This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (2024)


  • Lemon Juice
  • Brown sugar
  • Rum 1 - 2 oz
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Ground nutmeg
  • Wine glass
  • Kahlua
  • Whipped cream


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Step #1

Dip the rim of the glass in the lemon juice.

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Step #2

Rim the Glass with brown sugar.`

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Step #3

Pour 1-2 oz rum into the glass and safely light the rum on fire.

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Step #4

Swirl the Flaming Rum in the glass to caramelize the sugar.

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Step #5

Add a splash of cinnamon and ground nutmeg.

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Step #6

Add 3 oz of brewed Lifeboost Coffee.

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Step #7

Add a splash of cinnamon and ground nutmeg.

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Step #8

Add 3 oz of brewed Lifeboost Coffee.

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Step #9

Add a dash of cinnamon powder and a cinnamon stick.

  • Non-GMO, single-origin, USDA-certified organic coffee
  • pH test proven to be up to 27.7% less acidic than common store-bought coffees
  • Shade-grown & sun-dried high in the mountains of Central America
  • Fairly traded, pesticide-free, & chemical-free, pure antioxidant-rich coffee
  • 2-year shelf life
  • No lines, no rationing - delivered directly to your door

“The coffee is amazing. I had stopped drinking coffee because of certain side effects I was feeling after drinking it. This coffee didn't seem to create any of those problems for me. The flavor is amazing and the coloring - WOW.” - S. Vagivagi

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People All Over the USA
Are Loving This Coffee...

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This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (31)

Dr. Charles Livingston,
Natural Health Expert

From the desk of Dr. Charles Livingston:

Johns Hopkins Medicine recently reported that, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, “it’s safe for most people to drink three to five cups of coffee a day with a maximum intake of 400 milligrams of caffeine.” (source)

They reported multiple benefits of drinking coffee, including the following:

  • Coffee drinkers are less likely to die from some of the leading causes of death.
  • Coffee...contains antioxidants and other active substances that may reduce internal inflammation and protect against disease.
  • Dark roast coffee decreases breakage in DNA strands, which occur naturally but can lead to cancer or tumors if not repaired by your cells.
  • drinkers - decaf or regular - were 26 percent less likely to develop colorectal cancer.
  • Coffee is chock full of substances that may help guard against...Alzheimer's disease and heart disease.

With all these benefits, however, there’s a big risk in drinking coffee: pesticides, mycotoxins, and molds.

One research study found that 91.7% of the coffee samples they tested contained molds. (source)

So what do you do?

This coffee is clean, healthy, non-GMO, pesticide-free, and as pure as you can get with just one simple ingredient:

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    “Lifeboost Coffee is my favorite! It’s extremely low acid and easy on the stomach. It gets my 5 star recommendation.

    Dr Aaron Oxenrider

    Board Certified Chiropractic Physician and Regenerative Medicine Expert

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    “Best tasting low acid coffee ever! And it’s great on your teeth!”

    Dr Gary Sanchez

    Board Certified Dentist

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    “Lifeboost Coffee is one of the healthiest, smoothest coffee's I've ever had. The ultra low acidity makes it perfect for those with stomach issues and digestive problems. Couple that with the rich, full bodied flavor and it's a treat I look forward to every day.”

    Joseph R. Feste, M.D., FACOG, AACS, AACG,

    Natural Bio Health Hormones & Weight Loss.

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    "Lifeboost is by far the smoothest, most delicious coffee I've ever tasted. Whether I'm using intermittent fasting or just need a burst of energy and focus for my intense work load, Lifeboost delivers the cleanest, purest coffee energy you can find. I look forward to my daily cup (or two) each day to help boost my immune health and increase my productivity."

    Shaun Hadsall

    Owner of GetLeanAfter40

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    "Wow! This coffee is incredible! Super smooth and the lowest acid coffee I've ever drank. It doesn't hurt my stomach at all! Careful though, it goes down really fast! It's my perfect way to start out my morning with a cool smooth burst of energy. Thanks Dr Charles!"

    John Rowley

    America's Lifestyle Strategist, Best Selling Author and Speaker

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Oh. My. God.

