Zoom: Video Conferencing | Purdue University IT (2024)

Information Technology
Zoom: Video Conferencing | Purdue University IT (2)


Access Zoom

Zoom licensing information

How do I obtain a Zoom license?

AtWest Lafayette and Purdue Northwest, users need to use their credentials to log into their individual Purdue-affiliated accounts. To log in go topurdue-edu.zoom.usand select the appropriate button.

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Purdue Fort Wayne userscan contact(260) 481-6030 orhelpdesk@pfw.edu if they need help creating an account.


If you created a Zoom account prior to January 2021 using a vanity email address or using an email alias that is not your <Purdue Career Account Login>@purdue.edu, please see the question listed in the next drop-down folder below: "How do I log in if I set up Zoom using a vanity Purdue email address?"

How do I log in if I set up Zoom using a vanity Purdue email address?

For any individual that had created a Zoom account prior to January 2021 using a vanity email address or using an email alias that is not your <Purdue Career Account Login>@purdue.edu, please read the following:

If you haven’t logged into Zoom using your credentials yet, please perform the following steps after logging in with your original Zoom account credentials:

1. Click on the “Profile” option in your Zoom account

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2. Click “Edit” in the “Sign-in Email” section

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3. Enter in your official Purdue University <Purdue Career Account Login>@purdue.edu email address into the “…new email address…” field, confirm with the password you used to log into this account, then click then “Save Changes”.

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4. You will receive an email from Zoom asking you to confirm the change.

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5. Zoom will ask you to select a new password when you confirm. You should NOT use your Career Account password. However, it is acceptable to use your old Zoom password.

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6. Zoom will send you another email confirming the change is complete.

If you have logged into Zoom using your Purdue credentials, Zoom will create a duplicate account based on your official <Purdue Career Account Login>@purdue.edu address.

1. If that is the case, you can continue to use the original Zoom account by visiting the Purdue Zoom login page https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/ , but instead use the “Login with Email & Password” button.

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2. Also, contact the Purdue IT Service Desk and report the situation and provide them with your vanity email address and your official <Purdue Career Account Login>@purdue.edu email address and they will work with system administrators to align the 2 accounts.

What does my Purdue Zoom account allow me to do?

Zoom license holders at Purdue can host meetings of up to 24 hours in length and with up to 300 participants.

How do I request add-ons, like increased meeting participants?

Add-ons can purchased at regular price and added to your account. If you wish to purchase an add-on, please contact your local IT support team.

  • All add-ons are purchased on an annual basis. add-ons cannot be purchased per individual event, or month.
  • add-ons are pro-rated by Zoom depending on when they were purchased. All add-ons automatically renew on July 30 of each year unless you notify your local IT support 30 days in advance.

When requesting add-ons, please provide the following information:What add-on do you need, (including the participant level), what Zoom account should get the add-on (sign-in email), and what Account # to bill the add-on to.

Costs for popular add-ons:

Webinar (100 Participant): $400/year
Webinar (500 participant): $1400/year
Webinar (1000 participant:) $3400/year

Webinars can also be purchased in 3000, 5000, and 10000 participants.

Large Meeting (500 Participant): $600/year
Large Meeting (1000 Participant): $1080/year

The difference between Webinars and Large Meetings: Webinars give you additional control over your meeting, and should be used when you have meetings with little audience participation. The Large Meeting add-on simply gives normal Zoom meetings increased capacity.

*Add-ons automatically renew on July 30 of each year unless your notify the Purdue IT support team 30 days prior to this renewal date. Licenses and add-ons purchased throughout the year will be prorated monthly depending on when the license was purchased.

When did Purdue begin providing Zoom accounts for all? What if I previously purchased a license?

The following is a timeline of Purdue’s adoption of Zoom:

March 2020: Campus starts work-from-home efforts. Some employees pay for individual Zoom education licenses ($90/year).

July 2020: Purdue Northwest (PNW) works with Purdue Fort Wayne and West Lafayette to create a system-wide agreement with Zoom. License cost is discounted to $45/year and this agreement extends to all three campuses. PWL starts collecting account information to be able to start transferring funds to PNW when appropriate.

