Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (2024)

328ik Issues Horrible Customer Service and Did Not Care About My Frustration

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (1)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (2)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (3)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (4)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (5)By ntzford426 -

Rating: 1/51

SHIPSHEWANA, INDIANA -- I emailed this to KZ and customer service did nothing but point blame at me on a 2 month old camper. They did not care and did not even apologize about the issues that I am having as a new camper owner. I am having serious issues out of this camper and I am becoming very irritated almost to the point of breaking down and raising hell but I know from being in the Auto business things happen and the most important thing to do is provide good customer service when issues like these arise so I am hoping KZ can provide me with the same service. From the day I left the dealership with my 328ik I have had issue after issue with the camper.

To start off the lights on the electric awning went out and I had to get them warranted and fixed just days after I purchased the camper. That issue was a simple repair and a minor inconvenience but could have been worse. I get my camper back and decide to take it to my camp which is a yearly lease where this camper will be 98% of the time about 45 minutes from my house and will rarely every move from this spot.

We leveled the camper and got everything situated and I lowered to "self leveling jacks" until they sounded like they did not want to lower anymore and stopped. Later that night before we went to bed I felt the camper wobbling more than it should in the front end so I went out to check on it and adjusted a little and noticed it was not doing anything or sounding like it was in any kind of bind but could not see so I waiting until the morning to go check it out again. The next morning I noticed the front jack was buckled almost in two when I walked around and checked it out in the daylight .

I called my dealer and they go right on getting it covered by warranty and then said they could not get it covered because the company said I am not supposed to lift the camper with the Jack "Which I do not believe could possibly even be done they do not seem to have enough power and get very weak when weight is applied to them which notified me its time to stop.. These jacks bog down and its common sense when to stop them so that's what I did, I did not lift the camper. Mccants mobile home covered the jack so I did not have to pay and they graciously went out to my campsite for the repair which is A++++ on their end.

The front jacks were replaced this last week on Thursday the 14th I believe and I got to my camp Friday and noticed the back jack was starting to do the same thing and I had not touched the camper after setting the jacks the first weekend when we went to my camp. so now I am having the same issue out of the rear jacks that I had with the front jacks and I honestly believe that every piece of metal on this camper is cheap and does not hold up like it should. The metal on the jacks are super thin and I do not see how they can even properly support the weight inside the trailer when we have guest over.

The camper weighs roughly 9000 pounds empty and they say not to pick up the camper with the jacks which is understandable but what happens when 8 people are inside adding another 2000 pounds to the jacks? I believe that is what made the one on the front buckle because the camper did not move or anything the jack just started to bend.

Now.... The awning has collapsed before the bad weather even go to our camp.... I called my wife and told her to let the awning down before they bad weather gets to the camper and seriously 3 minutes later she called me and said that it collapsed which again... I believe has to do with the cheap metal that is on this camper. She was prepared to let the awning down and was watching the weather move in and the awning collapsed on one side.

I noticed the awning holding water the few days before when we had rain so before I left for work that morning I tilted the awning which when tilted the slide rubs the awning so maybe it let enough water build up to buckle the arms or something even in the tilted drain off position. So far I have been very unhappy with my purchase and I am hoping that someone can help me out with the issues that I am having instead of me having the give the dealership that sold me the camper so much hell when they have done nothing but provided excellent customer service since day one.

Minor Issues I have had so far I can work with: Shower leaks out by the sink in the bathroom. Cannot get spray nozzle off the outdoor sink I read directions and now see to use a hammer and screwdriver to knock the connection loose which is weird for being brand new. Awning lights went out - Warranty had to drive 45 minutes for repairs.

ISSUES NOT COVERED UNDER WARRANTY I AM BEING TOLD. Jack broke in front with camper 1 foot off ground - Not covered under warranty dealership covered it because he knew it shouldn't have happened and I did nothing wrong. The rear jack is doing the exact same thing the front jack did and I do not understand why they are doing this. The metal is thin and weak and I do not believe this metal can hold up to weight and I have not "tried to pick up my camper with these jacks..."

Awning collapsed on front side - It holds water pretty bad so I tilted it and it still holds a little water and touches outdoor kitchen slide and collapsed before the wind picked up which never got real strong now it is dangling and I am 1 hour away and can't get to the camper to get it situated with my 2 kids and wife alone not knowing what to do. Hopefully I am the only person in the world having these issues but I seriously doubt it and I hope there is something that can be done to help me out with the jack and awning issue this camper is not even 3 months old yet and I am having a horrible experience with it so far.

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Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (15)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (16)

Poor Workmanship! Roof Coming Off!