This was it.

I don’t even remember the name of the coffee shop.
But I remember the taste. Like heaven in a cup.

It was to that coffee that I’ve compared everything else.

And nothing measured up, until now.

What I’ve found is that regular mass-produced, blended coffee is loaded with chemicals and additives that destroy the flavor.

The best tasting coffee, it turns out, is also the healthiest coffee.

The coffee I’ve found is delicious and is the cleanest, purest, healthiest coffee I’ve ever seen.

Save 50% Now

Here’s Just a Few of
The Qualities of This Coffee:

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Coffee is delicious, but poor quality coffee can be toxic. You want coffee that’s clean and pure to ensure there are never any pesticides…

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Single Origin

Most of the coffee for sale in retail stores and coffee shop is a mix-match of beans from various plants and countries around the world. With blends, you might get beans mixed with pesticide-soaked beans. It’s also possible you can get premium dark roast beans mixed with under-dried, toxin-filled lighter roast beans.

Single Origin coffee ensures you’re getting what you pay for - and nothing you don’t want in your coffee. Every bag of this coffee, however, is guaranteed single origin. Each bag is filled with beans from the same farm, the same plant, and the same roast profile.

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Mycotoxins are mold toxins that can occur in many substances. Naturally, that means they can grow inside coffee beans too. (Unfortunately, they’re far more common than you may think.) Mycotoxins can trigger anything from painful, full-body-inflammation to debilitating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Several studies have also strongly linked mycotoxins with kidney diseases.

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shade grown

For the best-tasting coffee, you don’t want the sun beating down on the beans harming the natural maturation and rich, complex flavor. Only 2% of the world’s coffee is shade-grown. With shade-grown coffee, no pesticides are needed. You deserve natural, unharmed, pure coffee.

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One of the biggest complaints about coffee is the digestive discomfort from some brews. You probably know all about it yourself… the heartburn, indigestion, bathroom trips, and more. Sometimes you just don’t know what a given coffee is going to do to your stomach!

Now, a lot of that discomfort has to do with the acid in your stomach. And you may also know the discomfort depends on the type of roast you drink. (Hint: Medium and Dark Roasts are easier on the stomach!) So it can be a gamble as to how your stomach will handle a new coffee.

But because of the steps you’ve just read about above, Lifeboost Coffee guarantees its coffee won’t bother your stomach! There’s nothing inside that can trigger excess stomach acid or affect digestion.

Light, medium, dark or espresso, you choose your beans and your stomach is happy.

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On top of low acidity, Lifeboost Coffee has none of the junk swimming around in most coffees that aggravates your stomach. That means no pesticides, chemicals, GMOs, or mycotoxins.

That means nothing that careless farmers and profit-hungry manufacturers use to get their brews out the door fast.

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Our coffee contains only one, simple, pure ingredient. You’re getting the cleanest coffee available directly from the highest quality farms located in a nationally-protected area of Central America. The coffee is then carefully roasted according to exact specifications to produce delicious, low-acid coffee you’ll love.

Save 50% Now

And that’s not all. This coffee includes
all the above qualities and more:

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High Elevation Grown

High-altitude specialty coffees, generally command a far better market price due to their exceptional flavor and vibrancy, lower yield per coffee tree, and challenge to coffee farmers in remote mountainous areas. This means truly superb coffee beans that represent one of the world's most affordable luxuries.

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Once washed, the beans are sun-dried until they've achieved a moisture content of 11.5%. (Too much moisture and you risk mold; too dry and the flavor of the coffee is spoiled.) Finally, the beans transition to a 30-day "rest" period which allows the flavor profile of your beans to deepen in richness, complexity and taste.

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fairly traded

This coffee is grown in a sustainable environment. Farmers grow their coffee which is an environmentally friendly way of producing crops. Not only is this good for the environment, but it is better for the coffee. By employing farming methods, the fairly traded coffee is grown by farmers who are paid a fair wage for doing so.

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specialty bean

Specialty coffee represents the very best of the world’s coffee yield or the TOP 3% of global production. These beans are the largest beans that are hand picked out because they are perfect with no defects. Only the very best.