Individuals that had a paid version with Zoom were given the opportunity to seek a refund from Zoom when consolidating accounts.

Jan 2021: Purdue reaches an agreement with Zoom that allows all Purdue University users to obtain a Zoom account.

Sign in to Zoom for West Lafayette users changes to single-sign on (two-factor authentication) and enables auto provisioning of licenses within minutes vs days. In addition, Purdue West Lafayette lets users know that Covid funds have covered the cost of the license until June 30, 2021.

Users who opted for a Purdue license since July 2020 did not have money taken out of the accounts they specified.Zoom Add-Ons are not part of the campus agreement and will still be charged to individual departments.

Any users that opted in to Purdue’s Zoom account since the implementation of single-sign will not have to provide account numbers at all.

Decisions about funding Zoom licenses on the West Lafayette campus after June 30, 2021 have not been finalized at this time.

Questions about Zoom licenses on the Purdue Fort Wayne campus should be directed to their help desk, Desk at (260) 481-6030 orhelpdesk@pfw.edu.

Using Zoom with Brightspace

How to access Zoom within Brightspace

Zoom has been added to Brightspace so that instructors can natively use the service to host virtual Zoom sessions within Brightspace. In order to use this resource, the instructor must have a Zoom account within the Purdue University Zoom environment.

Note: In order to use the Brightspace/Zoom integration, users must have either an @purdue.edu or @pfw.edu Zoom sign-in address. For PNW instructors without a current Zoom account, please create one using <yourusername>@purdue.edu. All e-mails sent to that address will forward to your @pnw.edu address. For PNW instructors WITH a current Zoom account, the CSC will contact you to work through your options.

How to add Zoom integration to Brightspace
  • Add Zoom integration to Brightspace (Word doc)
How to add local Zoom recording to Brightspace
  • Add local Zoom recording to Brightspace (Word doc)
How to transfer Zoom recordings from the cloud to Brightspace
  • Transfer Zoom recordings from Cloud to Brightspace (Word doc)

Zoom accessibility

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts allow a person to navigate Zoom meetings and features without using a mouse. This is especially important for students who have difficulty using a mouse.

Hot Keys and Keyboard Shortcuts for Zoom

Enabling a sign language interpreter to join your meeting

The meeting host (probably you) will need to “spotlight” the interpreter’s video so it is always visible. Visit the UC San Diego pageEnabling for ASL Interpretersfor more details.

How do I enable automatic captions/transcriptions in my Zoom meetings?

Zoom has a built-in tool to provide live captioning during meetings. The host must enable the feature in their settings prior to the start of the meeting, and then must turn on the transcription service during the meeting.

  1. Enable Captioning by going to Settings > In Meeting (Advanced) > Closed Captioning
  2. Turn on “Closed Captioning,” and check the box to “Enable live transcription…”

Zoom: Video Conferencing | Purdue University IT (10)3. When in the meeting, the host must Enable Auto-Transcription by using the Meeting Toolbar on the bottom of the screen:

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Users will then see Live Captions on the screen during the meeting, and can enable full, live transcript on the right side of the meeting screen.

Note: The Automatic Live Transcription feature does not work with breakout rooms, or in the Zoom for Linux app.

Zoom security

Is Zoom FERPA and/or HIPAA certified?

Please consult this chart to determine if Zoom (and other services at Purdue) can be used to meet your needs while conforming with Purdue policies.

Update 10/26/2020: A Secure Zoom environment, with HIPAA compliance, is available. For more information, please contact CSC@PNW.EDU.

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How can I prevent my meeting room from being hijacked?

The first step is prevention. Setting up your meeting with the correct options will make it much more difficult for an unwanted guest to enter the meeting in the first place, and much more difficult for them to actually do anything if they do.

