perch. Zhuzhi-lang’s yellow eyes shine like twin moons. He then opens his maw to hiss out a voiceless scream.

He can practically smell the fear perforating the air like blood in water: bitter, astringent– almost acidic.

The two of them rear back at the burst of sword light. Instead of bracing for an attack, a gust of wind blows through them as Tao Yaoyan punches through the treetops like a comet.

Coward. He tentatively looks up to the giant snake demon. Don’t think this means I owe you a favor now!

Zhuzhi-lang merely blinks at him.

“Momo? What happened?” Su Xiyan runs to him. He quickly finds himself in her arms.

Not too far behind is Tianlang-jun. If he has a single concern he doesn’t show it; instead he steps aside to have a word with Zhuzhi-lang.

Shen Qingqiu squints, pawing at her chin. Of all people to spy on– why do you have to be the most interesting person in the world?

I knew it. I knew it!

He should have known. Should have trusted his training– his gut. Of course Su Xiyan had no reason malingering with a scoundrel. She was under a demon’s thrall! And for his shijie to be caught under such a thing, they had to be more than powerful. But could they be more powerful than their shizun?

Tao Yaoyan forgoes decorum and runs through the palace halls, skidding around corners and tripping over his own feet, but nearly colliding into multiple trophy shelves doesn’t stop him. He finally reaches the grand lacquered door of his shizun’s private quarters. Despite the late hour, he slams his fist against the door.

“Apologies for the disruption, Shizun!” He announces, breathless. “But this disciple brings urgent news!”

He was just about to knock harder when the door abruptly swung open. A disgruntled Palace Master stands in the threshold with a single overrobe hastily thrown over his rumpled sleeping garments.

“What is the meaning of this, disciple Tao?”

Tao Yaoyan blurts out, “Su-shijie is under a demon’s thrall!”

The silence that follows leaves his ears ringing. Before the young man could open his mouth once more, the Palace Master raises a hand.

“Come in, young Tao. Let us discuss this more privately, hm?”

Tao Yaoyan is led to a round table not too far from the door. He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander. Strange. He thought his shizun’s room would be bigger. However, the longer his glances linger, the heavier the fog enshrouds his skull. Why was he dizzy? Is it the feng shui of this room throwing him off?

“Correct this master but he’s under the presumption of disciple Tao witnessing something?”

“Yes Shizun.” He salutes, just now remembering he neglected to moments ago.

He’s quickly waved off. “And? This master is waiting for disciple Tao to elaborate.”

“This disciple would have come to Shizun sooner if he discerned the identity of Su Xiyan’s rumored suitor. This one had his suspicions and found them correct: I found Su-shijie under the spell of a demon.” The scene of her wrapped around that wretched beast is burned into his eyes. The claw marks on his leg throbs at the reminder. “And that cat! It’s a part of it, I know it! Shizun, we must do something!”

“Is that so?” A thin weathered hand clasps his shoulder. “Let’s not be so hasty now. Is disciple Tao sure his venerable shijie is under this demon’s thrall?”

Tao Yaoyan nods frantically, heart somersaulting in his chest. “Shizun, why else would a human be so close with a demon?”

“It was no ordinary demon, was it?”

“Two. There were two. Not including the cat, or, whatever it is.” Tao Yaoyan stumbles over his words. “One was a giant snake. And the other was masquerading a human. Unnaturally handsome. This one distinctly recalls a red sigil between his brow.”

The old Palace Master’s eyes grow darker than the shadows of which the nightpearls cannot reach. He rears back to pace back and forth, stroking his beard in deep contemplation.

The next time his shizun speaks, it is with a honey-sweet cadence and warmth reserved solely for Su Xiyan. “It was wise for disciple Tao to come to this master. I’ve a special mission for you…”


thank you for reading 💜
with SXY having a bun cooking in the oven, i think we all know where this arc is going ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ

Chapter 48: Intermission


while nyanjiu is being the most pampered spy ever, lover boy yue qi is having separation anxiety

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Yue Qingyuan didn’t want to admit he was worried. Because if he did, then he wouldn’t be able to focus for the rest of his Xiao Jiu’s absence. It doesn’t help when the world decided to plant reminders of him throughout the day. He sees a Qingqiu-sized absence by master Shen’s side and his favorite pavilion has been graced with wrong notes from amateur hands. Everywhere he goes, he sees white cats hiding in the stitches of hair ribbons, cloth bookmarks and even the fluffy clouds of sunny days. He feels like a ghost with Qing Jing as his haunting grounds, with each passing day he is exorcized by the simple words of “nothing yet.”

