Vizsla Vs GSP - Updated 2024 - (2024)

In this article, we compare Vizsla vs GSP: two very similar breeds that are also equally different from each other. The below table summarizes the difference.

Vizsla Vs GSP - Updated 2024 - (1)

Table of Contents

Do you want a dog that can match up to your active life? Are you looking for a dog that can be a hunting partner for you and a companion to your kids? A Vizsla or a German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) would be the right choice.

German Shorthaired Pointer and Vizsla are two of the eight best bird hunter breeds of dogs as perthe American Kennel Club; They wereranked 9th and 31stin the most popular dog breeds list.

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Dogs are like your family members that require a lot of care and attention from you. Finding a dog breed that will be a great hunting partner to you while being a gentle and friendly companion to your kids is hard. Vizsla and German shorthaired pointer are two such purebred dogs. They have excellent hunting instincts with an affectionate nature.

In this article, we have compared Vizsla vs GSP. It will help you choose one better suitable according to your requirements.

About The Dogs: Vizsla Vs GSP


The Vizsla is a brilliant Hungarian dog breed with a history going back to 1357 AD. Breeders bred them to be hunting dogs. The Vizslas have a distinctive appearance with a standard golden-rust color. The color of their eyes, nose, and nails will match the color of their coat. They are friendly dogs and affectionate towards kids, strangers, and other dogs.

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German Shorthaired Pointer

As it is clear from the name, a German Shorthaired Pointer is a pointing dog. They are a breed of hunting dog bred in Germany in the late 19th century. They are highly intelligent with sharp instincts and are a great companion as a family dog. The German Shorthaired Pointers have a striking liver or liver and white coat. With their water-resistant coat, they excel on both land and water.

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Differences: Vizsla Vs GSP

Physical Traits

Both Vizslas and German Shorthaired Pointers have a similar built and body structure. It is their coat color that makes these two breeds strikingly different from each other.

Vizslas have a lean and muscular body. They are medium-sized dogs with a height between 21″-25″. They weigh between 40lbs to 65lbs and are a fast runner. Vizslas have a thin head with a broad skull. With their long floppy ears and beautiful eyes, they have a sensitive appearance. They are ideal for keeping at home as they don’t look fierce and scary.

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Vizslas have a golden rust-colored short and smooth coat, not suitable for cold weather. A unique feature of a Vizsla is that they have a uniform color all over. Their nose, eyes, and nails match with their coat. You might see a few specks of white on the chest in some. They have a self-cleaning coat that does not require frequent washing.

German Shorthaired Pointers have a tall and well-proportioned body. They are medium-sized dogs with a height range of 22″ – 25″ with weight lying between 45lbs to 75lbs. They have a long head with floppy ears and dark-colored eyes.

German Shorthaired Pointer has a short water-resistant coat with a thick undercoat with stiff guard hairs. It allows them to withstand cold and perform well in both land and water. They have a white and dark brown color, also referred to as liver. Their head is a solid liver color with roan or speckled body with white and liver color.

Nutritional Requirements

Proper nutrition is vital for any dog, irrespective of its breed. A healthy balanced meal helps a dog with adequate growth.

Vizslas thrive on raw meals, but you also feed them high-quality dog food. They are good eaters but also prone to several food allergies. With them being highly active, Vizslas can eat about four to five cups of high-calorie food. But keep track of their weight. A high-calorie meal and less active time can result in an overweight dog.

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You need to feed German Shorthaired Pointers according to their age and the amount of activity they are getting. You can feed the puppies three to four times a day. Adults require anywhere between two to five cup high protein diet, divided into two meals in a day. The amount of food depends on their metabolism and activity level.

German Shorthaired Pointers are also prone to bloat and thus require special care. It would be best if you fed them twice a day. After a meal, they shouldn’t be allowed to exercise immediately. A gap of one hour is ideal after an exercise and a meal. German Shorthaired Pointers should be fed in the evening once they have completed all their training for the day.

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Vizslas are a healthy dog breed. But like every other dog breeds, they have certain health risks. Also, due to localized breeding, some heritable health issues are found in some pups. A Vizsla may or may not suffer from these, but you must be aware of them as a pet owner. Cancer and progressive retinal atrophy are some of the health risks faced by a Vizsla.

Epilepsy, hypothyroidism, hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and sebaceous adenitis are inherited health issues. Before buying a Vizsla puppy, make sure that the breeder is responsible and has taken every possible step to produce healthy pups. Always ask your breeder to show the health certificates of both the parents of the puppy.

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German Shorthaired Pointer’s are healthy dogs but can be prone to specific health conditions. Some of the inherited health risks are epilepsy, hypothyroidism, skin issues, hip dysplasia, and eye disorders.

If you are looking to buy a German Shorthaired Pointer, buy from a reputed breeder. Breeders can reduce the chances of these health issues if they select healthy dogs for breeding.