  • Do not publicly advertise your meeting’s link. Put the link to your meeting in materials only accessible to your intended attendees. E-mail, Brightspace/Blackboard, etc.
  • Enable the Waiting Room feature.The Waiting room allows you, as the host or co-host, to allow people into your meeting. When attendees first join your meeting, they are placed in a virtual waiting room. The host and co-host see those users waiting and can then let each person in individually, or can allow everyone in who is waiting.
  • Set a password on your meeting.Setting a password, and then distributing that password to your attendees via private communication (e-mail, Brightspace/Blackboard) adds a barrier to those simply searching for open meetings. While that password can easily be used by anyone who has access to it – meaning, it is not unique to each user and can be shared freely – it does create a speed bump for bad actors just looking for an open door.
  • Control your screen!Do not allow your attendees to share their screen without first asking your permission. By limiting this access, if someone were to join your meeting, they would be unable to share any inappropriate materials to your other attendees.

The next section is about knowing what to do once the meeting starts and someone tries to interfere with your meeting.

  • Kick them out!Make sure that you are familiar with the participant controls. That way, if a user joins unexpectedly, you know how to remove them.
  • Mute all attendees.You can mute all attendees, and not allow them to unmute themselves. This can be helpful in general when trying to prevent unwanted background noise from attendees’ microphones, but is especially helpful when someone is purposely interrupting your session. You can not only mute and un-mute everyone, but you can also prevent attendees from un-muting themselves.
  • Lock the door!If everyone you expect in your meeting has arrived, you can lock the meeting to all additional attendees. This will prevent anyone, even if they have the meeting link and password, from joining.
    • How to: When you’re in the meeting, click Participants at the bottom of your Zoom window. On the bottom of the Participants window, you will see a button that says “More”. Click on that button, and choose “Lock Meeting.” When you lock the meeting, no new participants can join, even if they have the meeting ID and password.
Where do my meetings "go"? Are the routed through other countries?

All Zoom meetings hosted by accounts in the Purdue Zoom environment will only utilize data centers in the United States to handle meeting data.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I remove someone from my meeting?

If you are the host or co-host, and you would like to remove someone from your meeting, follow these steps:

  1. Hover your mouse over the attendee’s name that you would like to remove.
  2. Click on “More >”

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  3. Click Remove
  4. This user will be removed from your meeting and will not be able to return.

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How can I arrange a Zoom meeting for another person?

All Zoom meetings must have a host. This person must be present to start the meeting, or allow users in from the Waiting Room. If a host selects “Join Before Host” in their meeting settings, users will be able to join the meeting without them, but the meeting will automatically end after a certain amount of time if the host does not join. A Licensed Zoom user can delegate scheduling permission to another Licensed Zoom user within the same environment. Please visit this link for instructions:https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362803-Scheduling-privilege

If you would like to arrange a Zoom meeting with your account, but would like another user to be the host, there are two ways you can do that:

  1. Create the meeting as you normally would, with your account listed as host. Join the meeting, and then transfer the host role to another user. You may then stay in that meeting, or leave, and the meeting will continue as planned. Instructions:https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362573-Pass-Host-Controls-and-Leave-the-Meeting
  2. If both accounts are paid accounts, you may appoint another user as an alternate host. NOTE – the user MUST be a paid user under your account. This involves adding them in User Management, and then adding them as an alternate host. How to add another user to your account:https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201363183-Managing-usersHow to schedule for someone else:https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362803-Scheduling-privilege
What equipment is needed for Zoom?

Depending on how you wish to connect to the meeting, you will need some combination of the following:

Can I use a virtual background in a Zoom meeting?

Virtual backgrounds are available to all users, free and licensed. Virtual backgrounds allow you to hide your surroundings with an image that is automatically “stitched” behind you. It is very similar to the green screen effects used in television and movies – and by your local weatherman!

To use the virtual background:

  • When in a meeting, click on the small ^ arrow to the right of the Start/Stop Video icon on the toolbar. (If the toolbar is hidden, move your mouse to the bottom of the meeting screen, or press the ALT key.)
  • Select Choose Virtual Background
  • From this window, you can select an image to appear behind you. This image can be a still image or short movie. You can select from the pre-loaded options, or upload your own file.

For best results, make sure you have good lighting. Your physical background should be a solid color, and try to avoid wearing clothes that are similar in color to the virtual background. Custom backgrounds should have an aspect ratio of 16:9 and minimum resolution of 1280 by 720 pixels.