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (17)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (18)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (19)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (20)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (21)By T. -

Rating: 1/51

SHIPSHEWANA, INDIANA -- BUYER BEWARE!! I wish I could post a picture of the problems we've had with this RV. The minor issues are countertops that scratch at the slightest touch and weather stripping on the slides coming off constantly to name a couple. The major issues we are so upset about is the roof wasn't put on properly. It is pulling out of the molding that is supposed to hold it in place and it was obviously not glued down properly during manufacturing. We haven't even had this RV for 3 years and have made maybe a dozen trips in it not more than 3 hours from home.

The first time we attempted to take it on an actual road trip, we saw in the store windows as we passed through a town that the roof was billowing up and had to backtrack two hours to take it to an RV dealer to see what to do about it. We had to leave it there, which meant we had to go buy suitcases and try and fit everything in our vehicle to continue on our trip as well as pay for hotel rooms instead of being able to stay in our RV. There is also a pretty large crack in the sidewall of the RV. Despite many attempts to come to some sort of resolution with KZ they continue to ignore phone calls and emails. Says a lot about the integrity of this company.

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Deathtrap KZ RV

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (31)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (32)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (33)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (34)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (35)By L. -

Rating: 1/51

ORLANDO, FLORIDA -- Purchased a new Coyote Travel Trailer by KZ RV from a Garcin's RV in Pasadena, Newfoundland, Canada in 2012.
Right on the warranty in 2014 I noticed a bulge in the slide side fiberglass wall and inside. Fast forward to 2016 where I am still having to fight for KZ to fix their deathtrap trailer which turns out has aluminum corrosion in the wall.

I have an email from KZ (Mark **) who said they would arrange to fix the trailer for free if I could deliver it to Moncton NB. Just asked KZ to fix the trailer and guess what, they are saying that their defective slapped together junk is not their problem, leaving a young family with a $20,000 loss.

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$50k Polished Turd

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (42)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (43)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (44)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (45)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (46)By L. -

Rating: 1/51

SHIPSHEWANA, INDIANA -- Will never buy another KZ junk product. In June of 2018, I bought a brand new Kz SPREE 343RSK. Spent $50k on it. After only 2 months of use in August, the ac crapped out and had a leak in a black water tank fitting which leaked black water down onto the sealed underbelly causing it to pull down away from the frame, leaking sewage onto the ground. Not to mention the stink of it coming up through the vents.

Called the dealership I bought it from and also KZ. Also called a local guy out to assess everything. He charged me $135 for the service call and said the ac unit leaked out all the coolant and the whole unit would need replaced to the tune of $1500. He quoted $400 to fix the black water tank leak. I said everything is under warranty. He just laughed and said good luck getting it fixed under warranty because no repair shop is willing to wait months if at all to get paid from the manufacturer. I then relayed that information to both the dealership and KZ with pictures of everything. All I got from both was a runaround.

After 6 months now nothing has been done yet. A week ago some high winds ripped the rest of the underbelly down causing both the grey and black water tanks to freeze up. One of the selling points for this model to me was the sealed underbelly lessened the freezing of things because the furnace ducting was close enough to keep everything above freezing temperature.

Just today 2/15/19, I had to get under the shower to unthaw a frozen pipe and saw that there is a 18" hole in the floor under the shower along with lots of wood scraps left from construction. I'll now have to figure out how to build some kind of support under the shower so it doesn't cave in. At this point I'm going to seek litigation against KZ. As bad as I hate attorneys I'd rather pay one a bunch of money to try to get my money back for this junk product.

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KZ Sportsmen RV Travel Trailers

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (52)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (53)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (54)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (55)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (56)By W. -

Rating: 1/51

MIDLAND, TEXAS -- We purchased our new KZ Sportsmen in May of 2018 and took it out for vacation in June. We noticed immediately that the oven did not work properly. The trim on the slide out (which looked nice) fell off, and we had a leak. We also notice that the door stuck. Further, the countertops, table and bathroom sink counter all started peeling and bowing up. The seven way electrical connection to the vehicle wound up getting shredded due to its placement and I wound up having to spend about two hours rigging it with electrical tape. (This particular repair we had to pay out of pocket despite purchasing a five year warranty.)

The trailer was in the shop for two months before it was ready to be picked up. One day after picking it up I noticed a leak in the bedroom area both out of the ceiling and the window. The leak also came out of the electrical sockets. I pulled off the auxiliary socket and saw that all of the insulation in the wall was soaking wet. This was extremely disturbing seeing that this was right near electrical wiring.

We contacted them on Saturday and explained that we were going on vacation. They did not seem to care that we purchased a brand new RV and that we were still continually having these problems. They went on to state that this was the "honeymoon" phase and that usually problems go wrong. This has not been my experience with past brands that I have used nor has it been the experience of others that I have known who purchased new trailers.