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Some other coffee farms slash and burn the rainforest and spray their coffee beans with toxic pesticides to keep the bugs away. We think it's better to grow our coffee in chemical-free, nutrient-rich virgin soil.

If you’re anything like me, I prefer to grow our coffee the natural way, in the cool shade of ancient trees, where the beans can ripen slowly and migratory birds, like the beautiful Scarlet Tanager, can naturally manage bugs like the coffee farmer's archenemy - the coffee borer.

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Conventional coffee farms soak the ground with harsh chemical fertilizers - as much as 250 pounds per acre! When you grind up beans that have chemical residue and add hot water to them, you concentrate those chemicals into your cup of coffee.

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Our beans are grown from single origin plants that have not been genetically modified. We believe in keeping our coffee as clean and pure as possible not just for health reasons, but to protect the environment and the delicate flavor profile that you get with every perfect cup.

Real people experiencing Lifeboost Coffee for the first time (watch above)

I love this coffee so much, I’ve had to share it with everyone I know.

What People Have To Say

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (53)

Great Coffee

This coffee is very expensive, and worth every dime. I can drink without adding anything, no sugar or cream. So mellow and tasty! Thank you

Bonnie B. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (54) Verified Buyer

Single Origin Medium Roast Coffee 12 oz Bag - Bundle

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (56)

Good coffee

Great coffee !!!!

Anita E. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (57) Verified Buyer

Single Origin Medium Roast Coffee 12 oz Bag - 50% Off Special

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (59)


Best coffee out there! Great taste!

Edward T. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (60) Verified Buyer

Single Origin Espresso Coffee 12 oz Bag

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (62)

Love the product and you certainly can taste the difference.

Gay M. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (63) Verified Buyer

6x Single Origin Medium Roast Coffee 12 oz Bag

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (65)

Excellent tasting!!

This coffee is great tasting!! Best so far!!

Edward T. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (66) Verified Buyer

Single Origin Espresso Coffee 12 oz Bag

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (68)

Best coffee ever

This coffee is everything they say it is. So smooth no acid at all. So glad I found it.

Lisa R. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (69) Verified Buyer

1x Single Origin Medium Roast Coffee 12 oz Bag

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (71)

Great coffee, fast delivery!

Lifeboost shipped my order so fast that it felt like my first cup came right off the tree! This was the most vibrant experience of coffee I've ever had, and I highly recommend Lifeboost to anyone who wants to experience coffee as fresh and wonderful as it gets!

Karen M. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (72) Verified Buyer

3x Single Origin Medium Roast Coffee 12 oz Bag

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (74)

Life Boost Coffee

Life Boost Coffee is more than just drinking coffee - it’s an experience that no one should miss. It’s smooth with no bitter aftertaste and it’s delightfully pleasant. I’m glad Life Boost Coffee found me.

Everet K. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (75) Verified Buyer

3x Single Origin Medium Roast Coffee 12 oz Bag - One Bag Free

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (77)

My husband love it and

My husband love it and I start drinking coffee too. Knowing it’s kosher and stomach friendly, that’s why I’m confident to drink it.

Thelma K. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (78) Verified Buyer

Single Origin Medium Roast Coffee 12 oz Bag - 1st bag free

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (80)

Fabulous Coffee

We love Lifeboost coffee! been buying it for almost two years, with no plan to stop! Great taste, great value! Arrives right on time in super condition.

Deborah E. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (81) Verified Buyer

Single Origin Dark Roast Coffee 12 oz Bag

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (83)

Best coffee I’ve ever had!!!

This coffee is so good and so much flavor. The decaf process was so clean with no chemicals and still retains the flavor. I served it to guests from Hawaii and he just texted me on how wonderful the coffee was I and I didn’t tell him it was decaf.

Kathleen M. This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (84) Verified Buyer

6x Decaf Coffee 12 oz Bag, Single Origin, Fair Trade Medium Roast

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (85)

Save 50% Now

From My House to Yours: Lifeboost Coffee

Now I’m able to drink coffee guilt-free. It tastes delicious and is free of all those harmful chemicals, additives, and pesticides in so many brands found in stores and coffee shops.