A part of him hopes it’s just bad timing on his part. The other part knows master Shen is lying.

There are countless times Yue Qingyuan wished he was anywhere but his desk. Sometimes he wonders if the heavens have dialed back the clock to slow down time to a snail’s pace. His shizun somehow keeps finding work for him; from budget queries to trade agreements, Yue Qingyuan knows it's a thinly veiled attempt to keep him busy. Despite this, his mind still finds a way to wander.

As far as the sect knows, Shen Qingqiu was sent on a research expedition. It’s not suspicious enough to bat an eye, but if anything were to happen, would he ever find out? The more he speculates, the more his stomach twists and turns from the endless possibilities his treacherous mind comes up with. Is he safe? Is he warm and fed? His gaze falls upon the solemn shadow of Xuan Su resting against the wall.

“Idiot! Do you really think I can’t do this? I’m not the one that needs saving!” Xiao Jiu would have his head for doubting him.

No no, of course not. His eyes wander, falling upon the cherished tea set he had been given. Ever since Shen Qingqiu’s departure, a thin layer of dust has acquainted with the eggshell porcelain. It never felt right to drink alone with an empty cup as his only companion.

“Are you sulking? The world doesn’t revolve around me, you know.” He can only imagine a folded silk fan harshly tapping his forehead.

“Hm.” Yue Qingyuan finds his head drooping towards the phantom pain. “The time spent apart is just as raw as any open wound; it won’t close until you return,” he murmurs.

“It must be really bad if you’re waxing poetics now.”

He jolts when pain explodes in his palm. Looking down, he finds his inkbrush shattered into a dozen tiny fragments. His abandoned worksheet was now decorated with vivid blots of black and red. Yue Qingyuan sighs at the splinters embedded in his skin. Well… at least he has an excuse to go out now.

He’s already halfway walking to Qian Cao when he remembers his cultivation is high enough to heal such a minor wound. Yue Qingyuan feels his face run hot with embarrassment. The healers are busy enough, it would be a waste of their time if he were to waltz in there.

By the time he convinces himself to return back to his dreary cave of an office, chartreuse robes breach his peripherals.

“Yue-shixiong? Is that you?” Mu Qingfang visibly cringes when he approaches. “Dear gods– what happened?”

Yue Qingyuan frowns at the excessive reaction, flexing his fingers. Although the pain had dulled down considerably, it still persisted. “Oh, this? It’s nothing. It’s beneath shidi, really, this one was just careless–”

Mu Qingfang clicks his tongue disapprovingly. “Shixiong should know all about lying to a healer. Since when did you get back?” He steps closer, reaching for his wrist.

“This shixiong never left?” He knits his brow in concentration. There was a lesson earlier this evening… or was it this morning? At some point he definitely visited Qing Jing since he tracked some bamboo leaves into his office before his shizun dumped an armful of paperwork on his desk.

Mu Qingfang still looks wholly unconvinced and continues to probe his meridians. “It must have been a long one if da-shixiong is this exhausted. There have been a lot of missions near the borderlands lately.”

“Shidi. This one swears he hasn’t left for a mission.”

The healer blinks. Then, with a deep breath, he forcefully yanks on Yue Qingyuan’s injured hand, marching with purpose towards Qian Cao Peak.

“Shidi!” He yelps incredulously from being shoved inside a sterile room.

“You weren’t seen for three days, and you’re telling me you’ve been doing paperwork this whole time?!”

“I–!” Was he? To be fair, his days were more than mundane enough to blend together, but he had other duties besides partaking in his shizun’s workload! “Shidi must be mistaken.”