More specifically, I asked them if they could come pick up the trailer because it was a two-hour round trip and we were getting ready to go on vacation etc. They stated that they would check and call us back. When they called back they stated that not only would they not be willing to pick it up, but that they were closing their shop down for the weekend. Had they been up front they could have at least stated that they would not be able to transport it, and that would have given me the ability to transport it myself.

My parents and my sister also purchased RV's from McClain's and have had multiple issues. More specifically, my sister also purchased a KZ Sportsmen. Their refrigerator (also on one of their first trips) continually malfunctioned. If you want to be fed a lot of excuses and apathy, buy a trailer here, and buy a KZ Sportsmen. Originally I was impressed by the professionalism, now I see that this was a smokescreen.

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Bent Axel and Two Worn Tires

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (62)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (63)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (64)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (65)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (66)By Edwina -

Rating: 5/51

IDAHO -- We bought the trailer new in 2015. We went on one trip this year from Dover, NH to Burlington, VT. When we were home a couple of days my husband noticed two tires on one of the axles was wearing on the inside. We took it back to where we purchased it and they told us one of the axles was bent. It is still under warranty.

We were told KZ's Warranty Dept denied that they were responsible and we would have to pay for the fix. I called Customer Service and spoke to a lady named Amy. She was very pleasant and said she would look into the issue and get back to me. She called several times to let me know she was working on it. Today, I received the word that KZ will honor the Warranty and pay for the repairs. Kudos to Amy. More than satisfied with the results of my phone call.

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Worst Camper Ever

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (72)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (73)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (74)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (75)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (76)By charlottenaquin289 -

Rating: 1/51

SHIPSHEWANA, INDIANA -- Purchase a 2008 Montego Bay by KZ and everything broke on this 68,000.00 dollar camper and so KZ sent someone out to look at camper. They said they would replace it. That was in 2010 and I have yet to get it or hear back from them. Sent registered letters and emails and now we are stuck paying for a camper we can't use. BEWARE OF THIS COMPANY. Do not let their website fool you. I had an attorney. The company representative they sent out said we didn't need an attorney. They would definitely replace camper. Don't be fooled like we were.

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2015 Durango 1500

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (82)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (83)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (84)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (85)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (86)By cdapsm517 -

Rating: 1/51

SHIPSHEWANA, INDIANA -- After one shakedown trip (several hundred miles), the main slide failed to open completely. Heading south for the winter before Thanksgiving. Found a great dealer in OH that checked it out. The slide out motor mount had torn from the frame. KZ says it is a Lippert issue and you will have to deal with them. NO help and won't talk to us or the dealer any further. Lippert takes 2 weeks to get the part to the dealer. Keep going back to KZ. They refuse to respond.

Brand new 5th wheel! Adding insult to injury, Thor (who bought KZ in 2014 - surprise!) has changed the 2015 model numbers, so my 2015 no longer exists. WORST customer and warranty support ever! I guess the guys and gals at KZ don't like Thor, and I don't think I do either.

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KZ RV Has Been Troublesome From the Start

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (92)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (93)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (94)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (95)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (96)By U. -

Rating: 1/51

SHIPSHEWANNA, INDIANA -- Bought 2018 venture SportTrek 5 months ago, is currently at the dealership for the fourth time, was told this morning would probably be there a few more weeks, already been there 3 weeks. This time we are fixing bent axle, paneling falling off cabinets, walls buckling because of no support (KZ refused to pay for more support, said it was not necessary, dealer fixed anyway), pantry shelves collapsed because of cheap construction, TV mount not attached to anything substantial, dinette base fell apart A/C not working properly, plus more. They have already fixed things like valances falling off, slide issues (which I have still had occasional issues) base of bed fell apart bathroom sink separating from wall. Plus more. 27 total items and counting.

I have also fixed many items on my own because we were on the road and I had no choice. Have been RV owner 30+ years, this is by far the worst junk I have ever owned and the most expensive. Dealer even found things this time that I missed. Please don't make the same mistake we made, stay away from anything KZ!

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Wont Buy KZ Again

Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (102)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (103)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (104)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (105)Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (106)By C. -

Rating: 1/51

I WILL NOT BE BUYING A KZ CAMPER EVER AGAIN!!! When I bought this camper for $62,000!!! You would think it would be good quality for that amount of money. Once I got it home I realized that almost every cabinet door and bathroom door only had one screw in the hinges when it's suppose to have three. The living room light switch wasn't even hooked up, which McClains was supposed to fix before delivery. Then I've had problems with the stereo system, the freezer and a TV has went out.

ALSO, I had the pipes freeze twice even though it was winterized. Of course I couldn't just buy the little fitting I needed, I had to buy the whole piece to fix it. NOW, I've made several calls to have specs sent to me for the hydraulics hoses and can't get a f*cking person to get them to me!!! I will tell everyone I know about how awful KZ campers are and I will post this in as many places as I possibly can!

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Top 10 Reviews of KZ RV (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.