Further Reading:Zoom guide to virtual backgrounds

How do I allow non-hosts to share their screen?
  • If you’d like to give participants screen sharing permission when hosting yournext meeting, simply click thearrow to the right of theScreen Sharingicon, selectAdvanced Sharing Optionsand selectAll Participants.
  • If you’d like to re-enable participant content sharing at the account level, please visitzoom.us/account/setting>In Meetings (Advanced)> and selectAll Participants.
What is a waiting room and how do I use it?

The Waiting Room feature allows the host to control when a participant joins the meeting. As the meeting host, you can admit attendees one by one or hold all attendees in the waiting room and admit them all at once. You can send all participants to the waiting room when joining your meeting or only guests, participants who are not on your Zoom account or are not signed in.

Waiting rooms are enabled by default, but can be turned on or off for your account, or for each meeting.

To toggle the waiting room feature for your account:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Account Management then Settings.
  3. On the Meeting tab, navigate to the Waiting Room option under In-Meeting (Advanced) and change the setting to enabled or disabled.
  4. Select who you want to admit to the waiting room.
    • All participants: All participants joining your meeting will be admitted to the waiting room.
    • Guest participants only: Only participants who are not on your Zoom account or are not logged in will be admitted to the waiting room. If not logged in, they will have an option to log in.
    • Note: IfGuest participants onlyis enabled, you can also enable the option to allow internal participants (users on the account), to admit guests from the waiting room if the host is not in the meeting.

To toggle the option per meeting:

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Meetings.
  3. ClickthePersonal Meeting Roomtab.
  4. ClickEdit this Meeting.
  5. Under Meeting Options, checkEnable Waiting Room.
  6. ClickSave.

How to use the Waiting Room when in a meeting:

  1. As the meeting host, clickManage Participants.
  2. ClickAdmit next to each user’s name to have the participant join the meeting.
  3. ClickAdmit Allto allow all users in the waiting room to join the meeting.
  • To send a user back to the waiting room, hover over the user’s name, and click on the More menu. Then selectPut in Waiting Room.
What if my conference room or computer does not have all the equipment

Please contact your local IT Support team for information on acquiring the necessary equipment to use Zoom in rooms on campus, or in your home office.

When should I use a personal meeting room instead of a scheduled meeting room?

Personal meeting rooms are similar to personal offices. When you link to your personal meeting room, you are giving your attendees the directions and the key to your office. Your “key” is your password that you set on your meeting, and the “directions” are the link given to your attendees. If you are comfortable sharing this information, then using personal meeting rooms are great – especially for team meetings, or quick meetings with colleagues. (Note: You can alwayschange your personal meeting room password, essentially changing your lock for all future meetings.

If you are meeting with outside groups, or those you would rathernothave access to your personal space, then scheduling a meeting room is the better choice. Additionally, we always encourage the use of waiting rooms with all meetings, whether they be held in your personal meeting room or a scheduled meeting room. This will prevent unwanted users from immediately joining an in-progress meeting – even if they have the “directions” and “key.”

Can I host concurrent meetings?

Zoom does not allow a user to host multiple meetings at the same time. If the host attempts to have concurrent meetings by scheduling two different meetings at the same time and enables join before host for both meetings (or has an alternative host start one of the meetings), participants will receive a message: “The host has another meeting in progress.” The host will receive the message: “You have a meeting that is currently in progress…”

How many participants can attend my meeting?

The current Zoom license available to Purdue University allows for up to 300 participants. Allowances for additional attendees may be purchased. A “Large Meeting” add-on allows for up to 500 or 1000 participants, and costs $600/year or $1080/year respectively.

Where do I access my saved recordings? Where should I save my recordings?

While there is no specific rule about where your recordings should be saved, OIT and the CSC suggest saving your meetings locally on your computer, rather than cloud storage. This will give you more flexibility with uploading through Kaltura, as well as more storage space.

By accessing Settings, you will be able to set the folder for your local recordings, as well as manage your cloud storage, if you so desire. By clicking “Manage”, you will be taken to the Zoom website, and have the ability to manage both any files saved in cloud storage, and a list of recordings saved to your local storage.

I was an administrator for a group of licenses owned by my group. Can I still have that role?