“Tell that to the Endless Abyss under your eyes. Have you even slept?” When he doesn’t answer fast enough, he reaches inside his sleeve to pull out a sterile handkerchief. “And your qi is lagging quite a bit. No wonder you’re still bleeding. Sleep deprivation is very serious, shixiong. Any trouble focusing?” He prattles off, snapping his fingers to hold up a tiny ball of light at the tip of his index finger to shine directly into his eyes.

He didn’t want to be rude and push the healer away. Mu Qingfang had good intentions after all, but no matter how much Yue Qingyuan tried to slink away, his shidi simply reattached himself to him.

“This Qingyuan suddenly remembered he had a very important meeting scheduled…”

As soon as he reaches for the door, his hand falls away: numb. He could only stare dumbstruck at the silver needle sticking out of his skin.

“If shixiong has the time to walk back, then he certainly has the time to stay here a little longer.” The healer asks as sweetly as he could despite his rigid exasperation. Yue Qingyuan quickly scurries to the plain white cot and promptly sits down.

Yue Qingyuan nearly falls asleep from tweezers permeating the thin skin of his palm and plucking out each stubborn fragment of whatever was left of his ink brush. When the last splinter was extracted, his skin was good as new, albeit it had to be coaxed by Mu Qingfang’s qi.

“Shixiong may rest here however long he likes.”

He sighs. “Thanking Mu-shidi for the help, but surely there are more urgent matters to tend to?”

“No.” Mu Qingfang cheerfully pours a pitcher of water and thrusts a cup towards him. “This shidi is ensuring his future sect leader won’t work himself to death.”

If his lungs didn’t feel so heavy, he’d have tried to laugh. “Shidi is exaggerating.”

“Must I remind you meditation is in no way a substitute for sleep?”

Begrudgingly, he raises the cup to his lips. “...This Qingyuan remembers.”

“Good.” Mu Qingfang takes a seat, “because this one is prescribing it to you.”

Seeing that he won’t be allowed to leave any time soon, he reluctantly lies flat on his back with his hands folded over his chest. “Perhaps some, ah, sleeping aids would prove more efficient?” He asks discreetly.

His shidi pauses just as he leans over to pluck out the needle still in his hand. “And why is sleep eluding shixiong?”

He twiddles his thumbs morosely before finally submitting to the other boy’s expectant gaze. “It’s going to be four months since Qingqiu-shidi left.”

“This one is surprised to hear shixiong hasn’t counted down to the exact day.” He quips dryly. Yue Qingyuan flushes.


“Don’t answer.” Mu Qingfang quickly interjects. “Shen-shixiong is strong. He’ll be fine. Da-shixiong mustn’t let his worries plague him so.”

Yue Qingyuan squeezes his eyes shut in a feeble attempt to keep his composure. He doesn’t know. “Yes, but it is… ah, easier said than done.”

“Distance does make the heart grow fonder.” Mu Qingfang muses. He listens in on the sound of drawers and rustling before finally willing his reluctant eyes to open once more to find his shidi lighting a stick of incense. It’s a familiar herbal blend of sage and sandalwood found in the critical condition ward. “While this shidi does not have a remedy for heartache, he does have a surplus for insomnia.”

“Thanking Mu-shidi for his help,” he tries with a smile.

“Thank me when you don’t look like you substituted a training dummy for Bai Zhan younglings. In the meantime, try to rest as much as you can.”

Yue Qingyuan doesn’t even remember falling asleep. One moment he was watching Mu Qingfang close the door behind him, and the next moment he’s waking up to ashes and a thin trail of dying smoke. The incense must have just gone out some time ago.

With the shadows creeping up the walls as dusk saturates the room in gold, all Yue Qingyuan can think about is how much his knuckles will hurt if his shizun notices his absence. He pushes through his own grogginess to tidy up after himself before leaving. It’s the least he could do.

He’s halfway across the rainbow bridge connecting Qiong Ding when he recalls Mu Qingfang’s innocuous comment: “There have been a lot of missions near the borderlands lately.”

Yue Qingyuan’s legs are already taking him to the communal missions and bounty board. Generations before his time, it was erected as a simple errand board for Qiong Ding disciples to amicably divvy up chores amongst themselves. At some point, chores became errands until eventually a peak lord posted a mission. Nowadays, if a mission isn’t personally assigned, it will be posted for anyone to claim.