Some common health issues that a German Shorthaired Pointer is a cancer, entropion, and lymphedema. With their deep chest, they are also more prone to gastric dilatation-volvulus bloat. If you have a GSP, don’t feed them immediately after an exercise. Also, make sure they get a gap of an hour or two between a meal and an activity.


The temperament of any dog depends on its heredity. You can modify it with long-term training, but the general behavior remains the same.

The Vizslas are gentle and affectionate and have a close bond with their owners. They are often categorized as ‘Velcro’ as they like to follow their owners around. They are dependent and can suffer from anxiety if left alone. Vizslas are friendly towards strangers and other pets.

If you have kids under the age of five or are planning to have kids in the coming future, then Vizsla’s are a great choice of dog to have. They love being around kids and are gentle-mannered. If trained accordingly, they can also act as guard dogs.

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Breeders breed GSP’s to be hunting dogs suitable for being a family dog. They are a smart, intelligent, and affectionate breed. They have a high energy level and are playful. Not getting enough exercise can lead them to be destructive. You can train them to live with another pet, but it is not suitable as they have a high prey instinct.

They are kid-friendly and a great companion in general. It is not ideal to have a GSP if you have kids below age five, as they can be rambunctious. They are good with older people, and you can train them to be a companion to an older person.

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Vizslas are attention-seeking dogs dependent on their owners. They are very affectionate and will follow their owner everywhere. With a high dependency on owners, they are not a suitable breed for the first-time owner. A Vizsla may suffer from separation anxiety and will whine and cry if alone, even for a short time.

They get attached to their owners and don’t like to be left alone. If you have a big family with at least one person at home at all times, then you can have a Vizsla dog. If you work a job and have to leave the dog alone for 6-8 hours, then it is preferred that you choose some other breed.

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GSP’s are affectionate and can also get attached to their owners. But they are slightly more independent. If you are a first-time dog owner, a GSP might be right for you. But do consider the fact that they are highly energetic and have extreme exercise requirements.

GSPdon’t like to be left alone for long. With proper training, they can become accustomed to living alone for about 8-10 hours. If you live alone and have to leave your dog alone for some time, then a GSP is a great choice of dog to have.


Vizslas have high levels of energy, even more, when they are just puppies. They are not suitable to be kept in confined spaces. They need a much larger area to play and burn their energy. Otherwise, you would have to deal with a high on energy dog.

A good 30 minutes of exercise is necessary for a Vizsla. Walking and a game of fetch are not enough for them. They need a good off-leash run to be able to spend most of their energy. Having a backyard is essential to own a Vizsla. If you don’t have one, taking them to the nearest park would be the second-best option.

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Breeders bred GSP’s to be hunting dogs. They have tons of energy and a sharp mind. If not utilized properly, they would find some not-so-ideal ways to burn off their energy. GSP’s require at least an hour of exercise every day. Exercise not only keeps them in shape but is also great for their mind.

Walking every day is an excellent form of exercise for GSP. It would be best if you took them on long walks twice a day. However, just walking them is not sufficient. They would need to do some intense exercise like running, hiking, or swimming. If their energy is not well spent, they can restless and may resort to chewing or digging and destroying things.

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Every dog needs proper training to live in a house. Even the most gentle breed requires appropriate training to get accustomed to living in a house with kids and humans.

Vizslas are an intelligent breed of dogs with high energy levels. They have high curiosity and can find their way to trouble. With their high energy levels, they can be destructive if not trained properly. You would need to train them consistently from a very young age. Vizslas are eager to please and love training, but they have a shorter attention span.

They get bored quickly, and you would need to find different training routines to keep them focused. Vizslas are sensitive and get attached to the owner and their presence. Without proper training, they won’t be able to function if left alone. They are a shy breed. For a Vizsla to become confident, socialization must be done from an early age.

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GSP’s are brilliant and playful. They are independent dogs with their mind. If not trained since they are puppies, they would be challenging to handle. From a young age, socialization is critical as GSP are not friendly toward other dogs or animals.

GSP’s are easily distracted and can get bored. It will help if you keep the training session short and playful. They are quite challenging at their early age. Once they reach maturity, they can be much easier to handle. Consistent training with the same commands is extremely beneficial.

GSP has an instinct to hunt. It means they get distracted by prey and tend to chase small animals. If you left them on their own, they would sometimes bring back dead animals as trophies. If you have other pets, train your GSP comfortably around them before leaving them alone.

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Final Word

While both Vizsla and GSP are a great breed of dogs and have several similarities, they are equally different from each other in some terms. If you want a dog who can go on hunting trips with you and be a loving, caring dog for your family, both Vizsla and GSP are a great choice.

But, if you have small kids or are planning to have kids soon, Vizslas, with their loving nature, would be an ideal choice for you. However, they are extra demanding of attention and care and thus can be hard to keep by a novice dog owner.

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If you have bigger kids and highly active life, a GSP will thrive at your home. They are incredibly energetic and require a lot of exercises. But they are also independent dogs that can be on their own for some time without throwing a fit. They also cost a lot less than a Vizsla puppy.