Users can still have admin rights over a group of licenses, but will not have as much authority over those users as they would have if they were admins over an entire account. Group admins can still change settings for their groups, but are unable to add/remove/change licenses. Group admins can also do some minor troubleshooting, but do not have access to the full reporting dashboard.

What cloud recording options to I have? How long do recordings stay available?

The account does include cloud storage for recording. At this time, IT Security is reviewing this option, and will be deciding on its availability to our users.

Recordings will remain available to the host for 180 days. At that time, they are automatically deleted. Note: This may change depending on the outcome of the security review mentioned above. Additionally, recordings may be deleted sooner if the storage location runs out of space.

Can a local IT technician request administrator rights in Zoom?

In some situations, it may be appropriate for a local IT representative to have the ability to modify settings for a group or department. In this case, the department head may contact their local IT support and request this permissions level for one or more IT technicians.The granting of this permission is not guaranteed, and each request will be reviewed.

Can I request Zoom apps to be installed from the app marketplace?

All apps must be reviewed and approved by the IT Security team. Please direct any requests for Zoom App installations to itpolicyreq@purdue.edu.

Please include the following questions/answers in your email:

  • What is the name of the Zoom App?
  • Provide a link to the Zoom App.
  • How will the Zoom App be utilized?
  • Will the Zoom App store or transmit Sensitive or Restricted Data?
  • By what date will you need access to the Zoom App?
Why do I get a message that this meeting ID is no longer valid?

This message can mean different things. First, if you are hosting a meeting in your personal meeting room, that will use your Personal Meeting ID (PMI). Check to see if you have changed that recently. If you have, any old meeting links that use your Personal Meeting room ID will need to be updated with a new invitation. Secondly, if you scheduled meetings when your account was NOT in the Purdue University Zoom environment, those will continue to work for a short time. However, those will eventually begin to fail. If you have recurring Zoom meetings scheduled, we recommend updating those with the new Zoom links. (Your new links should start with purdue-edu.)

Can I schedule Zoom meetings for another user?

Licensed users can delegate to other users the ability to schedule Zoom meetings on their behalf. Both users must be Licensed, and setup within the Purdue University Zoom environment. For information on how to delegate access, and schedule meetings for other users, see the following Zoom support page:


How can I get reports of polls taken during my meeting?

If you use polling in your meeting, you can run a report after the meeting is over to see the results of those polls. Poll reports are available for meetings that ended at least 5 minutes ago.All poll data is deleted from Zoom after 30 days.

  • Note: Follow these directions exactly. Changing the radio/selection button from Registration Report to Poll Report too early will not allow you to download the polling report, and will generate an error.
  1. Log into your account atpurdue-edu.zoom.us.
  2. On the left side of the main Zoom portal screen, click on Reports.
  3. Choose the “Meeting” report.
  4. Choose the Date Range that contains the date of your meeting.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Change the Radio (selection) button to “Poll Report”.
  7. Click Search.
  8. Find the meeting that contains the poll report you are looking for, and click on the “Generate” link on the right side of the page.
  9. The screen will automatically redirect to the Report Queue where the report will process.
  10. Once the report is done processing, and ready to download, a “Download” link will appear on the right side of the page next to the report.
  11. The download will be in .CSV format.
How do I enable desktop notifications for upcoming meetings?

If you have the Desktop Zoom client installed on your Windows or MacOS computer, you can be notified of your upcoming Zoom meetings. This setting must be enabled on your account prior to use.

How to enable this setting:

  1. Log intohttps://zoom.us.
  2. Click on the Settings link on the left side of the page.
  3. Find and enable the setting: “Upcoming meeting reminder”.
  4. Open your desktop client and click on the small gear on the top right corner.
  5. In the Settings window, navigate to the General category and enable the setting “Remind me x minutes before my upcoming meetings”

Set the time to your preference.

Need help?

To report an incident or submit a request, use the Purdue IT Service Portal

For requests by phone:

Purdue West Lafayette:Contact (765) 494-4000

Purdue Northwest: Contact (219) 989-2888

Purdue Fort Wayne: Contact (260) 481-6030

Zoom: Video Conferencing  | Purdue University IT (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.