Surely it couldn’t be a coincidence. His Xiao Jiu has gone to spy on Huan Hua for demonic ties and suddenly Cang Qiong is interested in the borderlands? It can’t be a coincidence. It couldn’t.

What if he’s there? What if…I can find him? He won’t interfere of course, this mission is important, but it wouldn’t hurt just to see him. And it has been ages since Yue Qingyuan has attended a night hunt, perhaps his shizun will be amenable to the idea.

He recognizes Bai Zhan silver in the corner of his eye. “Greetings to da-shixiong.” Liu Qingge merely offers a polite nod, eyes too busy scouring the various difficulty ratings stamped on each assignment.

“Hello shidi. Didn’t you just get back?”

“Mn. I would have picked another mission up sooner but Shizun made me rest.” He juts his jaw out petulantly as if the word ‘rest’ were a curse. “Is da-shixiong looking for a hunt?”

“Yes. It’s been quite a while, I’d like to shake off the rust.” His hand hovers over a commission. Although towns along the borderlands are outside of Cang Qiong’s purview, it is no deterrent preventing them from requesting help. In this instance, farms have been ravaged by demonic boars.

Liu Qingge frowns. “That one’s too easy.”

“Does a mission’s rank truly matter when it’s all about helping others at the end of the day?”

“Of course not.” His shidi scoffs, “but shixiong doesn’t have any rust to shake off. I would know. Our last spar wasn’t even that long ago. This is about Shen-shixiong, isn’t it?”

Yue Qingyuan winces. To be caught by Liu-shidi of all people… was he really that obvious?

“Shidi has caught this one red-handed.” He holds his hands up in mock defeat.

Liu Qingge ripped the commission off the board before Yue Qingyuan could take it. He cranes his head to avoid his gaze, ears flushing a bright shade of pink. “Da-shixiong shouldn’t worry. I haven’t seen Shen-shixiong yet.”

Yue Qingyuan blinks, “shidi has been looking?” This whole time? A reassuring warmth flushes through his heart, soothing the anxious throb in his heart.

“I’ve been feeding stray cats wherever I go,” he shyly mumbles under his breath.

Yue Qingyuan lets out a throaty chortle, patting his shidi on the shoulder. “Thank you. It was foolish of this one to forget he was surrounded by reliable shidis.”

“Mn.” He glances back to the board. “Shixiong should still consider a night hunt anyways. A challenging one.” He quickly adds.

“It would be a welcome distraction.” Yue Qingyuan agrees.

If it weren’t for Liu Qingge suddenly snapping into a salute, his shizun’s silent presence would have caught him off guard. “So this is where this master’s wayward disciple has gone.”

“Shizun.” Yue Qingyuan bows just low enough to be respectful, “apologies. This disciple was wondering if he should return to the field.”

Despite Chu Guangyu’s stony countenance, he could feel the man radiate annoyance. “Would disciple Yue promptly return? Or would he allow his other interests to lure him away? This master recalls it wouldn’t be the first time.”

Yue Qingyuan hides his knuckles inside his sleeves. “This disciple would obey and not stray from his assignment.”

“Just like how you left your work unattended?” The sect leader scoffs. “Disciple Yue has been lax lately. Although this master supposes he is at fault for not providing enough enrichment. If Qingyuan would like a real mission, then he mustn’t associate with this paltry.” Chu Guangyu casts a glare towards the board as if it personally insulted him. “Come along now.”

Yue Qingyuan grimaces over his shoulder before sheepishly waving goodbye. “Good luck on your next hunt, shidi.”

“Don’t need luck.” The younger man puffs his chest. “But I’ll take it anyway.”


MQF: "why do you need more allergy medicine when SQQ isn't even here?"
LQG: "he used to shed a lot. His fur lingers."
MQF: "uh huh. suuuure."
also LQG - stocking up on catnip, luxurious snacks and cat toys before every mission: "ok, surely if shen-shixiong is in the area, he will find me."
🐈🐈🐈 local stray cats: "um, no, these goodies are ours now."

Little Nine's Nine Lives - tiramisuwu - 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.