This great-tasting, pure coffee is Lifeboost.

I know this may be your first time as a Lifeboost
customer. This is likely your first time trying a coffee
so pure, clean, and delicious.

So I have a deal for you.

I know you’re going to love this coffee. After one
try, you’ll never go back to mass-produced
toxin-loaded “generic” coffee.

Today you can get full 12 ounce bags of Lifeboost Coffee, large enough for 40 cups each, for 50% off!

This is for new customers only. Limit one per household.

You’re going to love this coffee.

I can’t wait to hear about your experience.

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (86)


Current status: In stock. Your order will ship today.

Free shipping on your first order!

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  • This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (123)

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (124)

“There Just Is No Better”

So smooth, and absolutely no acidity. believe I will have to become a monthly subscriber to bring the cost down even further. When you buy in bulk the price plummets. Do yourselves a favour, come on, you deserve it. Shade grown, hand picked, hand washed, lightly roasted and no pesticides equals this incredible quality.

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Sonia P

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“Best Coffee
I’ve Ever Tasted”

I’m used to doctoring up my coffee to make it palatable, but with this coffee, I can get away with less sugar/and or creamer. It’s fruity tasting with no bitterness at all. I will definitely be purchasing more!

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (127)

Ziggy L

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“This Coffee Is Delicious”

It is full bodied flavor with a great aroma and the packaging is natural and adorable. It feels great to know that the beans were grown and sustainably harvested from a single source. This makes all the difference! I would definitely purchase this again for my family as well as for gifts for friends. An excellent product!

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Chrissy B

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“It Is Smooth, No Bitterness, With Full Bodied Flavor”

A bit of cream and this coffee is wonderful. The fact that it is grown on a small farm and the coffee you receive is from just this farm, is what makes this coffee have its wonderful flavor. I am on my second order and am now will be a customer for life.

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Nichele G

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“Drink Coffee and Save the Planet”

A Portion of the profit from each bag you purchase will be donated to:

Rainforest Trust is able to allocate 100% of YOUR donation DIRECTLY to conservation!

High above sea level, in the verdant highlands of Nueva Segovia, lies La Esperanza Farm. Here, Oscar Flores Cruz cultivates Caturra and Catimor coffee on eight hectares (approx the size of 8 football fields) of dreams, ambition, and love. Oscar's journey began in 2000, not from legacy, but from humble beginnings and relentless determination.

Coffee is not just a job for Oscar, it's his lifeblood, a magical elixir that nourishes his family. He finds joy in the continuous work, the harvest, the washing, and drying of beans. His farm, La Esperanza, or 'The Hope,' embodies his dreams and aspirations. The name signifies his unyielding faith that through coffee, he would achieve his goals.

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This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (134)

The upcoming harvest promises prosperity and the fulfillment of a long-held dream: building his house. Each coffee bean from La Esperanza is a testament to their unwavering commitment to quality. Despite the challenges of climate change and financial constraints, Oscar remains resilient and hopeful.

To the potential buyer, Oscar offers a coffee that is not just excellent and healthy, but a cup filled with a story of resilience, passion, and hope. From the heights of Nueva Segovia to your cup, Oscar invites you to share in the journey of La Esperanza.

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Save 50% Now

Free shipping on your first order!

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Dr. Charles Livingston

Founder of Lifeboost Coffee

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QUESTIONS? LET US HELP YOU: 1-800-479-1596

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (146) live chat email:

© Lifeboost Coffee. All Rights Reserved. Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy


This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Charles Livingston nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.


Cooking or creating beverages with fire can involve substantial risk of injury, property damage, and other dangers. Dangers associated with cooking and creating with fire include, but are not limited to, burns, cuts, monoxide poisoning, fire and property damage. Lifeboost LLC is not responsible for such damage if products purchased on our site are used incorrectly. Please be very cautious and keep children at a distance when making recipes that involve the use of fire.

Hi ,

Unfortunately, the free bag offer is only available for U.S. addresses.

This is Without a Doubt the Smoothest Tasting Coffee - Get Your Special Discount Today (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

Last Updated:

Views: 6153

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.