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Vizsla Vs GSP - Updated 2024 - (2024)


Are Vizslas calmer than GSP? ›

Temperament: When it comes to temperament, German Shorthaired Pointers are well-known for their versatility, high energy levels, and loyalty. On the other hand, Vizslas are known for being affectionate, gentle, and sensitive.

What is the average life expectancy of a Vizsla? ›

What is a bigger version of a Vizsla? ›

Weimaraners and Rhodesian Ridgebacks are generally larger than Vizslas. The nose of the Vizsla will usually be a reddish color that blends with the coat color.

At what age is a Hungarian Vizsla fully grown? ›

A Hungarian Vizsla is a medium-sized dog that stops growing by 18-24 months. A Vizsla's mature size and weight depends on their parents and whether they're male or female.

What is the most peaceful dog in the world? ›

15 of the calmest dog breeds
  1. English Bulldog. English Bulldogs are known for their gentle and easygoing nature. ...
  2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. ...
  3. Basset Hound. ...
  4. Shih Tzu. ...
  5. Great Dane. ...
  6. Newfoundland. ...
  7. Irish Wolfhound. ...
  8. Retrievers (Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever)
Feb 8, 2024

Are Vizslas known to be aggressive? ›

They are a friendly canine that loves to burn off their energy outside, such as by jogging with their owner. Vizslas are intelligent, loving, and active companions—this breed is not known for aggression. They generally do not display dominance and will not attempt to dominate other dogs or humans.

Do Vizslas attach to one person? ›

I don't typically see this as the case, although if one person is the main caretaker and trainer, it would be logical for the Vizsla to bond better with that person. It's typical of the breed, and my own dogs to love people and for them to gravitate towards people, even strangers if they seem friendly.

Is it better to get a male or female Vizsla? ›

Intact males tend to be much easier to manage than females as they do not experience cycles, so care is the same all year round. While both have nervous tenacities, females are more prone to anxiety, so they are best suited for owners who will not leave them alone for long periods.

Do Vizslas like to cuddle? ›

They all think they're lap dogs, and they will love snuggle and cuddle. However, as much as female Vizslas love to be on your lap and under the desk or behind the chair with you, male Vizslas will love you so hard they'll be on top of your head.

What is the nickname for a Vizsla? ›

As a matter of fact, Vizslas are even referred to as “velcro dogs” in the country. They are extremely loving, clingy, and want to be with their family most of the time, hence the term 'velcro'.

What is the best companion dog for a Vizsla? ›

Our Vizsla loves German Shorthaired Pointers and Australian Shepards. GSP to keep up with him and play in the water, and Australian Shepards because they are herding dogs and Miles loves being chased. Another V is best!! But if you must disobey our orders I'd suggest another high energy birddog.

What is the average cost of a Vizsla dog? ›

The average cost of a Vizsla puppy can range from $1,000-$1,800, depending on the source, lineage, location, and other factors. Pet parents who want to invest in a Vizsla puppy should also consider the costs of care, including vet visits, training, and food.

At what age do Vizslas calm down? ›

By the time your Vizsla is 2 years old, then the dog will be ready to be a big brother/sister to a baby. This means that by the time your child is a toddler, your Vizsla will be past the hyperactive "zoomies" stage.

Do Vizslas bark a lot? ›

Vizslas make good watchdogs and generally do not bark excessively. Well-socialized dogs are friendly to strangers, unless threatened. Vizslas may suffer separation anxiety and fear of loud noises such as thunderstorms.

Why do Vizslas lick so much? ›

Obsessive licking can be a sign that they are stressed or anxious, or could suggest that they are in pain, feeling nauseous, uncomfortable or itchy. Licking is soothing to dogs and may help to make them feel better. Dogs can sometimes lick themselves so much that they damage their skin.

Are German Shorthaired Pointers calm dogs? ›

General Temperament. The energetic, eager, and highly trainable German Shorthaired Pointer is intelligent and friendly, and enthusiastic without being nervous, although she can develop separation anxiety if you routinely leave her alone for long stretches.

Do Vizslas have a good temperament? ›

Hungarian Vizslas are loyal, lively and loving dogs, earning the nickname 'Velcro dogs' because they like to be near their owners. They have plenty of energy and love to be outdoors, so make perfect companions to those who have active lifestyles.

Do Vizslas have a strong prey drive? ›

Vizslas were originally bred to hunt game in Hungary, so they have a strong prey drive and boundless energy. But do not let that intimidate you. With the right training and socialization, they can make great family pets. Just be prepared to give them plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.

Do Vizslas calm down after being neutered? ›

Some say that neutering your dog makes them less likely to be aggressive or fight. Lots of factors influence how a dog behaves, so neutering your dog may not change the way they act, or can sometimes, particularly in the example of aggressive dogs or dogs with low confidence, make them worse.

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